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How To Use Betide In A Sentence

  • Sultan rejoiced at his return and his face brightened and, placing him hard by his side, 483 asked him to relate all he had seen in his wayfaring and whatso had betided him in his going and coming. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • One of these was punctuality and woe betide anyone who arrived late in school without a very good reason for being so. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • Whatever else betide, I have good health, and good spirits, and bright hopes, and I feel very much in the humor of enjoying the wildest kind of tempests which Providence may send to howl around my dwelling. Memoirs of 30 Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • If they go blitz-wacky against first-rate teams in the playoffs, woe may betide.
  • Woe betide you if you came in to her with bureaucratic bafflegab. Globe and Mail
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  • The very same lot, also, with the like misluck, did betide the Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Well, I'm still scared, but woe betide if I dare admit it out loud.
  • They may start as innocent little bits of plastic which can be left in a drawer at home, but they will soon become essential to allow us to go about our daily business and woe betide anyone who cannot produce one for inspection.
  • They want what's advertised, and they set their sights on that, form concrete expectations, and woe betide anyone or anything that thwarts those expectations. "Blame in on the satellite, that beams me home."
  • His thin frame and weak legs prevented him from taking an active part in games of football, tennis or cricket, but he made an exacting umpire, and woe betide the player who questioned his decisions.
  • But woe betide Alexander and all rareripe Bostonians who mistake the scaffolding for the edifice. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8
  • Whatever betides,maintain your courage.
  • But there is an unnerving element to the intensity of his devotion to the cause, as if those teeth glint with a shark-like quality, and woe betide the person who gets in the way of that hurry.
  • Woe betide the working man or woman who has the gall to turn up for an afternoon meeting with alcohol on the breath, even if it was from one quick half, even if it does help you through the pain barrier of an agonising, endless sales seminar.
  • I may not remove overfar from you, I purpose to relate to you of a marquess, not an act of magnificence, but a monstrous folly, which, albeit good ensued to him thereof in the end, I counsel not any to imitate, for it was a thousand pities that weal betided him thereof. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • A terrific night for the young and young at heart Simon promised he'd be back to Carlow and judging by the wild celebrations of his Carlow fans - woe betide if he isn't!
  • Sister Madalena was headmistress and woe betide at Monday assembly if you hadn't been to Mass on Sunday.
  • Oh, yes, we thought it fair game to try and steal other people wood but woe betide anyone who tried to pilfer ours.
  • So saying she seized a sword and made at him to smite him; and behold, he cried out and said, “O Kings of the Age, suffer her not to slay me, till I shall have told you the rare adventures that have betided me.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • What is the individual man, with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good or evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate?
  • One angle is that theology is a tool of exclusion and division; that theology is used to define ‘our’ position, and woe betide all who disagree.
  • Armed with an exact list of what is to be bought, off we set, and woe betide the person who wanders in front of us as Mistress P beats a direct path to the chosen store.
  • He admitted doubt, saying after his sister's death: ‘Woe betide us if it all turns out to be an illusion.’
  • From the date of its inception, the NHS was seen as a really British achievement, something to give pride to the entire population, and woe betide anyone with the temerity to suggest other.
  • But woe betide the people when they have the effrontery to take a stand on higher principles.
  • Wow betide you Molly Whoppie, if you e'er return again! NZ/Aus Author Series: Yvonne Lindsay
  • And woe betide anyone he thought had stepped out of line. The Sun
  • And woe betide anyone he thought had stepped out of line. The Sun
  • Woe betide the cinemagoer who arrived short of change. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Woe betide anyone who is foolish enough to leave his rod unattended when barbel fishing.
  • So woe betide the marine whose choking black leather stock was not properly fastened around his neck or whose knee-length black leather spatterdashes were not properly buttoned. Morgan’s Run
  • And I went on exaggerating their praises in this fashion, till I saw that frankness and readiness to speak out would profit me more than concealing facts; so I told them all that had betided me to the very end of the tale. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So he went on eating, whilst the folk looked at him in astonishment, waiting to see what would betide him; and, when he had satisfied himself, Zumurrud said to certain of her eunuchry, "Go to yonder youth who eateth of the rice and bring him to me in courteous guise, saying: 'Answer the summons of the King who would have a word with thee on some slight matter.' Arabian nights. English
  • It wasn't just the Irish blogs that had their say - and woe betide he who thinks our little corner of cyberspace is the nub of the universe.
  • Thyself ordain who first must seize the blazing bar and burn the Cyclops 'eye out, that we may share alike whate'er betides. The Cyclops
  • Behind the "woebetide the poor UK web start-up" debate, European activity in this sector is accelerating significantly, and the implications are no less profound. May « 2006 « Innovation Cloud
  • Just spoke to J. She's now heading out to get completely trollied and woe betide the first male to try it on with her tonight.
  • Woe betide, though, anyone who is foolhardy enough not to go through the process.
  • For the love of her, afflicted, as I am, I have become; All that's fallen on me betided from the evil eye, perdie. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • Woe betide me if I have not done my homework over the weekend.
  • Woe betide if you use flash during a performance - it's off-putting to other audience members and most of all, tot he performers.
  • We will all now be looking out for that sword, woe betide those who stole it from you. Fond Memories of Spain
  • The Fleming's lance was, of course, in its rest, and woe betide the faitour whose lot it was to encounter its thrust; the first fell, incapable of further combat, and another of the felons encountered the same fate with little more resistance. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • The Bishop came to test us on our knowledge and woe betide the boy who failed to give an instant answer to his theological queries.
  • So acquaint me with the facts of the case for naught shall befal thee save that which shall begladden thee; and, when thou shalt have spoken sooth, fear not harm shall betide thee. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Woebetide any squaddie who turned up wearing one of them skull masks - they'd probably be called spunk-lips or bukkake face or spunk-mush for the rest of their career. Army Rumour Service
  • USNclerk says: wow, the trolls have basically left the gay marriage thread be. but woe betide anyone who attacks Rush./snark Think Progress » Romney: ‘I find it hard to disagree with Rush Limbaugh.’
  • Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Kingbird, and Goldfinch are locked in an twisted triangle of territoriality, and woe betide the bird that stumbles into this gang war.
  • A most meticulous man, his toolbox was his pride and joy and woe betide anyone who didn't put a tool back exactly where they got it!
  • The Fleming’s lance was, of course, in its rest, and woe betide the faitour whose lot it was to encounter its thrust; the first fell, incapable of further combat, and another of the felons encountered the same fate with little more resistance. Castle Dangerous
  • Daisy, as we called the goat, would hate to be separated from her lambs and it was woe betide any dog that came near them.
  • Wow betide you Molly Whoppie, if you e'er return again! NZ/Aus Author Series: Yvonne Lindsay
  • Woe betide the person who doesn't cut back their overhanging vegetation as it severely compromises the safety of tall pedestrians with hats who use a particular footpath to mass.
  • The whirlies tracked about in a most irregular manner and woe betide any light object which came in their path. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • “Listen, O my brother, to what my sire told me yesternight of the calamity which hath betided him in the withering of his crops before their time, by reason of the rarity of rain and the sore sorrow that is fallen on this city.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now the princess, of the excess of her grief for her separation from her husband and the Sultan her father and of her sore distress at that which had betided her with the accursed Maugrabin enchanter, used every day to arise, at the first peep of dawn, [586] and sit weeping; nay, she slept not anights and forswore meat and drink. Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp
  • Presently he rose up and set before each young man some meat in a charger and drink in a large mazer, treating me in like manner; and after that they sat questioning me concerning my adventures and what had betided me: and I kept telling them my tale till the night was far spent. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The very same lot, also, with the like misluck, did betide the Emperor Gordian the younger. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 3
  • Woe betide the mother who has been forced into to having a sense of humor about disciplining her child, for she will bear no more offspring, but maybe get a dog instead.
  • Whatever may betide, maintain your courage.
  • Quoth the greyhead: My lady, we may not wonder if they be tarried for a few days; for this is an adventure on which they have gone, and many haps betide in such tales. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Woe betide he who would hurt our loved ones, isn't that the way we all feel?
  • Me forthinketh, said King Pellinore, that this shall me betide, but God may fordo well destiny. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Now the jetty of the Dive Centre within the complex marks the limit of Egyptian territory, and woe betide anyone who thinks they might meander northwards equipped with aqualung and fins.
  • Now when I saw this, O my lady, for very wonderment my senses left me and my wits went wild and heart and head were full of thought, till I forgot what had betided me and I could not keep silence feeling I fain must speak out and question them of these strangenesses; so I said to them, How come ye to do this after we have been so open hearted and frolicksome? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And if someone is incapacitated and unable to make decisions for themselves, woe betide another person who might make a wrong decision for them.
  • But woe betide you if you make your splash with a financial killing or by getting a huge advance.
  • There she found the wax-candles lighted and the Princess Hayat al-Nufus seated and awaiting her; whereupon she bethought her of her husband and what had betided them both of sorrow and severance in so short a space; she wept and sighed and groaned groan upon groan, and began improvising these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Newcomers are viewed skeptically until they "prove" their loyalty, and "woe betide anyone who walks into our house wearing that [hated team X] shirt! Pop Culture
  • Sometimes a Mencken column went on for pages, and woe betide the subeditor who cut him. Simon Jenkins: Half a Century After Mencken's Death, Opinion Is What is Riding High
  • Nuzhat al-Zaman and the Wazir Dandan, they marvelled at the wonderful events that had betided them and bade the scribes chronicle them in books that those who came after might read. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thyself ordain who first must seize the blazing bar and burn the Cyclops 'eye out, that we may share alike whate'er betides. The Cyclops
  • And she still answereth me, ‘Allah is bountiful: good will presently betide thee.’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And Abu al-Hasan said to him, The reason of my coming is that such an one hath sent his handmaid to thee with a letter, containing his greeting to thee and mentioning therein that the cause of his not coming to thee was a matter that hath betided him. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Thereupon he went in to his mother, Queen Hayat al-Nufus, whom he found lying on her bed in feeble case, for that which had betided her with Prince Amjad, and railed at her and cursed her; after which he left her and fore-gathered with his brother, to whom he related all that had befallen him with Queen The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Why it betides me lovey-dovey ol’ soul in a land very hard
  • But woe betide Town Council officialdom if there is another broken promise in respect of putting this bandstand into a decent and acceptable state of repair.
  • One of these was punctuality and woe betide anyone who arrived late in school without a very good reason for being so. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • But woe betide anyone who refers to Watercliffe Meadow as a school. "negative connotations of school"
  • The King summoned the twain forthwith, as he loved them for their fidelity and piety; and, sending for the woman, that he might hear from her own lips what she had to say against them, thus bespake her, “O woman, what hath betided thee from these two men in whom I trust?” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Hotel Stary in Krakow, which will host the England party during Euro 2012 and woe betide the management if the bathrooms specs are not up to scratch. All cisterns must be go for England's team at Euro 2012 | Harry Pearson
  • Whatever may betide, maintain your courage.
  • And woe betide anyone he thought had stepped out of line. The Sun
  • Whatever betides,maintain your courage.
  • So King Afridun, Lord of Constantinople, met them on the sea shore, and they told him all that had befallen them from the Moslem, and they wept sore and groaned and moaned; and rejoicing at weal was turned into dismay for unheal; and they informed him concerning Luka son of Shamlut, how calamity had betided him and how Death had shot him with his shaft. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Endure then with patience that which thou sufferest, for verily thou deservest all that betideth thee! — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Whatever may betide, maintain your courage.
  • We need to be unshackled from the blinkered thinking of planners and action groups that all things in the Park should be made of stone and slate and woe betide anyone who says differently.
  • Rats, hundreds and hundreds of them, are everywhere at the Karni Mata Hindu temple in the Indian state of Rajasthan and woe betide anyone who takes fright and steps on one.
  • Woe betide if you use flash during a performance - it's off-putting to other audience members and most of all, to the performers.
  • At the end of his dive, woe betide any luckless invertebrate in the path of his trawl net.
  • Even the grungiest station platform includes a bin separated into compartments for paper, glass and Restmüll leftover rubbish, and woe betide you if someone spots you chucking your apple core into the wrong receptacle. German stereotypes: if there's a sign, they obey it
  • So do not thou neglect to do aught that I shall say to thee, remembering all this betided me not save by reason of thee. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I saluted her and told her what had betided me and the whole of my story and she said, O my sister, who is safe from the despite of Time and secure? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Gudrun, and spake — “In such wise do matters show to me, as though great and evil things will betide from this trouble and upheaving; and that Brynhild will surely die.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • Woes betide he who thinks himself invulnerable to this cakey onslaught.
  • And worst of all betided me, on my return, was one Who came to me, in lowly guise, to glory in my pain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

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