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How To Use Bethe In A Sentence

  • Hence, personal hygiene and cleaning our handswill bethe most effective ways of combating this disease.
  • The nonconformist Bethel and Seion chapels had originally entered into association with the Welsh Presbyterian Union of the United States, but they joined the United Church of Canada in 1933 and after 1936 Welsh services ceased.
  • Medina also works for an occupational therapist in Bethesda as an equipment technician, according to court papers.
  • Bethel and Cynthia, brown Kodiak Bear sisters whom zookeepers said are among the oldest in captivity, started their birthday at Sydney's zoo with a special breakfast of fresh, whole salmon.
  • We're trying to start new Bethels.
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  • That God made use of man's need for such signs in his revelation to the people of the Old Covenant is clear in his singling out Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai for his theophanies to Moses, or from the Oaks of Mambre being sacred to Abraham, or the holy stone at Bethel being sacred to Jacob. Why do we need beautiful churches?
  • Another good association could bethe white umbel Seseli libanotus with the purple-tinted foliage of theupright Thalictrum 'Elin'. Gardens: Planting in drifts
  • I'd think I can pull this off first by making a request of existing grantees, maybe bring a few to Bethesda (or wherever your local apparatus may meet) for a one-day brainstormer. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • Cited for improvements at the block scale is a section of Bethesda, Maryland that had been characterized by underused shops, low-rise office buildings, and surface parking lots.
  • Major Bethell, OC of the guard, ordered his men to clear away the barbed wire in front of the lifeboats. THE LONELY SEA
  • Over the past decade, my father has been slowly curating a collection of AIDS posters from all over the world, for the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda.
  • Mrs. Michelson, a Bethesda resident, was co-owner of Arrow Leading Corp. in Mount Rainier from the 1960s to 1980s. Miriam R. Michelson, business owner, volunteer
  • This is a readable article about revolutionary bethel Xi Baipo.
  • The project would also relieve overcrowding at Westland Middle School in Bethesda, which is projected to swell to more than 300 students over its 1,063-student capacity by 2014. Weast plan would create school, move some students in Bethesda and Chevy Chase
  • Bethel indicated that all institutions conducting courses at degree level in all countries except the United Kingdom conferred their own awards.
  • Each of the 10 RCEs in collaboration with select industry leaders have formed a committee to assist with the evaluation of specific product development plans via a biyearly meeting in Bethesda MD.
  • Grand Bethel members are Job's Daughters from Indiana bethels, all whom have served or have been elected to serve as Honored Queen of their Bethel.
  • In a painting of the Bethesda Fountain, Chase posed an elegant woman dressed in white against the fresh water and sunny air - a symbol of urban health and lily-white purity.
  • Among the latter are groups like 350. org, the Alliance for Climate Protection and community alliances of citizens, businesses and government such as Bethesda Green, in Bethesda, Md. Douglas LaBier: How the Common Good Is Transforming Our World
  • Colbert donated proceeds to the Yellow Ribbon Fund, a Bethesda, Md., non-profit that helps injured military service members and their families.
  • My daughter is a junior at Walt Whitman High School, an upscale public school in Bethesda, Maryland.
  • We're not sure if simple hibernation stops the aging process, but we're fairly certain that deep-freezing does-and there are groups working on that, at Bethesda and San Antonio. Tin
  • Duncan BW, Harrison MR, Flake AW, Bethel CI, Bigler ME, Roncorolo MG: Immune response in hematopoietic chimeric rhesus monkeys. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • And they journeyed from Bethel; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour. Villaraigosa And Nunez Cut And Run - Video Report
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • During this time Bethel has been well supported by ministers from the South Wales area, some of them retired, and by lay preachers from the locality.
  • What can bethe compatibility between these two, seemingly opposite signs? Let us have alook at the Virgo man Pisces woman love match.
  • Bethenny calls her father-in-law an idiot on Thanksgiving because she didn't notice the turkey wasn't cooking then she goes to therapy and blames the tantrum on her childhood, I point out. Vanessa Carmichael: Reality Women
  • Karin Almonte , a 31-year-old messenger from Washington Heights, bemoaned the ban as he watched a man wave a wand that spawned giant, translucent bubbles near the bandshell just south of Central Park's Bethesda Terrace. Hot Air Over City's New Smoking Ban
  • A betheral of one of the churches of St. Giles, Edinburgh, used to call on the family of Mr. Robert St.venson, engineer, who was one of the elders. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • The Lord be thankit for that! for gin the minister gaed speerin ', what chance wad there be for the betheral? The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • A more recent one has been told me of a betheral of a royal burgh much decayed from former importance, and governed by a feeble municipality of old men, who continued in office, and in fact constituted rather the shadow than the substance of a corporation. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • They sealed off the two-storey block opposite Bethesda Evangelical Church as forensic scientists conducted a fingertip search.
  • There are a lot of recovering evangelicals at the church, and many of them are friends from Bethel College.
  • Among those American writers who were originally identified as "minimalists," a group that would include Raymond Carver, Bobbie Ann Mason, Ann Beattie, and Tobias Wolff, Mary Robisonmay have been the most minimalist of them all -- or, touse the word she hassaid she prefers to describethenarrative/expository strategy employed by these writers, the most radically "subtractionist. Dashed to the Ground
  • Miss Betherann, you have certainly put the joy back in hooping for me. | Blog | Hoop Like a White Girl Tutorial
  • Day NP, Phu NH, Bethell DP, et al. The effects of dopamine and adrenaline infusions on acid - base balance and systemic haemodynamics in severe infection. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Adam Dula, 17, of New Carrollton, is passing through Metro Center on his way home from Bethesda, where he has weekly rehearsals with DLG, his breakdance crew. Metro after Midnight: Hard day's night
  • That leaner and blanker style would define his work thereafter, reaching an almost brutal, Albert Speer-like barrenness in the Federal Reserve Board Building, and the tower he built for the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda. Architecture: Comparing Paul Philippe Cret and John Carl Warnecke
  • Bethell has become notorious for his high-profile campaign to normalise nudity.
  • Bibles, ye can hear the rattlin 'o' his banes, till it disturbs the congregation -- I hae dung them a 'heeds ower heels in their best days -- an' to tell me at the hinner end that ye wad ca 'in the betheral to pit oot Elspeth Mowdiewort! The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • The Seamen's Bethel is a chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts, located at 15 Johnny Cake Hill.
  • Whether or not Finger Lakes reds have yet to arrive as a clear alternative, cabernet franc is widelyconsidered to bethe variety that shows the best quality and consistency of the Vitis viniferareds grown in the region. Jason Feulner
  • They had been playing as part of his touring band when Bethel hatched a plan to put her own group together.
  • Also, the reverend Jan Lookingbill from Emmanuel Lutheran Church, which Rehnquist attended when he lived in Bethesda, Maryland, will also participate in that service.
  • Sakkie Retief, officer for the Graaff-Reinet magisterial district, confirmed that two large swarms, already in the flying stage, were active north of Nieu Bethesda.
  • Martin L. Bethel, the S.nodical S.nday school missionary, and J.S. May from the Presbytery of Kendall. The Choctaw Freedmen and The Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy
  • His Soldiers' and Sailors' Bethel Union, established in 1826, was an undenominational body that held services and distributed Christian literature among seafarers.
  • Rev. Mr. Lloyd, a couple of years ago, fitted up a hulk as a Bethel for seamen, and held two services in it, when a gale sent the hulk to the bottom of the sea, and seven persons living aboard of it were drowned.
  • Alexander Moldieward!" again cried the old "betheral," very loud, to some one on the top of the Dullarg Hill -- then in an ordinary voice, "come awa ', Saunders man, you and your mither, an' dinna keep them waitin '-- they're no chancy when they're keepit. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Without Iraq, he would right now be growing a beard in Crawford happily forgotten, and the evangelicals would be packing up their pitchforks and bemoaning their fates in their little bethels in the mid-west.
  • So it was fitting that, immediately after a funeral and cremation in Aberystwyth, her birthplace, she should have been remembered in a service at the small Bethel chapel in Trefenter, the Cardiganshire village on Mynydd Bach, the mountain with which her life had been closely entwined. Lowri Gwilym obituary
  • Erik D.hl, M.D. Bethesda, Md. I am a mathematics professor and confess I have also been a "tea partier. Why We Normal Taxpayers Joined Tea Party Protests
  • He was later invited by a prof I had (who had been kicked out of Bethel years before Piper got my other prof friend kicked out of Bethel) to debate his determinist missiology but Piper declined at the last minute. News to Me « Unknowing
  • Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed Martin said its system to integrate separate missile defense elements and provide a common view of the 'battlespace', known as Command, Control, Battle Management and Communications (C2BMC), would play a key role in the European missile defense site. PLANNING FOR COLD WAR AND BEYOND
  • For [6] when the ten Tribes were captivated, a Priest or the captivity was sent back to _Bethel_, by order of the King of _Assyria_, to instruct the new inhabitants of _Samaria_, in _the manner of the God of the land_; and the _Samaritans_ had the _Pentateuch_ from this Priest, as containing the law or _manner of the God of the land_, which he was to teach them. Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
  • As Joplin famously noted of all his compositions, "It is never right to play 'ragtime' fast," while his concert waltz "Bethena" adds the direction "cantabile" - "as if singing. NPR Topics: News
  • Between July 29 and August 5, I was asked to organize two towns in the Fifth Congressional District, Bethel and Trumbull.
  • Allen, to clear the air, decided to host a debate for three thousand people at Bethel.
  • He became a missionary in charge of the new Seamen's Bethel, which opened on North Square in 1833.
  • What you criticize about the Moslems, sir, is no different than what happens in thousands of little bethels across the USA, as the fundamentalist start feeling their oats, what with their grand mufti in the White House.
  • The Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians have each a seamen's Bethel,
  • In the lobby of the PetSmart PetHotel, which just opened in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, the pets' human "parents" line up to plunk down 23 dollars plus tax for each night their pooch stays.
  • Howard A. Moss, 81, a National Institutes of Health senior scientist who did extensive work in developmental psychology, died Oct. 16 at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda. Howard A. Moss, NIH Senior Scientist
  • And his church, was it one of two grand old edifices which still adorn the adjoining parishes of New and Old Shoreham, or merely a nonconformist 'Little Bethel'?
  • Behind the officers sits the Altar Guild—a group of grandmotherly women in matching red outfits—next to whom stands one half-empty pew, roped off as “Reserved” seating for former mayor Kurt Schmoke, current mayor Sheila Dixon, city comptroller Joan Pratt, and other community power brokers who call Bethel their home church. American Grace
  • Major Bethell, OC of the guard, ordered his men to clear away the barbed wire in front of the lifeboats. THE LONELY SEA
  • One cannot but fear that Sir Edmund Beckett, who can hardly bring himself to speak of a Nonconformist minister otherwise than as "Stiggins," or of a Nonconformist chapel otherwise than as "little Bethel," is a type of many laymen, who pique themselves on being particularly sound Churchmen, and who, in their open-handed liberality, as regards money, in support of the Church, are worthy of all honor.
  • Bethel Elementary School and Whitcomb Junior Senior High School opened once they could offer limited bus service, and kids were anxious to be back, some arriving by all-terrain vehicles. Vermont schools seek normalcy post-Irene
  • But the supercomputers needed to produce those informative and often colorful displays, Bethel said, also have complicated the task by generating "gobs" of data that can create bottlenecks in researchers 'analytical programs. HappyNews - Top Stories
  • MOOSE: I would encourage us to remember a few hours ago how County Executive Doug Duncan talked about the mood of the people at the Taste of Bethesda, people at soccer games, people at Little League football, people moving about the county. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2002
  • We spent an awful lot of time in the Bethesda Baptist Chapel at weekends,' I added. RESCUING ROSE
  • We may not bethewisest or the wealthiest or the most influential, butwe can do great things for the kingdom of Godif we have spent time with Jesus. Hey Pilate, what’s the wet spot?
  • Perhaps the following may seem to illustrate the self-importance of the betheral tribe. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • Fash na yer heid, Saunders, aboot them," said the old betheral at the door; "it's me that's to be grave-digger, but ye shall howk them a 'the same in the mornin', an 'get the siller, for I'm far ower frail -- ye can hae them a' by afore nine o'clock, an 'the minister disna pu' up his bedroom blind till ten! The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • You can from our bethe of carib chromatism ethanediol of a verisimilar illogicality dare moneran with a anthology or you can godwit your own burrow barcarole loire by cyclopedia an evaluator of chigoe arrogator and pyrotechnics deuteromycota. Rational Review
  • On the road outside Bethesda, he found Toper Walsh shovelling sand over the cobbles. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Cs liberati Anne de Veer Abbatisse de Berkyng, per manus domini Roberti de Wakfeld clerici, super expensis domine Elizabethe uxoris Roberti de Brus, percipientis per ebdomadum xxs., et ibidem perhendinantis. Notes and Queries, Number 12, January 19, 1850
  • The rest would underwrite research by scientists at the NIH's Bethesda campus and hospital. Budget 2012: NIH and CDC
  • The Lord be thankit for that! for gin the minister gaed speerin ', what chance wad there be for the betheral? The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • NEWRY - More than 10,000 acres around Stowe Mountain in Newry and Robinson Peak in Riley Township near Bethel are now under conservation protection. Sun Journal
  • It is my understanding that the reason is that the bethels cannot meet in the lodges until there is a child protection policy in place for the organization.
  • The inevitable creeping hot wave of global warming has already reached Australia and itvery well maybethe first climate change-and driven natural disaster to strike a developed nation. AUSSIES ON LEADING EDGE OF GLOBAL WARMING WAVE
  • In the lobby of the PetSmart PetHotel, which just opened in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, the pets' human "parents" line up to plunk down 23 dollars plus tax for each night their pooch stays.
  • Temple there is a roche, that men clepen Moriache: but aftre it was clept Bethel; where the arke of God, with relykes of Jewes, weren wont to ben put. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • GREGORY MARTIN, BETHESDA NAVAL HOSPITAL: We'll be treating them with 60 days of doxycycline, which is what the CDC is now recommending because we are fortunate to have a very sensitive organism. CNN Transcript Oct 28, 2001
  • She did research in neuroscience at Rockefeller University in New York from 1985 to1986 and in neuropharmacology (the study of the action of drugs on the nervous system) at the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Margaret Hamburg Named FDA Commissioner; Dr. Sharftstein as Deputy
  • Watching grass grow is never boring for the staff of the Bethesda, Maryland-based Vetiver Network - assuming the grass is vetiver.
  • Sending kids to Bethesda without paying for their upkeep is not the same thing. Matthew Yglesias » At The Department of Forgotten Cabinet Secretaries
  • Daughters, you have the opportunity to earn snowflakes for proficiency, and to help bethels who need your assistance.
  • 18That year, the committee had to evaluate 28 nominees, among them important figures such as Hans Bethe (Nobel Laureate in 1967), Arnold Sommerfeld who had been nominated 81 times between 1901 and 1950 (although he never won), Pyotr Kapitza (Nobel Laureate in 1978), and Cecil Powell. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • My relative used to tell of one of these officials receiving, with much ceremony, a brother betheral, from a neighbouring parish, who had come with the minister thereof for the purpose of preaching on some special occasion. Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • He and his wife go out to Walter Reed and Bethesda all the time to provide comfort and solace.
  • It was a return-to-classics kind of day on Offworld, with Bethesda releasing their early first-person/open-world RPG Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall as a free download, and with the revivification of both Team17's classic Amiga shooter Alien Breed as a fully 3D affair, and the former FASA designers at Smith & Tinker giving MechWarrior a fantastic looking full reboot for PC and Xbox 360. Boing Boing
  • Though not a place where interclass mingling happens regularly, Bethel nonetheless serves as an important agent of wealth redistribution in the black community. American Grace
  • The Department of the Army, whose stewardship of the cemetery has been questioned since an investigation found widespread burial problems there last year, confirmed that the contractor, Omni Construction - which later merged with Clark Construction, a venerable Bethesda firm - was to "dispose" of the urns. Arlington cemetery urns turn up on auction block, but how'd they get there?
  • Between July 29 and August 5, I was asked to organize two towns in the Fifth Congressional District, Bethel and Trumbull.
  • His neighbours work in partnership selling meat from their own stock through Bethesda Fresh Farm Meats.
  • We spent an awful lot of time in the Bethesda Baptist Chapel at weekends,' I added. RESCUING ROSE
  • We at Bethel Automotive cordially invite you to join us.
  • “Weel, ye see, sir,” said David, looking very knowing, “when ye got your degree, I thought that as I had saved a little money, I couldna lay it out better, as being betheral of the church, than tak out a degree to mysell.” Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • First of all, the word Bethesda: He was entranced with that because it had biblical meanings - the biblical pool of Bethesda. NPR Topics: News
  • They find the same holy consternation upon themselves that Jacob did at his consecrated Bethel, which he called the gate of heaven; and if such places are so, then surely a daily expectation at the gate is the readiest way to gain admittance into the house. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • Hi! cartina di busto garolfo CORRIERE ESPRESS richiesta certificato agibilita estate luxury nj west windsor come arrivare a orio bethesda brownsburg christian in school behavior cultural hong in kong sito ufficiale campionato mondiale pallavolo partito dei democratici sinistra heel high hose pantie pic Election Central Sunday Roundup
  • The Bethel Park physician knows the medical skepticism about Morgellons, but he also knows history.
  • Bethesda, Maryland-based Lockheed makes military aircraft, space systems, missiles and electronics systems.
  • Ryan's boss lay in a VIP suite at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, still alert, still thinking, still telling jokes. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • The Seamen’s Home Bethel is in the Heart of Copenhagen by Nyhavn’s canal, and only 5min walk from Kongens Nytorv og Strøget (the pedestrian street).
  • The advanced tae kwon do classis winding down at Coles Martial Arts Academy in Bethesda; there is only one more sequence of movements that Master Michael Coles wants his brown - and black-belt students to perform. A Master's Mission: Michael Coles used tae kwon do to escape a difficult childhood. Now he's helping others do the same.
  • Bethel CAI, Steinkirchner T, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: The stromal microenvironment of human fetal hematopoiesis; in vitro morphologic studies. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • When I was two, my parents moved uprooted me from tourist-destination city Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, to small bush town Bethel, Alaska.
  • Hence, personal hygiene and cleaning our handswill bethe most effective ways of combating this disease.
  • This was so much the case in the betheral class, that an old lady, observing a well-known judge and advocate walking together in the street, remarked to a friend as they passed by, “Dear me, Lucy, wha are thae twa beddle-looking bodies?” Reminiscences of Scottish Life and Character
  • RegeneRx said it will use proceeds from the offering to fund its ongoing research, including a proposed Phase 2 clinical trial for heart attacks and an ongoing Phase 2 clinical test to treat a skin defect called epidermolysis bullosa. moved its corporate headquarters from Bethesda to Rockville earlier this year to lower costs and allow for potential expansion. Philadelphia Business News - Local Philadelphia News | The Philadelphia Business Journal
  • Students who begin study at Bethel during interterm will be charged tuition, but will have interterm charges credited back to their accounts if they enroll full-time for the spring semester. Bethel College News
  • The musk-rat, _Fiber zibethecus_, sometimes called musquash from the Algonquin word, _m8sk8éss8_, is found in three varieties, the black, and rarely the pied and white. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
  • Mr. Slope in the cathedral, they would hear him elsewhere; they would leave the dull dean, the dull old prebendaries, and the scarcely less dull young minor canons to preach to each other; they would work slippers and cushions and hem bands for Mr. Slope, make him a happy martyr, and stick him up in some new Sion or Bethesda, and put the cathedral quite out of fashion. Barchester Towers
  • Under his roof, undergraduates always felt happy and at home; and in his "Bethel," as he called it, a kind of disused greenhouse in his garden, he gathered week by week a band of undergraduate hearers, to whom religion spoke, through his lips, with her most searching yet most persuasive accent. Fifteen Chapters of Autobiography
  • Want contact information for the Bethel nearest to you?

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