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How To Use Bestowal In A Sentence

  • Royal watchers called the bestowal of the title duke of Cambridge a personal mark of esteem from the queen. The Seattle Times
  • It has now become a rich and integral part of the fabric of communal life, acknowledged nationally on a number of occasions, by the bestowal of AIMS awards, the Oscars of the amateur musical stage.
  • Hamster would have been able to do this, but instead poured his ability points (for lack of a better word) into a better power bestowal. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Faraway Soul’s Review Forum
  • Her father's blessing represented a bestowal of consent upon her forthcoming marriage.
  • And the contumacity of old men and women should not be strengthened by the reckless bestowal of shillings. The Shuttle
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  • As the evangelist most preoccupied with the formation of the church, Luke emphasizes the importance of the bestowal of the Holy Spirit in both his gospel and Acts.
  • Royal watchers called the bestowal of the title Duke of Cambridge a personal mark of esteem from the queen. - Home Page
  • Here are buildings constructed by the faithful and the finest artists and architects throughout the centuries, more beautiful than ever but not really serving their highest purpose: the praise of God and the bestowal of grace on men.
  • These people marched to protest the premature bestowal of freedom by exterior forces.
  • The separation of the ecclesiastical office from the bestowal of the temporalities was the sole object attained, an achievement of no very great importance. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The decision of the Nobel Committee to award this year's prize to Liu Xiaobo is in full conformity with the principles of the prize and the criteria for its bestowal. Letter: On Liu Xiaobo and the Nobel Peace Prize
  • Such a "looking beyond" is natural for Catholic faith, which perceives the Son of God in Jesus of Nazareth, and the bestowal of grace in the visible signs we call sacraments. Pope John Paul II
  • ‘The way they told me, they said, ‘I'm making you a numbered confidential informant,’ as if it was some kind of bestowal.
  • Infants in particular are under threat, since they are still growing into their full identity as social subjects signified by the bestowal of a name.
  • My grandfather frequently threatened to rescind the myriad generous bestowals my sister and I were to receive upon his passing if he ever heard we'd cast a Democratic vote.
  • Good is love, which is bestowal which is pure altruism. Who Are the Evil Corporations?
  • The award of directorships is more significant than the bestowal of gongs; and reading what the papers say is not the same as knowing why they say it.
  • The novella becomes a meditation on our relationship with the art of cinema, its bestowal of seeming immortality on its stars and the dialectic of our own fulfillment and loss.
  • In other words, friendship means that a bestowal of benefits leads to a so-called fides-relationship.
  • For either (a) a bestowal itself cannot be justified (as on Singer's account), in which case the justification of love is impossible, or (b) a bestowal can be justified, in which case it is hard to make sense of value as being bestowed rather than there antecedently in the object as the grounds of that Love
  • Or was the bestowal of a glass of wine regarded as a necessary courtesy in broaching or sealing these unsentimental transactions?
  • The goddess is now depicted as a blind power, and hence as completely careless and indiscriminate in the bestowal of her gifts.
  • Most of the given bestowals of nature have their given species-specified natures: they are each and all of a given sort.
  • In part, the inspiration consisted of the unpredictable bestowal of excessive praise and undeserved blame, a technique which he would later use to such effect with his own pupils.
  • Indeed, if my dear husband is reading, the previous sentence does not apply to you, as the regular bestowal of gifts is part of the marriage contract.
  • Moreover, the language was changed in LBW from a benedictory bestowal formula to an epicletic prayer formula as in Baptism where the Spirit's gifts are also named: ‘the spirit of wisdom and understanding…’.
  • There is no 'godlikeness' without such bestowal, such 'imagining' into life. Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 4: God and the Artist
  • A person's highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves; love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving.
  • It had been told him that his admission into the Order had been connected with the bestowal of temporal goods, and from this comes the sin called simony, which consists in the purchase of something spiritual with something temporal. The Life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself.
  • Patrons remained in the superior social position, even if they failed to reciprocate their clients' public bestowals of loyalty and honor.
  • These are more than symbolic bestowals, however.
  • The term corporate welfare is widely used to describe the bestowal of favorable treatment to particular corporations by the government. - Articles related to Venezuela importers: Chavez strangling business
  • Her father's blessing represented a bestowal of consent upon her forthcoming marriage.
  • The bestowal of peace upon the disciples may also echo a feature of the liturgy, the greeting or kiss of peace - a feature of the liturgy from the earliest times.
  • Their bestowal was a mere formality, and Yoritomo resigned them in a few days, preferring to be nominated so-tsuihoshi. A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
  • The nobles, who, because of their birth and wealth controlled access to all essential services, were expected to provide various services to their cities in exchange for the public bestowal of honor from the inhabitants.
  • The only real limit to His bestowal is His own fulness. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Commenting about the recent bestowal of Presidential Medals of Freedom on renowned singer Marian Anderson and Dr. Ralph Bunche, noted diplomat and first African American winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, columnist Al Duckett offered advice to help Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, who had just delivered his stirring "I Have a Dream" speech the previous August, avoid being overlooked in the future. Megan Smolenyak: Michelle Obama's Ancestors: The Great Migration

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