How To Use Bestial In A Sentence

  • It is shocking that humans can behave with such bestiality towards others.
  • It was a bestial reminder of man's inhumanity to man.
  • He was even caricatured and abused for his attempt to "bestialize" his species by the introduction into their systems of diseased matter from the cow's udder. Self help; with illustrations of conduct and perseverance
  • In each the primitive, sometimes bestial is joined obdurately to the modern and sophisticated.
  • The mentality of collective punishment raises its ugly head in all wars, there is no difference in the behavior of soldiers at war, they all act in the most bestial way.
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  • That is, the Olympian Zeus 'ban on human creativity: which shows Zeus's intended bestialization of all mortal human individuals, by forbidding, not only the use, but the discovery of any universal physical principle, such as "fire," or, today, nuclear-fission power. LaRouche's Latest
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Forgetting all the principles for which they were fighting in their endless war against their enemy, they have become savage barbarians teetering on the very edge of bestiality.
  • The Committee will not stop its work until ‘those who organized and particularly those who ordered this bestial crime have been arrested and brought to justice.’
  • Each German soldier should consider himself ‘the bearer of an inexorable national idea and the avenger of all bestialities inflicted upon the German people and its racial kin’. Sealing Their Fate
  • Science and Classical artistic life are good, and the contrary, such as today's popular cultures, are bad per se in respect to their tendency to cause populations to debase, even bestialize themselves, as fascists do, as the violent existentialists of 1968 did, that to the ruinous effects on the culture of the world as a whole, today. LaRouche's Latest
  • This level of bestiality and violence has resulted only because criminal acts have gone unpunished over the years by the different political parties that have wielded power.
  • We refer here not only to the daily shootings, the bestialities inflicted on demonstrators and detainees and the vicious campaign of terror carried out against all who are opposed to the apartheid system - churchmen, whole religious communities, students, professors and teachers, workers, peasants, mothers and even children. WE HAVE DECIDED TO LIBERATE OURSELVES
  • Again he experienced the heightened awareness and sharpening of the senses, which always accompanied his bestial transformation into a primal killer.
  • For other 19th century writers, particularly journalists, rats were the expression of man's bestiality to man.
  • The often bestial conditions in the trenches of the First World War were thought to have permitted the manufacture of only the crudest items.
  • One entire flank of the Witch King's army was held by Chaos Knights and their bestial retinues.
  • she treated her husband bestially
  • With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment. The God-Idea of the Ancients
  • Next, Gillian discussed making the show's love triangle "messier" by adding animals to the mix, which led to an intriguing discussion of bestiality. Inside TV Blog
  • He kept reading.… Othello's jealousy manifests itself in the imagery of the bestial, which Shakespeare utilises as a motif of animal passion and the absence of reason…
  • In the first case we may properly apply the term bestiality; in the second case it may perhaps be better to use the term _zooerastia_, proposed by Krafft-Ebing. [ Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • When Lao-tse wrote that 'the sage is ruthless and treats the people as straw dogs,' he provided an epigraph for the cruel frivolities of John Hawkes's and John Barth's latest fiction, in which the hapless characters are raped, carved up, burned with cigarettes, bestialized. Straw Dogs
  • As was the case in World Wars I and II, we are up against sociopathic sub-humans who despise the common man, are capable of great cruelty brought on by their indifference to human misery and whose ultimate plan is to dehumanize and bestialize humanity. [fragmented society] the fish rots at the head
  • Hence the Negro, at the close of the war, was all that American slavery would make any people, viz.: bestialized and animalized; ignorant, poor, crude, rude; helpless, moneyless and thoughtless. Africa and the American Negro...Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa Held Under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in Connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition De
  • He seeks, as I understand him, to prove a logical path between the heinous bestiality of the crimes of the woman and her eternal incarceration in the regions of brimstone and fire.
  • Eugene Volokh: sexual intercourse ..., masturbation, sadism, masochism, bestiality, fellatio, cunnilingus, lewd exhibition of the genitals or nudity if such nudity is depicted for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification of any person who might view such depiction. The Volokh Conspiracy » Third Circuit Upholds Injunction of Threatened “Sexting” Prosecution
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • The monarch is smitten with Johnny, which could be a bit icky since (1) he is a minor and (2) an insect-human relationship based on physical attraction runs the risk of being classified as bestiality. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • It's been a mode of public conversation which has slowly inured us all against the terrible reality of bombs and guns and the banal bestiality of violence.
  • That nation's great culture of marked politeness, disarming courtesy and remarkable tolerance can give way to sheer bestiality, as the war proved.
  • (To avoid the overdone word beastly—which however happens to be the right one here; bestial describes character or conduct) Style.
  • I thought both films featured anal sex to show the display of bestiality, paraphiliac behaviour of the male counterparts, male notion that women timidly enjoy being raped by a crack. NAACHGAANA
  • The Grand Inquisitor, that man of evil, destroyed men's souls, by suppressing the creative activity of their minds, and aided this brutalization of men and women by reducing them to a state of relative bestialization, like that of slaves and serfs. LaRouche's Latest
  • The "mouth" and "eyes" are those of a man, while the symbol is otherwise brutish, that is, it will assume man's true dignity, namely, wear the guise of the kingdom of God (which comes as the "Son of man" from above), while it is really bestial, namely, severed from God. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In every instance, rituals of humiliation, of slow torture, of unspeakable bestiality accompanied the killings.
  • Everything tends to lose its hallowed meaning; it becomes degraded, bestialized. South Wind
  • The prime minister glared with the viciousness of a cornered beast, partly because she was cornered and partly because she is bestial.
  • Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.
  • Homosexuality, gangbangs, bestiality, rape … Only necrophilia and watersports are left for the rest of the series! TV for Gaming: Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire « Geek Related
  • There was a terrible calculatedness in this that went far beyond bestiality. Beneath an opal moon
  • Even as Churchill exposed the horrors of Nazi Germany, Harold Pinter has exposed the brutalities of Bush and the bestialities of Blair. Archive 2006-10-01
  • It can sound slightly comical, or sinister and bestial, but mostly I find it evocatively beautiful, perhaps because it sounds so otherworldly, so little like a human sound.
  • Because in the free and open parts of the globalised world, the only other option for us all will be to erect our barbed-wire fences and hire our personal security guards, and wait in fear for the bestial truth to come for us, too.
  • Not alone, had Ngurn informed him, was the Red One more bestial powerful than the neighbour tribal gods, ever athirst for the red blood of living human sacrifices, but the neighbour gods themselves were sacrificed and tormented before him. THE RED ONE
  • Great armies of them are toiling now at the building of Ardis, housed in wretched barracks where family life cannot exist, and where decency is displaced by dull bestiality. Chapter 21: The Roaring Abysmal Beast
  • To negotiate protection for their States, the Italian princes sent agents to Vendôme; but the agents sent by the Duke of Parma were so insulted by the bestialities of the French commander as to go back to their master without negotiating, and no decent man would consent to return. Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War
  • Along with the formal consideration of the nature and powers of the different parts of the soul, there remains some concern with man's position in the universe, but this is regarded essentially in static, hieratic terms rather than as a dynamic, operative potential for restoration of the divine image, or for irremediable bestialization. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • But in Y2K's dystopian mode, nature is not a land of plenty and ease to which we might return and linger, but rather a howling wilderness, a return to bestiality and the Hobbesian war of all against all.
  • I believe the primary purpose of a certain force I nether fully understand nor wish to understand was to separate man from his higher self, to bestialize him, to do dirt on him and this force has legions of accolytes because it is the province of the weak-willed, the ones who prefer the easy solution and are attracted by bells and whistles. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Et per istum modum immolant filios et filias, et multi homines per istum ritum moriuntur ante idolum illud, et multa alia abominabilia facit populus iste bestialis, et multa mirabilia vidi inter eos quæ nolui hic inserere. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • The brilliantly chromolithographed boards were often embellished with capitalist symbolism as well as caricatures of magnates, speculators, and the bestial mascots of wealth.
  • bestial treatment of prisoners
  • Again he experienced the heightened awareness and sharpening of the senses, which always accompanied his bestial transformation into a primal killer.
  • The stranger has animal magnetism, but no other bestial quality.
  • While not the most erotic Giovanni, it told the story clearly and without a hint of the common-or-garden necrophilia and bestiality normally on offer. The Passenger; Don Giovanni; Faust – review
  • He was a rough man, but out of his venality and his bestial nature erupted this divine expression on the canvas.
  • He was a rough man, but out of his venality and his bestial nature erupted this divine expression on the canvas.
  • We need not be personally introduced to fictional debauchery and bestiality to understand the horror of real occurrences.
  • It is always convenient to regard foreign populations as inferior, more convenient still to regard them as animalistic, or bestial, especially when you have decided to enslave or eliminate them.
  • That such a civilised, distinguished nation should be overcome by such bestial lunacy, that perfectly decent people turned into monsters… It reminds us what a savage species we are.
  • The designed product of the slave system, which Dr. Steel calls "a mild and humane system of bondage," was a dehumanized and bestialized thing, and there was no stone left unturned, no vigilance was deemed to exacting, no privations and cruelty too heartless, and no punishment too severe and diabolical to compass the end desired. Africa and the American Negro...Addresses and Proceedings of the Congress on Africa Held Under the Auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in Connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition De
  • So she yelled; and now had all the fairness gone from her body: flaggy and yellow were her limbs, and she looked all over as her face, a lump of stupid and cruel pride, and her words lost meaning and changed into mere bestial howling. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Florida is one of only 16 states that still permit bestiality — a fact that animal-rights activist and Sunrise Sen. Nan Rich learned to her horror when a Panhandle man three years ago was suspected of accidentally asphyxiating a family goat with which he was copulating. Insert Alligator Joke Here
  • In any case the human species, in course of deterioration through overstrain, would find amongst these singers of the shaduf and these labourers with the antiquated plough, brains unclouded by alcohol, and a whole reserve of tranquil beauty, of well-balanced physique, of vigour untainted by bestiality. Egypt (La Mort de Philae)
  • The next month, Phillip gave a 30-minute presentation to a state legislative committee urging that it not pass a pending anti-bestiality bill (though Phillip describes himself personally as a "zoophile" and not a bestialist). Artvoice - Buffalo's #1 Newsweekly
  • The particular horrors of that regime, unique in the methodical coldness of their execution if depressingly familiar in the depths of their bestiality, would seem to have been plumbed and catalogued ad infinitum.
  • Çivaism has its rites of unbridled bestialism, the worship of the linga by women is often free from impurity; it is practically worship of a deity of fertility. Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
  • What the coalition forces have confirmed is the bestial brutality of his regime.
  • In other words, stripping Alex of a noble passion is of equal pleasure to stripping him of ostensibly bestial urges.
  • By such books as his (and Ségur's) the imagination is kindled so fiercely that it illuminates our own natures, our own bestialities, which we still practice on the weak and pacific. Boney
  • Every scene and every person in front of the eyes presents a story of destruction, bestiality and sufferings.
  • The play's joke is that, while under the influence of the drug love-in-idleness, Titania cannot see just how bestial, how ridiculous, how mortal - in short, how ‘gross’ - Bottom has become.
  • I don't agree with Huckabee in any way, shape, or form, but I think it's grasping to say that he has "equated" homosexuality with bestiality. Huckabee Directly Equates Homosexuality With Bestiality
  • His evil and bestial nature stands directly opposed to our just and civilised culture.
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • The audience is even more disturbed by this almost bestial love-story.
  • In addition to valuable investigations of fossil-bearing beds in the Argentine, he made some excellent general suggestions, such as that the pithecoid apes, like the baboons, do not stand in the line of man’s ancestral stem but represent a divergence from it away from humanity and toward a retrogressive bestialization. Appendix A. The Work of the Field Zoologist and Field Geographer in South America
  • Plus possum quam omnes philosophi, astrologi, necromantici, &c. sola saliva inungens, 1. amplexu et basiis tam furiose furere, tam bestialiter obstupesieri coegi, ut instar idoli me adorarint. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He comes from a country where dogs are very popular - as a delicacy on the dinner table, after they have been killed in the most cruel, vile, inhumane, and bestial circumstances.
  • The noise of the mooncalves would at times be a vast flat calf-like sound, at times it rose to an amazed and wrathy bellowing, and again it would become a clogged bestial sound, as though these unseen creatures had sought to eat and bellow at the same time.
  • "GGRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr…" was the cue, along with much gnashing of teeth and bestial grunting in a wrathful type manner.
  • Moralising interpretations generally explained physical metamorphosis as the external manifestation of the bestial nature within.
  • Simultaneously marked by its bestial savagery and spiritual transcendence, the primitive other is made to coalesce the physical with the metaphysical.
  • And then there is the scenario which any reader of the apocalyptic scriptures foretells – war between blocs, not nations, deception, Israel caught in the middle of it and the inevitable slide to the feudal bestialization of human beings to an extent not conceived of in the west for centuries. Archive 2008-06-01
  • ‘The Hymn’ that follows the proem presents an array of conflicting, powerful voices, whether divine, human, natural, bestial, or demonic.
  • His early work, especially the cause célèbre "The Elementary Particles," is really less a novel than a treatise on biological determinism, full of ex cathedra pronouncements about the bestiality of human nature and showy pornography meant to illustrate man's mindless, insect-like urge to copulate. Reflections on Self-Regard
  • [Opponents] of the gesture, including several religious leaders, said the resolution would protect immoral behavior and even encourage pedophiles and those who engage in bestiality to come to Baton Rouge. Archive 2007-10-01
  • So do you support rights for polygamists, folks who engage in bestiality, child molesters, dendraphiliacs and the other perverts who are judged by their sexual preferences? ShePop: Carrie Prejean's tale of an ultra-modern pageant girl |
  • a bestial nature
  • Some seventeenth-century theriophilists replied that bestial lack of reason was not a curse, while others denied that animals lack reason.
  • A zeal for scientific knowledge consumed him, keeping him on target to overthrow God and bestialize humanity. Drudge Retort
  • Mr. Charyn is not burlesquing our past; he is reimagining it as an uplifting fable of his own, complete with acts of valor and humaneness in the teeth of bestial cruelty. A Revolutionary Romp
  • These strange forms exude a sense of magical, super-human power, evoking a quality both bestial and human, and an otherworldliness that is fantastic and supernatural.
  • In a kind of danse macabre, they whirl around its carcass, a symbolic union of rotting flesh, human and bestial. Another Shark Washes Up In the Hamptons
  • I had shaped, in clay, a large mouth, belonging to no creature I knew about, from which protruded, instead of a tongue, another bestial mouth.
  • His only other friends are shapeshifters and a hairy, bestial half-giant… and Dumbledore, who's frighteningly absent much of the time.
  • But I just do not, cannot understand how anyone could possibly want to kill someone in such a vicious, bestial way.
  • To ascribe features of masculinity to the divine is as blasphemous as to ascribe features of bestiality -- as in the theriomorphic deities of pagan religions so abhorred by monotheism -- the very blasphemy that iconoclasm reacts against. A Response to a Response
  • No matter how cruel and bestial Caroline could be, he always found a better side of her to ponder upon.
  • The velocity and ferocity of some of the attack moves that zoom around the arena are truly bestial in their utter savagery.
  • The wits of our people have been blunted, their habits bestialized, their very climate and landscape ruined. South Wind
  • They are coming back and they are going to hunt down the people responsible for this bestial act.
  • The country between Marne and Meuse is one of the regions on which German fury spent itself most bestially during the abominable September days. Fighting France
  • In addition to valuable investigations of fossil-bearing beds in the Argentine, he made some excellent general suggestions, such as that the pithecoid apes, like the baboons, do not stand in the line of man's ancestral stem but represent a divergence from it away from humanity and toward a retrogressive bestialization. Through the Brazilian Wilderness
  • I cannot think of another movie more worthy of the mark of the Beast than this bestial paean of torture and death.
  • Her affection for horses, dogs and myriad other bestial examples of rurality is such that both her everyday life and her fiction overflows with loyal hounds, rampant stallions and personifications thereof.
  • He has showed no remorse for treating the girl with disgusting violence and that his behaviour was bestial.
  • When the ethnic or tribal hatred is as deep-rooted and has as its background such bestial conduct, it is ridiculous for the international community to try to re-impose the status quo ante.
  • Again he experienced the heightened awareness and sharpening of the senses, which always accompanied his bestial transformation into a primal killer.
  • Estranged from orthodox psychiatry, which “promotes adjustment to the environment, or, as I call it without prejudice, bestialism,” he has invented the lapsometer, a device that measures how far a man’s self has falled from itself. Five Books of doctors
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Leviticus 20:13 that proscribes the death penalty for same-sex relations is quite related to codes that condemn bestiality, invoke dietary restrictions, and order the wearing of certain fibers.
  • It is the word with which Condivi describes the appearance of Michael Angelo's nose after it had been broken -- it was "_un poco stiacciato; non per natura_," but by the blow of a certain Torrigiano, "_huomo bestiale e superbo_." [ Donatello, by Lord Balcarres
  • Gorky's mother remarried but the stepfather was as bestial as the rest of the family.
  • It is impossible for a man whose affections are bestialized, whose practices are libertine, and whose imaginations are all impure, to receive the truth that there are such things as purity and virtue, and that there are men and women around him who are virtuous and pure. Lessons in Life A Series of Familiar Essays
  • To ascribe features of masculinity to the divine is as blasphemous as to ascribe features of bestiality -- as in the theriomorphic deities of pagan religions so abhorred by monotheism -- the very blasphemy that iconoclasm reacts against. A Response to a Response
  • But it's not at all clear, bestiality issues aside, that going through a wedding ritual to a pet is any more wrong than holding a funeral rite for a cat. Carry-Over Thread
  • The werewolf shows that either humans can temporarily lose conscience and become animal or that bestial wildness is part of conscience itself.
  • There is also what we call obscenity, that is hardcore pornography that is also illegal, even for adults, and that includes graphic sexual acts and also the deviant forms of pornography like bestiality, torture, rape. CNN Transcript Mar 23, 2002
  • In fact, the most despicably represented group are the bestial soldiers who, cajoled on by a hooded Satan looking on from the crowd, take great pleasure in his suffering.
  • Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.
  • One could make the case that just as drugs are addictive, and require the addict to partake in more and more powerful drugs to achieve the same high, even so sexual indulgence is an addiction requiring new highs, with homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia, etc. merely variants of the ‘drugs’ required to achieved said highs. The Volokh Conspiracy » Justice Kagan I Presume?
  • We stamp on the downfallen with indecent and bestial excitement, and I know we'd be thoroughly ashamed of ourselves if we just stood back for one moment and reflected on what we were doing.
  • The act of bestiality is a step closer to becoming illegal in Florida now that a Senate committee voted to slap a third-degree felony charge on anyone who has sex with animals. Insert Alligator Joke Here
  • Should you lose all your humanity at any time in the game, you go bestial and become uncontrollable.
  • The werewolf could be a benign individual, trapped within a bestial frame.
  • The bill is silent about the anti-social behaviour of the rich in places such as the City of London, described as one of the world's most ‘brutal and bestial places to work’ in a recent article in the Financial Times.
  • Accusations against his criminality and bestiality are related to the desire to purify our own culture and civilisation.
  • Do you recall where, as a child, she accidentally saw a ritual where a woman was being bestialized by a coven in the middle of a downstairs room? Archive 2009-05-01
  • Why is it illegal, deviant, and cause for imprisonment for some farmer to engage in bestiality inside a barn if he's doing it for personal enjoyment, but perfectly legal for that same farmer to do it as part of "standard agricultural practices" used to put animal corpses on our nation's dinner tables? Bruce Friedrich: Does Eating Meat Support Bestiality?
  • First you have your traditional demon, a bestial fiend forged in a perverse mockery of man, who exists solely to corrupt, degrade, and ultimately destroy all that is good and worthwhile, and who relishes the job.
  • In its 1999 decision, the trial court denounced him as ‘repugnant, bestial and sadistic.’
  • What seems to me more important than the ‘Oh ugh’ factor is just how easy it is for standards of law and behavior of slip into bestiality.
  • Sometimes it's necessary to have armed helicopters extending the rule of law to stop that kind of bestial violence.
  • I suggest that this is no more nor less than the bestialization of both the victim and the punter. [them] out of the closet
  • Bestiality (except in one form to be noted later) is, on the other hand, the sexual perversion of dull, insensitive and unfastidious persons. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • -- Possibly; but even a beast seeks privacy at certain junctures; and to deny all privacy tends to bestialize human beings. The Subterranean Brotherhood
  • At this time, all the boundis of Scotland were ful of woddis, lesouris, and medois; for the countre wes more gevin to store of bestiall, than ony productioun of cornis; and about this castell was ane gret forest, full of haris, hindis, toddis, and siclike maner of beistis. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • They are sundered by a bodily shame so steadfast that the criminal annals of the world, stained with all other incests and bestialities, hardly record its breach. Ulysses
  • Just take a long, close look at these disgusting faces -- young, dull, indifferent, inured to the worst kinds of bestialities; but don't turn up your noses. Hard to be a god
  • Reducing sexual practices to the level of bestiality, is a crucial feature of Satanism in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward. Lyndon LaRouche on Satanism by Grand Magister Blackwood | Disinformation
  • Arguably, this dichotomy is a deeply unhealthy attitude, a neurosis situating self entirely in the superego and demonising the libido as a base and bestial “animal nature” that must be mastered, rather than the natural self-correcting impulses of a homeostatic system designed to maintain a dynamic equilibrium. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • That nation was a leader in science, art, education, literature, philosophy, music - but none of this cultural superiority was a guarantee against the cruelty and bestiality that marked its behavior.
  • ‘Surely we can celebrate human endeavour in an appropriate way other than raising statues that represent bestial figures of ancient mythology and a goddess of a dead religion,’ said their pastor.
  • In Jekyll there lurks a monster of unstoppable proportions and unbridled bestial aggression.
  • It was a bestial cry, as of a soul in torment, filled with infinite protest and pain. THE APOSTATE
  • If you're a Bohm or a Charley, you may trivialize or vulgarize or bestialize your wedding, but solemnize it you don't, for that is not "up to date. Lady Baltimore
  • The problem with bestiality is that, morally, clearly communicated consent has to be a precondition for sex. Matthew Yglesias » Keep it in the Family
  • When his peaceful home was stormed by the bestialized hordes of Jewish History : an essay in the philosophy of history
  • The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were overpowering as to leave me a bit sick.
  • I cannot therefore believe that even the body, much less the mind, can really be changed into bestial forms and lineaments by any reason, art, or power of the demons.
  • These survivors are deformed, regressive, bestial, and held in check by a repressive dictatorship that combines the authority of church and state.
  • The work of bestialization was carried on by the despotism of Old Calabria

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