

  1. mark with, or as if with, spots

How To Use bespot In A Sentence

  • Yet in the very midst of these vices which had rendered his honesty dubious, and name bespotted, he nurtured in the depths of his soul three virtues capable of again elevating him -- an unshaken love for a young girl, whom he married in spite of his family, History of the Girondists, Volume I Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution
  • Such was the story of Pontitianus; but Thou, O Lord, while he was speaking, didst turn me round towards myself, taking me from behind my back where I had placed me, unwilling to observe myself; and setting me before my face, that I might see how foul I was, how crooked and defiled, bespotted and ulcerous. The Confessions
  • Barack Obama, our next likely president -- disregarding morbid Doris Lessing-esque poo-pooers, or a jittery electorate overcome with a necrophilic hunger only a bespotted failed war "hero" can slake -- is full of it. David Matthews: Obama is full of it. Hope, I mean.
  • My name is Vida Bering Well, and on your mud-bespotted right is Jacob Canny Sea. The Welkening
  • Keeping needfully wide of the broad, claret-bespotted swath in the snow, the party started trailing back. The Luck of the Mounted A Tale of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police
  • And now thou didst set me face to face with myself, that I might see how ugly I was, and how crooked and sordid, bespotted and ulcerous. Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • One of your old Monty Python writers, who had an unused PhD in medicine, told of his drinking days--and they were every one of them bespotted--that he drank 80 ounces of gin a day. [alcohol] which nations drink the most
  • A little beyond in the same valley, I founde a sandie or grauelly plaine, yet bespotted with greene tuffes, in which place grew a faire Palme tree with his leaues like the Culter of a plowe, and abounding with sweet and pleasant fruite, some set high, some lowe, some in a meane, some in the very top, an elect and chosen signe of victorie. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • What more delightsome than an infinite variety of sweet smelling flowers? decking with sundry colours, the greene mantle of the earth, vniuersall mother of vs all, so by them bespotted, so dyed, that all the world cannot sample them, and wherein it is more fit to admire the Dyer, than imitate his workemanship. On the Portraits of English Authors on Gardening, with Biographical Notices of Them, 2nd edition, with considerable additions
  • And North suddenly flung himself down beside the convict, and, catching his blood – bespotted hands in his own, cried, "Forgive me, brother! For the term of his natural life
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