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How To Use Besotted In A Sentence

  • Eventually, the besotted warriors either passed out or crawled away as the torches guttered and smoked into mere embers.
  • Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
  • A senior paediatrician who works with such families compared it to the intense love a besotted parent feels for an entirely helpless newborn. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am utterly and completely besotted by opera. Times, Sunday Times
  • If it doesn't, we wind up like Fitzgerald, lost in a lost city, besotted by booze and benumbed by grief. Judith Acosta: The Necessary Death of Romance
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  • Smart turned out to be a very large and very friendly hairy headache whose owners were absolutely besotted with him. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • The palace of the Sylphides was a tavern, and Clarice, the neglected fiancee of besotted Eraste, made an appearance as a laundress, boxed her sylph-sotted betrothed about the ears, then pulled him off stage to the applause of the audience. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Who sat anarchically at a dallas real estate for sale, gladdened a authoritarianism, and for the inexhaustibly sphenoid clingfish vespidae to the sum of reinvigorated sphenoid we are spectacularly aesthetic besotted. Rational Review
  • The captain of Wales requires the patience of a saint to cope with the demands of the populace of a country besotted by rugby. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boss is besotted by her youth and beauty.
  • And in these besotted circumstances, I could hardly have been expected to guess mendacity from a few moments of misgiving. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • Tofano was nowise moved by these words from his besotted intent; wherefore quoth she to him, 'Harkye now, I can no longer brook this thy fashery, God pardon it thee! The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • He seems quite besotted and the feeling is mutual. The Sun
  • Venus had what society columnists and besotted male journalists referred to as a mane of cascading auburn hair and her intellectual pedigree came directly from the Sorbonne, but she was Italian, with an accent that only grew stronger and more mellifluous as the years went by. Sugar Skull
  • I was eight years old, totally besotted with football. The Sun
  • Besotted with the theater, he created and helmed a famous drama department in a university that did little to encourage his efforts.
  • At least doing art, she says, is still incredibly fulfilling and a goofy besotted smile spreads across her face. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's very easy to love and I am besotted with her.
  • I also hear that we have got so besotted with cleansing ourselves to the point of the driven snow that the bosses can't even be seen in a corporate box these days.
  • There was sensible Toby, forthright Helen, caring Belinda, laddish Ben, ladette Claire, loud-mouthed Luke, motherly Lisa and besotted Justin, who spent the whole time pining for his girlfriend.
  • Even more foolishly, the besotted adolescent attempted to extend the relationship, and chased Byron to Geneva.
  • She's clearly still besotted by her husband after 10 years of marriage. Times, Sunday Times
  • They'd always been besotted, which meant they didn't really need a helpless, totally dependent infant to love them best in the world. SOMEBODY
  • A young girl sent to live on the windswept Irish coastline becomes besotted with the legend of the selkies - half human/half seal creatures.
  • It allows Wood to make the same kind of criticism that has always been made of Updike, but to dress it up in fancier crittalk ( "free indirect style"): Updike is too besotted with language. Updike, John
  • I could not understand why he so sincerely believed in a message which I had not written - indeed, was so besotted with the idea that he was completely unreceptive to all my protests against it.
  • They are absolutely besotted by each other. The Sun
  • He is clearly besotted and treats her like a princess. The Sun
  • He admits to being completely besotted. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a contrasting version, Mars is besottedly enslaved to the woman's beauty, emasculated by her charm and no longer a great warrior. Shakespeare
  • She was such a hit with everyone we met, but most particularly with my elderly grandparents, who were besotted with her.
  • Only a little more indirect is the effect of the same cuckoo genes on the behaviour of the besotted host.
  • Police are investigating whether the accused who allegedly had become besotted with Susan after meeting her at a caravan park, shot her before turning the gun on himself.
  • And, floodlit, ink-besotted, so assails the upper atmosphere that all our better judgment fails. Varenna
  • She seems to be besotted with him. The Sun
  • The trio brings appropriate whimsy to Gorey's playfully macabre material, an accordion main soundtrack to besotted mothers and weeping chandeliers.
  • Coffee break fiction Richard was besotted with his wife, Susan.
  • To stop being one will be a step towards making your errant husband realise that there is a price to pay for his besotted bubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her youth and beauty besotted him.
  • She was completely besotted with him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The standard Western account of that episode claims for Rome a balance of approach lacking in the more disputatious Greek theologians, who were still too besotted by the neo-Platonic speculations common in the East.
  • Memories flood her mind bringing back images of the man who had once besotted her, courted her and married her, of the man who became her heart and soul.
  • Langton, 20, was besotted with the young wife of his victim, the jury was told.
  • The couple seemed besotted with one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are completely besotted and in love. The Sun
  • The star says he isn't a touchy-feely person but besotted girls queue up to cuddle him.
  • Mr. Malone's father termed himself a gentleman: he was poor and in debt, and besottedly arrogant; and his son was like him. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Ever since her childhood in York - she was an only child - she has been besotted with the uses of enchantment in fairy stories.
  • One Monteverdi Work and 400 Years of Debate music world, besotted with anniversaries and now deep into the Romantic age, will celebrate the bicentenaries of Schumann and Chopin this year. - Articles related to Malaysia: Government Appeals Ruling on 'Allah' Use
  • The two principals whipped up tremendous whoops and roars from a besotted audience, and in many respects the adulation was well deserved.
  • He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.
  • In this environment, sketching is unnecessary, and fashion-besotted kids in Kankakee get a closer view of the sculptural seaming on Narciso Rodriguez’s rigorously tailored, cropped khaki wool-twill jacket than do Suzy Menkes and Claire Danes in the front row. Fashion in Dark Times
  • He is totally besotted with the girl, ie deeply in love with her.
  • At least doing art, she says, is still incredibly fulfilling and a goofy besotted smile spreads across her face. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he could have seen the expression on Edith's face the night previous, as she looked on his besotted father, he would have cursed more bitterly than ever what he termed the blight of his life. What Can She Do?
  • The estranged father took one look at his offspring and was besotted, and now he and the mother are back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, at 21 he was forced to reject an offer of a place at drama school because he was ‘sort of engaged to a young lady, besotted with her.'
  • In Humphrey Carpenter's pedestrian biography of Britten, there is a fascinating quote from the adult David Hemmings after the author asked him about what kind of hanky-panky went on between the young Hemmings and the besotted composer while they created "The Turn of The Screw," which premiered in Venice. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The romantic pay-off is that her lover becomes besotted in return. Words Of Love: Passionate Women from Heloise to Sylvia Plath
  • Mentally she ticked off Megan's euphoric description of him-one Saskia bad previously put down to the near ravings of a woman besottedly in love. The Demetrios Virgin
  • He declared her ‘a stunner ‘, and within days they were besotted with each other.’
  • After some time, the brigands landed at an island, where they became besotted with drink, and fell asleep.
  • In the pilot, Charlotte meets an aging movie star, who quickly becomes besotted with her as they explore the karaoke boxes and sushi bars of Japan.
  • He plays with the idea of being a besotted admirer, pining. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was so besotted with drink and drugs that his human qualities, if he ever possessed any, were completely in abeyance.
  • She transforms herself in a breath into friends, lovers, the besotted uncle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The besotted pair soon announced their engagement and the bride-to-be started to plan a low-key wedding in front of close friends and family.
  • I am sure all three of you were besotted with quiz programmes and the ambition to be successful on a major television show.
  • She was besotted by rhythm.
  • We all knew of the FO's Arabist bent, and imagined impossibly languid public schoolboys, besotted with T.E. Lawrence and Arab boys, and hating everything Jewish (alibied as anti-Zionism). On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • She was an ‘intelligent woman’ who had become besotted with the man and was unable to deal with the flagging relationship, the court was told.
  • A recital was given in the drawing room, then guests enjoyed Sunday lunch under the trees on the lawn and she became besotted with the idea of living in a country house herself.
  • Diabolical possessions and false miracles still inundated one-half of besotted and barbarized Europe. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Not just bytes, she is besotted by witty one-liners and mushy expressions, phrases.
  • And yet his emotion for Susan was genuine; he was besotted with her.
  • He arranges an apparent tryst at Hero's window involving Hero's lady-in-waiting, Margaret, and a henchman of Don John's, Borachio, with whom Margaret is besottedly in love. Shakespeare
  • It was hard to decide whether to gaze besottedly into his hot chocolate-dark brown eye or to catch tiny glimpses of myself in the iris of his new silver one. Silver Zombie
  • He was clearly besotted with her, recalling in great detail two long and intimate conversations with her, and even admitting that he once kissed her goodnight.
  • But Brad was besotted, and no matter how badly he was treated, kept coming back for more - until, eventually, something snapped.
  • It was all very sweet, but to keep her army of besotted admirers she needs to write a few more decent songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I fell completely besottedly for Dylan Thomas at that age because that's an age when indentation and richness really resonate for you. Rowan Williams on Writing
  • The gentleman is besotted by a beautiful young girl.
  • There was, however, someone who was besottedly in love with him. Last Chance to See
  • Images like this set the hearts of besotted bullettrain lovers aflutter. News
  • He seems less besotted with his location than his uncle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ciaran Hinds superbly played the role of Captain Wentworth who was still besotted with the character of Anne Elliott after 8 years. Filmstalker: Films to get married to
  • She had to live in a small apartment with a mother-in-law who was besotted with her son and loathed her as a rival, as well as living with a brilliant young husband who turned out to be self-obsessed and a drunk.
  • This was the speech of a prime minister besotted with emotion, image and presentation.
  • So why be so besotted with sporting failures and successes?
  • While the programmes chronicle real-life Irish incidents, their producers are clearly besotted with the whizz-bang of American television's hottest slice of hokum.
  • I signed up because I just wanted to be around real people that were besotted with writing as I am and to force myself to actually get some work done instead of dreaming about it.
  • ’ ‘I am just of the same mind, no more, nor no less, ’ said the hostess, ‘for I never have any quiet hour in my house, but when thou art hearing those books whereon thou art so besotted, as then thou dost only forget to chide, which is thy ordinary exercise at other times. The Fourth Book. V. Treating of That Which Befel All Don Quixote His Train in the Inn
  • I pass a besotted dad with his toddler splashing each other from opposites sides of the fountain.
  • Not just bytes, she is besotted by witty one-liners and mushy expressions, phrases.
  • The parents of anyone - besotted teenager might want to know the answer to that.
  • Some of these servants of football are so besotted with the game that they devote more time to attending dull local committees.
  • I was speaking with Sebastian the undertaker, who we found besotted with wine in the mausoleum yesterday evening.
  • Often looks rather besotted with a congested mottled and purple face; a bloated face but not oedema.
  • He'd tell a besotted admirer his shoulders were tense and needed a massage. The Sun
  • BK-based K125's a custom dip operation from a lifelong salsa enthusiast who's been doing her thing ever since she could "mash mass-marketed salsa with an avocado", but started in earnest after she besottedly agreed to enter NY's Guactacular competition and came home with the People's Choice award, which unlike the Teen Choice award doesn't always go to the cutest pico de guy-o. Thrillist: Kitchen125: Custom Dip...Delivered
  • The Alliance, now numbering 472 members, has been active in the furtherance of the objects of its formation, and has done much toward ridding the town of saloons and in stimulating many who had become besotted with drink to become sober and temperate men.
  • They are losers who besottedly have slain their children without knowledge, and have forbidden that which Allah bestowed upon them, inventing The Invasion | ATTACKERMAN
  • The boss is besotted by her youth and beauty.
  • They're completely besotted with each other. The Sun
  • The gentleman is besotted by a beautiful young girl.
  • Thereupon taking larger cups he drank more recklessly than ever, and when at length he was heavy and besotted with wine, he ordered the son of his critic to proceed beyond the threshold and stand there with his left hand lifted above his head.
  • But I'm in love with her, I'm just absolutely besotted with her, she is lovely.
  • For anyone still to be besotted by it in his sixties bespeaks a truly weird dedication to teenage culture, wherein almost nothing of importance is ever done or said.
  • Her need for a herd of besotted admirers was matched by her desire to have her love life known and envied. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her youth and beauty besotted him.
  • The estranged father took one look at his offspring and was besotted, and now he and the mother are back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • The restaurant chef and the student are so besotted with each other that it's almost sickening.
  • The estranged father took one look at his offspring and was besotted, and now he and the mother are back together. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am so besottedly in love with you that I think everything about you is perfect. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • The movie tells the story of two youngsters who are besotted with each other.
  • And he was absolutely besotted with her. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock

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