How To Use Besieger In A Sentence

  • After God had accomplished the miraculous deliverance by sending His death angel over the besiegers ' camp, only a few survivors, including Sennacherib, returned to their homes in shame (37:29).
  • The cordon on the top of the revetement of the escarp is a considerable obstacle to the besiegers.
  • The besiegers lacked artillery, and their communications were harassed by the aggressive Enniskillen men.
  • The best hope lay in wearying out the besiegers; and there seemed to be more chance of this since the Gauls often could be seen from the heights, burying the corpses of their dead; their tall, bony forms looked gaunt and drooping, and, here and there, unburied carcasses lay amongst the ruins. A Book of Golden Deeds
  • SARAJEVO - The United Nations deployed French peacekeeping troops between Moslem and Serb forces in Sarajevo to enforce a ceasefire called as NATO threatened the city's Serb besiegers with air strikes. ANC Daily News Briefing
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  • Caen stone was brought for the stone dressings to windows and doors, parapets and groins, but masses of septaria found on the shore and in the neighbouring marshes were utilized with such good effect that the walls have stood the attacks of besiegers and weathered the storms of the east coast for more than seven centuries. Vanishing England
  • If the Germans and their allies crossed the river above and below the city, enveloping it from three sides, their bridgeheads across the river would not only be vulnerable to flank attacks, but the city itself would become a staging area for attacks, what a German general in a previous war had called a postern gate, an opening in a fortification that enabled the defenders to sally forth and surprise the besiegers. Deathride
  • Besiege" takes a preposition, "by," and an object: you can't be besieged without a besieger, but you will never find out the identity of the besieger inside the barricades that protect you from whatever it is. New York Review: The Collected Stories Of Lydia Davis
  • So that the besieger in name has become, at least from the land side, the besieged in reality; as we are prevented by their cavalry from even going for any distance into the country. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • The progress they had made in their work the first day, while the attention of the Scotch had been confined to the attack on the barbacan, was all-sufficient evidence of their intent; and with bitter sorrow Sir Nigel and his brother-in-law felt that their only means of any efficient defence lay in resigning the long-contested barbacan to the besiegers. The Days of Bruce Vol 1 A Story from Scottish History
  • Thus the ground beyond the ditch, that is, the glacis, covers the walls from the shot of a besieger, and renders it extremely difficult to reach them. The Young Buglers
  • I have sat down before it as a besieger before a fortress, to make my approaches with the same systematic regularity. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • The lines of contravallation, with the forts built by the besiegers, and which surrounded the whole town, remain very visible in many places; but the chief of them are demolished. A Tour through the Eastern Counties of England, 1722
  • Immediately after the explosion, the besiegers could assault the fortress or extend their sap trenches into the crater and reinforce them with gabions.
  • the besiegers used starvation to induce surrender
  • The Medieval walls without flanks and terreplein to resist gunpowder bombardment were easy prey to the besiegers and the fortifications soon succumbed.
  • And suddenly it was the talk of the south that the castellan of Faringdon, Brien de Soulis, and his closest aides within the castle, had made secret compact with the besiegers, unknown to the rest of the garrison, let in the king's men by night, and delivered over Faringdon to them, with all its fighting men. A River So Long
  • Immediately after the explosion, the besiegers could assault the fortress or extend their sap trenches into the crater and reinforce them with gabions.
  • It also raised the possibility of forcing back the besiegers.
  • The attack, when it came, was ill co-ordinated, and the city resisted with more determination than its besiegers had ever expected.
  • In a few Ehn, as we were making our way through a corner of the camp, we would presumably encounter some contravallation, some outer lines or ditches, setup to protect the besiegers against possible attack by an outside, relieving force. Mercenaries Of Gor
  • For every useless mouth in a beleaguered place adds to the difficulties of the defenders and facilitates the task of the besiegers.
  • Standing on top of the battlements of the besieged city of Cardwell, Raven carefully took stock of the enemy armies encamped outside the stout Roman walls that had kept the besiegers at bay for almost a year.
  • In the space of a year, Hook has gone from the besieged to the besieger, from the defender to the attacker. Victory by Longbow
  • Appalachee troops also raided Cornwallis's supply lines so often that after less than a month it became quite clear that Cornwallis was the besieged, not the besieger. He Don't Know Him
  • (One besieger is felled by a tome titled "Projet de Fraternisation avec les Bedouins"). Napoleon on Madison
  • When the besiegers saw that their efforts availed nothing, they sent messengers to Mummolus in secret, saying: Acknowledge thy true lord, and desist even at this late hour from thy frowardness. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Episodes of Medieval Warfare from the History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours
  • Every besieger promises the commoners that his only enemy is the aristocrat in the citadel: such a maneuver weakens enemy will to resist. New Dan Simmons Story
  • The defenders ran out of ammunition while the Royalist besiegers kept up the bombardment as though determined to destroy everything opposing them.
  • The besiegers suffered heavy casualties in every assault, while the besieged were forced to call on the services of the old and young who were normally excused military duties.
  • Abroad the sword bereaves and slays all that comes in its way, and at home all provisions are cut off by the besiegers, so that there is as death, that is, famine, which is as bad as the pestilence, or worse -- the sword without and terror within, Deut. xxxii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Josephus, following probably a Roman authority, gives an account of the fortifications of Jerusalem from the point of view of the besieger, which is confirmed in large part by modern research. [ Josephus
  • The town is pretty well supplied with mandioc flour, jerked beef, and salt fish; but the besiegers prevent all fresh provisions from coming in. Journal of a Voyage to Brazil And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823
  • They threw pails of boiling water on the besiegers, they hurled firebrands in their faces; they quoited blazing pitch-hoops with, unerring dexterity about their necks. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84)
  • Sometimes besiegers piled up firewood and brushwood at the gates or walls of their intended target in order to start fires that, they hoped, would damage their enemies' defenses.
  • The besiegers grew increasingly desperate during the late winter and early spring as supplies ran terribly short.

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