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[ US /ˌbiˈsaɪdz, bɪˈsaɪdz/ ]
[ UK /bɪsˈa‍ɪdz/ ]
  1. making an additional point; anyway
    she couldn't shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn't always with her
    I don't want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can't afford it
  2. in addition
    he has a Mercedes, too

How To Use besides In A Sentence

  • Tamarind, besides being a good source of B vitamins, calcium and potassium, is being studied as a possible cholesterol-lowering agent, and an extract from its seeds is made into eye drops to treat dry eye syndrome. Tart, Tasty Tamarind: From Candy to Cocktails
  • But many creatures besides humans have thrived without them and continue to do just fine, thank you very much. Smithsonian Mag
  • Besides, a medley of reasons such as malnutrition, lack of hygiene and awareness-all caused by illiteracy-contributes to the cases.
  • As if there is any alternative to "institutionalised" celibacy in a religious institution besides married and/or unchaste priests. . . The "homosexualization" of the clergy in Latin America
  • Many other venture capital firms besides InterWest are raising new rounds of capital.
  • Besides that, there flourished some tufts of velvety grass, some scattered reeds, two plants of the yellow herb called tansy, four of a red flower, and a pretty white one; but the treasures of the rock consisted of three roots of garlic, which Maie had put in a cleft. The Lilac Fairy Book
  • Besides when it gets to Tuesday, I think someone will cave and pay our price.
  • Since 1990, Bradley said two children besides Jessica have been admitted to the hospital with severe streptococcal toxic shock.
  • Besides a warrant f'r a moke was the same as a letther iv inthroduction to th 'warden iv th' pinitinchry. Mr. Dooley's Philosophy
  • Besides, far more important than the vagaries of fashion is what suits you. Times, Sunday Times
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