How To Use Beshrew In A Sentence

  • "Beshrew the fellow," I said to myself as I left him, carefully closing the door, so that the sound should not shake him; "he is little better than a woman, and yet I have become as fond of him as though he were my brother."
  • Elephant and Castle, beshrew me, thy trumpeting must have made thee thirsty. The Rose and the Ring
  • "Beshrew the old fool!" muttered Sir William Howe, growing impatient of her obstinacy, and ashamed of the emotion into which he had been betrayed.
  • And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness.
  • 'Beshrew the old hag that told me that he was affected with leprosy! Surely, that is a lie against him, for this is not the voice of one who hath such a disease.
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  • Honest Bardolph, welcome: if thou wantest any thing, and wilt not call, beshrew thy heart. The second part of King Henry the Fourth
  • He certainly entertained no hope that you would finally yield; and his position could not have been an agreeable one, from any point of view; for whether he was regarded as the monster he was, or only as a sadly beshrewed husband, he must have felt himself the subject of unpleasant remark. The New Penelope and Other Stories and Poems
  • Beshrew me if I have spoken more than a dozen words today, and that, to a man of my sociable temper, not to speak of my swift and practised tongue -- lingua celer et exercitata: you remember the phrase of In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  •     Do dearly love her; yea, beshrew the damned wrong, Poems and Fragments
  • I don't beshrew a company for pumping out its product. Mike Amato: Simon Cowell's AI Spill: Time to "Top Kill" American Idol
  • “I envious? — beshrew thy heart for the word!” replied the handicraft. Kenilworth
  • Nay, beshrew me if thou passest this door with dry lips. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • Beshrew her heart, what a fright she put me to!
  • “The Lord of Gilsland is right,” said the Lady Calista, much agitated at the thoughts of the investigation which was to take place; “and besides, if I had presence of mind enough to forge a plausible story, beshrew me if I think I should have the courage to tell it.” The Talisman
  • ” And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness. Othello
  • The first alternative is hard, but the second too grievous for impaired powers of endurance; I must therefore find what expression I may, and tell you how my life has been beshrewed ever since, a boy of twelve, I first incurred the obloquy of being shy. Apologia Diffidentis
  • I did but refresh myself after the fatigue of the action, with the unbeliever, with one humming cup of sack, and was proceeding to lead forth my captive, when, crash after crash, as with wild thunder-dint and levin-fire, down toppled the masonry of an outer tower, (marry beshrew their hands that built it not the firmer!) and blocked up the passage. Ivanhoe
  • And she beshrewed herself for so unkindly judging of his unkindness. Tales from Shakespeare
  • But beshrew me, he cried, clapping hand to his forehead, tomorrow will be a new day and, thousand thunders, I know of a MARCHAND DE CAPOTES, Ulysses

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