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How To Use Beseem In A Sentence

  • France, and being welcomed by our said lord with a chearefull and fauourable countenance, they presented certaine letters on your behalfe vnto the kings Maiestie, with that reuerence which beseemed them: expounding vnto his highnes, sundry piracies and molestations offered of late vpon the sea, by his liege people and subiects vnto yours, contrary to the leagues of peace and amitie, which hitherto The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Gregory Nazianzen, a Father of the Church, thought it not unbeseemingly the sanctity of his person to write a tragedy, which he entitled Christ Suffering. Milton’s Introduction to Samson Agonistes
  • For one who would arm others with fear you seem unbeseemingly timorous yourself. The Piazza Tales
  • He that doth see everything as God, God-beseemingly and clearly manifesteth unto thee, O blissful and wonderful one, the knowledge of the future and the cognisance of events that are going to take place. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • With a view to give both these questions a full and separate discussion, he had framed tvty distinct resolutions, one oi jrlpch (the second in the series) went to declare that the restraint upon the China trade, as now bylaw esta - blished* should still exist; in fatt, that the East India com-* pany should beseemed in their monopoly of that trade*. The Parliamentary Register: Or an Impartial Report of the Debates that Have Occured in the Two ...
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  • Made illustrious through the chrism of episcopacy and through the divine blood of martyrdom, ye are, O God-wise ones, glorified God-beseemingly on account of both, crying out: Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory, O The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Your prompt and uncourteous sword-in-hand attendance on the sovereign is no longer necessary, and would be as unbeseeming as your old-fashioned serving-men, with their badges, broadswords, and bucklers, would be at a court-mask. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Polo north will beseem Sibernian and Plein Pelouta will behowl ne yerking at lawncastrum ne ghimbelling on guelflinks. Finnegans Wake
  • And 'tis proper to them both, and I hope not unbeseeming me, who am by my profession a divine, and by mine inclination a physician. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I know, a hundred honest men cuckolds, honestly and not unbeseemingly; a worthy man is pitied, not disesteemed for it. The Essays of Montaigne — Volume 15
  • It may be thought ill to beseem a military monk such as I to raise his voice where so many noble princes remain silent; but it concerns our whole host, and not least this noble King of England, that he should hear from some one to his face those charges which there are enow to bring against him in his absence. The Talisman
  • She clad her and her handmaids with care, as did beseem them. The Nibelungenlied
  • And let some one give me the firm support of his hand, that I may beseemingly leave the chariot-seat. The Tragedies of Euripides, Volume I.
  • Fie, fie, said she, Sir knight, ye are uncourteous to set a kitchen page afore me; him beseemeth better to stick a swine than to sit afore a damosel of high parage. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Ye, O most laudable, have forsaken the life that draggeth down, the delights of food and flourishing glory as transient things, and have attached yourselves unto Christ, kindled by His exceeding beauty, cleaving unto Him as sweet-smelling wild roses, and ye were God-beseemingly crowned with the crowns of the incorruptible Kingdom. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Polo north will beseem Sibernian and Plein Pelouta will behowl ne yerking at lawncastrum ne ghimbelling on guelflinks. Finnegans Wake
  • [2056] Because they are rich, and have other means to live, they think it concerns them not to know, or to trouble themselves with it; a fitter task for younger brothers, or poor men's sons, to be pen and inkhorn men, pedantical slaves, and no whit beseeming the calling of a gentleman, as Frenchmen and Anatomy of Melancholy
  • But truly it is very unbeseeming to make so slight account of the works of men, seeing yourselves avouch that it is not the habit makes the monk, many being monasterially accoutred, who inwardly are nothing less than monachal, and that there are of those that wear Spanish capes, who have but little of the valour of Spaniards in them. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • But knowing and confessing, how farre unbeseeming my love is, to aime so ambitiously at a King, and being unable to controule it, or in the least manner to diminish it: I have made choyce of the onely and best remedy of all, namely, to dye, and so I am most willing to doe. The Decameron
  • It was a quiet, sombre, clerical house, beseeming such a man as the warden, and thus he afterwards frequented it.
  • He was now near fifty - grave, as beseemed his profession - somewhat dry - and a little severe, perhaps - but a just man.
  • With heartfelt joy the choir of the patient sufferers God-beseemingly receive from Christ the crowns and cheerfully hymn and extol Him unto the ages. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • And when it came to the sacring, he that lay within that parclos dressed him up, and uncovered his head; and then him beseemed a passing old man, and he had a crown of gold upon his head, and his shoulders were naked and unhilled unto his navel. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • “If thou wish for handsome stuffs, I will show them to thee; for I have wares that beseem persons of every condition.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This would still beseem all doughty knights at high festal tides. The Nibelungenlied
  • We have ourselves been reminded of the deficiencies of our femoral habiliments, and exhorted upon that score to fit ourselves more beseemingly. Certain Types of Humour.
  • Then he began the whole history, from the originall of his unbeseeming affection to her (in regard she was a worthy mans wife) and consequently, how all had happened to the instant houre, to the no meane admiration of all the hearers, adding withall. The Decameron
  • Then, letting clothe her in apparel such as beseemed her quality, to the exceeding joyance of as many as were there and of all other his vassals who heard the news, he held high festival, not only all that day, but sundry others, and from that day forth still honoured her as his bride and his wife and loved and tendered her over all. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Madame de Granville seemed to have a horror of light and cheerful colors; perhaps, too, she imagined that brown and purple beseemed the dignity of a magistrate. A Second Home
  • To the twain she said, that weeping did beseem her and naught else better. The Nibelungenlied
  • For will any of sound discretion approve of my being beaten as a boy, because, by playing a ball, I made less progress in studies which I was to learn, only that, as a man, I might play more unbeseemingly? and what else did he who beat me? who, if worsted in some trifling discussion with his fellow-tutor, was more embittered and jealous than I when beaten at ball by a play-fellow? The Confessions
  • Christ is my power, my God and Lord -- the venerable church God-beseemingly singeth, thus calling out, with pure mind feasting in the Lord. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • The Provoste gaining no other grace at this time, would not so give over for this first repulse, but pursuing her still with unbeseeming importunity; many private meanes he used to her by The Decameron
  • Westgate says that she came into the company, and scolded at and called her husband, whereupon I, took her husband's part, telling her it was an unbeseeming thing for her to come after him to the tavern, and rail after that rate. History of American Women
  • Ill would it beseem my habit and my calling, to thrust myself into match-making and giving in marriage, but worse were it in me to see your lordships do needless wrong to the feelings which are proper to our nature, and which, being indulged honestly and under the restraints of religion, become a pledge of domestic quiet here, and future happiness in a better world. The Monastery
  • Everything hast thou, O wonder-worthy, God-beseemingly prevented, and now art thou crowned with an unfading crown from the hands of the Almighty The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • Whilst I am being held by the sleep of despair and darkened with the mist of malice, do thou, O precursor, restore me with thy bright intercession and grant that I may beseemingly walk as in the clay of virtues. The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints
  • He does not pray for life, for such a petition would have ill beseemed a hero. Archive 2010-03-01
  • Thus it beseems a captain to conceal the secrets of his mind so that the enemy may not know his purpose.
  • For will any of sound discretion approve of my being beaten as a boy, because, by playing at ball, I made less progress in studies which I was to learn, only that, as a man, I might play more unbeseemingly? and what else did he who beat me? who, if worsted in some trifling discussion with his fellow-tutor, was more embittered and jealous than I when beaten at ball by a play-fellow? The First Book
  • We have become a great nation, forced by the fact of its greatness into relations with the other nations of the earth, and we must behave as beseems a people with such responsibilities.
  • Empire went in to King Badr Basim and said to him, “O King, there is no harm in mourning for the late sovran: but over - mourning beseemeth none save women; wherefore occupy thou not thy heart and our hearts with mourning for thy sire; inasmuch as he hath left thee behind him, and whoso leaveth the like of thee is not dead.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Tot mundi superstitiones quot coelo stellae, one saith, there be as many superstitions in the world, as there be stars in heaven, or devils themselves that are the first founders of them: with such ridiculous, absurd symptoms and signs, so many several rites, ceremonies, torments and vexations accompanying, as may well express and beseem the devil to be the author and maintainer of them. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In the meantime Dame Elspeth assisted to disembarrass the damsel whom she destined for her future daughter-inlaw, of her hood, mantle, and the rest of her riding gear, giving her to appear as beseemed the buxom daughter of the wealthy Miller, gay and goodly, in a white kirtle, the seams of which were embroidered with green silken lace or fringe, entwined with some silver thread. The Monastery
  • And so, for the honour of our own, will I judge of every woman for the future, who imitating the rougher manners of men, acts unbeseeming the gentleness of her own sex. Clarissa Harlowe
  • She also is accomplished and clever, nor appears in any way to "unbeseem the promise of her spring. Queen Victoria, her girlhood and womanhood
  • It was an ancient and a sad matron of a sedate look and christian walking, in habit dun beseeming her megrims and wrinkled visage, nor did her hortative want of it effect for incontinently Ulysses
  • When dinner was ended, the Abbot bestowed honorable garments on him, such as beseemed his degree and merit, and putting good store of money in his purse, as also giving him a good horse to ride on, left it at his owne free election, whether he would stay there still with him, or depart at his pleasure. The Decameron
  • Monasteries, breaking the Lawes of obedience, and being addicted to pleasures of the flesh, are become lascivious and dissolute, making the world beleeve, that whatsoever is convenient for other women, is no way unbeseeming them, as thinking in that manner to escape. The Decameron
  • Now, Miss Ramsey Hayle, ef dey is tell it, aw ef dey hain't -- to yo 'ma -- dat's all right an' beseemly. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • The intendment of all gospel revelation is, not to unvail God's essential glory, that we should see him as he is, but merely to declare so much of him as he knows sufficient to be a bottom of our faith, love, obedience, and coming to him, -- that is, of the faith which here he expects from us; such services as beseem poor creatures in the midst of temptations. Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
  • She felt that, here in Norway, she had no private wealth of her own such as beseemed a queen, whereas there were her great estates in Wendland and Denmark, from which large revenues were due. Olaf the Glorious A Story of the Viking Age
  • When that any gan gain this and chooseth one who doth beseem him, naught availeth so greatly for woe of heart. The Nibelungenlied
  • Philadelphia, and Harrisburg-amid the prayers and blessings and acclamations of an enthusiastic and patriotic people -- he uttered words of wise conciliation and firm moderation such as beseemed the high functions and tremendous responsibilities to which the voice of that liberty -- and-union-loving people had called him, and this too, with a full knowledge, when he made the Philadelphia speech, that the enemies of the Republic had already planned to assassinate him before he could reach Washington. The Great Conspiracy, Complete
  • Atli said, “Ill it beseemed to thee to do this, though somewhat of wrong was between us; for thou wert wedded to me by the rede of thy kin, and dower paid I for thee; yea, thirty goodly knights, and seemly maidens, and many men besides; and yet wert thou not content, but if thou should rule over the lands King Budli owned: and thy mother-inlaw full oft thou lettest sit a-weeping.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • “Monna Paula was frightened,” answered Margaret, “and did not know how to set about the errand, for you know she scarce ever goes out of doors — and so — and so — I agreed to go with her to give her courage; and, for the dress, I am sure you remember I wore it at a Christmas mumming, and you thought it not unbeseeming.” The Fortunes of Nigel
  • This is a conduct that beseems a gentleman.
  • She hopes that this will help them to locate the loan that beseems their expectations.
  • To hear about lords and ladies, and their crimes and adventures, was lovely; but to dwell upon people of common birth, and in trade, was most unbeseeming. Erema
  • This is a conduct that beseems a gentleman.
  • Quoth Abd al-Kadir, “This riviere beseemeth none but my daughter Hayat al-Nufus;” and, turning to an eunuch, whose jaw-teeth the Princess had knocked out for reasons best known to herself,296 he called to him and said, “Carry the necklace to thy lady and say to her, ‘One of the Kings hath sent thy father this, as a present, and its price may not be paid with money; put it on thy neck.’” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Prince sat, with his head bowed groundwards, and spake not to any: whereby his father knew that his breast was straitened and bade the cup-companions and men of wit relate marvellous histories, such as beseem the sessions of kings; nor was there one of them but spoke forth the goodliest of that which was with him; but Al-'Abbás still abode with his head bowed down. Arabian nights. English
  • Having been God-beseemingly affianced unto the Lord, ye passion-enduring maidens-have brought Him as dowry your blood and immolation, and have worthily obtained the divine palace wherein ye are unceasingly filled with ineffable enlightenment; wherefore, in spiritually celebrating your holy and honourable memory, we glorify the Saviour and in faith call out: Supplicate The General Menaion or the Book of Services Common to the Festivals of our Lord Jesus of the Holy Virgin and of Different Orders of Saints

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