How To Use Beseeching In A Sentence
Henrietta had written it again, and again had crept into his chamber and in whatever part of the house the magnate might now be found, he everywhere encountered this pale tremulous figure who pressing her hands together and without uttering a word gazed at him beseechingly, imploringly -- only they two knew why.
The Poor Plutocrats
“fremyt” voice, and he starting up surprised, and slinking off as if he were to blame somehow, or had been dreaming he heard; many eager questions and beseechings which James and I could make nothing of, and on which she seemed to set her all, and then sink back ununderstood.
Spare Hours
After his last Hindi film, many of his colleagues have been beseeching him to make a commercial Hindi film.
' Rocking back in his chair, Todd cast a beseeching look upwards.
The girl to whom he had been engaged had died, and that had left a kind of sweetness, almost beseechingness, in his manner, very engaging in so tall and strong a man.
Aladdin O'Brien

Zoe was a beautiful brown-and-white spaniel, with eyes that were almost human in their soft beseechingness, and Mrs. Broderick often lamented that she could not eulogise his doggish virtues as Mrs. Browning had immortalised her Flush.
Doctor Luttrell's First Patient
I write countless numbers of letters begging and beseeching on behalf of patients.
Her great eyes, black, with weary white lids, used to follow me as I left the hospital ward, and I could not always tear myself away from their dumb beseechingness, but would turn back and sit down again by the bed.
The Story of My Life
Some among them began to pray, not for succor, but final prayers, beseeching forgiveness for sins committed.
Preacher lady and the Jesus police start mumbling and beseeching G_d to strike me down and boil me in molten tar.
Boing Boing: September 19, 2004 - September 25, 2004 Archives
But Chan only gave him that anxious and beseeching look I had seen so many times before.
I wasn't crawling about in the snow, not for him or anyone, but I stood while he mumped away with his hands folded, beseeching the Lord that we might quit ourselves like men, or something equally useful, and then we climbed in and took our forty winks.
The Sky Writer
Many eager questions and beseechings which James and I could make nothing of, and on which she seemed to set her all, and then sink back ununderstood.
Types of Children's Literature
Starving, beseeching Third World faces stared from arid landscapes into the greenery and chubby cheeks of the First World.
At length, Brandon entirely subduing and quelling the stubborn hypocrisy of the culprit, the man turned towards him a look between wrath and beseechingness, muttering, --
Paul Clifford — Volume 04
Some among them began to pray, not for succor, but final prayers, beseeching forgiveness for sins committed.
When Gertie continued silent, only making another long shaving fall from the ax handle, smiling on it as if it had been gold, Clytie raised her voice in a kind of beseeching scolding: Cassie Marie, cain’t you behave yourself, a locken up Amos thataway?
The Dollmaker
Olive looked at Mrs. Burrage with a strange beseechingness, "I am very tired, I must rest.
The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II)
With a shock he became aware of me, and was severely visited as before; but this time his motion was rotatory, and he staggered round and round me with knees more afflicted, and with uplifted hands as if beseeching for mercy.
Great Expectations
Had a well-meaning stranger taken him into a family home, beseeching him to rest on a red ottoman ?
Wherewith crauing your fauor, and beseeching God to blesse your worship, with my good Ladie your wife, I most humbly take my leaue:
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I pictured some hopeful bachelor, going down on one knee and beseeching his love to be his forever.
Her unfortunate father, while tears poured from his eyes, went about the city beseeching the townspeople for money to hire an attorney who in the least would provide his daughter with a line of defense.
She looked up at him with beseeching eyes.
Had a well-meaning stranger taken him into a family home, beseeching him to rest on a red ottoman ?
Anna gave Klaus a beseeching look, but he was studying his hands, his face distraught.
Her eyes went to McBean, beseeching some form of denial, but there was only compassion.
The husband's determination to mastery, which lay deep below all blandness and beseechingness, had risen permanently to the surface now, and seemed to alter his face, as a face is altered by a hidden muscular tension with which a man is secretly throttling or stamping out the life from something feeble, yet dangerous.
And looking down on the unthinking city, the Cathedral kept watch alone, beseeching pardon for the inappetency for suffering, for the inertia of faith that her sons displayed, uplifting her towers to the sky like two arms, while the spires mimicked the shape of joined hands, the ten fingers all meeting and upright one against another, in the position which the image-makers of old gave to the dead saints and warriors they carved upon tombs.
The Cathedral
Violet's face is crimsoned to its utmost capacity, and her eyes have that awful beseechingness that cuts him to the soul.
Floyd Grandon's Honor
But He delights to be held by beseeching hands, and our wishes 'constrain' Him.
Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
The size of the nestler is comic, and its tiny beseeching weakness is compensated perfectly by the happy patronizing look of the mother, who is a sort of high reposing Providence toward it.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
a "fremyt" voice, and he starting up surprised, and slinking off as if he were to blame somehow, or had been dreaming he heard; many eager questions and beseechings which James and I could make nothing of, and on which she seemed to set her all, and then sink back ununderstood.
Famous Stories Every Child Should Know
The nightingale now opened, and a little humming-bird of most surprising brilliancy hopped forth, and jumping up to the Queen, held out its beak, having a label therein, apparently beseeching her to accept the offering.
Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 2 (of 2)
Had a well-meaning stranger taken him into a family home, beseeching him to rest on a red ottoman ?
That which seemeth to me most likelie, I haue noted, beseeching the learned (as I trust they will) in such points of doubtfull antiquities to beare with my skill: sith for ought I know, the matter is not yet decided among the learned, but still they are in controuersie about it, and as yet Sub iudice lis est.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6) England (1 of 12) William the Conqueror
Beseeching your good mastership, for the love of Christ's passion, to help to the preservation of this poor monastery, that we your beadsmen may remain in the service of God, with the meanest living that any poor men may live with, in this world.
Highways and Byways in Surrey
Her expression crumpled, and she held her arms out beseechingly.
Among the Free
Willow suddenly clutched my arm to her, her voice hushed but urgent, her eyes beseeching me; ‘Do not leave my side!’
So when the nest-owner would have gone out after his wont, he drew near the Cat; whereupon she seized him and taking him in her claws, began to bite him and shake him and take him in her mouth and lift him up and cast him down and run after him and cranch him and torture him. 63 The Mouse cried out for help, beseeching deliverance of Allah and began to upbraid the Cat, saying,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Gone are the soulful melodies unleashed by a thousand musicians, who were beseeching the rain god to show mercy.
Gus paused in his verbal attack on Ian, his eyes aggressively searching the crowd for an answer, but the faces stared back with the beseeching look of a puppy that had broken house-training and didn't understand why it was being shouted at.
In the weeks and months to come, we will hear the voices of well-meaning people beseeching the victor to compromise with the vanquished.
It was his way of beseeching us to intercede and vote for his salvation.
Hereupon we bad him generally farewell, beseeching God to keepe and preserue him from misfortunes, and hoping that at some one time or other he should finde deliuerance; for that all shippes sailing to the West Indies must there of necessity refresh themselues.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
On one occasion he put his handprints on the painting as if beseeching the canvas to acknowledge the exiled body.