

[ US /bɝˈnuɫi/ ]
  1. Swiss physicist who contributed to hydrodynamics and mathematical physics (1700-1782)
  2. Swiss mathematician (1667-1748)
  3. Swiss mathematician (1654-1705)

How To Use Bernoulli In A Sentence

  • He used Daniel Bernoulli's theoretical work on the ‘reaction effect’ to produce a horizontal waterwheel using the same principle which drives a modern lawn sprinkler.
  • Jacob Bernoulli also discovered a general method to determine evolutes of a curve as the envelope of its circles of curvature.
  • A Monte Carlo simulation example for a Bernoulli - Gaussian input white noise fused smoother shows its effectiveness.
  • Bernoulli (see his Eloge, in Fontenelle, tom.v. p. 99) was forced to allow that the tail though not the head, was a sign of the wrath of God.] 81 Paradise Lost was published in the year 1667; and the famous lines (l.ii. 708, &c.) which startled the licenser, may allude to the recent comet of 1664, observed by Cassini at Rome in the presence of Queen Christina, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • For Bernoulli's principle to dominate a dynamic situation, friction must be less dominant.
  • DFW's Sentence The closest conventional analogue I could derive for this figure was a cycloid, L'Hopital's solution to Bernoulli's famous brachistochrone problem, the curve traced by a fixed point on the circumference of a circle rolling along a straight line. Griffin And Hoxie Mega Feed
  • Einstein is four-square in the camp of Bernoulli and de Moivre.
  • Bernoulli explored a way to mathematize probably arguments by seeing them as analogous to a game of chance. Archive 2005-12-01
  • Each term of the Bernoulli equation has the dimension of force per unit area.
  • The astroid was first discussed by Johann Bernoulli in 1691-92.
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