
How To Use Bern In A Sentence

  • _The Terrace at Berne_ has been already dealt with, but that mood for epicede, which was so frequent in Mr Arnold, finds in the _Carnac_ stanzas adequate, and in _A Southern Night_ consummate, expression. Matthew Arnold
  • Bishop Bernard Fellay revealed to ZENIT that the congregation told him to expect the publication of a statement issued "motu proprio" (on his own initiative) by Benedict XVI on the new structure of Ecclesia Dei before June 20. Fellay: Restructuring of Ecclesia Dei Imminent
  • Aerogels had been largely forgotten when, in the late 1970s, the French government approached Stanislaus Teichner at Universite Claud Bernard, Lyon seeking a method for storing oxygen and rocket fuels in porous materials. A Real Spinoff that NASA Has Seemingly Forgotten About - NASA Watch
  • ‘It will therefore serve a better purpose to issue official statements for media consumption,’ Bernama quoted him as saying.
  • Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is scheduled to testify in front of the House Budget Committee.
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  • Previous to this, God ‘moved’ with the people in the tabernacle, which was built to house the tablets of the Commandments.
  • Previous vintages of Katnook's Cabernet Sauvignon were equally successful.
  • The griffin is also used by Saab, and other mythical beasts goaded into service on motor cars must include Alfa Romeo's serpent, Talbot's hunting dog and the Gilbern's Welsh dragon. Badge Engineering
  • I would like to find a cave, and then curled to the inside to start peace of mind to sleep, why not aestivation ah, there should be hibernating, and estivation.
  • With very few exceptions, however, Cabernet Sauvignon was left to command California's highest wine prices, Merlot to swell sales volumes.
  • Additional options include erecting a sizable ornamental canopy or baldachin over the tabernacle, or setting the tabernacle within the apsidal wall or against the backdrop of a decorated reredos. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • It was part of an enormous collection of metalwork, glass, ceramics and miniatures belonging to Ralph Bernal, a lawyer and MP.
  • She linked the rising narrational deficit under Obama to pricey spending proposals Barnes is pushing in his gubernatorial bid. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • The concern with material concretion begins with Bernstein's title, With Strings.
  • This was an era of early cybernetics: command and control.
  • Regina genuflected before the tabernacle and then knelt down on one of the pews, made the Sign of the Cross and began to pray silently.
  • Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below. The Mystery at Number Six
  • While hibernation during the winter is found in a few arctic mammals such as the Arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii), most homeothermic animals are active throughout the year. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • The brant and bernicle beat their way North against the roaring winds, and man with a different instinct pressed on towards the West. The Girl from Keller's
  • BERNARD KALB, HOST: Molly, since we're practicing bilinguality, let me go from chutzpah to maven. CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: The Real Al Gore and George Bush: Is the Press Getting the Full Story or Falling for the Image? - March 25, 2000
  • The radar ovens and cybernated housekeepers did all the work; the only thing left for the men in charge was to make sure they were working properly. Starchild Omnibus
  • [1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • It's like setting Windows in hibernation mode so that it doesn't have to go through the entire boot-up process when it's called upon.
  • You also know summer is here when the food markets finally open after a winter of hibernation.
  • Monte-Cristo turned around and saw a delicate young girl in a white bernouse. The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume I
  • Foreigners planning to marry Mexicans must first obtain permission from the Secretaria de Gobernación Office of Migración, providing the same documentation as well as a fee of $1723 pesos (about $191 USD). It Takes More Than "I Do" To Marry In Mexico
  • David Bernstein: But let me add that by your reasoning, the fact that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting should be a crime, whereas almost everyone thinks that discrimination should be punished as a less serious civil matter, means that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting is more serious than discrimination, which by your lights means that everyone is a racist. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • Suppose we admit that Bernadette was not the shy, simple child we knew her to be; let us endow her with a spirit of intrigue and domination, transform her into a conqueress, a leader of nations, and try to picture what, in that case, would have happened. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits.
  • Of the third, S. Bernard saith: Three things there be that make the death of saints precious, rest of travail, joy of novelty, surety of perdurability. The Golden Legend, vol. 6
  • I am inclined to agree with Sanders that the Federal Reserve showed poor leadership as the economic mess we're in unfolded, But I think Greenspan is much more to blame for the whole mess than Bernanke. Early fireworks in Bernanke confirmation drama
  • The patronage (largely pontifical, but also royal and aristocratic) of the great sculptor-architect is the chief subject of Franco Mormando's lovingly researched "Bernini: His Life and His Rome," which, for all its splendid erudition, freely resorts to American common speech to characterize the sheer viciousness of the Baroque papal oligarchs and Bernini's own egomania (most famously characterized by his ordering a servant to slash the face of his unfaithful mistress, Costanza Bonarelli). The Heirloom City
  • Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. George Bernard Shaw 
  • And we would feel constrained to confess ourselves poor diagnosticians if George Bernard Shaw, the enfant terrible of nimble wit in contemporaneous literature, succeeded in disproving the existence in himself of the same strain of blood as coursed in the veins of Heinrich Heine. The Social Disability of the Jew
  • He used a "set of prison bars for the name Bernie Madoff" in his example for "brachygraphy" in the semifinals and later made a reference to the "The Jeffersons," a TV sitcom that went off the air some 10 years before the oldest of the spellers was born. Pa. girl wins Bee with 'cymotrichous'
  • There'll be steam coming off the Bernina e'er long. 47 entries from February 2008
  • At the very least that one act of inhuman limberness should inspire the funniest and the funniest kind of fetishes for one and all to enjoy.
  • Berndon shouted when he finally coaxed the small spark into a flaming fire.
  • I just think the guys have been friends for many years," European Captain Bernhard Langer said, by way of explanation. - U.S. flames out on big stage, again
  • Bears wake up in the spring after a winter of hibernation.
  • Combine this with the effort by South Carolina Republicans to tar the state's Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen with now-infamous accidental candidate Alvin Greene and I think you're seeing conservatives get revenge for a year of being painted as allies of "birtherism" and conspiracies about the president. Embracing the crazy
  • Metternich, Castlereagh, and Hardenberg saw in them a ruse for foisting on France either Bernadotte, or an orientalized Republic, or The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • A blend of 90% Merlot and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon, this rich wine has good acidity and luscious raisin notes.
  • KNOXVILLE - A new Mason-Dixon poll shows Republican gubernatorial candidate and Knoxville Nashville Scene
  • MCDONALD, George Bernard, 88, of Waldorf, a lithographer, died June 28 at Hospice House of St. Mary's. Southern Maryland Deaths
  • Macha is 145 pounds of phlegmatic composure, a St. Bernard who can't help but look dignified and profound, even when she is waiting for a treat.
  • In recognition of his outstanding service, Berndt Schultz was made honorary chairman.
  • Berns studied classical piano as a child, and worked as a record salesman, music copyist and session pianist in his teens and twenties.
  • As the Cubs late-inning stopper in 1965, Abernathy led the majors with 84 appearances and 31 saves.
  • If Sprint cannot fulfill its promise to return to growth in subscribers, also known as post-paid customers, it cannot turn around its financials, Bernstein analyst Craig Moffett said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • For $15, this is the kind of cabernet franc that I'd make my house wine. Tasting Notes
  • Bernie Madoff got caught running what he called a hedge fund; thousands of uber-financiers are making off with billions running an even larger ponzi scheme that is perfectly legal. Leo W. Gerard: Q&A With Responsible Pension Investment Expert Thomas Croft
  • Gretchen our Doberman was the best friend and pet a person could want and Bernie was sort of her chew toy, the dog to keep her entertained while we were away. Undefined
  • Surely such an incongruous question was never put in an Arab town in the heart of Africa by a sheikh dressed in bernouse and turban, with a jewel-hilted yataghan at his side, sitting cross-legged on a cushion. For Fortune and Glory A Story of the Soudan War
  • 'But what shall I do?' Bernard wailed.
  • About the time of hibernation a few tunnies or other hibernating fishes are caught while swimming about, in particularly warm localities and in exceptionally fine weather, or on nights of full moon; for the fishes are induced (by the warmth or the light) to emerge for a while from their lair in quest of food. The History of Animals
  • The career of Bernardo Bellotto argues for a more cosmopolitan image and the abiding strength of Italian centres of culture.
  • Surprise might be greater did the observers realise that the imaginal is the normal hibernating stage for these species. The Life-Story of Insects
  • He said that although the Islamic laws fixed between 40 to 80 canings for alcohol consumption, which is recognised as an 'hudud' offence, the Shariah Court had no jurisdiction to impose such sentences, Bernama added. The Times of India
  • Little concerned to adopt the tonal idioms of opera for the sake of dramatic expression was Nicolas Bernier.
  • Over the last two decades, predictions about the social effects of the Internet have ranged from cybernetic anarchy (both utopian and distopian) to the instantiation of a fascistic regime of surveillance that would make Orwell look like a piker. I'll Be Speaking in London on Nov. 17
  • As frogs, toads, salamanders, and snakes emerge from hibernation, encourage them to stay around your garden and help control pests.
  • Pitt planted tall trees outside his home to block rubberneckers.
  • Still, Fed officials agreed on the emergency move during a videoconference call convened hastily Monday evening by Mr. Bernanke. Fed Rate Cut Halts Market Free Fall,
  • Moog 's concert footage does feature some notable players (Money Mark and Mix Master Mike, funkster Bernie Worrell, Rick Wakeman from Yes, a brief burst of Stereolab). The Birth of the Synthesizer
  • So he turned to Micheline Bernardini, an exotic dancer at the Casino de Paris, who had no qualms about appearing nearly nude in public.
  • I have to watch once in a while because its like rubbernecking at an accident; you cant turn away and cannot believe what you are seeing. CNN Poll: Americans mostly agree with Obama on Afghanistan
  • Derek Underwood bowls the last ball of the day to Bernard Julien who plays defensively to Tony Greig at silly point.
  • Dogs of every description from the poodle to the St. Bernard and from the wolfhound to the half-breed dachshund, which is half German and half Bolshevik and looks the part. The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919
  • This was a school that looked to the ceramics of Picasso rather than the functional stoneware pottery of Bernard Leach.
  • M. Bernard, who is well known as a physiologist and anatomist, after a careful study of the salivary glands, finds that each of the three, common to nearly all animals, furnishes a different secretion. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 452 Volume 18, New Series, August 28, 1852
  • While winemaker Mike Hirby is no longer as of just recently making wines at Realm, his legacy is impressive, especially with wines such as this dense, full-bodied Cabernet marked by notes of dark cherry and spice. The Most Powerful Grower in Napa
  • Scimus etiam eos propter peccata sua perdidisse hanc terram optimam quam tenemus, nec timemus eam amittere, quamdiu se taliter gubernant. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
  • Prohibit and use vitamin B6, hibernant spirit, actor falls candy, reserpine, because these medicine can reduce Zun Xuan much cling to curative effect.
  • After the invocational four-poem opening of 'Let's Just Say,' the book moves to 'Some of These Daze,' Bernstein's prose dispatches in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and on to the acerbic intimacies of 'World on Fire,' which critiques clichés like 'what are we fighting for?' The Chicago Blog: Press Release: Bernstein, Girly Man
  • The science of cybernetics has discovered many similarities between computers and the human brain.
  • Progressive vernacular is what Bernie Baker calls his architecture.
  • Bernard's thirty-one kayos in forty-four fights will attest to his success in using this theory.
  • Shekinah was but a poor and transitory symbol has 'tabernacled' amongst men in the Christ, and has from Him been communicated, and is being communicated in such measure as earthly limitations and conditions permit, and that these do point on assuredly to perfect impartation hereafter, when 'we shall be like Him, for we shall see Expositions of Holy Scripture: Romans Corinthians (To II Corinthians, Chap. V)
  • A fabulous bounty from the Bernard Madoff charitable foundation included a stunning WMD intelligence dossier advance 'downpayment'. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • You should hibernate before I contact with you.
  • With the use of uplifting essential oils their metabolisms could be fooled into leapfrogging hibernation, believing they had already arrived in the scent of spring.
  • He chose the architect Bernardo Rossellino, who applied the principles of his mentor, Leon Battista Alberti.
  • Were it not for that jar or _tinaja_ of _aguardiente_ which the old man keeps so snugly in the corner of his burrow, he would have withered up long ago, like the mummies of the Great Saint Bernard. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • It is now hoped to put a tapestry behind the tabernacle with a light shining on it.
  • Bernie, you're an angel. What would I do without you?
  • The strangest thing about this book is how compelling it is, and the compulsion of it is not simply that of the compulsion to rubberneck at the scene of a gruesome accident.
  • Bernie, 38, works as a machine operator, printer, for Corenso UK and Andrew, 41, is a maintenance engineer for Tescos.
  • Labs, St bernards, New foundlands, and other dogs that are much bigger never seem to make the news for displaying natural aggressions like the pits. Undefined
  • Bernice could hardly resist the urge to turn and run, but she supported Defries and retreated step by step.
  • People rubbernecking in the southbound lane caused a second accident.
  • But by next autumn, you could be drinking a white cabernet sauvignon wine. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's why Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke protested Tuesday what he described as "egregious errors" in some reports, and released a staff memo with details. Separating Fact From Fiction on the Fed's Loans
  • Bernard was not content with careful exegesis and orthodox doctrine - there is also an unusual fervency and passion in the sermons.
  • On the outskirts, what we call the inland empire, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, out in the desert, where people had to move because those were the only homes that they could afford, there's been a huge drop, a huge collapse in housing there. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2009
  • SquareTrade was founded in 1999 by Chief Executive Steve Abernethy as a website that mediated disputes between eBay Inc. buyers and sellers. Extended-Warranty Business Gets $238 Million in Funding
  • Mr. Bernanke has avoided publicly criticizing the White House's call for an independent consumer regulatory agency.
  • The senator will give a speech endorsing her party's gubernatorial candidate.
  • When they hit Navajo Route 9 and headed west toward Gallup, Bernie decided she had to know. THE WAILING WIND
  • Bernard's exceptional rugby ability has not gone unnoticed and he has recently been invited to play rugby with Leinster.
  • Bernard's lips quirked, but he did not smile back.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; daily-brief = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = laurence-leamer; entry_id = 153325; bernard-madoff = 1; charity = 1; christian = 1; christmas = 1; faith = 1; friendship = 1; hanakah = 1; happiness = 1; holiday-season-commentary = 1; jewish = 1; laurence-leamer = 1; wealth = 1", Laurence Leamer: A Wealthy Man
  • You see things; and you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, Why not? George Bernard Shaw 
  • The notion of a single cybernetic organism is rejected in favor of a body-without-organs, ‘an imageless, organless body [which is] perpetually reinserted into the process of production’.
  • Early examples of the genre often depicted real or imagined debates between a heretic and a Catholic and originated primarily in monastic communities, from the pens of such prestigious abbots as Bernard of Clairvaux and Peter the Venerable. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Or when they want to start with, say, a Chardonnay, then switch to a Cabernet with the meal.
  • I met the man born Bernard Schwartz, the son of a tailor from the Bronx who went on to be one of Hollywood David Wild: "Bernie's Tune": A Playlist for the Late Great Tony Curtis
  • The Temple itself (and before that the Tabernacle) was a medium of Divine revelation.
  • It's an interesting bit of fence-mending for the former Democratic National Committee chairman, whose race for the gubernatorial nomination with Moran last year got pretty nasty. McAuliffe to campaign with former rival Moran
  • The whole incident had made me feel indescribably dirty, like a rubbernecker at the site of a car crash. John Belushi Is Dead
  • And what Sauvignon Blanc does for white wines, Cabernet Sauvignon can do for reds.
  • They will be preparing 40 to 50 of the 250 tortoises and terrapins that share their home near Tewkesbury for hibernation.
  • The incense employed in the service of the tabernacle walls compounded of the perfumes stacte, onycha, galbanum and pure frankincense. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • JK justru sebaliknya, ia seperti tidak paham konsep-konsep bernegara, tetapi juara ketika membahas isu-isu yang dekat dengan keseharian kita. Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Disappointing Election Debate
  • The gubernatorial election would be determined by the city's 83 councillors.
  • There have even been reports of them hibernating successfully in this country in sheltered spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, Laura took no part in such a major business decision; the empire builder was Bernard.
  • The story hopscotched over to Bernard Weinraub, who covers Hollywood for The New York Times.
  • He had seemed to regard his wife's chamber as a tabernacle, enshrining that which he held most sacred, and would never enter it until he was cleansed from the grime and dust of the stockyard and cattle camp, and had laid aside the associations of his working day. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • They are still finding uncounted ballots in Washington state from last fall's gubernatorial election.
  • As well as his vibrant use of colour, lush Bernstein score and emotive plot, Haynes has managed to bring together a quality set of actors.
  • QUEENS, N.Y. - A Queens, N.Y., man has won $1,500 in the lottery, thanks to Bernie Madoff's prison number -- 61727-054. KXAN TV
  • Word is out that the holders of the trophy, Bernie and Dympna, are out to make it back to back victories.
  • As the glasses clinked and the people chatted about cheeky Cabernets and perfect pinotages, representatives of the wine producers waited anxiously to be put to the test.
  • You will notice that the Emotional Stability Routine does not include several types of asans—for example, those that work on limberness of hips and knees and those that stretch the fronts of the thighs and the backs of the legs. American Yoga Association Beginner’s Manual Fully Revised and Updated
  • Red Bordeaux is the world's best wine, and Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are the best grapes.
  • Bernie had all these strange ideas about the moonlike it had no light of its own and had once been part of the earthbut all I knew was that it did things to me; hard to explain, but I felt my sharpest in moonlight. Dog on It
  • At nine o'clock that brilliant morning the Britannia lifted off, and he spoke to Berna. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The only bread available was consecrated bread used in the tabernacle.
  • Then the cup went round and they drank late into the night, and when they had drunk the voidee cup, Osberne led the newcomer to the guest-chamber, and kissed him with good-night, but made no show of knowing who he was. The Sundering Flood
  • The relatively flimsy sukkah is a striking reminder that our lives on earth are but temporary, and our reliance and trust are not in our material possessions but in our faithful and loving Father and in the One who "tabernacled" among us - Yeshua, His Son and our Messiah. Lent & Beyond
  • And third, I don’t know why the fact that Professor Bernstein agitates more people than other VC posters should be seen as proof of anything, let alone reflect unfavorably on him. The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan and the Cult of Personality
  • Andy Carpenter gains possession of an adorable Bernese puppy whose owner was brutally murdered. New Tricks by David Rosenfelt: Book summary
  • Leaving aside service so patchy it was almost threadbare, I don't like overdone halibut, while Michael wasn't impressed with his corn-fed chicken with pomme Berny and truffle froth.
  • The tabernacle's veils, composed of 4 colours were related to the 4 elements.
  • Ballads are most often first-person narratives told in rhyming quatrains of Hiberno-English, and dealing with matters such as love and war.
  • Ahmanson is also a major sponsor of ultraconservative politicians, including California state legislator and 2003 gubernatorial candidate Tom McClintock.
  • An hibernian musician, who, like myself, was present for the first time at this _concert_ of _antimusic_, exclaimed, "By Jasus but they stop out of tune to a _nicety! Travels in the United States of America Commencing in the Year 1793, and Ending in 1797. With the Author's Journals of his Two Voyages Across the Atlantic.
  • The only bread available was consecrated bread used in the tabernacle.
  • In Exodus 30: 22-30 we see Moses anointing the tabernacle, Aaron, and the priests as ministers unto God.
  • The bernicle, or brent goose, is interesting from the curious superstition which formerly prevailed respecting it, as it was supposed to have sprung from the shell called the barnacle or lepas, which adheres to the bottoms of ships, and which has a fringe of cirri projecting from between its valves bearing some faint resemblance to the feathers of a bird. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • When Leonard Bernstein unleashed his sprawling Third Symphony - titled "Kaddish" - on the American public in January 1964, the critics practically trampled one another to get in the first jabs. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • While the bruins do indeed lose bone mass during their hibernation, the researchers discovered that bone production remains constant and may even accelerate as the bears wake up and become active again.
  • Such as Clayton Williams, the Texas man who was idiotic enough to make the following comment about rape within earshot of a reporter while running for the gubernatorial seat: Think Progress » After Sending His Producer To Stalk And Ambush Me, O’Reilly To Again Speak At Rape Survivors’ Benefit
  • For most of the years she has been involved with the Special Constabulary, Bernice has held down a full-time job as a telephonist / receptionist.
  • 1988, Dr. Koerner was appointed full professor for biocybernetics and head of the Department of Neurocomputing and Cognitive Systems at the Ilmenau Institute of Technology focusing on research in neural architectures for vision and on neurofuzzy control systems. - Articles related to Step up research output, technology minister tells scientists
  • Salut, marmotte = Hello, marmot a marmot is a furry rodent thathibernates Books
  • Petrobrusian heresy in his diocese and became a Carthusian; Bl. Bernard (1173-76); St. Stephen (1203-8), formerly a Carthusian at the monastery of Portes; Bl. Didier (Desiderius) de Lans (1213-20). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • AUTUNITE, or CALCO-URANITE, a mineral which is one of the "uranium micas," differing from the more commonly occurring torbernite (_q. v._) or cupro-uranite in containing calcium in place of copper. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • Florentine Codex: an encyclopedia of Nahua culture and life in precontact Mexico, composed under the auspices of Fray Bernardo de Sahagún during the sixteenth century. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • More Bernanke: European Troubles 'as Much Political' as Economic Sen. Shelby Cautions Bernanke Against QE3 Fed Chief Open to New Options Bernanke Shifts Tone on Further Easing Not taking proper action "would be a self-inflicted wound," he said, because it would raise U.S. interest rates and increase the government's borrowing costs and the deficit. Fed Chief Cool on More Bond Purchases
  • In the Querétaro town of Cadereyta de Montes, near Bernal, a men on horseback stop at a convenience store to stock up on bottles of water and then buy fresh corn on the cob from a street vendor. In the Querétaro town of Cadereyta de Montes, near Bernal, a men on horseback stop at a convenience store to stock up on bottles of water and then buy fresh corn on the cob from a street vendor. They are part of a group that meets once a week to ride betw
  • Baraka, the nephew of European Ryder Cup captain Bernhard Langer, maintained the top spot for the third straight round with a 70, but he struggled to a 76 in the final round and tied for 11th. - England's Emerson wins Russian Open
  • This paper introduces a new designing scheme for multi-axial drill machine to make the friction disk of automobile clutch, the structure of the machine and the principles of its cybernation .
  • The name St. Bernard comes from the monastery and hospice in Switzerland with which these dogs are historically associated. The Daily Puppy | Pictures of Puppies
  • How do we picture a new age of genetic manipulation, of cloning, of cybernetics, a literal synergy between computing and biology, particularly when these are still in their infancy?
  • Much stress is laid upon this and other seeming discrepancies to conclude that the description of the tabernacle found in Ex., xxv-xxxi, xxxix-xl, is the work of post-exilian authors of the Priestly Code. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Non-vintage blends change slightly from season to season as older vintages are replaced, which explains why this ripe, soft, velvety, blackcurranty Cabernet is gentler and creamier than previous batches.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. business/blog; business = 1; featured-posts = 1; nickname = marc-morgenstern; entry_id = 157686; @ybusiness = 1; @ypolitics = 1; bernard-madoff = 1; bernie-madoff = 1; economic-reform = 1; economy = 1; enron = 1; politics = 1; regulations = 1; rules = 1; securities-and-exchange-commission = 1", Marc Morgenstern: Legislation Won't Prevent The Next Madoff: SEC Needs Talent, Technology & Collaboration (Not New Laws)
  • All the musicians looked up to Frank as being the Leonard Bernstein of rock – the know-all. Alice Cooper and Noel Fielding talk rock'n'roll, drink, drugs and golf
  • In one he'd questioned the word "essential" in "The Essential Kenny Loggins" greatest-hits album; in the other, he riffed that Bernard Madoff's lawyers were having a hard time unloading an apartment shaped like a pyramid. Earning a Living One Laugh at a Time
  • It is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Grenache, producing a strong muscular wine.
  • Marshal found that a tough resistance awaited him, although the allied commander-in-chief, Bernadotte, moved with the utmost caution, as if he were bent on justifying Napoleon's recent sneer that he would "only make a show" (_piaffer_). The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • Bernal has every tick of repression down as Amaro, tortured by the conflict between his calling and his own desire.
  • There is no question that the dead trees greatly multiplied the speed and intensity of the San Bernardino fires.
  • Up next was the 1990 Mount Mary Vineyard Lilydale Cabernets Quintets, a lighter but rewarding style of cabernet that showing very well with a secondary blackcurrant note, lovely delicacy and great precision with no greenness or herbaciousness. A historic tasting Down Under – Bin 60A, Grange, Hill of Grace | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The coarctate or pseudopupal stages are those in which hibernation or diapause occurs most frequently.
  • Our goldens would have had a blast... and loved meeting that precious bouvier bernois puppy... French Word-A-Day:
  • In Rome, heads of state kneel before Bernini's statue of Saint Teresa in ecstasy, says Kirby, and so do people who can't read.
  • It’s been developed from doubling in psychodrama (see wikipedia) by Bernard Dufeu, and it’s not explained easily. F is for First Lessons « An A-Z of ELT
  • The _folium_ and _uentus_ images of the present line are found together at Prop II ix 33-35 'non sic incerto mutantur flamine Syrtes,/nec folia hiberno tam tremefacta Noto,/quam cito feminea non constat foedus in ira'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Highly skilled Italian sculptors would originally been awarded similar commissions, setting a standard few sculptors can match today, these sculptors would have been trained in Italian workshops created by the likes of Giambologna and Bernini. Christopher Moran a true Renaissance Man commissions Sculptor Andrew Sinclair for his riverside Palace – Crosby Hall
  • It was called Wotton-Underwood from its situation with respect to Bernwood forest, which was disforested by King James I.
  • Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
  • In one of the larger rooms there is a solfege class (singing practice, using scales), or one of composer Ramón Montes de Oca´s wonderful lectures on Chopin, or Webern, or Renaissance music. Life and music in Guanajuato
  • On a call convened that evening by Mr. Bernanke, most FOMC members "judged that an immediate reduction in the federal-funds rate was called for to begin aligning [it] with a weakening economic situation. Fed Minutes May Presage More Rate Cuts
  • He said the tonnage increase coincided with the opening of a waste transfer station in St. Bernard, which is operated by SDT. Top Stories
  • Bernstein claimed to have uncovered this information in Pueblo, Colorado, when he ‘regressed’ Tighe backward in time under hypnosis.
  • The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi.
  • REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown REGION: Vernal pools emerge from hibernation OCEANSIDE: 'Drag Race High' teacher's job at risk DEAL OF THE WEEK: Turning back the clock in Vista ESCONDIDO: Three arrested in prostitution sting REGION: Military bases looking to fill variety of permanent job openings MURRIETA: City named top U.S. subprime boomtown Escondido Undefined
  • £to capiti juvenci ad tabernaculum conventus addufti Aaron et filii ejus manus imponent. Pentateuchus ex recensione textus hebraei et versionum antiquarum latine versus notisque philologicis [microform]
  • Herndon, a successful Rancho Bernardo real estate agent, works 12 hours a day.
  • He created the term by combining "cybernetics," the science of replacing human functions with computerized ones, and "punk," the raucous music and nihilistic sensibility that became a youth culture in the 1970s and '80s. Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
  • Frenchman for cocking his beaver so bravely; and our jobbernowl Rob of the bowl : a legend of St. Inigoe's,
  • The cold winter months might seem like a good time to crawl under the covers and hibernate, especially in these uncertain times.
  • Bramante's basilica, Michelangelo's dome, Bernini's colonnade. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Carmina medii aevi maximam partem inedita (Berne, 1877); KLEMMING, The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • When Bernard was home on furlough in 1917, they met more than once.
  • They did the deal with Dubois, and Blaine, the current tranny road train driver, and a new Chilean mechanic, to give them the ability to ambush this particular trip, aided by their heavily armed cybernetically enhanced hybrid kangaroo warriors. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: On the Oodnadatta - Alastair Reynolds
  • David Bernstein says: his especially negative framing of progressivism is an accident The Volokh Conspiracy » Whitewashing Progressivism
  • Nearly 10 months after leaving office, he plans to emerge from self-imposed political hibernation this week.
  • The rubbernecking opportunities are endless. Times, Sunday Times
  • These handsome insects swarm out of holes in the ground where they have been hibernating for precisely seventeen years.
  • He worked on and off throughout his career on mathematical logic, no surprise for a student of Bernays, and he did some early work on planar graphs.
  • Associated Press Vivendi's depressed stock price may help prompt Vivendi CEO Jean-Bernard Levy to unload what he has always called a noncore asset. Will Vivendi Star in New NBC Drama Coming This Fall?
  • Bernhard Riemann pioneered elliptic geometry
  • Instead, the aging widow Bernarda Alba personifies self-hatred and the ability of women to enforce the rules of men upon themselves.
  • There's this guy, Bernardo, who's one of the biggest swarmer cell-phone people I know. Boing Boing: July 28, 2002 - August 3, 2002 Archives

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