How To Use Berkeley In A Sentence

  • Shortly before he retired from the waterfront, Hoffer became an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • De Vos was famous around Berkeley for what he labeled his free-wheeling extra-curricular "bootleg" seminars-which he held in the little WWII vintage green bungalow across from Kroeber Hall-as well as in his gracious Berkeley Hills home. Marcelo M. Suarez-Orozco : The Fox
  • UC Berkeley physicist Richard Packard and grad student Emile Hoskinson managed to hear the quantum vibrations, known as quantum whistles, of a supercold condensed fluid as it's pushed through an array of tiny holes 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. Boing Boing: January 23, 2005 - January 29, 2005 Archives
  • I remember lunch at the Berkeley hotel with the actor when he asked me what bread and butter pudding was made of - doh!
  • I had completed my habilitation thesis shortly before I left to Berkeley and was habilitated when Reinhard Selten - Autobiography
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  • GONSALES, LIBERMAN, ALITO, HO an ex-member of the justice dpt. now taching at Berkeley. Think Progress » The Department of Injustice.
  • Sammy lived in a small cottage on the bank of the Berkeley to Gloucester canal.
  • And here's something scary: The Berkeley scientists can now implant the MEMS equipment during the pupal stage so that the beetles emerge embedded with electrodes, ready to be wired up.
  • And the Berkeley name for element 104, rutherfordium, was surely an honour due to one of the century's greatest nuclear physicists.
  • Berkeley is not without its potential drawbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul Kalas, the lead astronomer for the Berkeley team, said he "nearly had a heart attack" when he found the new planet, which he calls Fomalhaut b. Top Stories - Google News
  • A feminist from her student days at Berkeley, Kingston left California for Hawaii with her American husband in the late 60s, so repelled were they by the violence of the anti-war movement.
  • When the University of California, Berkeley announced this fall it was cutting funding for its venerable 118-year-old baseball team, the program was a money-sucking sponge that drew few fans and even fewer sponsors to its no-frills campus ballyard. The Cal Baseball Resurrection
  • He clearly didn't understand the demographics of our house at all, and I think he mistook our new-to-Berkeley enthusiasm as antidisestablishmentarian merriment.
  • Very soon, accelerators at Ernest Lawrence's Berkeley laboratory were producing artificial pions; the era of high-energy physics had begun.
  • In November, the Afro-Cuban All Stars, one of Cuba's most prominent musical acts, planned to perform in Berkeley as part of its U.S. tour.
  • More than 400 years after Italian composer Alessandro Striggio wrote his extravagant 40-part Missa sopra Ecco sì beato giorno, it has been rediscovered by a Berkeley music scholar who identified the work and rescued it from obscurity. For Choral Music aficionados
  • Pister, an emeritus engineering professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said "the rush to add automatic shutoff valves willy nilly is an ill-conceived response to this incident" because it could end up disrupting gas supplies and not improving safety. PG&E Safety Culture Faulted, Panel Probing Blast Finds
  • Ariel Zambelich for The Wall Street Journal David Michael Rhoads At Berkeley Marina, 100 people are living on their boats versus about 80 two years ago, while the waiting list to do so has grown to 25 to 35, from 15 to 20, over the same time, said Ann Hardinger , harbormaster of the 1,000-slip marina. Pleasure Boats Offer Shelter in Rough Times
  • Hume was quite well aware that Berkeley would not have owned to being a sceptic.
  • Nor did the Leibnizian method of differentials escape Berkeley's strictures. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • Royal Navy minehunter HMS Berkeley saved two men from drowning when their fishing boat began to sink in waters off Torbay.
  • Extraction at Berkeley of a keystone from a tile on the Stardust cometary dust collector.
  • I've used alot of berkeley and trilene, I've been real impressed w/Vanish's strength and castability, and have been slowly switching most of my bass and ultralight reels to it when I can afford it. What's Your Line?
  • Mach shared Berkeley's instrumentalist view of scientific laws and theories.
  • All is as unsubstantial, as vague and shadowy, as Coleridge's "image of a rock," or Bishop Berkeley's "ghost of a departed quantity," as he once defined a fluxion. Life: Its True Genesis
  • Adding further to the ignominy is the fact that one of Ramsay's former proteges, Marcus Wareing, who opened his restaurant at the Berkeley Hotel after a poisonous split with Ramsay, has entered the list at No 52. The First Post: Latest
  • At first Berkeley poured scorn on those who adhere to the concept of infinitesimal. maintaining that the use of infinitesimals in deriving mathematical results is illusory, and is in fact eliminable. Continuity and Infinitesimals
  • He was professor at the University of California, Berkeley, until making aliyah in 1966.
  • I was reading an essay of Saleeby's the other day, and the best Saleeby could say was that Herbert Spencer NEARLY succeeded in answering Berkeley. Chapter 36
  • Berkeley, home of supposed radical thinkers (radical from the root in Latin "radix" meaning East Bay Express
  • Berkeley used to have an experiment in which Chem 1 students prepared cuprous sulfide and determined its stoichiometry ratio of Cu:S. HCR: maybe the public’s not so stupid after all
  • When we finished compiling the list, we ensured that the names of all the institutions within our composite database were uniform (University of California-Berkeley to University of California, Berkeley) We also gathered any information necessary to identify which campus a person attended if they attended a multicampus school or a university system so that correct awarding would be made for each institution. Methodology
  • The Berkeley team and others are now hard at work looking at the chemistry of elements 107 and above.
  • Mr. Berkeley's carnation the change was not so great, seeing that the nucleus of the ovule was not developed, and sufficient evidence has been above given as to the foliar nature of the primine, while for a leaf to be folded up so as to form a carpel is an ordinary occurrence. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Berkeley believes that this premise is accepted by all the modern philosophers.
  • In the Introduction to the Principles, Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas.
  • I get the Bishop Berkeley idea that things only exist when God thinks about them; that God is not sempiternal but only exists when some people think about him is bizarre.
  • Chu received his doctorate in physics in 1976 from UC-Berkeley.
  • The specter of a hefty debt load dissuaded Jason Tomlinson from enrolling to study business at Berkeley College, a for-profit school with locations in New York and New Jersey. Party Ends at For-Profit Schools
  • Each of these pieces of ancient cosmic data "represents a little moment of history, and it's sending out information about how much the universe has stretched," said Dr. Perlmutter, who is also an astrophysicist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. Nobel Given for Study of Universe Expansion
  • The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has produced a dozen superheavy elements called transuranics and bear such names as berkelium, californium, lawrencium and seaborgium. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The Berkeley folks are also studying 200 bladder cancer patients in Kings County, northern California, where arsenic levels reach 50 ppb.
  • He studied architecture at the University of British Columbia as an undergraduate and earned a master's in architecture from the University of California at Berkeley -- where he was given a teaching job in ethnic studies after students, angry about Vietnam, protested for a less Eurocentric curriculum. Profile of Vancouver architect Bing Thom
  • School of the Pacific in Berkeley, Joslyn-Siemiatkoski teaches and studies the premedieval roots of Christianity. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • In his archest English, as Curtis recalled, Miller sniffed that he knew that Curtis was doing extremely good work at Berkeley—considering the limited amount of equipment he has. Ancestral Passions
  • The Berkeley Court Hotel's opulent ballroom with its lofty ceiling, tall mirrors and huge chandeliers offers the perfect backdrop for a glamorous night.
  • December 20th, 2008 at 2: 01 pm indeed. an overwrought review of a sonic youth album for Ego Trip was the crowing achievement of my fleeting career in music criticism. noah callahan-bever – mid 90s berkeley carroll school represent! Ego Trip | ATTACKERMAN
  • Look at Arria worshipping the drunken clodpate of a husband who beats her; look at Cornelia treasuring as a jewel in her maternal heart the oaf her son; I have known a woman preach Jesuit's bark, and afterwards Dr. Berkeley's tar-water, as though to swallow them were a divine decree, and to refuse them no better than blasphemy. The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne
  • Among his research papers one finds included, the discovery of neutral pions in cosmic rays (together with J. Hooper and D.T. King at Bristol University, England) and the first systematic study of antiproton annihilations (together with research groups at the University of California, Berkeley, USA). CV of Gösta Ekspong
  • A brief chat with auctioneer Robert Smedley gave a good insight into a three-wheel Berkeley 160.
  • A Rhodes Scholarship finalist, she will pursue a Ph.D. in Near Eastern studies at Berkeley.
  • Our lively conversation between Penn Station and 30th Street, Philadelphia, where he got off, ranged freely overBusby Berkeley, the Empress Carlota of Mexico, the brilliance of Angela Lansbury, and Jesuit missions in Peru, etc. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Would my Cabernet Sauvignon still be called Cabernet Sauvignon?" asks Carole Meredith, a professor in the Department of Viticulture and Enology at the University of California, Berkeley, and a vineyard owner. Perfecting Pinot
  • During the American Revolutionary War, although the Battle of Green Spring was fought nearby at the site of former Governor Berkeley's plantation, Jamestown was apparently inconsequential.
  • Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California saw the isotopes of rutherfordium, seaborgium, hassium, darmstadtium, and copernicium by watching the decay of the yet-to-be-named element 114, a synthetic element first produced about a decade ago. Wired Top Stories
  • Never mind that the best conservative authorities have shown that their data is all fudged from the same broken thermometer stuck in some prof's window at Berkeley; if you show them the real data which shows that we're actually going into an ice age, they just change terminology and start babbling about "climate change"! Global warming news
  • Berkeley was a bit selective in his use of the razor, however.
  • Rowan Berkeley are you writting about liberals, libertarians, both or some strange new highbred (there are quite a few of those around)? Two Articles on Georgia Crisis Well Worth Reading « Blog
  • Mr Berkeley said: ‘Over its 60 years, Cheltenham has fathered an astonishing array of new music.’
  • Browne played a benefit concert at Zellerbach Hall on the UC-Berkeley campus Thursday night.
  • Its rather angular and extenuated figures are reminiscent of those of a pyxis in Berkeley which has already been discussed in its relation to our painter.
  • Though baseball may be a long way from getting performance-enhancing substances out of its players 'bodies, the Giants announced last month that they have fully "detoxed" their laundry operations by switching to botanically based suds from VASKA, a manufacturer of institutional laundry and cleaning products based just across the bay in Berkeley, California. The Hardball Times
  • Berkeley has a reputation in its sector as one of the most astute buyers of greenfield sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Clermont club was founded in 1962 by inveterate gambler Aspinall, in London's Berkeley Square.
  • Halfway through the first year, he transferred to Berkeley.
  • Berkeley Math Prof Edward Frenkel Branches Out Into Erotic Film: University of California-Berkeley Professor Edward Frenkel is world-renowned for his work with automorphic representations and the geometric Langlands conjecture. Archive 2010-06-06
  • Theodore Cohn, UC Berkeley professor of optometry and bioengineering, died in May of lymphoma at age 64.
  • Reserve Officer Training Corps at Berkeley was mandatory for all male freshmen and sophomores in those years.
  • Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory discovered that the nicotine in so-called 'third-hand smoke' reacts with a common indoor air pollutant called nitrous acid to form dangerous chemicals. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Who do you think is really responsible for the legions of ragged students begging for crusts of bread in Cambridge and Berkeley?
  • Before the eighteenth century is called lumbering, let us set a page of Hume against a page of Hobbes, or a passage out of Berkeley by a passage out of Selden. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • Some 40 law schools, including Harvard, University of California, Berkeley, and Rutgers, offer classes in the subject, and there is both an animal law review and an animal law casebook.
  • Lax regulation may have been the lever that pushed the world into the present financial crisis, but the fulcrum was the twin excesses of over-financialization and over-globalization, according to UC Berkeley economist Ashok Bardhan. YaleGlobal Online
  • Berkeley, although his professed aim was merely "to remove the mist and veil of words" which hindered the clear vision of the truth, passed from empirical immaterialism to a system of Platonic mysticism based on the metaphysical principle of causality. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Africa -- the baobab, which is a vitamin and mineral-packed fruit that so far has only been enjoyed by locals, but is now acai-powered smoothie shops in Miami and Berkeley out of business. Fast Company
  • We know that it is in this manner that Berkeley conquered corporeal substantialism and taught phenomenism; while Hume, more radical than he, went so far as to question the substantialism of mind. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • HEN BERKELEY CHEMISTS discovered element 106 and named it seaborgium for their colleague Glenn Seaborg, the nuclear physicist elated. All In A Name
  • UM joins a growing list of schools, such as the University of West Virginia, the University of North Texas and the University of California at Berkeley, whose specialized drumming directors are indigenous Ewe musicians.
  • Moore hoped, with his courtliest reverence, that Miss Berkeley had not forgotten him. The Continental Monthly, Vol 6, No 5, November 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • Berkeley Primary School was founded in 1930, originally as separate infant and junior schools.
  • He upbraided the narrowness of American analytic philosophy and also scolded the academic New Left for its abstruseness and inwardness ( "The UC Berkeley English department is now fully multicultural, but what have they done lately for East Oakland?"). John Seery: Richard Rorty: Ironically Upbeat in Dark Times
  • Berkeleyan idealism is the view, propounded by the Irish empiricist George Berkeley , that the objects of perception are actually ideas in the mind.
  • Jonathan Koomey of the Lawrence Berkeley Lab and Stanford is one of the world's reigning experts on "dematerialization," which he defines as two things. WebWorkerDaily
  • The system's performance in cyclic tests at the University of California, Berkeley, was also astonishing.
  • BERKELEY, Calif. — California reinstated three teams Friday that were slated to be eliminated in a cost-cutting move after an aggressive fundraising campaign to keep the programs, while going ahead with plans to get rid of the baseball and men's gymnastics teams. Cal Reinstates 3 Sports, But Baseball Is Gone
  • When I was in grad school, almost certainly before that cart was created, we had to check our footnotes by grinding through illegible microfilm copies of 100-year-old monographs; by taking the intercampus bus to Berkeley to check on the only copy of a critical edition of certain little-known Medieval MSS west of the Mississippi; by writing a friend in Germany to check with his university research librarian about their copy of that 17th century treatise with marginalia scribbled by Werckmeister; by flying to Washington to buttonhole an old friend working as an assistant at the Library of Congress to see if he could help get me some face time with an important MS that just didn't seem to be available in microfilm; by..... It's the All New Mobile Footnote Check Station!
  • She entertained lavishly for her husband at Mentmore, at Landsdowne House and at the London home in Berkeley Square which Rosebery bought in 1885. Rothschild, Hannah de, Countess of Rosebery.
  • Fran Allen's work has led to remarkable advances in compiler design and machine architecture that are at the foundation of modern high-performance computing," said Ruzena Bajcsy, Chair of ACM's Turing Award Committee, and professor of Electrical and Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California, Berkeley. Archive 2007-03-01
  • It's called Winsock because it's an adaptation for Windows of the Berkeley sockets is a particular convention for connecting with and exchanging data between two program processes. SearchWinIT: News on enterprise Windows platforms and applications
  • With a Ph.D. in criminology from the University of California at Berkeley, he came to The Care and Feeding of the Prison Industrial System
  • The Berkeley High School senior transitioned from female to male starting in his sophomore year.
  • Pettingell Book Bindery, a two-person shop in Berkeley, specializes in fine bookbinding—especially high-quality work that is done without the aid of machines—while Emeryville's John DeMerritt Bookbinding, another two-person shop, caters to artists and galleries. Digital Rivals, Economy Put Bookmakers in Bind
  • But she says the city's development efforts have lagged behind nearby communities such as San Leandro and Berkeley. Recipes for Growth Collide in West Oakland
  • On returning to the USA he became an instructor at the University of California in Berkeley.
  • John Bahcall received his BA in physics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1956 and his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1961. CV of John N. Bahcall
  • The sources of the free men's anger converged in 1676 when Governor William Berkeley, fearing the outbreak of Indian war, discountenanced Bacon's plans to lead a frontier army against the Indians and refused him a commission.
  • The Berkeley seminar was familiar turf, but not a place to suffer fools gladly. Christianity Today
  • The Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory has produced a dozen superheavy elements called transuranics and bear such names as berkelium, californium, lawrencium and seaborgium. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Thus the volume on Mechanics of the Berkeley physics course presents a whole set of photographs on bevatrons, radiotelescopes, and other big machines from laboratories belonging to certain multinational companies.
  • Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California saw the isotopes of rutherfordium, seaborgium, hassium, darmstadtium, and copernicium by watching the decay of the yet-to-be-named element 114, a synthetic element first produced about a decade ago. Wired Top Stories
  • One of my favorite scenes in all of moviedom is from Blazing Saddles where the street fight in Rock Ridge suddenly breaks through the fourth wall and on to his set where, as the "flamboyant" director Buddy Bizarre, he is choreographing a male chorus in the Busby Berkeley-like "French Mistake" number. Dom DeLuise -- 1933-2009
  • She went on to work in university positions, eventually becoming the first dean of women students at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • A few days before returning home to his wife Marge and young daughter in Berkeley, John stumbles into a deal on two kilos of uncut heroin.
  • She holds an M.A. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from Berkeley and a B.A. from Yale. BookBrowse Reviewers.
  • Ingrid had come to Berkeley in 1990 to do a Ph.D. in developmental biology.
  • Look at Arria worshipping the drunken clodpate of a husband who beats her; look at Cornelia treasuring as a jewel in her maternal heart the oaf her son; I have known a woman preach Jesuit’s bark, and afterwards Dr. Berkeley’s tar-water, as though to swallow them were a divine decree, and to refuse them no better than blasphemy. The History of Henry Esmond
  • We saw this strange lopsided shift," says lead author Matthew Walker, an associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of California-Berkeley. The Sleepless Elite
  • He held chairs at Berkeley in both mathematics and biophysics being promoted to full professor in 1966.
  • At this time of year, I always start by grabbing a mulled apple juice from Days Cottage and a bacon bap from Adey's organic farm, which is just down the road at Berkeley.
  • The first university disruptions at Berkeley were explicitly directed against the multiversity smorgasbord and, I must confess, momentarily and partially engaged my sympathies. THE CLOSING OF THE AMERICAN MIND
  • He has been invited to teach at Harvard, UC Berkeley, and Yale, among other schools.
  • My main reason to make the journey to Berkeley is to visit The Fatted Calf who make their own charcuterie and unique meat products.
  • Another entrant is the Clif bar, a product of Clif Bar Inc. of Berkeley, California, with sales more than $22 million in 1997. Experiential Marketing
  • The Berkeley lectures deal with the ancient ideal of “truthful speaking” (parrhesia), regarded as a central political and moral virtue. Michel Foucault
  • Berkeley's innovation extended to the craft of costume fabrication.
  • And here's something scary: The Berkeley scientists can now implant the MEMS equipment during the pupal stage so that the beetles emerge embedded with electrodes, ready to be wired up.
  • When you copy the DB files from one host to another, if the two hosts have different versions of Berkeley DB, the new host will not be able to read the files from the old host.
  • Berkeley artist and gardener Marcia Donohue used to have a subtropical aristolochia called "duck vine" whose flowers did actually resemble miniature waterfowl. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Brad DeLong of the University of California, Berkeley, who thinks the Fed should do much more, complained, "The mountain labored and gave birth to a mouse. Bernanke Bets on the Power of Money
  • Economic historian Barry Eichengreen of the University of California at Berkeley notes that in the 19th century, the word connoted extended periods of declining prices: for example, between the 1870s and the mid-1890s. You Call this a Depression?
  • C. W. Woodworth spent his sabbatical from the University of California, Berkeley, at the University of Nanking in 1918.
  • By the time I got to the Berkeley Poetry Conference in 1965 and saw Ted Berrigan read and bought a mimeo copy of The Sonnets, something like a poetics was well underway.
  • To some extent he is criticizing assumptions common to the whole school of empiricist philosophers - Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and many others.
  • On Monday, more than 200 students rallied at Wheeler Hall in Berkeley to protest against what they called overtly aggressive tactics by the police. Democracy Now!
  • We know that it is in this manner that Berkeley conquered corporeal substantialism and taught phenomenism; while Hume, more radical than he, went so far as to question the substantialism of mind. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • The Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, on the campus of UC Berkeley, recently completed a partial retrofit of its building.
  • If to be is, as Berkeley insists, to be perceived, then the unperceived desk does not exist, despite the fact that it would be perceived and thus would exist if someone opened the office door.
  • Over the past several years, the convocation has been held at Ohio State, the University of Michigan and the University of California at Berkeley.
  • The day holding a pro-Bush party in Georgia can be compared to doing so in Berkeley, is something which should give Bush factorum Karl Rove night terrors. Archive 2004-07-01
  • St. Jude Milhon, a former Mondo 2000 editor and prominent hacker who coined the term "cypherpunk," passed away Saturday morning in Berkeley after a long battle with cancer. Boing Boing: July 20, 2003 - July 26, 2003 Archives
  • A guy I lived with for a year after I first moved to Berkeley, Steve Ellner, is now a professor of biomathematics at Cornell, and one of his ongoing projects is a system of connected pools with water flowing through the system. Archive 2008-03-01
  • His bird's eye views included the Grand Canyon and other mountain locales, the cities of Washington, D.C. and San Jose and Berkeley, California, as well as the business sections and stockyards of Kansas City, Missouri.
  • You poor fog-begirt Dane Kempton, could you but have lounged with me on the window couch, an hour past, and watched the light pass out of the day through the Golden Gate and the night creep over the Berkeley Hills and down out of the east! Kempton-Wace Letters
  • Some commentators, most notably Winkler, suppose that Berkeley retains this view of causality in the published works.
  • Building on Nucor Steel Berkeley's success with selling value-added vacuum degassed steel, we will be installing a second sheet mill vacuum degasser at our Hickman, Arkansas facility. Nucor CEO Discusses Q4 2010 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
  • When we finished compiling the list, we ensured that the names of all the institutions within our composite database were uniform University of California-Berkeley to University of California, Berkeley We also gathered any information necessary to identify which campus a person attended if they attended a multicampus school or a university system so that correct awarding would be made for each institution. Methodology
  • Libby studied radiochemistry at Berkeley in the 1930s and subsequently worked on the Manhattan Project.
  • The Berkeley Square Gallery, for example, maintains a second outlet in Tokyo, as a vital part of its operations.
  • Kaczynski was disgusted with the widespread drug use and liberal politics at UC-Berkeley, a law enforcement source said.
  • It features opulent sets, exquisite costumes and lush Busby Berkeley-style dance sequences.
  • They're probably just ornaments to allow one stegosaur to recognize another of its own species, says UC Berkeley's Kevin Padian. Tech and Science
  • The rockweed shown at left, Fucus distichous, visible at low tide at the Berkeley Marina in California, is somewhat smaller.
  • Last July, the Berkeley Museum of Art at the University of California hosted an exhibit of elephant art.
  • Finally, there's a shot of my two daughters, arms around each others’ necks, proudly displaying a puny little bullhead that got tangled in their line while fishing off the Berkeley pier.
  • In 1744, Bishop Berkeley paradox in the absence of the case or say, but also to beg of Hope Hospital in philosophy by the term meaning: "a natural phenomenon is only natural appearance.
  • In Berkeley, Yoo feels at home as a stranger in a strange land thecodont Latest Articles
  • For every audience these will be different: The language and values of a Lubbock Christian will be very different from those of a Berkeley Liberal.
  • Though the United States has the biggest of the bevatrons - the Berkeley bevatron is 6.2 bev - the Russians have a 10 bev accelerator in construction which, when it is completed, will be the world's largest.
  • We therefore take up very distinctly an opposite standpoint to the principle of _relativity_: in other terms, we reject the phenomenism of Berkeley. The Mind and the Brain Being the Authorised Translation of L'Âme et le Corps
  • The use of an asymmetric collider to produce B particles was first proposed in 1987 by Pier Oddone, then head of Berkeley Lab's Physics Division and now one of the Lab's deputy directors.
  • It is just this denial of anything beyond what is directly given in experience that marks Berkeley out as an empiricist.
  • As emphasized above, Berkeley's campaign against matter, as he presents it in the Principles, is directed against materialist representationalism and presupposes representationalism.
  • Berkeley is much taken with the notion of a World Soul that is a 'pure aethereal fire'; and has been speculating Siris is explicitly a speculative work, put forward not dogmatically but as food for thought about its role in the functioning of the cosmos. Berkeley, Laws of Nature, and Occasionalism
  • Berkeley astrophysicist Joseph Silk got a jab in while reviewing a popular book Thorne had written on general relativity.
  • Although Greenspan's use of the term "irrational exuberance" has been referred to quite often since the global financial meltdown of 2008, if you really want to see what "irrational exuberance" looks like you should start with this clip from Busby Berkeley's 1933 movie musical, 42nd Street in which Ginger Rogers sings one verse of "We're In The Money" in pig latin: George Heymont: Follow The Money: Playwrights Tackle The Global Financial Crisis
  • They had to be named after the next two planets, and so were called neptunium and plutonium - both found at Berkeley using the new cyclotron.
  • In a period when greenishness is suddenly in vogue, the council backers (chiefly Bates and Capitelli) of the attempted emasculation of Berkeley's current effective preservation ordinance should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
  • Cary Tennis tackles the issue of the "two body problem" at Salon. com when a graduate student in analytical chemistry writes that his girlfriend is heading to Berkeley, while he is still finishing up grad school and just received an offer from a lab in Toronto. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The first genuine transuranic element was discovered at Berkeley, where Edwin McMillan used Lawrence's cyclotron in 1939 to bombard uranium with slow neutrons.
  • The great thing about environmental genomics is that it has made it possible to form a much more complete picture of microscopic life everywhere on Earth, instead of being limited to the very small proportion of bugs" - microorganisms, that is - "that can be cultured in the lab," says Dylan Chivian of Berkeley Lab's Physical Biosciences Division SpaceRef Top Stories
  • She attended the University of California, Berkeley, earning several degrees including a B.A. in comparative literature and an M.F.A. in studio art.
  • Berkeley is not without its potential drawbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • At Berkeley, for example, the class entering this fall included 608 Chicano students, vs. 1,013 in 1997.
  • In 1744, Bishop Berkeley paradox in the absence of the case or say, but also to beg of Hope Hospital in philosophy by the term meaning: "a natural phenomenon is only natural appearance.
  • After perusing the biology library at Berkeley regarding radiobiology, I found that there was much to learn about the field.
  • In the Introduction to the Principles, Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas.
  • The Berkeley seminar was familiar turf, but not a place to suffer fools gladly. Christianity Today
  • Severely and effectively as Berkeley criticised Locke's account of abstract ideas, the fact remains that abstraction is a primary feature of our whole conceptual system; and the abstractable elements of the sensible presentation being the necessary constituents of all ideative representation are properly denominated ideal. Essays Towards a Theory of Knowledge
  • In the Introduction to the Principles, Berkeley spends a considerable time arguing against the doctrine of abstract ideas.
  • Governing bodies in Oakland, San Francisco and Berkeley approved resolutions urging the company to adopt ecologically sound procurement policies.
  • Forty years ago this month a young man, aged just 21, climbed on top of a car in Berkeley California and let fly with a stream of incendiary rhetoric.
  • For example, researchers at the Berkeley laboratory first discovered elements 97 and 98 and then suggested naming them berkelium and californium in honor of Berkeley, California, where the research was done.
  • How from sensations do we get what Berkeley called 'outness'? The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
  • UC-Berkeley psychologist Robert MacCoun may be the only person on earth as clear-eyed on this subject as I am.
  • But the same method may lead, as in the case of Berkeley, to immaterialism, falsely called idealism. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • I love the Busby Berkeley showgirls of the 30s great musicals.
  • On that occasion, they returned to Berkeley with a coachload of other would-be foster parents empty-handed.
  • For example, a world where, recently, hundreds of students at UC Berkeley pretested against the 81 percent potential increase in their four-year tuition? Turnstyle: AmEx Enters Higher Education Marketplace With Prepaid Student Accounts
  • Guests at the chic Berkeley hotel in Knightsbridge, London, can borrow a treasure chest of rare pieces curated by Carmen Haid, founder of the vintage boutique Atelier-Mayer. Travel News: Inspirato, The Berkeley, Cartier's Concours d'Elegance India
  • My son went to Berkeley to find himself
  • The Berkeley cyclotron created many elements never found in nature - including plutonium, which directly follows neptunium in the periodic table.
  • There are exceptions, like the swimming pool filled with blue water the house that once adjoined it was burned to ash and the melted, multicolored plastic child's bicycle—both from his current 1991 Oakland fire series—and the brilliant orange skies over some of his 700 photos of the Golden Gate, taken from the deck of his Berkeley house between 1997 and 2000. Following the Flames
  • Berkeley climbed 4.5 percent to 878 pence after the homebuilder said net income rose to 44.5 million pounds ($69.7 million) in its fiscal first half from 36.9 million pounds a year earlier.
  • It is a site fit for a king, this hillside peering over the roofs of Berkeley toward an expanse of shimmering bay.
  • The ‘solitary’ appearance of this plant is not a good character, as the species forms small clumps; one individual on disturbed ground at the Berkeley County site formed a rather large clump with 9 flowering culms.
  • Davitt Maroney's program notes for the amazing Striggio mass performed at the Berkeley Festival indicate that in its time, lavish forces would have backed the singers, rendering his choice of sackbutts, cornetts, and pairs of portative organs and harpsichords conservative. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The Narraboth, Sean Panikkar, acquitted himself beautifully, driven half-mad when Salome gets him to violate his commands, and singing well; Richard Berkeley-Steele made an ideally fatuous if half-inaudible Herod; and Doris Soffel was full of rage rather than camp as a stentorian Herodias. Washington National Opera unveils a lively 'Salome'
  • The register of mesne conveyances in Berkeley County is elected for a term of four years, and until his successor is elected in the general election and qualifies.
  • The Berkeley cyclotron created many elements never found in nature - including plutonium, which directly follows neptunium in the table.
  • Yet here and there one could almost hear the footsteps of the Muses: in that beautiful San Francisco, for instance, under a sky of untroubled blue, by the edge of that marble Greek theater at Berkeley College, or in those ornamental gardens a little southward where the policemen ride among the pepper trees and the palm trees with lassoes before them on the saddle. Later Articles and Reviews
  • This concludes the purely phenomenalistic strain of Berkeley's thought. The Approach to Philosophy
  • (Berkeley 1975), ambiguity (Wittgenstein 1953) and non-compositionality Mental Representation
  • Berkeley used to have an experiment in which Chem 1 students prepared cuprous sulfide and determined its stoichiometry ratio of Cu:S. HCR: maybe the public’s not so stupid after all
  • Berkeley National Laboratory in California, and his colleagues have calculated that as it ramps up, the LHC will generate enough collisions to produce clear signatures of a hypothetical "diquark" particle proposed by some forms of string theory. Scientific American
  • This past weekend, Swenson and her peers gathered in the hills of Berkeley, Calif., for the first National Transgender Religious Summit at the Pacific School of Religion, an ecumenical seminary that prepares students for ordination in the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church and the Disciples of Christ. Gender And The Pulpit
  • Since late 2004, OneWorld Health, UC Berkeley and Amyris have been working together as the Artemisinin Project to develop a new, low-cost technology platform to provide non-seasonal, high-quality and affordable artemisinin - semisynthetic artemisinin - a key ingredient in first-line treatments for malaria. Richard Chin: New Momentum on Malaria
  • Bob Berring, a University of California, Berkeley, law professor and book collector, said small bookbinderies serve an important role, making high-quality bindings for $100 to $200, compared with upscale book artists, who charge up to $5,000 a book. Digital Rivals, Economy Put Bookmakers in Bind
  • To attend a funeral, a baptizing, or a circus parade, Berkeley will forsake family, friends, customers, and chicken legs; he will go through sun or through rain, by night or by day, in summer or in winter, and will never consider himself unrecompensed.
  • The dust-up over the diversity plan again made headlines around the country and particularly on conservative Web sites and blogs, where the UO has been dubbed the ‘Berkeley of the north.’

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