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  1. the Jewish rite of circumcision performed on a male child on the eighth day of his life

How To Use Berit In A Sentence

  • The same Jews, after the death of Gideon, adore Baal-berith, which means precisely the same as Adonai — the lord, the protector; they change their protector. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Baiklah setelah hc mendengar banyak berita bagus dan lucu2 dan memandangi poto2 yang "menghibur" serta nonton video2 yang menyenangkan hati ... mood hacchan sudah cukup membaik sekarang dan siap nyampah ga jelas lagih .. Mayoineko Diary Entry
  • Baal-berith or El-berith of Shechem (Judg.ix. 4, 46) is usually interpreted to be the Baal or God of the covenant, but whether of covenants in general or of a particular covenant concluded at Shechem is disputed. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • To take the last part of that first, I'd respond that Blunkett has not merely "rethought" civil liberites, he and Straw before him and Howard before him has set out to dismantle them plain and simple. "The Times" and identity cards
  • Et postquam dominus biberit, tunc exclamat minister sicut priùs, et tacet citharista: tunc bibunt omnes in circuitu viri et mulieres: et aliquando bibunt certatim valde turpiter et gulose. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Operasi pukul 3.30 pagi yang diketuai oleh ASP Mahani Ahmad dari Bahagian D7 cawangan maksiat, judi dan kongsi gelap Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur (IPKKL) itu turut mendapati pembaca berita wanita dan pelakon itu positif dadah. KLuBBKiDD'S RaVe
  • There are exceptions, such as German manganite, some Bolivian and Chinese cassiterite, Russian ilvaite, Brazilian and Namibian schorl, Panasqueira ferberite, and rutile, especially that from Graves Mountain, Georgia.
  • How he got money from them to bear the charges of his pretensions (v. 4): They gave him seventy pieces of silver; it is not said what the value of these pieces was; so many shekels are less, and so many talents more, than we can well imagine; therefore it is supposed they were each a pound weight: but they gave this money out of the house of Baal-berith, that is, out of the public treasury, which, out of respect to their idol, they deposited in his temple to be protected by him; or out of the offerings that had been made to that idol, which they hoped would prosper the better in his hands for its having been consecrated to their god. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • There were shops full of green and purple fluorite, ferberite and arsenopyrite, and spessartine and stibnite.
  • Tungsten ores contain tungsten principally in the form of the minerals scheelite (calcium tungstate), ferberite (iron tungstate), hübnerite The Economic Aspect of Geology
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