How To Use Bercy In A Sentence
There had been a seven-car collision the previous week on the Boulevard Périphérique, near the Porte de Bercy.
Workmen assembled at the corner of the Rue de Bercy, waited for a certain Lemarin, the revolutionary agent for the Faubourg Saint-Marceau.
But when Johnny, Johnno, Bercy - (surely he will not mind that term, he is a great democratiser after all?) sat in the chair, legs outstretched so just his toes touched the ground, he took on an air of authority.
The delightful, colorful, blue-river blue-sky "The Seine at Bercy" circa 1876-78—a copy of a painting by his Impressionist friend Armand Guillaumin—is about as Impressionist as Cézanne ever gets.
Cézanne's Reflections of Paris
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