- the legendary hero of an anonymous Old English epic poem composed in the early 8th century; he slays a monster and becomes king but dies fighting a dragon
How To Use Beowulf In A Sentence
- Photograph: Eamonn Mccabe/Beowulf Sheehan Garrison Keillor - anecdotalist, radio host and laureate of small-town wholesomeness - is publishing a book of Interviewed about the book, Keillor found himself discussing the reaction to an anthology he published a few years ago; specifically, the admired modernist poet full-frontal assault on Keillor's "appalling taste". The Guardian World News
- Compared to Beowulf, we are told that Hermod was treacherous, exiled along with the Jutes.
- Michael credits luck with getting past some of the trickier words that few 14-year-olds have great occasion to drop in conversation, like "occlusal," but he admits he's fond of reading "old stuff" such as "Beowulf" and "Romeo and Juliet. News for Richmond Times-Dispatch
- Seamus Heaney is one of the United Kingdom's most respected poets and Beowulf stands as one of the greatest epic poems in English literature.
- Like, when one of the characters extolls Beowulf's deeds and says how his story will live on forever, and you think, yeah, until a millenia and a bit later when it'll get dug up, rewired into a monstrously misshapen thing, painted in gauche muticolour, and made to dance like a monkey-puppet in a Follywood Spectacular. I Am Beowulf! You're Going Daaaaahn!
- Beowulf is not a “primitive poem;” it is a late one, using the materials (then still plentiful) preserved from a day already changing and passing, a time that has now for ever vanished, swallowed in oblivion; using them for a new purpose, with a wider sweep of the imagination, if with a less bitter and concentrated force. Ruins and Poetry: Beowulf
- Why should it be when all you ever heard was some old fogey in a dusty gown declaiming Cicero or Beowulf ? CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
- Denum äðeling tô yppan, _the prince_ (Beówulf), _honored by the Danes, went to the high seat_, 1815; eode ... under inwit-hrôf, 3124; pl. þær swîðferhðe sittan eodon, 493; eodon him þâ tôgeánes, _went to meet him_, Beowulf
- The two-man chorus is lent an alliterative, Anglo-Saxon form reminiscent of Heaney's Beowulf.
- Thinking about the film, I wrote: Beowulf and Grendel is not the poem I, and perhaps some of you readers, study or have studied. Archive 2007-07-01