How To Use Bentham In A Sentence
- The earliest modern source was the Benthamite em - phasis on measurement. RIGHT AND GOOD
- And of course there was Bentham with his felicific calculus of pleasure and pain, to say nothing of Jefferson and Franklin.
- 'Nothing,' he declares, 'in abstract science can be more certain than these propositions,' though they are denied by 'our professors of the arts babblative and scribblative '-- that is, by Benthamites and Whigs. The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) James Mill
- Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18~ ( th ) century.
- Gary Louth scrambled an early goal for Bentham and they got a fortunate second when a shot flipped up off a divot and the Grange keeper caught it but fell back over his line.
- That omnicompetence of Parliament which Bentham and Political Thought in England from Locke to Bentham
- Edwin Bentham was a boy, thrust by mischance into a man's body, -- a boy who could complacently pluck a butterfly, wing from wing, or cower in abject terror before a lean, nervy fellow, not half his size. THE PRIESTLY PREROGATIVE
- Bentham scorned the French Revolution and the very idea of “rights,” but he shared its disaffection with the old social order and advanced his own equali - tarian doctrine with his principle that, in planning reform on utilitarian lines, each should count for one and none for more than one. EQUALITY
- The salmon parr were released at 12 sites including Shap, Sedbergh, Bentham and Ingleton.
- Bentham appreciated his creature comforts: according to Negley Harte, the University of London's historian, his embalmed body wears a pair of knitted underpants, unlike most of his contemporaries, who simply tucked their shirt-tails between their legs. Me in the Economist, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty