How To Use Benignly In A Sentence
Even Peggy Noonan on MTP struggled this morning to describe as benignly as possible how McCain is noticeably putting a lot of energy into keeping a lid on his anger.
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asked Sawtry, taking a pull at an enormous cigar and smiling benignly at his addressee.
Father Bourassa fanned himself with the black broadbrim hat he wore, and looked benignly but quizzically on the wiry, sharp-faced Irishman.
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Though I don’t think Denyse will ban him, she seems kind of benignly brainless.
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Standing amid the groundlings in front of the stage was a tall, grey, benignly smiling man.
The wizened old man in the Cadillac smiled and waved benignly, said goodbye to Bob, and drove off.
Binky Philips: How About a Spin Around Daytona Speedway, Hoss?
Gheorghiu alone took the opportunity to do a few cheerleader-type waves and "What, me?" pirouettes while the rest of the cast waited benignly.
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After the revelations of Ben Trafford's past track record and including his level of honesty and truthfulness in business dealing, his criminal record for fraud and deceit and deceitful business practices, his swindling of employees and investors and handing out bad checks, I can't regard his comments here as either benignly or well-meaningly fomented.
Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
The amounts produced are proportional to the size of the gland, whether this is increased benignly or by prostate cancer.
The precious gemstones did not appear to be anything out of the ordinary, and simply hung benignly from their chains.
I am suspicious of gods who dwell benignly in heavens, immutable and supreme.
A society with the "ties that bind us" made of voluntary associations and agreements is a far superior, happier, honest, emotionally mature, wealthier, and moral community than one where the ties are hierchical obligations and benefits -- however benignly or liberally decided. the progress of political/economic instutitions through time is one of experimenting, faultering, and finding those which organize activity and thinking with less coercion.
Church and State, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Over millions of years, it has learned to live benignly on human skin and in human nostrils, in a microscopic intimacy that biologists call “commensal,” from the Latin words for “being at table together.”
Our schools partake of our communities, so the broader life challenges facing students do not sit benignly outside the classroom door, waiting for the final bell to ring: instead, they follow students throughout the day.
Fred Bauer: A Conservative Critique of High-Stakes Standardized Testing
This mainly seemed to involve me talking too much with the actors nodding benignly.
No doubt the technical assessment is sound and benignly offered, but the mere voicing of it has a slight ring of presumptuousness.
Then the colonial governments had the idea, benignly intended, of protecting the peasant growers from the fluctuations of the marketplace.
Even if events unfold so benignly, however, Britain's discourse on the euro crisis remains alarming.
Even if events unfold so benignly, however, Britain's discourse on the euro crisis remains alarming.
Before we go a sentence further, I must tell you, I am truly a mild-mannered fella, benignly boisterous at times, but, a Peaceful Percy for the most part.
Binky Philips: I Get Bounced From the Buzzcocks
He smiles benignly, but I would be truly surprised if we met again.
The bamboo reacted benignly, growing replacements in a most unthreatening manner and generally seeming to know its place.
For anyone with eyes to see and a television to be parked in front of by benignly neglectful eighties parents Floella is of course best known for her exuberantly dungareed presenting work on Playschool and Playaway.
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And if his features have recently seemed to take on a new youthfulness, his is still a face etched with experience, slowly hardening into the same benignly owlish countenance you see in photographs of his long-departed father, Jim.
The policeman smiled benignly at the motorist.
this drug is benignly soporific
Perhaps a lovely bowl of potpourri under the nose of the framed Adolf smiling benignly down from the wall.
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Inside the great temple the people of Nedra were singing and chanting with anticipant joy; outside the world was smiling benignly.
Looking out the window, I can see an orange flame of whimsical light skimming the horizon, and hues of blue to grey look down benignly from above.
The comparison even extends to elevating trivial food regulations – eating pork – over matters of sexual ethics; an Anglican example of this is to forbid intinction while smiling benignly on consensual, supportive sodomy – something Ralph Spence did when bishop of Niagara.
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Thus approached, I would smile benignly and direct the appropriately obsequious customer toward the objects of his desiring.
The city bristles with billboards, the Chief Minister's face looking down benignly on commuters, urging them to pay their electricity bills on time and online.
The benignly-named "frente frio numero 22" that swept over Mexico did not ignore Veracruz.
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Such pent-up energy will be released, either abruptly, adding to the severity of a future earthquake, or more benignly as aseismic creep
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The team looked on benignly because, at that stage, they were level and the game was turning their way.
What started as a celebration of cultural distinctiveness is now benignly assimilative.
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