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How To Use Benight In A Sentence

  • Besides suffering through a variety of severe but all-too-common mine accidents in its benighted history, the coalfields of Vancouver Island have also played host to some of B.C.'s most famous activists.
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
  • It would certainly confirm the country's international reputation as a backward and benighted land.
  • Users of Wikipedia do get to recognise which parts are shaky, but the unwise may suddenly stumble into benighted stretches, like some crinkum-crankum byway in old London, where footpads lurked and communicable diseases were offered at low prices. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
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  • It's a promising thought, but to place this book in the rubric of self-help would be to mistake Kahneman-who lived for several years in Nazi-occupied France-for a benighted optimist. Slate Articles
  • He still continued, however, cautiously to progress along the road on which be was benighted, and at length the twinkling of a distant light raised some hope of succour in his heart.
  • It's mesilf that kapes wakin 'benights to listen fer the screams av her. The Foreigner A Tale of Saskatchewan
  • All people knew (or thought they knew) that he had made himself immensely rich; and, for that reason alone, prostrated themselves before him, more degradedly and less excusably than the darkest savage creeps out of his hole in the ground to propitiate, in some log or reptile, the Deity of his benighted soul. Little Dorrit
  • Thus would we do in the old time when we drew anear some shore, and the beacons were sending up smoke by day, and flame benights; and the shore-abiders did on their helms and trembled. The Story of the Glittering Plain; or, the land of Living Men
  • It's a primitive, benighted method of ordering life that is based mostly on coercion and the world would be much better off if all its forms were banned forever.
  • That would pretty much set the stage for a generations-long clash of civilizations, with my beloved, sometimes benighted country as the aggressor.
  • Until those central elements of decency and prosperity exist, our nation should help shelter political refugees from this benighted place.
  • He was the congregator of those great spirits who presided over the resurrection of learning; the Lucifer of that starry flock which in the thirteenth century shone forth from republican Italy, as from a heaven, into the darkness of the benighted world. English literary criticism
  • He will say earnestly, poor benighted souls. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he is above legitimising the toxic comedy of humiliation that benights British culture. The Guardian World News
  • These benighted souls have no idea how cadaverous and ghostly their ‘sanity’ appears as the intense throng of Dionysiac revelers sweeps past them p. World Wide Mind
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • All they could do was build the best possible shelters for themselves, before the rainy season began, while he did his best to ensure their survival and eventual escape from this benighted place.
  • Master Milchku, queerest man in the benighted queendom, and, adcraft aidant, how he found the kids. Finnegans Wake
  • Oh, the queer sense of the good old Capri of artistic legend, of which the name itself was, in the more benighted years -- years of the contadina and the pifferaro -- a bright evocation! Italian Hours
  • In answering this question, Smyth seemed unable to go beyond a comforting but unchallenging look-how-far-we've-come-from-those-benighted-days attitude.
  • The people of Florence are far from considering themselves ignorant and benighted, and yet Brother Savonarola succeeded in persuading them that he held converse with God.
  • How does it please the Almighty for you to deliberately benight yourself in this manner? Breast beginnings - The Panda's Thumb
  • However, what of the body-shape debate that continues to benight the catwalks? Times, Sunday Times
  • In one of the most pertinent examples of this, anthropologists criticised matrilocal residence among groups in the Central Highlands for its implied association with a ‘primitive’, benighted phase of history.
  • It's a climb infamous for benighting parties who underestimate the route or get hounded by bad weather. From Gym Rat to Alpinist: Liz's Scary Final Exam
  • Ursula's lodging benights, and the rest of them slept on the field as they might; or should they come to a thicket or shaw, they would lodge them there softly. The Well at the World's End: a tale
  • It is not modesty but experience that makes us loath to suppose that others are benighted if they do not accept the pedagogical advantages of the curriculum we happen to favor.
  • This naturally entails a missionary element, bringing new revelations to the benighted souls in the art-complacent Antipodes.
  • I am got so much into the cant of criticism, that I begin to be afraid lest I have nothing except the cant of it; and instead of elucidating my author, am only benighting myself. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • He practices directing as antithetically and abusively to the author's intentions as perversely possible, reaping kudos from benighted reviewers and audiences alike.
  • My objectives are to find out what I can and to dispense succour to other poor benighted folk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened , heed only one side and you will be benighted.
  • However, what of the body-shape debate that continues to benight the catwalks? Times, Sunday Times
  • While Broadway audiences may have found such bait-and-switch tactics to be titillating back in the benighted days of "Victor/Victoria," they're now more than capable of taking homosexuality straight, and the clumsy coyness with which Messrs. 'Clear Day,' Muddled Effort
  • Against all odds, the Great Books joined the roster of postwar fads like drive-ins, hula hoops, and Mexican jumping beans … The Great Books initially scratched a cultural itch, but before long became synonymous with boosterism, Babbittry, and H.L. Mencken’s benighted boobocracy. 2009 February 19 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • We go chasing around this frozen, benighted countryside and discover nothing.
  • He goes so far as to use the term ‘invincible ignorance,’ which implies that there's no point in arguing with such benighted folk, since their ignorance is invincible.
  • benighted ages of barbarism and superstition
  • In sum, this is a quick-win solution to alleviating the general gloom benighting the country. Irish Blogs
  • Their fighters drink the rivers up, their shafts benight the air. Last Poems by A. E. Housman
  • Their fighters drink the rivers up, their shafts benight the air Archive 2010-01-01
  • If you are one of the benighted majority, you should know that he was one of those Victorian Scottish polymaths; a poet, theologian, and geologist of some genius.
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • And I think, you know, I'd love to see our children and grandchildren get together here a hundred years from now and roll back a tape of this show and say how benighted we were or how right we were.
  • He's a schlemiel, for one, someone who is constitutionally unequipped for the rigors of contemporary life, and whose benighted gropings would seem tragic, if only they were not so comic.
  • And you who bear authority over these benighted people, whether under the name of pasha, effendi, or mollah, let me advise you, although an unpromising subject for advice, not to act the stupid as well as barbarous part of riveting your nations in chains. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Because we are foolish and benighted and live in utter darkness. THROWING THE ELEPHANT
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • I am benighted, bewildered, taken with art-magic, transmuted, TRANSMOGRIFIED, not myself nor yet another, but, as they say in Mississippi, 'a sort of betweenity. ' Charlemont; Or, the Pride of the Village. a Tale of Kentucky
  • The forest was also frequented by outlaws, and was a place of great danger to the benighted traveller.
  • How I hate born-again neopagan politically-correct moral relativism ... but I do love the benighted sinners who practice this particular form of synthetic spiritualism. The Ritual: After Death, Before Venison
  • And the boldest of all the fishers would hear his hammer benight. The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
  • However, what of the body-shape debate that continues to benight the catwalks? Times, Sunday Times
  • Against all odds, the Great Books joined the roster of postwar fads like drive-ins, hula hoops, and Mexican jumping beans … The Great Books initially scratched a cultural itch, but before long became synonymous with boosterism, Babbittry, and H.L. Mencken’s benighted boobocracy. 2009 February 19 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • The high hoar cliff, the grove's benighting gloom, Alonzo and Melissa The Unfeeling Father
  • A beneficed clergyman from the most benighted, that is, most The Kellys and the O'Kellys
  • These are numbers that would have done honor to the state in its darkest, most benighted hour.
  • The British politicians who devised the policy of transportation believed they had the monopoly of rational daylight, and thought of Australia as a benighted, morally murky place.
  • Brahminee bulls slain in the streets, and cartridges greased with the fat of cows, and Christian converts indemnified, and property not confiscated for loss of caste, -- and a frightful falling off in the benighting business generally; and the fierce Rajpoot grinds his white teeth, while Asirvadam the Brahmin plots, and plots, and plots. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 02, No. 08, June 1858
  • And viciously contemning the Church more often than not entails a disdainful sidelong glance at the benighted faithful who persist in allegiance to her.
  • Now what was meant, of course, in fairness to the benighted author, is that educated people are statistically disproportionately liberal.
  • She warn't ever the same, after that; she never complained, but she kind of pined away and did not live long. hat was bugging Mark Twain in 1876, to make him think up the benighted village of Deer Lick? The Atlantic | July/August 2001 | Mark Twain's Reconstruction | Blount Jr.
  • We poor benighted left-handers, however, require tender, therapeutic care to deal with our differentness.
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • This was one of the most potent, as well as one of the most pathetic, evils incident to slavery, and the memory of it still brings tears to the eyes of those to whom the benighting influences of the system left sensibility sufficient to estimate the force of such deprivation. The Negro and the White Man
  • this benighted country
  • But is it right that our appetites wreak havoc on a country most of us have never been, and where grinding poverty of a kind that's been eliminated in even the most benighted, neglected corners of our own country is as common as it is confining?
  • When Mr. Heath, the benighted and storm-delayed traveler, threw back his dripping coat, and seated himself at the invitation of his host, before the blazing fire, Mr. Abbot thought that he had seldom seen a more attractive young man.
  • Seen in this benighted context, the election is as inexplicable as it is marvellous.
  • “Father,” said Jack, “can you lodge a benighted traveller that has lost his way?"
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • Is it possible that the Divine Being ever intended any of his creatures to live under conditions, the preservation of which demands the total and continual benightment of their minds and souls? The Negro and the White Man
  • Protagonists are helpless and feeble, benighted, physically weak and powerless.
  • You might be familiar with the well-publicized challenges to classics like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye, or the more recent attempts to muzzle Harry Potter and (further) benight Philip Pullman's series His Dark Materials. John Lundberg: A Poem Highlights Banned Books Week
  • Unknown to him, Barbara had written her own reportage of Liberia: Land Benighted (reissued in 1981 as Too Late to Turn Back) is a masterpiece of comic observation and mock-heroic misadventure. Shades of Greene: One Generation of an English Family by Jeremy Lewis
  • But isn't it surprising there have not been more deaths in that benighted land where people seem to have nothing else to do but take potshots at our boys.
  • You might be familiar with the well-publicized challenges to classics like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye, or the more recent attempts to muzzle Harry Potter and (further) benight Philip Pullman\'s series His Dark Materials. John Lundberg: A Poem Highlights Banned Books Week
  • The benighted peoples of this area
  • He will say earnestly, poor benighted souls. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wallich discovered abundance of his favourite and really splendid Polypodium Wallichianum, which I may accuse with justice of being an additional reason for our benightment. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • While the revival of form and narrative among young literary poets could be dismissed by critical tastemakers as benighted antiquarianism and intellectual pretension," Gioia writes, "its universal adoption as the prosody-of-choice by disenfranchised urban blacks. . .is impossible to dismiss in such simplistic ideological terms. Is Rap Poetry?
  • He escaped the intentional benighting of the Philippines and her people by absorbing the best of Western culture and civilization to finally see Spain and the Philippines in the total context of the past and present, and also, of future possibilities. Jose Rizal: Liberated by Language? « Far Outliers
  • However, to completely reject entire duchies of the science fiction empire as the Mundanists do ... it is that sort of benighted myopia that I reject. Do you like it hard?
  • Not full, but close; & of course that bloody "seller's subsidy" that benights the Virginia real estate market. Archive 2009-07-12
  • An 'now, Heller, do tell these poor, benighted, lazy loons that I must have me coky-nuts fresh, an' as great a variety av fish as can be procured in these wathers. Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature
  • Light of the Understanding, almost benight the Faculties, and give that melancholy Tincture to the most sanguine Complexion, which this The Spectator, Volume 2.
  • And with thy sooty fingers has benight The world's fair cheeks, blow, blow thy spite; Emblems, divine and moral
  • A very great many of them exist and they are capable of permanently benighting our wonderful planet and all its creatures. Bid Farewell to Nuclear Arms
  • We go chasing around this frozen, benighted countryside and discover nothing.
  • Along with the time flies we grew up gradually,become increasingly miss myself benighted.
  • This country has always abandoned its benighted poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darkness that benights our minds, and bring in a Clear Light, that would remove all Difficulties. The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of
  • Since the late nineteenth century, travelers, local colorists, reformers, and even missionaries described the area as an isolated, benighted place populated by a culturally backward people.
  • Yet I find little to criticize here, because he does so clearly not in the benighted belief that we have ever really been free of such a pattern but in the hope that we might one day be.
  • As he grew older, this cussedness became more pronounced, until his hatred of benighted autocratic states led him in the eyes of many to betray his left-wing views altogether.
  • A benighted creature who has the folly to worship something that he can see and feel.
  • April 14th, 2006 at 5:37 pm mfi: ‘OK I’m only a benighted bogtrotter’ Firedoglake » Iran: Calculated Madness and Common Sense
  • benighted (or nighted) travelers hurrying toward home
  • It is a sophisticated political response to a techno-scientific culture he viewed as primitive, destructive, benighted.
  • Doubt, which, as was said, ever hangs in the background of our world, has now become our middleground and foreground; whereon, for the time, no fair Life-picture can be painted, but only the dark air-canvas itself flow round us, bewildering and benighting. Paras. 20-39
  • St. Boniface asked for the help of the Wimborne sisterhood to carry on his missionary labours among the benighted tribes of Germany, and several establishments in the marshes and woodlands along the shore of the Baltic Sea were the daughter houses of this mid-Wessex abbey. Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
  • It was a benighted place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rome never was so black, with all her benighting influence of Popery. HAIR-BREADTH ESCAPES FROM SLAVERY TO FREEDOM.
  • Why had he sailed his boat to this benighted place, I asked. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pair of climbers were benighted in a storm at the top of Royal Arches without overnight gear.

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