How To Use benevolently In A Sentence
- The hills were an unearthly shade of green and the low patches of fog haloed the peaks of the trees, making them tall saints, staring down benevolently at the wet quiet of the valley.
- A parent striking a child, any socializer striking any learner, of any age, however "benevolently," short circuits interpersonal resonance †"disconnects the dancers. Hitting Doesn't Make Kids Better or Stronger
- You get to watch benevolently, breathe in crisp Alpine air, sip Swiss wine and wolf down chocolates by the handful.
- When she died, aged 75, she was still prospecting, close to the Arctic circle, having benevolently spent much of her fortune on schools and frontier hospitals.
- Surely an overreaction, there was just the merest nimbus puff floating benevolently by as we left home - it looked a great Sunday for football.
- David Fincher, I benevolently grant you permission to accept this award. Live blog: The Golden Globes – live! | Hadley Freeman
- The Vatican stressed that the pope had lifted the excommunication of Williamson and three other traditionalist bishops '' benevolently '' as a result of repeated requests by the society to which the bishops belong as a precursor to bringing the breakaway group back to the Church. Clerical Whispers
- However, his function in welcoming all the networkers was carried out admirably by his eldest son, complete with entourage of wife and baby son, while Steele's wife Sandra Lambrinos smiled benevolently over the entire event.
- She could not "call up spirits from the vasty deep" of the cellar, but she had procured some whiskey from her next-door neighbour – some five or six miles off, and there it stood somewhat ostentatiously on the table in a "greybeard," with a "corn cob," or ear of Indian corn stripped of its grain, for a cork, smiling most benevolently on the family circle, and looking a hundred welcomes to the strangers. Roughing It in the Bush
- Billy Flynn moved slowly to stand in front of the seated figure who smiled up at him benevolently. THE ONLY GAME