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How To Use Benefit In A Sentence

  • The play is a little overlong and would benefit from cuts, but each scene is interesting and changes are smoothly executed.
  • He did not seem overcome with pleasure at the idea of Philippa's visit, and she felt a little disappointed, but she had been interested in his talk; and as she went back to the house with Miss Mervyn, her mind was so full of it, that she felt obliged to tell her all about Tuvvy and Dennis, and her own plans for Becky's benefit. Black, White and Gray A Story of Three Homes
  • So even as they mutter racist slogans, members of Siberia's Lumpenproletariat benefit from proximity to the dragon.
  • But even these alienated loners can benefit from this book: See the section on astral love.
  • How anyone could have read some sinister intent into those views is indeed puzzling, and illustrates well how those damned Jewshow certain hypersensitive and overly privileged people who feel superior to the rest of the world are willing to cut their own throats for short term advantage by using unjustified charges of anti-semitism to point out how they take advantage of their position in any nation or institution who trusts them so as to benefit their own in group at the expense of that nation or institution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Catholics and Jews?
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  • I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
  • The healthy but lazy who claim incapacity benefit are just as morally bankrupt as those benefiting from offshore tax havens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet, some studies have suggested some kids with ADHD benefit from an elimination, also known as a hypoallergenic, diet. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The relationship between a woman and her clinician should be built on trust, and the benefits and the risks of a procedure such as an episiotomy must be openly discussed to ensure truly informed consent.
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  • However, the two substantial hurdles which protect the Fund mean many people will not benefit.
  • Meanwhile, the hard-working dweebs in his office who have not benefited from hypnotherapy get canned.
  • They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
  • As a consequence, the important benefits of collation and comparison of data from different sources are lost.
  • No magic numbers, fancy formulas or special percentages of carbs, fats and proteins are necessary to reap the benefits of a smart lower-carb diet.
  • People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
  • On the weight issue, and for the benefit of those that don't know their kilos from their pounds… there are 2.25 pounds to each kilo.
  • A former president of the Soil Association, Helen has been actively involved in promoting the benefits of organic methods to the farming community.
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  • There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.
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  • The telemetered technology will also benefit from integration with wireless-phone technology.
  • There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement.
  • Working with other schools is an effective means of staff training, and academies for secondary pupils will benefit if their feeder schools improve their standards. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Child benefit was uprated in line with inflation too.
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • How that rule would apply to those currently incarcerated is unclear, but in any event, the benefits of this ethically questionable legislation would arguably be minimal. News Item
  • In return for your skills, we offer salaries as stated, a comprehensive benefits package and the opportunity for career progression.
  • The guest bedroom with a deep, recessed window to the front also benefits from en suite facilities and a fitted wardrobe.
  • We offer a competitive benefits package including medical insurance, paid vacation and holidays.
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  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • India benefits from democratic politics, but suffers from overly bureaucratized government.
  • It is likely to have benefited more from erecting the jawbone outside the island kirk and turning it into a tourist attraction, than the museum, which will simply be adding it to its existing collection.
  • Historically, the postal service, which employs 532,800 workers, paid for retiree health benefits when they came due. Postal Service Eyes Closing Thousands of Post Offices
  • Our extensive battery of outcome measures, which focus mainly on physical benefits, is unlikely to capture the full extent of these apparent social benefits.
  • Caffeine appears to offer ergogenic benefits during prolonged exercise, but not during short-burst, high-intensity activities.
  • The ballooning cost to taxpayers of retirement benefits for public sector employees has forced the Conservatives to promise action. Times, Sunday Times
  • The juicy yet slightly overcooked burger would have benefited from a nice charbroiling, the flavor of smoke and fire would have added some much needed depth. NYC Food Guy
  • The programme is designed to benefit all households or residential units in Johannesburg, provided their electricity accounts are paid in full.
  • The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
  • It was to our disbenefit in a sense," he told his colleagues. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
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  • Let us get our own house in order for the benefit of the regulation of light aviation in general.
  • To further clarify the benefit of the combination of topical techniques for tumour destruction and external beam radiotherapy randomised studies are required.
  • The reason economists are sympathetic to signalling is that they are very smart (yes, really) and are among the people who probably don't benefit greatly from college, they learned how to think at high school and are mostly self-educated anyway. Free Education Valued at Cost, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Moreover, many insurance companies (including mine) refuse to pay the $30,000 cost, reasoning that any economic benefit they would recoup is years down the road. Beating Obesity
  • The law is predicted to bring benefits not just for ramblers but for the whole region by attracting more walkers and tourists.
  • Because metering would be such a major change, trials are under way to assess the likely benefits and costs.
  • However, he will give us his assurance tonight that he will never grow it, even if it is a boomer crop for New Zealand and provides many, many benefits.
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  • The site benefited from centuries of Indian custom in that it lay athwart an old Indian portage between Lakes Pontchartrain and Borgne and the river, the trail that now terminated as Rue de l' Hôpital.
  • The hagiology from which he has benefited in the last 50 years suggests that he may well have been right.
  • While a great comfort on long or rough rides, there are some situations where a fully locked differential is a benefit.
  • [LC] "A plaine declaracon, how greatlie the ffarmours of the Tobacco impost have bene endam - aged by that ffarme, and what proffitt and benefitt their labour & travell have brought to his Matie. The Records of the Virginia Company of London
  • They have a legal obligation to look after their shareholders so money out ought to mean some benefit in.
  • However, they all pose a basic problem: if you continue to live there rent-free the Inland Revenue regards that as a ‘gift with reservation of benefit’.
  • I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
  • Another amino acid, L-citrulline, known as citrulline, has been researched for its potential benefits as a workout recovery supplement and to help boost immunity after exercise. Leo Galland, M.D.: How to Boost Immunity After Exercise
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • It would appear that they formed in order to capitalise on certain perceived economic benefits.
  • If the reform stuck to a market-based insurance system - so went the reasoning - access could be within reach of more people without causing disruptions to those benefiting from the status quo. Anja Rudiger: With all eyes on the 'market,' health reform overlooked human rights
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • The end product is the same - waste material is recycled to the benefit of the environment.
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  • How to go local• Support local farmers by shopping at a farmers market, or buy a share in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) group, a community of individuals who pledge to support a farm operation so growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. With summer here, consider eating more locally grown foods
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  • However, it is possible that the clients who benefit mostly from primary care might be the nurses themselves.
  • In my view there seem to be umpteen benefits for bigger clubs having feeder teams.
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  • Opportunism consists of sacrificing fundamental interests in order to gain temporary, partial benefits.
  • Next introduced the network politics participation general theory; Finally introduced how network politics does participation becomes one new benefit turn of expression.
  • The result is that a large proportion of the elderly are solely dependent on the basic state pension, with supplementary benefit.
  • Television newspeople hail the benefits that broadcasts from the Court could provide to the public.
  • The world can only hope that he chooses to listen to sound advice and govern with the benefit of knowledge. Times, Sunday Times
  • About four teaspoons seems to do the trick, so you have be fairly liberal with a low-calorie dressing containing vinegar on your salad to get the benefit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Woodward is talking with the benefit of experience - not just from his time in coaching, but also from many years as a businessman.
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  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hope that after the finalisation of the arena we can start bringing benefits to the city. Romania's stadium for next year's Europa League final is in trouble
  • In addition, as Streamline is an arrowless, lighter, lower-volume set, it delivers significant operational benefits to customers through savings in dialyses, water, heparin, smaller dialyzer size, supplies, and waste disposal. Undefined
  • How does one decide whether the economic costs of regulation will outweigh the economic benefits ?
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  • It takes time to foster a creative work environment and to understand how creativity can bring you tangible benefits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cuckoo Fair is non-profit-making and benefits a range of local charities.
  • A convenience store operation, however, is not likely to realize that same benefit because its order sizes are smaller.
  • The only benefit of being cynical is that you can surround yourself with other cynical people. Times, Sunday Times
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  • In defense of “keen grasp of economics,” one of Matt’s fortes is an ability to be extremely annoyed by fallacies and oversights in cost-benefit calculation. Matthew Yglesias » Listmania
  • I didn't know whether his story was true or not, but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.
  • In that case the benefits to American industry in those same space states would far outweight the loss of Ares. Sen. Shelby's Crusade Against Commercial Space - NASA Watch
  • There are five primary investment vehicles in the managed-money environment, each offering different features and benefits.
  • When it comes to monster movies, novelty is not the be-all end-all; there is always room for a splashy new death or a witty recontextualization, but there are benefits to sticking to the formula. Farihah Zaman: 2010 Fantastic Fest #3: All Creatures Great and Small; Zombies, Vampires, and Terrible Human Beings
  • Frozen vegetables also benefit from the addition of herbs during cooking. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) arbitrators get to write first contracts (for a two-year period) covering wages, benefits, and work rules. Obama's War on Labor
  • Therefore, the calculus of benefits and harms has changed.
  • It's certainly been a hard slog but I think any experience, especially bad ones, usually benefit you long-term.
  • The related axiomatic study of epistemic notions has benefited from application of techniques used for proving incompleteness and indefinability results since the early sixties. Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
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  • There have been deals cut behind closed doors that are going to provide benefits for individual senators and their states, whether it's Vermont, Nebraska, or Florida," Chambliss grumped. Healthcare reform passes, freakout continues - poli
  • More intangible benefits accrue from the learning process and are missed or under-appreciated by the Air Force; they are often missed even by the graduating student.
  • But the report dismisses claims that Leeds is swamped by asylum seekers who have access to a wide range of benefits.
  • The errors, averaging 2,340 each, benefitted 436 staff and freelancers. The Sun
  • The benefits will typically outweigh costs, and an initial chat should be free. Times, Sunday Times
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  • the two factions are deadlocked over fringe benefits
  • Beneficiaries often have to submit to small scale victimisation and invasions of their privacy if they are to keep their benefit.
  • The idea of absolute state sovereignty is relatively new, and it derives from agreements among kings, emperors, kaisers, and czars for their mutual benefit.
  • The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.
  • When you have succeeded in eliminating this medicare waste without reducing benefits and quality of care and the money is "in the bank", then let's see how many new people can have all there medical expenses covered, less individual premiums, deductibles and co-pays if any. Obama: Health-care reform will not increase deficit
  • Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.
  • Unions campaigning for changes that benefit all workers - organized and unorganized - will demonstrate in a new way the value of unions to the broader population.
  • For maximum benefit, skin moisturizers should be applied generously before the longest period of no hand-washing activity (eg, before going to bed).
  • Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs which benefit patients.
  • It is already known that in some bowel cancers the K-Ras gene is faulty, leaving the switch permanently 'on'. patients who have a normally functioning K-Ras 'switch' might in some circumstances** benefit from new cancer drugs called cetuximab and panitumumab. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Silver, Gold and Premier Card holders receive all these benefits plus discounted room rates, upgrades and late check-out.
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  • This has some important potential benefit, but the ways in which data is collected and used are evolving rapidly. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the benefit of hindsight, I prefer to be philosophical about my experience.
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  • The higher charge didn't inure to the benefit of the defendants in that case.
  • No effective drugs are without side-effects but the benefits of the treatment have to be assessed and may outweigh the risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • So naturally he felt a force-feeding ban should be added to the many anticruelty laws already on the books, but he also freely acknowledged the practical benefits of fighting this particular battle. The Foie Gras Wars
  • In time the marginal benefits definitely outweighed the marginal costs. Times, Sunday Times
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  • TVs on the high street, it can still work out cheaper to rent - with the added benefit that you are not left with obsolete technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • One in eight members now claim benefit, compared with one in 10 a decade previously.
  • Their major claimed benefits may overplay the importance of sharing knowledge and expertise and underplay issues such as social conflict, cultural difference and opportunism.
  • The cut in benefits for the unemployed is a classic case of blaming the victim.
  • Some claims for its benefits remain doubtful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, Ferry said, the rupiah was benefiting from a weaker dollar vis-a-vis regional currencies.
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  • Elsewhere she might have won sympathy and benefited from female solidarity. Times, Sunday Times
  • All women can benefit from early advice on good nutrition, as well as about the importance of stopping risky behaviors, especially smoking, drinking alcohol and taking unprescribed drugs.
  • He also keeps himself fairly socially active, spearheading a charity to benefit inner-city youths of musical talent.
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  • This relief benefits employees who have high earnings and long periods of service.
  • Energy modeling and lifecycle costing can give facility executives a solid idea of the costs and benefits associated with their choices before a facility is built.
  • The Santa Monica iteration of this summer staple is one of the most budget-conscious ones at $40 (proceeds benefit the Special Olympics), but if you want to go even lower there's the $5 Thrillist food truck rally in Hollywood (proceeds benefit Meals on Wheels). Your Weekend To Do-List: Block Party, Blaxploitation, & Beer
  • I have not been a learner of foreign languages for any significant lengths of time to be able to introspect usefully for the benefit of your discussion, but I have noted how on those few occasions, the change of costumes and locale has a truly powerful effect on my motivation, my willingness to be playful and adventurous, to take risks and experiment with new or old-new phrases and words. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
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  • The move comes amid a general government crackdown on benefit fraud. Times, Sunday Times
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  • With the benefit of watching the incident on TV, he was able to reach a different interpretation of my actions than he had done in real time.
  • What business benefits can companies expect from these solutions? Computing
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  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
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  • Any benefit for middle and higher earners will be offset by a bigger than expected rise in national insurance and a double-digit increase in capital gains tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Third, our teacher felt that she could have benefited from instruction related to managing and coordinating paraprofessionals.
  • Second, the population flux will converge towards those countries that provide the more generous social benefits or the best living conditions.
  • So rarely do our financial worlds collide that this week's benefit cuts made for some bruising encounters online. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some products will benefit from being generally available for photography or for legitimate testing.
  • The hard disk is also fast, without the benefit of a cache controller.
  • He was approached by the organisers to lend support to a benefit concert.
  • The four-page color booklets provide information about organics, benefits and challenges to processors, the organic certification process, and labeling requirements.
  • Other birds to benefit nationally include song thrushes, red kites, skylarks and nightjars.
  • Farmers, advocates and ordinary shoppers all share the view that organics' move to the mainstream carries both benefits and risks.
  • Honestly, what benefit is there to newspapers in getting people to register just to read an obit?
  • The choice of clobber has a practical benefit though.
  • While these patients aren't generally expected to experience clinical benefit, there are circumstances in which off-label anticancer drugs are accepted as the standard of care, such as the use of high-dose carboplatin in some childhood cancers. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Timely participation in social practice will benefit college students all throughlife.
  • The changes will be benefit for the study on the character mitochondrial proton leak thermogenesis of diaphragm and cardiac muscle in tree shrews during the cold expose.
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  • D1 is drawn to include these private benefits plus the additional spillover benefits accruing to society at large.
  • Child benefit has been frozen for the last three or four years.
  • The reason is simple: higher rotational speeds lead to boosts in performance, as data transfer rates and access times benefit equally.
  • Therefore in reviewing the opinions and practices of ruder ages and races we shall do well to look with leniency upon their errors as inevitable slips made in the search for truth, and to give them the benefit of that indulgence which we ourselves may one day stand in need of: _cum excusatione itaque veteres audiendi sunt. The Golden Bough
  • The assumption that the benefits of Global Warmist policy are infinite and the costs immaterial is simply rubbish.
  • Without benefit of notes, visual aids, gestures or humor she spoke for ninety oddly mesmerizing minutes.
  • Should not any intervention be assessed with care, weighing costs against benefits?
  • The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
  • The authors suggest that tamoxifen may be underused in selected groups of women who could benefit from prophylaxis.
  • So let's push for means-tested benefits, and hope that social security slowly but surely shrinks and evolves to a welfare system for the needy elderly. Forced Savings vs. Social Security, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The postal inspector general has concluded that the agency has been required to overfund retiree pension benefits by $75 billion. - News
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  • Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
  • Therefore, as responsible, hard-working, right-thinking citizens, let us resolve to pull together and rally for the benefit of one another and for the good of our nation.
  • One benefit to the visitor is that prices are fairly reasonable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since higher interest rates boost the return on savings, these consumers benefit.
  • Today tens of thousands of individuals suffering from chronic pain have benefited from transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which relieves chronic pain without drugs or serious side effects. Mail Call
  • The life expectancy benefit of heat is large, too: These longevity gains associated with long term trends in geographical mobility account for 8%-15% of the total gains in life expectancy experienced by the US population over the past 30 years. Climate Preferences: Seek Life, Seek Heat, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Another contributor is the vast pool of unskilled immigrants (Mexico being the largest source of them) that has flooded our labor market, displacing poor citizens and driving wages and benefits down. Letters
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  • Trustees have a fiduciary duty to act in accordance with the trust deed and for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
  • The news of your transfer surprised us all. We will miss you, but realize that exciting opportunities and challenges await you. It has been an honor to be your colleague. We have all benefited from your wit and wisdom and wish you every success on your career path.
  • At first she gave them the benefit of the doubt. Spitfire Women of World War II
  • The Cuban experience may have some benefit in high - tech meccas as well.
  • Have anti-inflammatories or steroid injections been shown to be of any benefit?
  • The internet has also benefited many local auctioneers and estate agents.
  • After paying emergency tax he found himself almost a third worse off than when he was on benefits and was summoned to court for council tax arrears. Times, Sunday Times
  • Postal Service as it seeks congressional help in dodging much of a $5.5 billion payment due next Thursday into its retiree health benefit fund. Eye Opener: Obama's green czar leaving? Defense contractors regroup, Filipino flag flap
  • As it is, whenever sport-led regeneration is proposed in this country, the public is fobbed off with stat-free waffle about how it will benefit and regenerate local communities – and in some cases, we seem to be dispensing with even that fig leaf. Stanley Park will bring little benefit to local community in Liverpool
  • But the reserve's defenders were unswerving in their commitment to a greater cause: conserving the region's biodiversity for the benefit of mankind.
  • It was not possible to be prescriptive about the nature of the benefits which a school had to provide to the poor nor the extent of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Application for maternity benefits must be made at least eight weeks before confinement, or within six months of the birth of the child.
  • The study will assess the claims made for both the costs and benefits of international collaboration.
  • It is to our benefit to understand the actions of Israel in terms of 'ponerology' or, the study of evil. Corrente

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