How To Use Benefactress In A Sentence

  • But local baseball hero Klint refuses to warm up to his new benefactress and instead throws himself into his game with a fierceness that troubles his little brother. Fragile Beasts by Tawni O'Dell: Book summary
  • And yet, as Bliss notes, no one even suggested naming the medical school after its benefactress, in spite of her spectacular gift.
  • Born in Geneva and fleeing that city at age 16, Rousseau moved to Savoy where, under the influence of his benefactress Baronne de Warens, he transformed from an uneducated apprentice to a man of letters.
  • Sensitive to the mental atmosphere about her, as a wind harp to the lightest breeze, Berene felt this unexpressed sentiment in the breast of her "benefactress" and strove to avoid anything which could aggravate it. An Ambitious Man
  • UCMP provides access to the Papers of Annie Alexander, the benefactress of our museum, to historians and other interested parties.
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  • Another important ally gained at this period was Harriet Shaw Weaver, business manager and then editor of the Egoist, and a lifelong benefactress of Joyce.
  • If she was being kept by a wealthy benefactress, she might well pick up a little something for her. BABYCAKES
  • Eight years of toiling for the attentions of some noble benefactress and eight years of writing stories.
  • He tells Elinor he did and still does love Marianne, and was going to ask her to marry him, when his benefactress became informed of his behavior towards Colonel Brandon's foster daughter.
  • But I do _not_ love _her_!" answered the proud girl, regarding the woman whom the world called her benefactress, with a glance of queenly scorn. The Old Homestead
  • It is the winter of 1773 and ‘our man’ Diderot fills 66 notebooks with facts, dreams and mystifications for his illustrious benefactress.
  • Crotchety spinsters, ladies 'companions, put a cheerful face upon it, endure the humors of your so-called benefactress, carry her lapdogs for her; you have an English poodle for your rival, and you must seek to understand the moods of your patroness, and amuse her, and -- keep silence about yourselves. The Magic Skin
  • Their benefactress stood before them, still twisting at her apron, and she talked.
  • He was aware that his ingratitude to his benefactress was the theme of general remark and reproach; and he apprehended, should the King fall a victim to one of those attacks of indisposition to which he was continually subject -- an event which had been foretold by the astrologers, and which was anticipated by his physicians -- that he should be unable to contend against the animosity of the irritated Princess, and the undisguised aversion of the Duc d'Orléans, who made no effort to conceal his dislike to the haughty minister, against whom he published during his sojourn at The Life of Marie de Medicis — Volume 3
  • When Anne and her mother called the next morning to thank their benefactress, she was not up; but her servant gave them a parcel from his mistress: it contained a fresh supply of needlework, a gown, and some other clothes, which were directed _for Anne_. Tales and Novels — Volume 04
  • Read about the Saurian Expedition of 1905 on which UCMP benefactress Annie Alexander collected many ichthyosaurs.
  • Instead of taking the train back to Poland, however, he returns to the casino, where that night she sees him gamble the money away again, in the process insulting his benefactress.
  • Crotchety spinsters, ladies’ companions, put a cheerful face upon it, endure the humors of your so-called benefactress, carry her lapdogs for her; you have an English poodle for your rival, and you must seek to understand the moods of your patroness, and amuse her, and — keep silence about yourselves. The Magic Skin
  • As a new kind of benefactress, she designs simple but elegant clothing for the working class.
  • Benefactress! benefactress!" said I inwardly: "they all call Mrs. Reed my benefactress; if so, a benefactress is a disagreeable thing. Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. I.
  • It is not likely that this selfish and unwarlike pedant -- a "nithing", as they probably called him -- had ever been aught but a most unwelcome necessity to the lion-hearted Ostrogoths, and for all but the families and friends of the three slain noblemen, the imprisonment and the permitted murder of his benefactress must have deepened dislike into horror. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • St. John comes to visit her at the end of that first day, upon which occasion Jane meets the benefactress of the schoolhouse and some charitable acts of the Parish - Miss Oliver.
  • She believes Willoughby is engaged to Marianne, but unsure of how to tell his benefactress; he has instead followed her orders to leave.
  • The poem is included in the testimonial letter signed ‘Allida,’ where it is described as having been received by another of Frado's white benefactresses.
  • There he found his benefactress, the Baronne de Warens, who gave him the education that turned him into a philosopher.
  • For Symphony No 4 Tchaikovsky produced his own programme to satisfy the curiosity of his invisible benefactress, Mme von Meck.
  • To these articles of intelligence she added, that the name of her benefactress was the celebrated Lady —, to whose character the youth was no stranger, though he had never seen her person before. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • I shall be an old woman then, and should, it may be, have less objection to being known as his benefactress than at present. A Romantic Young Lady
  • And accordingly the latest writers on this subject have relinquished that accusation; they no longer charge the old pedagogue with such an effort of genius; they confine themselves to accusing him of ingratitude towards his benefactress, which is as much as to say that a little personal favour, even when well earned, is to compel a man to shut his eyes henceforward to the character and conduct of the person who has conferred it, and that both patriotic feeling and political policy are to be quenched by a pension, which is a strange view. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • A woman of intelligence and learning, she was a benefactress of the Queen's College, Oxford.
  • Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth 2)symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.
  • And now tell me who is the lady whom Mr. Brocklehurst called your benefactress? Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. I.
  • They may never through life hear her name, but she is not the less their benefactress.
  • Mary's subsequent search for Michael and her development into a genuine benefactress take up most of the remainder of the novel, along with Michael's struggles within and outside of Deep Valley and his own political coming of age.
  • The program was organized in honor of a local benefactress of the arts, who was interested in harpsichord performance and gave money to other arts interests, too.
  • Tchaikovsky wrote that in 1878, after the completion of his fourth symphony, in a letter to his benefactress, Nadezhda Von Meck, the widow of an industrialist.

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