How To Use Benefaction In A Sentence

  • The bieing innate of a battery based upon peoples entrance to fast as well as postulated for benefaction needs. Archive 2009-12-01
  • With those 'records of the past,' which my old friend Stillinghast ought to have _eaten_ up years ago, you have burnt up legacies to orphans, benefactions to widows, and many noble charities with it -- _if it was burnt_, "added Mr. Fielding. May Brooke
  • It is left to us to keep their generous benefaction alive, and our blessed, beautiful country worthy of their courage.
  • Permit me now to render my portion of the general debt of gratitude, by acknowledgments in advance for the singular benefaction which is the subject of this letter, to tender my wishes for the continuance of a life so usefully employed, and to add the assurances of my perfect esteem and respect. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • As one of his biographers noted, the statistics of his benefactions alone are mind-numbing.
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  • I do not think there is anything insurmountably difficult or impossible about getting men to understand one or two simple propositions which they do not understand now, that is, the benefaction to any community of the recognized money-maker. Australia and Her Post-War Problem
  • In fact there is an ambiguity to several of these benefactions.
  • He was president of the Stanford University, a private benefaction of the times. Chapter 1: My Eagle
  • Occasionally, a great private patron with local connections might favour the town with a benefaction or by acting as friend at court.
  • The relations cognisance of a arise gave those benefaction a taste of what a Society's reason up was identical to a century ago (although nonetheless a cigars commonly smoked by members afterwards after a light repast during a finish of readings). Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • But he left his benefaction for the university untouched and so inspired his colleagues and sons that they saw to its establishment.
  • For almost 10 years, I have preened myself on this single modest benefaction.
  • Here those favoring the wealthy are following social convention and may even see themselves securing the benefaction of the patron for the church.
  • Copenhagen is filled with his projects and benefactions - most famously the Little Mermaid, which he commissioned in 1913 after seeing a ballet version of the Hans Christian Anderson story.
  • Poor people could not always afford candles, and one of the cathedral deans, Andrew Kilkenny, came to their rescue with a benefaction.
  • He died for no ends of patriotic devotion, or even of moral reformation, as regards the social wrongs and destructive vices of the world, but for the state of sin itself and the recovery of souls to God — just that kind of benefaction which only a very few of mankind, such as Plato, for example, and like meditative teachers here and there, had once thought of as a want, or could even begin to conceive. The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • He provided steady employment and the list of his benefactions was long.
  • The life-size crosses and figures of saints were one of the great forms of benefaction in the eleventh century and are described in churches across England.
  • But society visits upon its members other benefactions, of such significance as to make it appear more and more divine.
  • Hence those who devote themselves to seeking for life goal by benefaction often feel disappointed and unfair, for which they are overall indignant.
  • These included the publication of De Profundis, the issue of a twelve-volume edition of Wilde's collected works, and Ross's enormous travail for the benefaction of Wilde's orphaned sons.
  • Penslar will be the first Stanley Lewis professor of Israel studies, a chair created with a £3m benefaction from the Stanley and Zea Lewis family foundation. Oxford University appoints Israel studies professor with £3m donation
  • Now 74, Whelan has attained an improbable six seasons of Premier League football for Wigan at his DW Stadium, but the club is wholly reliant on his benefaction. Blackburn Rovers and Birmingham City have the most to fear from relegation | David Conn
  • Consequently, in recognition of this benefaction, painters and sculptors represent him as holding up the firmament, and the Atlantides, his daughters, whom we call "Vergiliae" and the Greeks [Greek: Pleiades], are consecrated in the firmament among the constellations. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • A pile of newspapers and letters for the master of the house; the Newcome Sentinel, old county paper, moderate conservative, in which our worthy townsman and member is praised, his benefactions are recorded, and his speeches given at full length; the Newcome Independent, in which our precious member is weekly described as a ninny, and informed almost every Thursday morning that he is a bloated aristocrat, as he munches his dry toast. The Newcomes
  • Kellogg College has received generous benefactions from the Kellogg Foundation.
  • There is an unquestioned element of benefaction in this plan.
  • His total benefactions - including more than 2,800 Carnegie libraries - amounted to $350 million.
  • The giving of money is, of course, only one kind of benefaction, and not the highest kind, which is the giving of self; but the good which these gifts have rendered possible is beyond calculation. American Men of Mind
  • Refounded in 1602 on the site of the earlier university library, it has since 1604 borne by royal decree the name of the remarkable man whose endowment remains the greatest benefaction ever received by the University of Oxford.
  • Allowing for inflation, religious benefactions dropped from a total of over £80,000 in 1501-10 to under £2,000 in 1591-1600.
  • ‘I was brought up by the country, and I am always thinking of repaying the benefaction with my little contribution,’ Chen said.
  • Half her time was spent at spillikins, which I consider as a very valuable part of our household furniture, and as not the least important benefaction from the family of Knight to that of Austen. Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
  • By such benefactions artists seek to pay some of their dues.
  • Permit me now to render my portion of the general debt of gratitude, by acknowledgements in advance for the singular benefaction which is the subject of this letter, to tender my wishes for the continuance of a life so usefully employed, and to add the assurances of my perfect esteem and respect. Letters
  • It is worth examining these benefactions carefully in order to determine from whence individual things came.
  • Election should be by secret ballot; a cabinet recommended a two-thirds certain opinion of those benefaction when a opinion is taken. Philadelphia Reflections: Shakspere Society of Philadelphia
  • For, all these, of course, are exceptions; and the rule and hodiernal life of a good man is benefaction. XI. Essays. Character. 1844
  • She wasted a great part of the royal treasury for her benefactions!
  • He also promised to promote her son, then studying at Cambridge, to appropriate benefices and to make other benefactions.
  • My second example is the recent establishment of a professorship of Modern Arabic, made possible by a benefaction from the Sultan of Oman.
  • The new Foundation will receive a benefaction of £10 million from the Rhodes Trust, and will focus on the areas of education, governance, healthcare, environmental protection, law and sport.
  • Those without political ambitions would point to their record of public service and, if wealthy, to their public and private benefactions.
  • It would be safer, perhaps, to let the suspicion rest upon that gentleman's memory, of having indulged his own benevolent disposition in this disguise, than to suppose it possible that so scanty and reluctant a benefaction was the sole mark of attention accorded by a "gracious Prince and Master Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 02
  • These conferences are made possible through the benefaction of the Barrow Cadbury Trust.
  • The people realized the philanthropy was the way to solve poverty problem, preserve the social order and rebuild society more than the tool of performing benefaction and moral domestication.
  • We decided that it would be wrong to make an exception even for such an exceptional benefaction.
  • As I learned in writing Virtue, Valor, and Vanity: The Founding Fathers and the Pursuit of Fame, Alexander Hamilton was no less ambitious than Ryan Seacrest -- but to Hamilton and the other founders, fame was different then from what it is now, attainable only through civic benefaction, which is to say, only through taking steps to make life better for others. Eric Burns: The Founding Celebrities
  • A large proportion of their income comes from benefactions.
  • A large proportion of their income comes from benefactions.

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