How To Use Beneath In A Sentence

  • In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
  • A couple of rusty old bits of farm machinery lay slowly dissolving beneath the sky.
  • When nothing overtly is going on, make sure that a great deal is at work beneath the surface. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Weapons of Mass Instruction
  • There's nothing you can do to change the little ones' minds about the gewgaws and gimcracks they expect to find beneath the tree - or to stop your in-laws' annual onslaught, for that matter.
  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
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  • In 1883 Mr. Leaf wrote: "I take it that the _zoma_ means the waist of the cuirass which is covered by the _zoster_, and has the upper edge of the _mitrê_ or plated apron beneath it fastened round the warrior's body. ... Homer and His Age
  • The undulating holloway, which has itself sunk through the steady erosion of cartwheels and hooves up to fifteen feet beneath the hillside, translates you from the present into an earlier era when John Nash carved out his woodcuts in English boxwood at the kitchen table under a single lamp-bulb and cultivated the half-wild garden. Wildwood
  • Beneath the third was a vast treasure which the emperor then used for charitable purposes.
  • The mud beneath my feet was soft and with every step, I sunk in to my ankle or deeper.
  • Three other ports were incised higher in the stomach wall on the patient's right-hand side, just beneath the liver. ABSOLUTE ZERO
  • Beneath them, he seemed to see her innards in frenzied motion, as though she had snakes nesting in her. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum, the dentate gyrus becomes flattened and smooth and continues on to the dorsal surface of the corpus callosum as the thin gyrus fasciolaris.
  • As he wheeled once more she caught a glimpse of his face, almost indistinguishable beneath the mask of dirt and blood.
  • Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
  • I was kneeling on the floor beneath his feet and nearly got trampled to death in the scrum.
  • See how the legs lengthened and jointed themselves, bending beneath the throne as though to leap upward. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • We often read about overwrought ladies reaching for their vinaigrettes, or of stalwart heroes reviving a swooning damsel by waving a vinaigrette beneath her nose.
  • Its robotic arm dug a trench and sensationally discovered ice beneath the surface. The Sun
  • He pressed his palm against Rob's chest, felt his heart beating slowly beneath the smooth, tanned skin and taut muscles.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
  • The neck (collum mallei) is the narrow contracted part just beneath the head; below it, is a a prominence, to which the various processes are attached. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
  • I feared the snow would bury the words beneath its drifts.
  • Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran 
  • She was looking strained and had dark circles beneath her eyes.
  • On a shelf beneath he spotted a photo album.
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • He pulled open the top drawer beneath.
  • Cats were slumbering noisily beneath the TV set and a smallish party of utter strangers were drinking Harp in the saloon lounge. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • This "quidam," as she called him -- for his name was beneath the cognizance of an Emperor's bastard daughter -- had by her orders received rigorous and exemplary justice. PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
  • Beneath that aloof exterior, Gayle is a warm, sympathetic person.
  • For those who like to roll and rock, an 8,000-square-foot roller-skating rink, complete with nighttime deejays and "old-school" wheeled rental skates, is opening next week beneath the northernmost open end of the High Line. High Line on a Roll
  • The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun. The Redemption of David Corson
  • Close against them and overpeering their tops were hollyhocks and dahlias; against these stood at lesser height sweet peas, asters, zinnias, coreopsis and others of like stature; in front of these were poppies for summer, marigolds for autumn; beneath these again were verbenas, candytuft -- all this is sketched from memory, and I recall the winsome effect rather than species and names; and still below nestled portulaca and periwinkle. The Amateur Garden
  • The ring slowly sank beneath the surface of the mud pool.
  • At night, they advised us to put on our under-bungalow lights and wait for the floorshow of ravenous and strange-looking fish gobbling up plankton just beneath us.
  • They learned to dress and pack the catch, their clothes crusted with scales, the boards of the shanty slick with gurry beneath their feet. AMAGANSETT
  • She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.
  • Perhaps the original decoration lies intact beneath the layered generations of wallpaper and ever-changing tastes in house paint, ready to be rediscovered.
  • They scratch the soil from beneath the flags, which then sink, and the consequent stench from the drains is abominable, jeopardising the health of the tenants. Boing Boing: November 19, 2006 - November 25, 2006 Archives
  • Four lanes of canal with a street beneath it, an occasional car splashing by. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • On and above the glabella a trace of the frontal suture sometimes persists; beneath it is the frontonasal suture, the mid-point of which is termed the nasion. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • The main floor of the new building will be level with the main floor of the old hospital, with a crawl space beneath.
  • The guns were set inside of hills, beneath reinforced concrete bomb shields, and concealed behind immense iron firing ports.
  • Once or twice a day the intrepid fisherman ‘runs’ his trot line meaning he gets in a boat and checks the hook dangling beneath each float and if necessary sticks a fresh perch on it for bait.
  • Both François Massialot, in Le Cuisinier roïal et bourgeois, and Menon, in Le Cuisinière bourgeoise, speak of the bourgeois kitchen as simple in style and limited in possibilities, but where special occasions required special efforts, indicating that for them the term designated a style of life and social position beneath that of the nobility. Savoring The Past
  • The other bedrooms are located on the other side of the lower level beneath the master bedroom quarters.
  • The Alphamale, Ultraphenomenon, Greyraven, Ms. Mage … these guys are icons, bigger than the flesh and blood beneath the body-armors. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Joel’s Review Forum
  • The figure wearing dark suit, open-necked shirt and stubble, sheltering beneath an umbrella from the torrential rain outside a London cinema, could hardly look more glum.
  • Over the door of a handsome brick building dated 1937, beneath a clustered family group whose adult held a caduceus, the lintel bore this inscription.
  • The stones beneath her shoes grated harshly.
  • Beneath the tough outer casing and linear silhouettes are a feast of soft frills and folds.
  • They decided she was marrying beneath her.
  • But I suppose it was too much to expect for him to have a black, twirly moustache and for her to cackle mysteriously from beneath an impenetrable black shroud.
  • The valley spread out beneath us.
  • Beneath them were the "unfree" _nativi_, sold or given with the soil. A Short History of Scotland
  • Our own hand luggage was stowed firmly beneath our table, out of the danger zone.
  • I stared down at the rippling black water beneath which lay the mascon. The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
  • Life on patrol means months permanently beneath the surface of the sea to avoid detection. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was as if, in some strange way, it was beneath his dignity to take an interest in her.
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • This is all on the surface, but beneath and better than this is a kindness which leaves no stranger to a sense of loneliness, no want uncared for, and no sorrow unalleviated. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Now that BHT is out on video, I don't feel quite so obligated to hide such things beneath a cut tag -- for I assume that most of you who would be interested in seeing this film have already done so. Play it again, Sam
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • A group of scientists from the University of South Carolina in Columbia says that they've used geological anomalies, as well as clues from rock samples, to identify an ancient crater buried beneath the piedmont sediments of their state.
  • All but two of the transactions will be for easements, meaning the city will buy permission to use land beneath the surface. :
  • Beneath, where even in August noonday, the sun cannot find its way by a chink, and babies lie stark naked in the cavernous shade, Allen Street presents a sort of submarine and greenish gloom, as if its humanity were actually moving through a sea of aqueous shadows, faces rather bleached and shrunk from sunlessness as water can bleach and shrink. Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
  • Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves.
  • The master warmed beneath his copper-coloured rind. The Hand of Ethelberta
  • The edge of his gauntlets show beneath the edge of his shirtsleeves, flashing as he walks in time with the bracers that cling to his shins and over his feet.
  • She looked out of the window at the children playing beneath.
  • Patches of pale blue appeared fleetingly, punch holes of sanity beneath the roiling storm clouds. Mercy Kill
  • Visitors during the summer of 2002 may expect to see a new black-and-white marble floor in the rotunda beneath the dome.
  • Modern roads have a maze of water and sewer pipes running beneath them.
  • He was cruel to his men, and to officers beneath his rank.
  • Add the drained whole tomatoes and chicken stock, making sure the lamb is submerged beneath the liquid. Times, Sunday Times
  • They wore mirrored armor that would deflect a number of shots until the enamel wore off and only plain steel lay beneath.
  • Beneath the relative uniformity of its standard, edited variety, American English is a rich gallimaufry of exotic and native stuffs.
  • And so, in chatting and thinking and waiting for the engineer, Uncle Prudent and Phil Evans walked about beneath the forest of screws, whose gyratory movement gave their arms the appearance of semi-diaphanous disks. Robur the Conqueror
  • You could also think about what lies beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath a surface grubbiness inside, the seats, carpets and trim were in excellent condition.
  • The shed ‘floats’ on pier footings, allowing air to circulate beneath it so the room remains dry.
  • Or they asserted that all those landlubberly creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge or had swum short distances between stepping-stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves. Galapagos
  • There is little or no hint of the compassion and humanity which lay beneath the cool exterior.
  • His dark limbs gleamed like oiled gold beneath the faded bermudas and T-shirt.
  • This consists in cutting a ring round the tree with axes through the bark and sapwood, or alburnum, into the brown wood beneath. Australia, The Dairy Country
  • Music molds much of what I write, though I suspect the molding is beneath the surface, for the most part. Horrorfind, and Music with your Muse...
  • His only accompaniment was the soft hiss of snow passing beneath his skis and the low whistle of the wind as it shaped the loose powder.
  • Steel washers beneath the action screws and steel pillars in the stock keep the synthetic material from being compressed when the action screws are torqued into place.
  • The central doorway must have been of still greater beauty; but the whole of the upper part of it is hidden by the porch and parvise inserted beneath the central arch. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • I could see Alexander cover his nose and his jackal buried its head beneath its paws.
  • The boiler, washing machine and dryer are hidden beneath the stairs.
  • So yes, Obama is FAR left of liberal, and he'll be a 1 term occupier (he's beneath being called President) of the Presidency! The Nation: Top Stories
  • All three chose to veil their implied criticism of the judge's ruling beneath a denunciation of the media that reported it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The arbutus, all aglow and fragrant beneath its leaves, the purple fringed polygala were past, but they found the pale gold lily of the bellwort, the rust-red bloom of the ginger. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • They were surrounded by hyenas, crocodiles and hippos and while in the swamps they went barefoot so they would feel a potentially deadly crocodile beneath their feet. The Sun
  • There's an extra layer of underfloor storage beneath the boot floor, and the rear window can be opened separately from the tailgate.
  • There he stood before a figure with a long black robe and frizzled, unkempt white hair poking out at odd angles from beneath a black hat.
  • It was long, built around two sections of the tetragon, and with low divans beneath the view windows. Operation Haystack
  • Where the skin peeled back, black carbon fibre mesh showed through from beneath flesh veneer. 365 tomorrows » Repurpose : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Other fields and cottage gardens grow grapevines on overhead trellises, the soil beneath the arches being densely planted with cabbages and other vegetables.
  • Pushing down those already beneath you in the ranks is simply a waste of effort.
  • There, in the very ground beneath her feet, was a periscopic reflection of what was going on above ground. EVERVILLE
  • Gradually the sun warms up and then, finally, a band of bright, pale gold hits the snow and the fresh powder begins to sparkle beneath your skis.
  • Black; the head and thorax very closely punctured, thinly clothed with griseous pubescence, that on the face, thorax beneath, and on the coxæ most dense and glittering; antennæ more slender than is usual in this genus, and tapering to their apex, the joints slightly subarcuate; the mandibles bidentate at their apex and with a yellow spot at their base. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • She awoke to find herself lying curled on the bed beneath a light counterpane. COMPULSION
  • Beneath the thatch we squat in the dust, clink our bottles and drink.
  • They have been entombed in a cramped steel cage almost a kilometre beneath the surface since April 25 when an earthquake in the southern state of Tasmania triggered a rockfall.
  • The mastiff is powerful, heavy muscles rippling beneath its scarred pelt.
  • She walked beneath the overhang, and stepped up the curb.
  • McClure was knighted and showered with cash - the legacies of both are bound by a watery historical note: their ships lie on the ocean floor beneath Canada's Arctic Archipelago. - Home Page
  • Gentle traction downward on the head will assist in bringing the anterior shoulder beneath the symphysis.
  • Beneath the city's dense urban forest, low walls of Arroyo Seco stone and clinker brick front brown-shingled homes with porches set under graceful overhangs.
  • He advocates the instinct, the imagination, the unconsciousness, by means of the intelligence which he esteems so far beneath them ....
  • Although the floor beneath our hooves is pasture the grass is not enough. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Deep beneath the Nebraska prairie lurks a vast bunker that has lain undisturbed for nearly four decades. Marvel Solicitations for January 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The vehicles buckle and crash beneath his feet, which is supposed to be an awesome display of his destructive power.
  • Many find themselves having to take jobs far beneath them.
  • The muscles beneath the bladder that surround the urethra are called the pelvic floor muscles.
  • The first nest containing a brood of tiny young was found in a slight depression in the ground beneath birches.
  • Scratch beneath its surface and Croydon has much more to offer than urban blight and the odd supermodel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath his confident exterior, he was desperately nervous.
  • Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency. Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
  • I wasn't breathing; my whole body was tingling and trembling and I felt as though I was shaking when the ground beneath us was still.
  • She brushed past him, slung her bags beneath the old oak hatrack beside the door. Black Blade
  • Her dark hair was disarrayed in all directions about her head, and her icy blue eyes leered up at me from beneath a veil of hair.
  • + ions that demineralize the enamel beneath the surface of the tooth; calcium and phosphate are dissolved in the process. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • It turns out that the gradient in oxygen, declining to zero in the sulfurous sediments beneath the surface, is an electric gradient as well, and that the worms use this to advantage in producing metabolic fuel.
  • Beneath that calm exterior, he has a fierce will to win.
  • To create a medieval feel, the towers will have arrow slits and cars will be able to drive under the archway beneath a raised portcullis.
  • We chose to sit beneath a willow tree with its branches shielding us from view.
  • She was wearing a business suit, black with pinstripes and a white dress shirt beneath the suit jacket.
  • As it sways precariously beneath the five-tonner, a small priesthood of caretakers will guide it to a washbasin and gently remove the ravages of worship and travel. Roy and His Rock
  • Red above, and blue beneath, with the distinguishing pennant _beneath_, make The Two Admirals
  • He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him.
  • To handle the extra power at high altitude, the Columbia 400 incorporates a larger rudder in both chord and span, along with a ventral fin beneath the empennage.
  • Or is it more likely a case of increased recognition of the harsh reality that acute financial problems are festering beneath the surface of the U.S. and global Credit systems?
  • These characters frequently bear expressions of mindless petulance, as if adult emotions of rage and frustration were seething beneath their all too kawaii surface.
  • Who would want to cut a hole in the ice and dive beneath it, when you can go to the tropics and do it without a drysuit?
  • I pulled my diary from beneath a pile of files.
  • A central chimney rises through the body and cover and is open at the top beneath the finial.
  • I peered outside at fishermen in green quilted waistcoats sat sheltered beneath big umbrellas beside a pond rippled by raindrops.
  • The night before the marathon, the Rosses celebrated their anniversary at an Upper West Side Japanese restaurant, located beneath the apartment where he lived when a podiatry student.
  • The warming of the oceans from beneath has caused the depths of the ice caps to decrease, allowing more sunlight to reach the ocean beneath.
  • Oft was the dragon above, and eftsoons beneath; nevertheless at the end high he gan rise, and he flew down right with fierce assault, and the bear he smote, so that he fell to the earth; and he there the bear slew, and limbmeal him tore. Roman de Brut. English
  • She wraps her finger in a clean paper towel, checks her steak and turns off the flame beneath the beef and vegetable flavored soup she's preparing for Sarah.
  • Be prepared tonight for a journey, and meet me at moonrise beneath the Great Cottonwood.
  • The water churned beneath the huge ship.
  • At friends 'parties he participates in improv poetry competitions as Iron Poet Norse Saga, whose hour-long eddas on the dust-bunnies beneath Odin's throne often extend the celebrations until dawn. MIND MELD: Memorable Short Stories to Add to Your Reading List (Part 2 of 2)
  • Then finding no longer any refuge from inevitable captivity, except in the waters of the Elster, the brave prince had thrown himself into it without considering the impassable steepness of the opposite bank, and in a few moments he with his horse was ingulfed beneath the waves. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • The antiradiation missiles slung beneath his wings were the latest in technology. Terror At Dawn
  • Then on, with, the galloping even triplet of the house's hoofs beneath me, as they came down in quick succession, as if the earth were a muffled drum and we were beating an untiring rataplan on her breast. Mr. Isaacs
  • The sun has dipped beneath the horizon, leaving behind a pink glow joined by a crescent moon.
  • To him, the price was not worth suffering the indignities of a job he felt was beneath him.
  • Roberts wonders if the remains beneath the fuselage are her brother's. Remains Returned List WWII
  • She glanced at him occasionally from beneath lowered lids.
  • Fergus shuddered, for although the Lad was young and firm-fleshed, the smile revealed the evil beneath.
  • True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven.
  • In winter the family would have to dress beneath the bed covers, such was the cold, and frost would make intriguing fan shapes on the windows.
  • Just beneath the surface, out of sight of the watch, she had hit what is referred to in sailing circles as a growler.
  • And both mouths, while generously proportioned, carried the impression of girlish sweetness and chastity along with the muscles that could draw the lips to the firmness and harshness that would not give the lie to the square, uncleft chins beneath. CHAPTER IX
  • It's flattering, glamorous and something to hide beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  • An earl is beneath a duke.
  • On the water, meanwhile, the last White Lilies are sinking beneath the surface, the last gay Pickerel-Weed is gone, though the rootless plants of the delicate Bladder-Wort, spreading over acres of shallows, still impurple the wide, smooth surface. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • His goods are distrained, his children are crying with cold and hunger, and the very bed on which his sick wife is lying, is dragged from beneath her. Sketches by Boz
  • Beneath her self - confident surface , she's quite unsure of herself.
  • There are his and her hanging lockers, drawers beneath the bed and a large adjoining head complete with tub and shower.
  • The voices from the archways and beneath the flags tones cried out briefly, all at once, in agony.
  • Though long dry, these subterranean thoroughfares are literally everywhere beneath the city of London.
  • Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity. Kahlil Gibran 
  • It was followed by one from Janet who discovered a pencil-shaped parcel stuck beneath the bannister with Sellotape. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The epidermis was spread out on a glass plate beneath a low-power binocular microscope and cut into pieces of the required size using a combination of razor and scalpel blades.
  • In fact, it was often necessary to lift up the telegraph wires so that the plant could slide beneath them. TALES OF THE ROSE TREE: Ravishing Rhododendrons and their Travels Around the World
  • Chicken wire just beneath the soil surface makes it uncomfortable and difficult to dig. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like its predecessor, "The Lost Symbol" offers a mini-course in arcane historical detail (did you know that the Capitol once had an eternal flame burning beneath the floor under its rotunda?). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • There are magnificent avenues of elm-trees, great gardens encircled by the moat, and a circumference of walls about a huge manorial pile which represents the profits of the maltote, the gains of farmers-general, legalized malversation, or the vast fortunes of great houses now brought low beneath the hammer of the Civil Code. A Woman of Thirty
  • Sand is commonly met with at the depth of three or four fathoms, and beneath this a stratum of napal or steatite, which is considered as a sign that the metal is near; but the least fallible mark is a red stone, called batu kawi, lying in detached pieces. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • From his various perches he spies on the kaleidoscope of life passing beneath him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hollows beneath his cheekbones showed his stress.
  • Sport imbues the ephemeral and the silly and the transitory with great gravity, and it's a kind of consolation in a world that buckles beneath meaning and import and significance.
  • Beneath that warm exterior, she had a steely glint in her eye. The Sun
  • What Flinx had felt moving slightly beneath the first man's body armor were bunched strands of haustorium. Flinx In Flux
  • Beneath that sheen of hard-earned respectability, however, were unredeemed sins.
  • The camera loves the luminous actress, whose elfish eyes and Titian hair evoke the spark beneath her calm exterior.
  • He did not know what it was, but it was a noisome sensation, like standing on a grate that you felt shift beneath your feet.
  • Certain ancient strata, known as the Devonian black shale, occupying the Ohio valley and the neighbouring parts of North America to the east and north of that basin, appear to be accumulations which were made beneath an ancient Sargassum sea. Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
  • In ‘The Kid,’ the poet unveils the hidden core beneath a comfortable mask, telling about how the subject talks candidly about his father ‘sometimes when we ain't talking about baseball.’
  • Thorax and pectus tawny, the former globose, with a black dorsal spot; abdomen tawny at the base; anterior legs testaceous, hind femora spinose beneath; wings grey, darker at the tips; stigma and veins black; halteres testaceous, with piceous tips. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Below the wood, a curlew started from the grass and winged beneath us, its mate calling from across the dale.
  • The carpet felt scratchy beneath my blistered feet, so I tiptoed all the way to the door.
  • That was six years ago and now, her hands flickering across the melamine table top seeking the wood beneath, she says her most recent scans have given her the all-clear.
  • There are little patches of yellow on the limes, and a scattering of leaves on the ground beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the figure of the woman was still more awkward: an unwieldy bulk, two extended arms which seemed to bear it up with difficulty, and looked like two carved handles from the neck to the widest part of a large kilderkin, and beneath this enormous body, two legs, naked up to the knees, which could scarcely totter along. Chapter XI
  • I thought it fitting to share with you an image of St. Lawrence from the basilica dedicated to him in Rome, St. Lawrence outside the Walls, as well as the confessio beneath the high altar of the same basilica, where his relics are kept and venerated. Feast of St. Lawrence
  • Beneath the chedi, in a cellar no human being had ever entered, was the ancient ho trai of the Asian clans, a place founded before Siddh¯artha was Buddha, indeed before Siddh¯artha was born. The Hunger
  • Subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath a plate carrying continental crust gives rise to a continental-margin orogen.
  • There remained various issues that lay beneath the smiles of the newly named Zimbabweans, unsettled problems that were left to fester deep in the hearts of many in the country.
  • And beneath the vituperation was the telltale entreaty to Tanenhaus that he should exercise more judgment in his selection process if anyone wanted to take the Edward Champion's Reluctant Habits
  • Theological Science: and Morality, to which we omitted before to assign an office, we have stationed somewhere beneath the footstool, which is before the Throne, of the Most High. Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Entitled "Essays and Reviews."
  • The reptilian monstrosity shook off the vines with total ease, body curled up beneath the neck, and tail stretched out behind it, rattling noisily.
  • Beneath the cartoon graphics lurks a series of puzzles so fiendish and ingenious that only a twisted mastermind could think of them. Times, Sunday Times

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