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How To Use Benchmark In A Sentence

  • Physicians and hospitals fear the practice could unfairly penalize practitioners and say there's no way to benchmark quality accurately.
  • When Yahoo bureaucracy rules, people die in the health services and the aged in nursing homes are victimised while benchmark payments are pocketed.
  • The book has been hailed as a benchmark in the debate on communication and social transformation.
  • The bank kept its benchmark rate unchanged at 9%, where it has been since November, and the rediscount rate at 12%, after raising it from 7% last month. Vietnam Raises Rates
  • Your hardware vendor should have benchmark data stating the expected Memory, CPU (FLOPS), Disk, and Network performance.
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  • Once facility executives understand actual energy consumption, they can begin benchmarking their buildings against their competitors and even their own real estate.
  • And they've created this LEED standard, [for rating how energy efficient and green a building is] which is benchmarking, which is a good thing to do because most people need checklists. William McDonough On Cradle-To-Cradle Design
  • The benchmark price for a barrel of crude for delivery in December slipped below $20 as the slowdown in the world economy, coupled with the warm winter, has caused demand to fall.
  • Also, standard benchmarks establish a relative performance value between systems, which is good information.
  • It is against this backcloth that the Spanish budget-cutting has been announced, and it will be taken as a benchmark for other euro-zone countries with high budget deficits. Spain Is Simply Shifting the Problem
  • Our writings serve as the academy's benchmarks, the ethical touchstones for the noblest of professions.
  • Chinese stocks have nearly sextupled in value in just two years and set yet another record yesterday, when the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index catapulted above 6000 for the first time. China's Stock Surge Raises
  • All indications are, of course, here in Washington, as we've been reporting, the notion of timetables, time frames, projections, whatever you want to call it, putting the pressure on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to begin to set some benchmarks. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2006
  • The quality of the Festivals are benchmarks in global standards and local multinational brands and corporate houses have reposed their faith in them by becoming partners to the growth of the DSF.
  • Benchmarking your business against industry peers, however, will help you to understand your own competitive position in the marketplace and will help you to design strategies to outdistance your competitors.
  • Severin's 1976-77 Brendan expedition became his benchmark for exhaustive research and methodical preparation.
  • John King's Sunday programming, State of the Union, is a benchmark in unbiased newscasting of current events – I hope his replacement program of Lou Dobbs maintains the high standards he has established with State of the Union. walter keller John King to replace Lou Dobbs
  • We depend on those things, and they set the benchmark for how well we live in this country.
  • New York's benchmark contract, light sweet crude for delivery in July, rose 29 cents to US $38.75 a barrel.
  • By the benchmark of the Rwandan civil war, it would barely rate a mention.
  • Taking a closer look, every fast-food restaurant points to its drive-through window as the benchmark for its service performance.
  • Lower profit margins would be acceptable, but for the lower-than-expected revenue growth numbers," said Fred Moran, an analyst at The Benchmark Co.
  • The only reason Buford didn’t have to implement school choice was that Dr. Griffin reallocated school system funds so that Buford was not receiving any Federal Title I funds — these are the only schools which are impacted by failing to meet testing benchmarks. Purnell's Letter to Griffin at
  • Iran and Venezuela, which traditionally push for higher prices, have a slimmer margin of profit than some others because their oil is heavier and more sulfurous, meaning it sells for less than benchmark crude. Market News
  • The central bank shaved its benchmark repo rate by 0. 25 percentage point to 8. 75 percent.
  • This allowed me to benchmark my organization in subjective and personal ways that otherwise would have been difficult. University of Florida
  • We show that the inclusion of our partial alignment columns, as anchor points, improve on the whole the accuracy of the aligner ClustalW on the benchmark BAliBASE 3. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The valuation becomes a benchmark against which to judge other prices.
  • I should also point out that the system was far from being stable at this speed, as any attempt to benchmark would result in a system reboot.
  • Indeed, cliques and cabals spring up and create their own behavioral benchmarks, codes of conduct simultaneously acting inclusive and exclusive.
  • • How does your state, county, city or town compare in these six factors if it were "benchmarked" against them? Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The gold fix is the latest benchmark to fall in the postrecession world of tighter regulation and greater transparency. Times, Sunday Times
  • PARIS, March 22 (Reuters) - Pakistan has shared the DNA profiles of suspected terrorists linked to last year's attacks in Mumbai with Interpol, the policy agency said on Sunday in what it called a benchmark move. Undefined
  • The CPU and Multimedia benchmarks isolate the CPU, cache and memory subsystem.
  • However, the Millennium Volunteers initiative, set up by the Government in 1999, has set a new benchmark for youth volunteering.
  • But the costs of benchmarking will make it almost impossible to balance the national accounts if the economy fails to return to the boom times.
  • But bankers and analysts note that yields on five-year and 10-year Treasury notes, the interest-rate benchmarks for most corporate and emerging market bonds, have barely budged. 'Junk' Bonds Find Demand as Safe Harbor
  • Scotland often looks to Ireland as a benchmark but the popularity of their provinces is a relatively recent phenomenon notwithstanding the odd day of glory against the All Blacks.
  • I haven't benchmarked the cables in comparison to a normal cable, because you wouldn't really use this kit as a long-term solution anywhere.
  • Although the term "absolute return" has been applied to so many different style funds that it has lost a lot of its meaning, Putnam's funds, which carry no guarantees, have all met their benchmarks so far. Leading a Putnam Turnaround
  • Brazil's benchmark stock index rose more than 500%, and Lamborghini opened its only Latin American dealership in S ã o Paulo. Rousseff Elected President in Brazil
  • The bidders for the women's prison all tendered below what the Government set as the benchmark for minimum standards - so the corporations were asked to up their bids.
  • Anyone really think Bush would fail to "certify" these benchmarks as written? House Dem Leaders, House Liberals Staging Dueling Press Conferences Today
  • Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.
  • As a measure of self-protection for itself and as a service to taxpayers, a system of clearer, more intelligent, relevant benchmarks should be implemented.
  • The result: While the Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index, an industry benchmark, soared 30% in the past year through Thursday, the $511 million SteelPath MLP Select 40 Fund, the largest conventional, open-end MLP mutual fund to launch in 2010, is up just 18%. Are Energy-Partnership Funds Worth the Energy?
  • The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.
  • The journalists' confab featured discussions on diversity that included benchmark goals for racial and ethnic parity in newsrooms.
  • These types of lists exist in many disciplines and act as benchmarks on which to guide one's collection development activities.
  • The Government is planning to launch a benchmarking scheme to guide consumers.
  • He's as smooth as Thai silk in public, and his colleagues marvel at his personal magnetism, his 24/7 work ethic, and his rigorous attachment to benchmarks and targets.
  • I've long been an avowed enemy of benchmarking, because at its heart it amounts to exaltation of imitation.
  • Too many managers seek solutions elsewhere characterized by the rise in benchmarking, re-engineering, and continuous improvement programmes.
  • But, then again, inferiority depends on where your benchmarks are and with whom you are comparing.
  • The results of this study not only categorized different positions . of guards, forwards, and centers but find out the players' overall efficiency, return to scale, and benchmarking.
  • This ratio provides a method of standardizing data for benchmarking clinical indicators across health care agencies.
  • Legal & General said its $500-billion fund is "neutral" on Italian bonds and holds fewer Spanish securities in its portfolio than recommended by benchmarks used to measure the fund's performance, a so-called underweight position. -- Top News
  • It's the insuperability of Roosevelt's hundred days that has confirmed it as the benchmark to which later presidents aspired. The Folly of the 'Hundred Days'
  • Sharpe calculated a benchmark ratio using the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the market portfolio.
  • Then benchmark your system using 3DMark, or a cpu benchy like Prime95 or Orthos etc., record results. X-bit labs
  • His reports pointed out that we do not have reliability in the sense of all schools being benchmarked against the best.
  • Performance benchmarks aren't yet available for systems based on the long-awaited chip, so we'll have to see about the performance claims.
  • Two self-assessment benchmarks are used: the perceived language proficiency of francophone peers and the difficulty represented by specific everyday tasks in French.
  • In shooting speed it benchmarks at 3fps.
  • SiD, which works through the Construction Industry Council and is backed by the Health and Safety Executive, aims to provide a benchmark for standards and competence for building designers.
  • Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.
  • After the auction, the blue chip benchmark inched higher to end at 6,170.3, a gain of 4.8 points.
  • It was developed over a two-year period and is the first concerted attempt in Hong Kong to provide common benchmarks and standards for public sector organisations.
  • The benchmark in Table 2 is designed to evaluate the performance of a server's ability to run Java applications.
  • his painting sets the benchmark of quality
  • The founders claim to pay farmers almost double the current benchmark arabica coffee price per lb of $1.72. Times, Sunday Times
  • We'll report additional system benchmarks when we receive final hardware from ATI.
  • This small, community based theatre company is gaining a reputation for quality and professionalism that is rapidly becoming something of a benchmark for other similar groups around the state.
  • Some early benchmarks of initial SAS systems are demonstrating substantial performance improvements for a variety of I / O workloads.
  • Yet Pilsen's air quality, as measured by the EPA air monitor perched atop Perez Elementary School, falls well below the new benchmark for clean, lead-free air set by the EPA in 2008. Cali Slaughter: Grassroots and Clean Air in Pilsen
  • In the late 1990s, retail investors who bought a vanilla S&P 500 fund, along with investment managers who benchmarked the sector weightings in their portfolios to the index, were loading up on expensive technology stocks. A Standard, and Poor, Way of Investing
  • QUIJANO: Still, a senior Bush aide tonight insists that "The New York Times" story is "overwritten," arguing that the administration has been working with the Iraqi government for months on a series of benchmarks and milestones. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2006
  • First, it's important to note that when he says 'effective counterdrug program' he is using the $5 billion Columbia eradication program as a benchmark of success. NYTimes a Mouthpiece Advocating Disasterous Afghan Narco Policy
  • It benchmarks at 0.6 DMIPS/MHz, and consumes as little as 18 µW/MHz.
  • Rising inflation could force the central bank to raise its benchmark interest rate, hampering lending activity and economic growth, and almost certainly denting purchasing power.
  • Led by high-technology stocks, the benchmark index continued its rebound to close at 8,824.36, up 282.41 points from Thursday.
  • The Government is planning to launch a benchmarking scheme to guide consumers.
  • We propose an retiming algorithm which can quickly optimize sequential circuits. We have conducted some experiments on the ISCAS89 benchmarks and the results sustain our opinion.
  • The GPS units as a whole measure the rates of deformation of the earth's crust, using the benchmark sites as reference points. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The term "fiat currency" pops up frequently in various places this refers to money that is directly benchmarked to the average number of times Italian cars break down in a week. News
  • Johnson describes seven benchmarks of writing development, and explains the value of employing dictation, drawing, scribbling, and temporary spelling in early writing programs.
  • British Steel is benchmarked against the best operations anywhere in the world.
  • The extent of the company's competitive disadvantage was revealed by internal and external benchmarking against sectoral best practice.
  • In London on Monday, oil prices hit a six-month high, with a barrel of benchmark Brent North Sea crude for April delivery as high as $24.05 at one point.
  • While damages may be the remedy in an action for improvident sale, following disposal those damages cannot be measured without a benchmark of value consistent with commercial reasonability.
  • Alongside reserve hikes, China has also raised the benchmark interest rates four times since last October to battle persistent inflation.
  • All benchmarks in the region fell for the week except for Hong Kong, Singapore and India.
  • According to our current asset size of view also an investment of up to more than 100 million video some has not reached the required shareholder approval at the benchmark.
  • I wanted to run a couple of benchmarks with both systems using 266MHz memory.
  • He was running a complex array of benchmarks, and occasionally running retests.
  • A diverse range of benchmark wines were lined up to tantalise the group, while the wine specialist and I fielded questions from the savvy and vinously curious participants.
  • The comments from the E.C.B. president, Mario Draghi, came after the bank's decision to keep its benchmark interest rate steady, amid what it called "tentative" signs that the pace of an economic downturn in Europe had stabilized. NYT > Home Page
  • It has been challenging to find standards or other nursing data against which to benchmark this number.
  • Mindful of both the risks and the potential benefits of commercial partnerships, we set out to develop a benchmark for the scientific and ethical standards that staff in our own health authority could apply to any such offers.
  • Based upon performance benchmarks, you can make a reasonable estimate of how many users you can support on the existing server before you need to add another one.
  • We thus did not have time to run our usual set of exhaustive processor performance benchmarks.
  • Scrutinise your ‘small costs’ or overheads, benchmark them and implement recommendations.
  • Instead of installing a high performance application package, the Linpack benchmark is installed on this cluster in order to test performance.
  • Benchmark data consistently shows that our approach achieves very good results in terms of the performance enhancement and the power reduction.
  • That community may desire competitive ranking of scholarship rather than benchmarking of quality.
  • British Steel is benchmarked against the best operations anywhere in the world.
  • Once a new higher benchmark is established, then the individual media would be motivated to collaborate with each other to continue to find new highs. Katherine Warman Kern: Zuckerberg's Facebook -- New High or Low?
  • These Trade References are ratified by the World Trade Organisation and are the standards that the industry is benchmarked against.
  • Vast amounts are whittled away on such concepts as benchmarking and decentralisation, but urgent road projects are still being argued over at Oireachtas committees.
  • Another major project nearing completion is the BCTLA K-12 Information Literacy Benchmark Project, which has published the draft new “The Points of Inquiry” model for review. Blogs
  • The Government is planning to launch a benchmarking scheme to guide consumers.
  • Price guidance on a $275 million 0. 95-year portion was in the range of 0.15 to 0.20 percentage point over a benchmark rate called Eurodollar synthetic forward, or EDSF. A Rare Spotting: ABS Normalcy
  • Champions League above all - and try to emulate what he called the "benchmark of modern football" in terms of the attractive, progressive game they play in Barcelona. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • UNDP benchmarked the performance of its investment portfolio against the 12-month London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR).
  • The price for being flexible has traditionally meant a lower standard of living but Payne is raising the benchmark for what defines prefabricated, mobile housing.
  • The yield on the benchmark 10-year Italian bond peaked earlier Wednesday at 7.09%, despite what some traders described as sizeable bond purchases by the ECB, before dipping back to 6.95% around 1548 GMT. What's News US
  • Gathering operational data, analyzing and comparing final data and process documentation against benchmark data.
  • Guitar stylist, benchmark singer, folk-rock star, songwriter and traditional song ambassador Martin Smith takes the crown of Folk Singer of the Year from his wife Norma Waters who won last year.
  • General Petraus and Ambassador Crocker will ostensibly report in September to President Bush, not the American people, that we are gaining ground, that “benchmarks”, that word parroted in stumbling appearances again and again by our mindless, gibbering, on-message Simian in Chief, are being met and that if we will only commit to six more months and thousands more troops Iraq will bloom into a burgeoning democracy in the middle east, a willing donor of crude oil to the free world. The insidious reason this abominable war does not stop
  • The New Zealand Qualifications Authority, the agency that is meant to set the benchmark for standards in education, is saying that it is going to provide credits for picking up rubbish.
  • Data for 1996 to 2000 was used to benchmark the performance of universities.
  • When prices deviate from this theoretical benchmark, money moves quickly to arbitrage away any differences.
  • The reason is simple: since the invention of papyrus it has been a civilisational benchmark. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.
  • Coffee traders in Chicago said the truckers' strike helped send the benchmark arabica contract to a fresh 13 ½ -year intraday high Tuesday in InterContinental Exchange trading. Riot Police Face Striking Truckers in Colombia
  • They have also fettled the suspension, aiming to regain the driving dynamics benchmark which many commentators say was overtaken by Ford's Focus when it first arrived.
  • The problem with benchmarking is that nothing but continuous improvement (except maybe spectacular results) satisfies very much. The Curse of Great Expectations
  • A comparison group was developed to benchmark the level of complications without any intervention.
  • | Reply matrox had a gaming video card out a few years ago called the parhelia that supported three monitors. if i’m remembering correctly it got creamed by the radeon 9700 in benchmarks and not all games supported it. in quake 3 you had to change your fov to stretch all the way, but you had an almost perfect field of vision. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Three Screens In One
  • The first reading of almost any survey job should be a backsight onto a fixed point of reference, usually a benchmark of some sort.
  • This compares favorably to benchmarks used in standard market research.
  • For corporate management, cost and productivity benchmarking identified work organization as the key to regaining their competitive advantage.
  • - BENCHMARKS, as opposed to a scope-and-sequence or list of skills to be introduced, reinforced, and so on; that is, within benchmarked periods, content learning outcomes can be matched to what students need to be able to do by for grades 3, 7, 10 and 12 Celebrating Summer- BC teacher-librarian professionalism
  • Specifically, depending on our benchmark and whether we look at unweighted or weighted alpha, the monthly shortfall ranges from 5.6 to 16.3 basis points.
  • The benchmarks, which have tumbled for six days, are still poised for a second successive quarter of gains.
  • He receives that licentiate of benchmark is woman of distrust of history, conversely more prominent of a … Literacy News – 895th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • We propose an retiming algorithm which can quickly optimize sequential circuits. We have conducted some experiments on the ISCAS89 benchmarks and the results sustain our opinion.
  • In February the United States reached a benchmark of 2 million individuals in its prisons and jails.
  • The government has been very attentive to the needs of the public sector since coming to office in 1997 and, with Benchmarking II coming down the line, shows no sign of easing off.
  • The rest of the benchmarks we used are all centered on testing the floating-point performance of the CPU by a highly optimized mathematical-based set of benchmarks.
  • They remain a benchmark of quality for British humour.
  • Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.
  • She said: ‘This is a very important settlement that will provide a benchmark for all future disputes.’
  • The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.
  • This system's benchmarks held true to that, with good scores throughout on all components, but not as high on the 3D components.
  • Besides, food and exercise guidelines may not be the conclusive benchmark for mortality after all.
  • Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world.
  • The test systems and the benchmarks used in the tests are slightly different.
  • Experts say benchmarks range in specificity and achievability. What are Iraq's Benchmarks?
  • And from now on, the benchmark that all kickflips will be judged against is the one pulled over those ledges.
  • For me though, the whole situationist thing has been reduced to a series of myths that psuedo-intellectual undergrads trot out as some kind of benchmark of subversive behaviour.
  • The keiretsu outfits must learn how to meet the benchmark - or risk losing the business.
  • Lower profit margins would be acceptable, but for the lower-than-expected revenue growth numbers," said Fred Moran, an analyst at The Benchmark Co.
  • Furthermore, Honda has emerged as a benchmark player in the area of flexible manufacturing.
  • Europe's benchmark stock indexes have lagged comparable US measures this year, but they may soon start to pull ahead.
  • This is one example of shocking sleazoid cinema that has something profound to say about its subject, and it's the overall benchmark set by this film.
  • The dashboard and interior trim have been designed to set a new benchmark for the segment in terms of touch and feel quality, adding a new notion of prestige to the C-segment.
  • Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.
  • This conversion was a benchmark for the conservation movement both locally and nationally.
  • One of the major tools used by any site to convey performance is benchmarks (this site included).
  • He said the latest terascale supercomputing system has several hundred gigaflops of sustained power on internationally accepted benchmarks and storage of over 10 terabytes.
  • The benchmark 8 percent government bond due 2006 rose to 106. 54 from 106. 34 in early trading.
  • CZM is used as a benchmark to check the precision and applicability of beam-bending method, such as SBT (Simple Beam Theory), CBT (Corrected Beam Theory) and ECM (Experimental Compliance Method).
  • It’s just that an easy way to navigate is to use the names of objects as benchmarks. Creative Control - Part 5
  • This guide price will obviously be a useful benchmark from which to evaluate any indicative offers.
  • Furthermore, civil society contends that this benchmark is arbitrary, in that the fiscal and developmental impacts of extractives projects "occur irrespective of the size of a country's total revenues. Chad Dobson: Economist Jeffrey Sachs makes the case for contract transparency at Annual Meetings of World Bank/IMF
  • EST postholiday close, the benchmark 10-year note was 12/32 higher, or $3.75 per $1,000 invested, to push down the yield to 2.870%. Treasurys Advance on Safety Bid
  • Does it give Bush the power to "waive" the benchmarks if he determines that a "crisis" exists? Bush Moonwalking? - Swampland -
  • Most mutual-fund companies offer index funds, so review their fees and ensure that they are aligned with an appropriate benchmark.
  • Assimilation was a process of monitoring non-indigenous lives using non-indigenous benchmarks.
  • I used a clinometer and measuring tape to measure relative elevation and related all measurements to benchmarks nearby.
  • Alongside the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, now in its 48th edition, together with the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition this year will be Euroluce, the eagerly-awaited International Lighting Exhibition that sets the sectorial benchmark with its wide range and broad spectrum of goods that go to make up a unique lighting sector scenario – from light sources to domestic lighting, from technical illumination to urban illumination – embracing both technological and formal innovation. Jason Sahler | Inhabitat
  • The testing continued with the usual motherboard performance simulations and benchmarks.
  • Augustana's 2006 NSSE scores for student-faculty interaction were below the average benchmark for first-year students attending similar institutions, but Abernathy hopes that the needle will move next year, when the campus will again administer the survey. Illinois college's faculty rethink how they teach
  • These tests are hence not a good benchmark for these models.
  • ‘They had always inspired me with their true professionalism is a benchmark,’ he explained.
  • • Developing quantitative benchmarks and criteria that national forces declared to the Headline Goal have to meet in the field of deployability and training. a process for 'scrutinising, evaluating, and assessing' capabilities is presently employed. Archive 2007-02-01
  • The benchmark run was the actual milk collection and delivery routes used by the cooperative.
  • I was able to begin some benchmarking at 222FSB, but as soon as SiSoft started up, we had a system crash serious enough to force a reinstall of Windows.
  • There is no question that this new plant has set new standards in every aspect and will unquestionably become a benchmark for future factories in the future.
  • So it is not surprising that it benchmarks at more than twice the duration of the atomic counter.
  • CMS picked 30-day mortality as its main benchmark of performance so it can include in the analysis patterns of deaths that might have escaped hospitals 'notice because the patients didn't die until several days after they were discharged. Compare hospitals on heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia
  • The key challenges faced by the social partners and the NCPP will include promoting flexibility at work, multiculturalism and new systems of rewards, such as gainsharing, benchmarking and profitsharing.
  • The standards provide a benchmark for RN practice and provide support and guidance for nurses in their everyday practice.
  • That line's a good benchmark for the rest of the album: The bulk of its love songs suggest a certain romantic contentedness - the joy of the relationship you're in.
  • This paper presents the results of a benchmarking study carried out to assess and compare the levels of manufacturing performance achieved by 16 British contract electronics assemblers.
  • This book provides such documentation and should serve as a benchmark for researchers involved in fumigant measurement for years to come.
  • They finished fourth last season and are the benchmark for teams like ourselves.
  • four BENCHMARKS, as opposed to ascope-and-sequence or list of skills to be introduced, reinforced, and so on; that is, within benchmarked periods, content learning outcomescan be matched towhatstudents need to be able to do byfor grades 3, 7, 10 and12 August 2009
  • Even now, The Shadows are still the benchmark for tone and melody, their music is timeless and always a pleasure to hear - especially to guitar lovers.
  • Benchmark data consistently show that our approach achieves very good results.
  • READ MY LIPS hmmm, not sure I want George Bush pere to be used as my benchmark, since he didn't get rid of Saddam, it took Junior to do it, 13 years later. Scott White: Obama's Speech on Libya (I WIsh)
  • Cesar is the benchmark of course, but you missed "The Batman" 's bouncy, antic rendition. Who's the Best Joker?
  • A quarter of any benchmarking award would be paid in June next year, retrospective to December.
  • For long-term tasks, establish certain benchmarks and set appointments to review progress and answer questions to keep the delegatee from going astray, or the project from falling off your radar screen. Making Work Work
  • Seven-years will likely be popular with investors ahead of month-end, a time when many hedge funds and mutual funds need to rebalance their portfolios to match changes in indexes with which they are benchmarked. Treasury Returns to Auction Block
  • Clinical care is of the utmost importance to us and we benchmark our performance against a range of standards with other hospitals.
  • Benchmarking is the process of establishing a baseline measurement for comparison.
  • So far it benchmarks at about 10 times faster than this box I'm using.
  • Interesting data point is how many people freak out at the idea of benchmarking government spending and comparing it to private sector growth. The Volokh Conspiracy » California’s Woes and Prop 13

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