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  1. treat with contempt
    The new constitution mocks all democratic principles

How To Use bemock In A Sentence

  • Bedlam, does some shadow of it hover, to bewilder and bemock the poor inhabitants _there_. Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • I began to understand what an annoyance it must be to have a bough up there that you couldn't flick at with your stick as you passed by, and that even when weighed down by its summer greenery would bemock you if you made a casual clutch at its foliage, and laugh at you in its leaves. Without Prejudice
  • The Suitors bemock the prophet, who leaves the company with another fateful vision: Homer's Odyssey A Commentary
  • In the void imbroglios of Chaos only, and realms of Bedlam, does some shadow of it hover, to bewilder and bemock the poor inhabitants _there. Past and Present
  • Minister of fate against the great criminal, it joins itself with the "incensed seas and shores" -- the sword that layeth at it cannot hold, and may "with bemocked-at stabs as soon kill the still-closing waters, as diminish one dowle that is in its plume. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • His sides bemock the bending charms of waving Tamarisk, [FN#438] * Arabian nights. English
  • But he lay still, and the King's Son answered the Lady and said: "I know not what is in thine heart concerning this runagate, that thou shouldst bemock me with his valiancy, whereof thou knowest nought. Wood Beyond the World
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