How To Use Beltway In A Sentence

  • For any journalist who'd spent a night haunting the lobbies of hotels where Beltway power players including, often, the president holed up for off-the-record yuks, trying to buttonhole guests for details, to see the gathering unfold on video is like learning that the Illuminati has a regular happy hour at T.G.I. Lamar Alexander sings! YouTube posting grants rare glimpse of elite, off-the-record Alfalfa Club dinner (video)
  • Urban activists blocked the completion of many inner-city interstate highways, just as the economic center of American metropolises was shifting from downtown to the beltway.
  • The happy couple were driving back into Washington and, as they hit the Beltway, one of their car tyres sustained a puncture.
  • The idea is to reach outside the Beltway to tap business and political leaders for ideas and insights.
  • I used this pic for the outsidethebeltway dawt com caption contest about a week ago. A bigger boat - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
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  • Other networks are more sophisticated, like the new beltway around Toronto, a toll road without tollbooths: transponders, cameras, and license-plate numbers provide the billing information.
  • And this corruption is a bipartisan project — perhaps the only bipartisan project that functions inside the beltway. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » $3.47 billion spent. Did you get a pony?
  • The author at Outside The Beltway | OTB in a related article titled Subprime Borrowers writes: Subprime Mortgage Loans, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • You can see cities and towns in San Francisco's Bay Area gobble up undeveloped land and merge, or you can watch Washington, D.C., spread far beyond the beltway and fuse with Baltimore.
  • Recent office development has been concentrated around the suburban beltway of Interstate 270, especially in the Northwest and Northeast quadrants.
  • The PBS ombud and representatives of the public television programs studied in FAIR's new report, "Taking the Public Out of Public TV," have responded to the research that shows an elite, inside-the-Beltway slant to the programs 'guestlists. PBS Responds To FAIR Diversity Report
  • Simultaneously, a four-lane Churchill-Roosevelt extension from Waller Field to Sangre Grande is happily endorsed, with attention given to a beltway allowing traffic to bypass the town.
  • Her entire career had been inside the Beltway, and she was used to dressing in conservative formal outfits and uncomfortable pantyhose. THE X FILES 3: GROUND ZERO
  • The press, the political community, the inside-the-Beltway lifers - they prefer a rich display of details, a bit of nuance, and some wit.
  • HPFacebookVoteV2. init (421688, 'Defiant Wall Street Welfare Kings Come to Washington', '\ "Testifying\" this morning -- (if you can call prevaricating, lying, and posturing \ "testifying\") -- to another toothless Beltway body called the \ "Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission\" were the four horseman: Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. Joseph A. Palermo: Defiant Wall Street Welfare Kings Come to Washington
  • Drivers in Tysons Corner are seeing a large horizontal crane, also known as a truss, positioned near the Capital Beltway. Dr. Gridlock's traffic, transit tips
  • Sprung's title encapsulated the reaction to Westen by keepers of the neoliberal Beltanschaunng, or Beltway worldview, such as Fareed Zakaria and Jonathan Chait, who, as I showed at length right here, mocked what Chait called "Westen's lengthy, attention-grabbing... parody of liberal fantasizing. Jim Sleeper: Guess Who Obama Was Channeling in Kansas
  • It's hard-wired to operate with typical Beltway gumption, which is why it's failing miserably. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • Testifying" this morning -- (if you can call prevaricating, lying, and posturing "testifying") -- to another toothless Beltway body called the "Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission" were the four horseman: Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Brian Moynihan of Bank of America, and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. Joseph A. Palermo: Defiant Wall Street Welfare Kings Come to Washington
  • However, some question the city's diligence in improving youth sports park standards within the beltway, especially when potential park facilities often are targeted by developers.
  • They also located individual subway and railroad stations and identified the entrance and exit ramps on the Moscow Ring Road, the automobile beltway that encircled the city.
  • The Beltway RNC crowd, including those who pushed the McCain-Palin candidacy in 2008, are now going to jump onto the Rick Perry bandwagon and deep-six the first of the true business candidates—Mitt Romney. Why So Down on Mitt Romney?
  • By her second lap around the interstate beltway the hum of the engine from Jennifer's MG roadster began to drown out her anger and frustration.
  • A jackknifed tractor trailer is blocking three Inner Loop lanes on the Beltway just north of Bradley Road, according to Maryland State Police. Overturned tractor trailer on Md. Beltway
  • The Editorial Page is consistently an embarrassment, the Opinion Page hasn't updated their contributor rolodex in decades and the paper carries a gaggle of inside-the-beltway dilettantes who almost never add anything of substance to the debate (you know: Broder, Milbank, Kurtz and the other regurgitators of cocktail party prater on the WP payroll). The Bias That We Fight...
  • First, workers are building a massive overhead crane called a truss at the edge of the Beltway. Metro's Silver Line bridge project casts a big shadow in Tysons Corner
  • But the man who has occupied the Oval Office since January, 2009 is someone entirely different -- a man seemingly without a compass, a tactician who veers rightward one day and leftward the next, an inside-the Beltway dealmaker who doesn't explain his comprises in light of larger goals. Robert Reich: The Empty Bully Pulpit
  • Does it take someone far from the Saudi financed think tanks along the Beltway and wealthy enough not to be influenced by the oiligopoly to face down the extortion inherent in the construct of today's oil prices, enfeebling the economy and costing Americans thousands upon thousands of jobs. Raymond J. Learsy: When It Comes to Gas Prices Donald Trump Trumps the Field
  • Drivers in Tysons Corner see a large horizontal crane, also known as a truss, positioned near the Capital Beltway. Repair work closes two Metro stations for the weekend
  • Investigators recently opened an investigation of the former head of the company, the man who was in charge of the six beltways and other roads built to unchoke traffic in the capital.
  • Michael sped along a highway to a connection with the beltway.
  • That the only fond thoughts on Rahm's departure are coming from a conservative Beltway columnist reveals the inefficacy of Rahm as Chief of Staff under the first two years of Obama. John Wellington Ennis: How Rahm Bombed
  • The two work here in this remote corner of Virginia just off the beltway.
  • Finally, a well-financed group of Beltway bandits and Washington think tanks stand ready to question the patriotism of any politician (and especially any Democrat) who tries to put the Pentagon on a diet. Matthew Yglesias » The Think Tank Industrial Complex
  • “It’s unclear to me that making martyrs out of Cheney, Bybee, etc., in the eyes of the 30% dead enders and giving Beltway media types the vapors is actually the best way to deter future torturers rather than entrench torture as an option that “tough minded realists” will fight for in the face of political with hunts.” Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
  • We drove from outside the beltway, into downtown D.C. We found parking.
  • It has allowed Mrs. Palin to dismiss any criticism of her—no matter how straightforward—as yet more hostility from opponents, or as hoity-toity blather from inside-the-Beltway mopes. The Problems With Palin
  • But that doesn't mean we should take seriously the idea shopped around by conservatives that Matthews 'split-second misjudgment somehow drew back the curtain on the Beltway press corps and revealed its latent liberal bias, or that because Matthews sort of whispered "Oh God" under his breath, viewers heard what Matthews really thought. Media Matters for America - Limbaugh Wire
  • You can bet those Beltway dominatrices, madams and escorts (gay and straight) have been able to buy second homes -- maybe even in Sun Valley! Nina Burleigh: Satan's in the Stall Beside Me
  • The most free-spending hired guns are all well-known by political mavens inside the Beltway.
  • But…if the beltway characters, pundits, talking heads and so called journalists continue their insidious brand of hypocritical and un-comely rectitudinous invective toward la Hil, I shall be inclined to support her, in her, albeit seemingly opportunistic quest, for the Democratic nomination for president. Firedoglake » Clinton Rules
  • Unlike those who were angling for jobs or social approbation or credibility among the beltway elites, we just said what we thought.
  • Here are a few modest proposals from outside the Beltway for him to ponder as crisscrosses the country in the final days of the fall campaign: Derek Shearer: Bridging the Enthusiasm Gap: Obama and the Conventional Wisdom
  • Try to explain the significance of this remark to people outside the beltway and their eyes would glaze over like you were elaborating on the relationship between midi-chlorians and force sensitivity to a first date. Palin says nothing in particular about Egypt, still gets headlines
  • Elkridge, just south of the Baltimore beltway, near the airport, is a new venue for the symposium.
  • The famous Capital Beltway, the very emblem of atypicality, lies about 50 feet from the terrible new parking garage.
  • This is a pretty transparent attempt to parrot the administration line that this is nothing more than another beltway tempest in a teapot.
  • It's also a propitious opportunity to literally move the debate out beyond the Beltway directly to the people.
  • And in Montgomery County, a jackknifed tractor trailer led to delays on the Inner Loop lanes of the Beltway just north of Bradley Road, but officials said the scene had been cleared. Rain amends some school schedules
  • Traffic around the Washington beltway was bad as usual, but nothing like it would be a few hours later.
  • Being outside of the beltway, and thus shielded from the standard idiocy, I have no idea what 24AheadDotCom is trying to say. Matthew Yglesias » Surveillance
  • Many-tentacled Gothams like Los Angeles and Washington stretch endlessly, crosshatched with a myriad of concrete overpasses, transit beltways and suburban shopping metroplexes.
  • This is yet another sign of the disconnect in priorities between the American public and centrist Beltway media figures, who, as John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote the other day, have developed an unhealthy obsession with the deficit as the number one litmus test issue for serious politicans, as well as a tendency to fetishize bipartisan deficit commissions. Bipartisanship! Repubs, Dems, indys agree jobs far more important than deficit
  • And - and I lived in D.C., working for the Weather Service, long enough to know it only takes an inch or two and that just wrecks the beltway.
  • After paying a highly-inflated price for gasoline, I entered the Capital Beltway.
  • Co-created by producer Dick Wolf ( "" Law & Order '') and 28-year-old screenwriter John August, "" D.C. '' will follow the lives and careers of five postcollegiate roommates, struggling to make it inside the Beltway. The Hot Pursuit Of Power
  • What vexes me, having observed this game over the last couple years, is that the people accused of being inside-the-beltway sellouts are often the folks who write exactly what they believe; whereas the kinds of publications that rank-and-file conservatives revere for “never selling out” actually do so all the time. The Georgetown Cocktail Party Paradox
  • * Beltway prognosticators salivating over GOP victory: At this point, the only thing D. C.'s professional election forcasters are debating is whether the GOP's victory will rival the Dems 'historic 71-seat loss in 1938 or whether it will be a mere 50 seats. The Morning Plum
  • Tess realized it was the first time he had spoken since they had merged onto the Baltimore beltway two hours earlier. THE LAST PLACE
  • He drove around the inner loop of the Capital Beltway, then took the cloverleaf east on Maryland Route 50. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • That the only fond thoughts on Rahm's departure are coming from a conservative Beltway columnist belies the inefficacy of Rahm as Chief of Staff under the first two years of Obama. John Wellington Ennis: How Rahm Bombed
  • Last week, I was surprised (and chagrinned) to learn that despite the widespread, inside-the-beltway knowledge of Senator David Vitter's (R-La.) prostitution scandals, an astonishingly large segment of his statewide electorate had no awareness of his past. Louisiana Democrats Drop Vitter Prostitution Video Opus
  • She went on to say that Obama should welcome progressive forces "to counter the establishment forces in this country" and that "he would be well advised in this next period to remobilize a base that he demobilized in favor of an inside-the-Washington-beltway governance, because he's going to need us. Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)
  • What began in 1968 as a Beltway junkie's labor of love has turned into an authoritative collection of whistle-stopping campaign slogans and vicious slings and arrows of partisan attacks that stretches all the way back to the Founding Fathers (who came up with terms like "electioneer" and the party "ticket"). How to Sound Presidential
  • Cars were being rerouted onto Central Avenue westbound, to Hampton Park Boulevard, to Richie Marlboro Road, then back onto the Beltway. Inner loop lanes reopen in Md. after water main break
  • Harry accelerated past a battered VW on the beltway.
  • They also located individual subway and railroad stations and identified the entrance and exit ramps on the Moscow Ring Road, the automobile beltway that encircled the city.
  • Still, it's nice to see the Beltway Dems showing some spine on this one.
  • It’s unclear to me that making martyrs out of Cheney, Bybee, etc., in the eyes of the 30% dead enders and giving Beltway media types the vapors is actually the best way to deter future torturers rather than entrench torture as an option that “tough minded realists” will fight for in the face of political with hunts. Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
  • The unintended consequence is empowerment of the moneyed few that can still afford the overpriced beltway pettifogger who knows the ropes. Stuart Whatley: This Side of Democracy
  • Drivers who need to reach Route 123 will be directed to continue north on the Beltway, exit at Georgetown Pike Route 193, turn around at Georgetown Pike, then enter the southbound Beltway, the outer loop. Dr. Gridlock's traffic and transit tips
  • The 5,100 extra IRS gumshoes are supposed to chase the $300 billion "tax gap," the Beltway's version of the Loch Ness monster that is the difference between what the IRS collects and what Congress thinks Americans owe. 5,100 More IRS Agents
  • And if you think dealing with DC Republicans is going to be so much rougher than dealing with Kansas 'redleg republican legislature, you need to get outside the beltway more often. Sebelius and DeParle
  • North and west of the western side of the beltway, the chance for slipperiness and refreezing is higher. PM Update: Some rain tonight, mix northwest
  • By twelve-thirty he was blasting south on the beltway, music roaring in his ears, his mind adrift on the matter of Paula.
  • But the problem seems to be that the people writing about it are mostly of the inside-the-Beltway punditry, meaning it lacks a certain breadth, I think. Chris Weigant: To Lefties: How Does Obama Disappoint?
  • Remember this poll the next time you see a member of the Beltway media tell you how important this nonissue is to the campaign. I can't believe...
  • In another carryover issue specific to Northeast Florida, the chamber ‘recognizes Clay County's critical need for an outer beltway.’
  • I would even go so far as to say that theis tiff-in-a-teapot is more of a marketing device for both the neocon beltway libertarians and the Lewciferians to rally their supporters against the other side — a way to convince their respective followers that indeed they are more pure than the other. Libertarians and the Old Right « Blog
  • We circled the city as I missed a series of turnoffs from the beltway.
  • ROLAND S. MARTIN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYS.: For those of us not in the Beltway, this is what you guys call the Potomac two-step. CNN Transcript Mar 17, 2009
  • This Saturday, September 13, is the deadline for submitting public comments regarding the Northwest 26th Street extension through the Des Moines River Greenbelt, which is part of a larger plan to construct a four-lane northeast Polk County beltway. the road through the greenbelt is a bad idea here. Bleeding Heartland - Front Page
  • In Boston's Route 128 beltway, by contrast, networks are more "clumpy" -- people tend to work with the same people, who in turn tend to be isolated from their counterparts at other companies. TRUE TEAMWORK
  • Virginia has one of the more advanced PPTA laws in the country, and it has helped fund intersections on Route 28 and HOT lanes on parts of the Beltway and Pocahontas Parkway, a superhighway connector and bridge near Richmond. Va. transportation: Is 'public-private' the answer?
  • Thousands of Salvadorans blocked highways, bridges and borders on October 12, 2002, to protest the planned construction of a huge beltway superhighway around the capital.

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