
  1. under the level of the ground
    belowground storage areas
    underground caverns
  2. underneath the ground
    most of his friends are now belowground
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How To Use belowground In A Sentence

  • most of his friends are now belowground
  • As for force fields, we can also set up a grid that would throw a blanket over the entire building above- and belowground. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • The understanding on the belowground part of plants is much less explicit than that on the aboveground because available methods are relatively scarce and some new methods are not effectively used.
  • No windows anywhere, being that I was belowground. Ominous
  • Although it is not known if this trend also applies to the species diversity of fungal mycelia (the belowground network of fungal filaments or hyphae), it is clear that the amount of fungal hyphae is low in the Arctic [62]. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • Although it is not known if this trend also applies to the species diversity of fungal mycelia (the belowground network of fungal filaments or hyphae), it is clear that the amount of fungal hyphae is low in the Arctic [62]. Implications of current species distributions for future biotic change in the Arctic
  • Buried by both history and the foundations of the present-day metropolis, much of the belowground, stone-lined tunnel system had been converted long ago into sewage conduits. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Key unknowns about primary productivity in the Arctic include root production and turnover and belowground allocation processes in general, including allocation to mycorrhizae and exudation. Uncertainties in the understanding of ecological processes and changes driven by climate and UV-B radiation
  • Grasslands play a significant role in terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle due to large biomass stored belowground.
  • belowground storage areas
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