How To Use Below In A Sentence
The aircraft descended into a wetland area and had since been forgotten about as it sank below the surface.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the crew went off-shift, stringing up hybrid bunks and hammocks belowdecks, the others continued working.
In the forecabins, the head and shower is located forward and has a large mirrored vanity with ample storage below.
In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin.
XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.

Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level.
Some spring from immediately below the earth, and may more properly be termed suckers; the others grow on the visible part of the stem or caudex, often close to the oldest leaves; these should be cut off with a sharp knife, in early summer, and if they have a little of the parent bark attached to them all the better.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
Through her suit, Suzie Nova felt the diamantine exterior of the alien contraption throb faintly below her feet, alive with incomprehensible energies that course through it like blood through arteries.
Crucial is currently quoting as below, with a ten per cent discount for orders taken online.
Firstly, the board excerpt below represents an endgame situation.
Times, Sunday Times
In deep cellars stocked with winter ice the temperature was kept below eight degrees.
Times, Sunday Times
Down below, a mass of brank-ursine formed as it were a pedestal, from the midst of which sprang scarlet geum, rhodanthe with stiff petals, and clarkia with great white carved crosses, that looked like the insignia of some barbarous order.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
At the bottom of the monument, below the Ten Commandments, there are two small Stars of David and also two Greek letters, chi and rho, superimposed over each other to represent the name Christ.
The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
Already the banks of the St. Lawrence below Quebec were laid out in seigniories, and the farms were tolerably well cultivated.
The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation Volume 1
He shut his eyes, fingers clawing at the rock below him.
The cup-marked stone shown below, in the Sma’ Glen, near Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland, is situated in a large man-made concave-shaped amphitheatre in the hills, and has a prominent dumb-bell shaped cup-mark on its surface.
She took a deep breath and fiddled with the sapphire necklace hanging down below her collar bone.
If the property remains unsold after the auction i.e. your bid was below the reserve price, speak to the auctioneer to register your interest before leaving the saleroom.
As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
The rate may fall below that, depending on the general trend of interest rates.
The company reported strong profit margins in its fourth quarter results, although revenues were below expectations.
Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L.
Champlain's Dream
The inscription on the stone, shown below, notes the political and constitutional importance of the case.
America Past and Present
For the use of men they have the "merkin," [FN#410] a heart-shaped article of thin skin stuffed with cotton and slit with an artificial vagina: two tapes at the top and one below lash it to the back of a chair.
Arabian nights. English
Last, but not least, I suggest you consider posting the definition below somewhere within sight at your place of writing. com-pel verb
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“When I mentioned Mr. Snow’s name belowdecks it stirred up quite a fuss,” she said.
The Berrybender Narratives
C.N), the largest U.S. bank and a major casualty of the crisis, could fall below $10 a share, less than a third of its 150-day moving average price of $32.82, as the credit crisis unravels further.
Ranked below the flush is the straight, which consists of five cards in rank sequence but now having the same suit.
What Beats What in Poker? | Poker Hands
All the excesses are left to the top-notch restaurant below.
Times, Sunday Times
The lower deck, below the water line, was for cargo.
No problem: just stay below escape velocity.
The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
The row of cottages below and behind you, is known as Irish Row, named after some of the men who worked the mines.
Then she went to the window and threw it open, looking down with despair at the six-storey drop to the courtyard below.
They say that the mark of a great team is the ability to grind out results when they are below par, and this was another conspicuous example.
There is no shame in favoring the .30 and below calibers because of recoil issues ... or just practical financial reasons.
270WSM....for moose?
Insects swarm about the damp light of the street-lamps, their buzzings reflected very slightly in the bitumen below your feet.
The neck (collum mallei) is the narrow contracted part just beneath the head; below it, is a a prominence, to which the various processes are attached.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. 3. The Auditory Ossicles
A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
These are hand picked results from the guids that should all be good results for the query (see screen shot below of results for “Paris Hotels†– click for larger view).
Baidu coming to Britain?
Perhaps the biggest problem on top was making signals to the engineers in the yard below to prevent overwinding of the hoisting engines.
The Great Bridge
The cruiser was pulled up below and the cops were questioning an old man with gray hair.
Other fumitories have the tip of the lower petal like a spoon in that it is hollowed out, but the actual outline from directly above or below is parallel-sided.
For non-working spouses, sufficient units can be encashed each tax year to bring total income up to just below the annual allowance.
People, this is your net income…..your taxes will not increase if you are below this level.
“Real America” = “Two Americas”
He pulls out a drawer beside me, and starts riffling through it, obviously he doesn't find what he's looking for, because he slams the drawer a moment later and opens the one below it.
She walked abruptly to the door and pulled it back and ran to the railing where the carn fell away to the sea below.
Snorkelers can have a grand time floating just 30 feet above the stern, watching the divers below and the thousands of fish that live in the wreck.
As they wait to land, they burn jet fuel, pollute the air and disturb the lives of people below.
Times, Sunday Times
She stubbed her toe and managed to release the guitar from its holding and it twanged on the ground, waking the two very unstable-temperamental parents below.
We can ourselves bear witness to the "hardness of the pavement" below, which Captain Wentworth feared would cause "too great a jar" when he urged the young lady to desist from the fatal leap.
Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends
The line on which we now found ourselves was in general close to, but still below, the crest of the ridge at nearly all points.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time the sloop's deck was perpendicular, we had unbent the boom-lift from below, made it fast to the wharf, and, with the other end fast nearly to the mast-head, heaved it taut with block and tackle.
Ancient parfleche and quillwork designs are reinterpreted in beadwork, a craft that arose in the post-Contact era, when glass beads became available beaded moccasins, right, $125 and up; baby mocs shown in additional photos at bottom, $35-$80; Melvin Miner beaded rattle, below, $70.
Stephanie Woodard: Adventure Shopping Alert: Sale on Fine Lakota Crafts
When canals dropped the water table below the surface, and the sawgrass was cleared, the peat dried, shrank and blew away, or burnt like a cigar, smoldering for months and years, filling the sky with smoke.
By comparison, last year 30,000 new affordable homes, categorised as more expensive than council properties but priced at below market rates, were built in London and the south-east.
Homes cuts: south-east 'faces disaster' over affordable housing
A ship disappeared below the horizon.
With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
The song, printed below, which had its first airing on BBC Radio Swindon, is a blend of guitar and keyboard work with some uplifting words of encouragement for the boys.
From his lofty perch, hanging over the slopes of Kilimanjaro under a parasail with razor sharp rocks below, Judge Bryan Pope gives this DVD a thumbs up.
The paintings of the Post-Impressionists, including Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which formerly hung in the claustrophobic, columned Bellechasse gallery, are cosseted now one floor below in small, elegant, midnight-blue galleries dedicated to the late scholar Françoise Cachin, who served as the museum's first director.
New Visions Arrive at the Orsay
Below are the results for each food dropped on floor surfaces containing 17million bacteria.
The Sun
Stretched out below was a chain of freighters tied up alongside the commercial docks, cranes and gantries cluttering the foreshore.
There at night the temperature can drop to below freezing.
Times, Sunday Times
A 2-inch link keeps the bracket below the top of the tailgate for pickups with toppers.
The air temperature was well below freezing[Sentencedict], and lakes and rivers froze over.
Called the Chamber of Paladine, the sepulcher was a large rectangular room, built far below the ground where the destruction of the Tower did not affect it.
Dragons of Winter Night
Laboratory analysis is done on samples that are 100 ppb and below using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
The Scientist
This place of sepulture is the specially erected crypt, immediately below the altar, in the Church of St. John, Leipzig.
He subsequently contracted gangrene and had one leg amputated below his knee.
Times, Sunday Times
Found in the middle of the chest just below the neck is a 'dragoes' symbol.
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Close against them and overpeering their tops were hollyhocks and dahlias; against these stood at lesser height sweet peas, asters, zinnias, coreopsis and others of like stature; in front of these were poppies for summer, marigolds for autumn; beneath these again were verbenas, candytuft -- all this is sketched from memory, and I recall the winsome effect rather than species and names; and still below nestled portulaca and periwinkle.
The Amateur Garden
At the national level, they show that for most of the twentieth century, each successive cohort of young people left home at an average age below that of the cohort immediately preceding them.
Harry disguises the latent homosexual feelings he has for his best friend Ron, by having a string of one night stands with besotted girls in the year below him.
Carefully ladle the soup into four bowls and drizzle each bowl with mint oil, below.
Times, Sunday Times
The track curved away below him.
Memmel's cast, which had extended to just below her knee, was removed, but she is still on crutches.
If the terminal is connected via a Decserver, then a physical port must be allocated by following the procedure below.
To make matters worse, thick, fibrous adhesions are often formed anchoring the congested, fatty tissue to the muscular layer below.
Suzanna's a funicle man cho: Sing lassy go rings below
Suzanna's a Funicle Man
Bernice lay contentedly at the edge of a sand embankment white as driven snow, her chin cupped in her hands, watching half a dozen or more mullets drift and swing in the limpid clear water below.
The Mystery at Number Six
A police inspector or public prosecutor can bring home twice as much, the equivalent of around $150,000 a year. In contrast, Brazil's per capita national income stands well below $10,000 annually.
Far below the plane we could see the lights of London.
Now he puts the light sounds with something else remembered, with primrose, with laughter, and down through him a prickle runs and it seems to stop in his belly, below him.
In Mexico this month, although seeded two, she lost to Carla who is ranked ten places below her.
Listed below are links to weblogs that reference GAW:
Off to the Charity Ball is a firm favourite, with its livid pastels against bright white, the skulking figures throwing dark, tactile shadows onto the projecting shelf below.
And if the pH is 2.8 or below (highly unlikely), the wine could be called Dry.
As in any hierarchical system, each functional level builds on the one below it.
The status of many Eurasian species of Late Devonian cyrtospiriferid brachiopods require careful restudy to properly assess their generic status and assignment to morphologic/phylogenetic groups of Cyrtospirifer outlined below.
But witnesses said a section of the theatre then collapsed, crashing on to people below.
The Sun
As the battle stations alert and klaxon alarm sounded, he donned a helmet and life jacket as he left the bridge and headed below.
For more precise proportions, measure your neck size right below your Adam's apple with measuring tape.
Secondly, he submitted that the case had never been pleaded or presented in the court below as one falling within the exceptional category, nor did the judge purport to find that it did.
But the frigate rallied and righted while the sea streamed below decks, though her hatches were laid and her hawseholes bagged.
The lower deck, below the water line, was for cargo.
From the porch, watch rafts of birds winter on the water below.
Further down, below the moor, the laneside verge was bright with lady's-smock, the so-called cuckooflower that blooms when the first cuckoo calls.
Country Diary: North Derbyshire
Apollyon was his Second Lieutenant, ranking below only Lady Alysia and the Prince himself.
Notes about each song including lyrics can be found on the individual song page linked below.
Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint.
When I looked, he was sprawled on his back, legs and arms akimbo, half on the steps, half on the metal landing below.
In the duty of accumulation -- and I call it a _duty_, in the most strict and literal signification of that word -- all below a competence is most valuable, and its acquisition most laudable; but all above a fortune is a misfortune.
Choice Specimens of American Literature, and Literary Reader Being Selections from the Chief American Writers
Especially as the oil was spewing out from a reservoir 18,000 feet below the surface.
The Sun
The hall teams a pale oatmeal carpet with yellow tones above and below the dado, plain coving and stylish pendant lighting.
Tap water in Kawaguchi City in Saitama north of Tokyo contained 210 becquerels of radioactive iodine — well above the 100 becquerels considered safe for babies but below the 300-becquerel level for adults, Health Ministry official Shogo Misawa said.
Anxiety in Japan over radiation in tap water
Please write your full name and address below.
In 1991 almost 36 million Americans were living below the poverty line.
Get the ready-mixed grout on a squeegee, smear it into all the gaps, then smooth away any excess (see below).
Times, Sunday Times
A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted.
Except as noted below, data on all cause and cause specific child and infant mortality and of age distribution of child and infant mortality were regional estimates or other aggregates.
The force module construct for opening airbases is designed around five phases, which fall under Air Force purview, as identified in the list below.
Standing, I shuffled into the kitchen and peered into the space below the sink.
All mallets shown below have similar options for the head styles, the differences are in the shaft types.
For instance, layer a crewneck periwinkle short-sleeved t-shirt over my long sleeve grey heather t , allowing the bottom of the grey heather to extend below the hem of the periwinkle to create an easy, layered look.
Red Room: Deborah Lindquist: Bring Your Summer Wardrobe into Fall -- the Green Way
Below the window hung a flyspecked oil painting of the Last Supper.
Hunting Season
As I learned later, Howard and Marie were below prepping food.
This situation can only be overturned if power is instituted from below.
It was not an altogether convincing Braintree display against a below average looking Yeading side.
In the middle line is the posterior part of the sagittal suture connecting the parietal bones; extending downward and lateralward from the hinder end of the sagittal suture is the deeply serrated lambdoidal suture joining the parietals to the occipital and continuous below with the parietomastoid and occipitomastoid sutures; it frequently contains one or more sutural bones.
II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
Those sparks were another heat-dissipating mech - anism, and though the snow and ice had cooled the hooves below sparking level, there was still plenty of heat to serve.
Split Infinity
A little more than a decade on, his most common mission is what is called an "overwatch," scanning the ground via infrared sensors and radioing what he sees to troops below.
NYT > Home Page
School rules state that hemlines must be below the knee.
Yesterday, there was a small glimmer of hope when there was a sign that his liver function may have started to come back but it is still well below the levels needed to pull him through.
Rendered in black augmented by a thin sienna pinstripe, each is a variation on a halved or quartered circle which floats below center in a field of pale, luminous celadon green.
Certainly no quarter of a town could use a mark of cadency below a bendlet, and Florence was more careful than most Italian towns to be precise in her heraldry.
Donatello, by Lord Balcarres
Dentex and rainbow-colored wrasse snuffle the white sand below, stirring up a meal, while tiger-striped gobies lay among the rocks, waiting to snap the smaller fish up in turn.
The Alluring Remoteness of Karpathos
One of my commenters below has sent this picture, incontrovertible evidence that it wasn't a goal, after all.
The table below shows a list of nine more Estonian words, with mnemonics provided by the community at
The power of mnemonics
B, The "perianth" with the small perichaetial leaves below it.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
It was all a far cry from the 1897 Irish Times article which described the course as ‘a rabbit warren below the village, where a golfer requires limitless patience and an inexhaustible supply of balls’.
Plant roots need oxygen for the uptake of water and nutrients and so do not penetrate below the water table (apart from those such as mangrove types with special adaptations).
her accusations were below the belt
The categories to which an item could be assigned by the use of this digit are detailed in Table 10, below.
For convenience, the German translation is printed below.
The ground opened up below him and he sunk into the sand, leaving the stone behind.
He will take on villains including robotic antibodies and creepy doll monsters, inset below.
The Sun
The benchmark price for a barrel of crude for delivery in December slipped below $20 as the slowdown in the world economy, coupled with the warm winter, has caused demand to fall.
The cause of the mass below the surface was Times CEO Howell Raines, who had egomaniacally elbowed his way to the top.
In the darkened operations room below decks, grey overalled officers and sailors watched an approaching blip on their radar screens.
Noise rose from below like effluent from a blocked toilet and the light was so dim the waitress had to check the reservation book with a torch.
Restaurant review: Platform
With temperatures below zero and icy roads many people were unable to get into the village for supplies of candles, batteries for torches etc.
Use the table below as a guide to how much washing powder to use.
This property-imaging process will help us to look for anything that may be buried below ground.
The table below details the advantages and disadvantages of electric versus mechanical hygroscopes.
But no matter how skilfully it's done, it shows somewhere: the stretched grimace, the unblinking eyes or in the body below, if it hasn't been done to match.
It may be long, terminating below the level of the thyroid cartilage, or short, terminating at the level of the hyoid bone.
The European Union has launched an investigation into South Korean shipbuilders amid complaints they are receiving government aid which allows them to sell new ships below cost.
A significant fraction of their water content can emerge from the explosion at a speed below the escape velocity of Mercury.
This line cuts the vertical axis below the horizontal axis.
The operators want to dig deeper seams within the quarry - up to 15 metres below the existing level.
Some of the major findings of the present study are highlighted and discussed below.
Below 80 mph and it's much like any other hot hatch.
The _first glume_ is cuneately obovate or obcordate, yellowish with red brown tips or dark brown with yellow tips, chartaceous below, membranous, hyaline and ciliate at the truncate, emarginate or retuse apex, 7 - to 9-nerved, the nerves abruptly ceasing towards the apex.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
I stare at the snow drifting outside my window, at the nearly deserted street below, trying not to think about anything.
Cauda long, flexed ventrally in arch("U" shape), its tip not extending below the margin of the ostium.
A mariner emerges from the hatchway and climbs the rigging, while below the boatswain and ship's master are thrown about on deck.
The house is best known for coats, and this season they introduced a new style with the waist cut high and a fuller volume below waistlines.
Rendered in black augmented by a thin sienna pinstripe, each is a variation on a halved or quartered circle which floats below center in a field of pale, luminous celadon green.
Standing at the bridge, Yin hops over the rails onto the water below.
Darker than Black ep 24 « Undercover
The spaces are situated on a slope below an existing north-facing house.
In brief, a small incision was made on the skin below the xiphisternum towards the left from the midline.
The cat sat in the tree ready to pounce on the ducks below.
She watched as it spattered on the ground far below.
We had too many players below par.
Times, Sunday Times
In October the index fell below 20,000 points, leading to government intervention to support the market.
One little-remarked fact about the 1982-2000 stock market climb is that housing values did relatively poorly over that period, so that in many locations the ratio of prices to rents fell below the rule of the 300.
House Prices, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
When something like a black cloud passed among them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship with many people: they certainly did not think that a pretty little sea-maid was standing down below stretching up her white hands towards the keel of their ship.
The Little Sea-Maid
These tunics were usually worn to below the knee, but during travel they were hitched up by a belt to make walking easier.
He envisages a future in which America's fuel will come from planting above ground rather than drilling below it.
Times, Sunday Times
The silence was broken only by the splash of an alligator leaping on some prey far below, and the mournful pipe of some jungle bird across the rivers.
I found myself in a wide gallery looking down on the floor below.
To show this, I randomly permuted the values of the HS-series in Figure 9 below, leaving everything else unchanged.
More on PCs « Climate Audit
They have been recorded up to forty and even fifty miles in length, and they have been called floe bergs, because it was supposed that they froze first as ordinary sea-ice and increased by subsequent additions from below.
The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
As the storm began, everyone disappeared below deck.
And over that time, at least 10 people have fallen from it, into the icy waters below.
This includes lowering the annual level of inflation to below 5 per cent.
If the fish have got used to the sudden onset of winter that arrived unannounced last week, then some good sport can be expected from the roach population of the waters below the city.
Day-time temperatures are frequently in the low twenties centigrade but, once night falls, they plummet to minus ten or even below that in a matter of minutes.
On one occasion we enjoyed a medium drift down a V-shaped channel, watching the usual teeming reef life flash by below and finning back every now and then to peer into crevices before being swept on.
It presents a large, smooth, concave surface, called the iliac fossa, which gives origin to the Iliacus and is perforated at its inner part by a nutrient canal; and below this a smooth, rounded border, the arcuate line, which runs downward, forward, and medialward.
II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
The discordant sounds of violinos, woodwinds, and the falk-horn rose around Anna, but she continued to watch the camp below.
Darksong Rising
I leaned out as far as I could, looking down at the rough, sharp rocks on the beach below me.
My right leg finally made an appearance in the correct locale, opposite my left and below the hip joint.
Then we planted some climbing plants on the ground below the lattice.
Through a door in the rear, they found a set of steps that went down below the foundation of the building.
The grand entrance had been smeared with paint and graffiti while a unique Victorian glass lantern roof had been smashed letting water pour on to the decorative floors below.
With an average temperature of 60 degrees below zero, any water near the surface of Mars would freeze solid.
Recent employee relations surveys had reached an all-time low-significantly below the crisis point in practically every area.
Finally I believe that we should ban exports of pharmaceuticals and licensing of pharmaceutical patents to developed countries which reduce through legislation the cost of a drug below what the manufacturer is willing to sell it in the US on the basis that this means that Americans are subsidizing, for example, drug costs in Canada.
The Volokh Conspiracy » House Democratic Leaders Drop “Deem and Pass”
Of course, the greatest problem in a democracy is that half the voters have a below average IQ. trice
No angry mobs, but tough questions at Maryland town hall
Buoyed, very likely, by Ron Charles's positive review a week or so back click the title below to be linked to the page on the Web.
BOOK WORLD - February 27, 2011
Then with demonic force he hurled it into the throng below.
Somewhere East of Life
The list below gives fifteen of the commonest, though some achieve more dramatic results than others.
Nevertheless, models suggest that a global groundwater system could exist on Mars today at a depth of several kilometers below the surface.
Pauli pointed out that a (self-adjoint) time operator is incompatible with a Hamiltonian spectrum bounded below.
String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
A moment later he had pulled away a strip of grass, and below it was a worn cellar door.
After that came a fine example of chu-toro (No. 2 on the sushi-snob toro scale, above maguro and below the hyperdelicate o-toro), which Seki flavored with a mild wasabi sauce.
The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.