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How To Use Belonging In A Sentence

  • It was part of an enormous collection of metalwork, glass, ceramics and miniatures belonging to Ralph Bernal, a lawyer and MP.
  • He picked up a necklace belonging to Dylan that had been concecrated and, concentrating on Dylan, used it to scry with.
  • When Wood returned to the truck parked on Panorama Drive, her bike was gone along with two others belonging to friends visiting from Washing-ton state.
  • In 1998, just before then President Suharto stepped down, unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic Chinese in Solo.
  • Dressed in a leopard print hijab she collected belongings and her cat. The Sun
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  • At least 70 people have been detained in connection with the proposed rally, on charges of belonging to the banned group. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also saw a large tree and obtained specimens of it, belonging to the natural order BIGNONIACEAE, with terminal spikes of yellow flowers, and rough cordate leaves; and a proteaceous plant with long compound racemes of white flowers, and deeply cut leaves, resembling a tree with true pinnate leaves. Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • She told me the camp was a vacation resort belonging to her family.
  • RIYADH - A cargo plane belonging to the German carrier Lufthansa crashed on landing at Riyadh airport on Tuesday, Saudi television reported. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • A small group of six chemicals (monocrotophos, glyphosate, metamidophos, zineb, benomyl and deltamethrin) belonging to different chemical classes were used by 50 or more workers.
  • A student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before becoming a social activist in Latin America, Berenson was arrested on a bus in Peru in 1995 and charged with belonging to the MRTA.
  • And Lina, Sorrow, and Florens know that if their mistress dies, "three unmastered women … out here, alone, belonging to no one, became wild game for anyone" (page 58). A Mercy by Toni Morrison: Questions
  • It is a large family, belonging to the tropics and subtropics, and many of its members furnish important foodstuffs: the coconut, date, sago, palm sugar, etc.
  • Strong traditions can give you guidance, a sense of belonging and a sense of purpose in life.
  • Originally, he may have been pouring a libation from a patera, as is common in similar sacrifice scenes belonging to this iconographic topos.
  • With this affidavit, the Hazarbuz tribe travel to the camping places by the specified paths, and while on their way and when they camp, they are not allowed to harm the arable and cultivated land of the Hazaras, nor may they [allow their animals to] graze on irrigated or unirrigated farm land and pasture lands belonging to the Hazaras. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • They fled their homes with a few personal belongings, escaping the acrid sulphuric fumes and lava of an erupting volcano.
  • It's natural for people to feel a stronger sense of belonging in smaller groups. The Sun
  • Survivors tried to enter damaged carriages to rescue relatives and collect belongings, officials said. The Sun
  • He made no move to assist his wife, who was now kneeling to repack their belongings into their boxes. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • She spoke the rude French of the fishing villages, where the language lives chiefly as a baragouin, mingled often with words and forms belonging to many other tongues. Chita: a Memory of Last Island
  • Some slips passing from the first and second ribs to the vertebral border of the scapula and supplied by the dorsal scapular nerve may be looked upon as belonging to the rhomboid sheet and therefore as variations of those muscles.
  • Belonging to a class of mood-altering drugs, barbiturates induce relaxation and sleep.
  • The moving specialists' first task is to help the seniors downsize their belongings so they can fit into, say, a retirement-center efficiency or a one-bedroom apartment.
  • He referred to the red carpet that some official belonging to the duumviri had laid down the full length of the jetty, a sign of kingliness that horrified Octavian. Antony and Cleopatra
  • And thus the ideas of time and space have each its peculiar and exclusive relations; position and figure belonging only to space, while repetition and rhythm are appropriate to time.
  • The pope and the king of France taught Edward II to dissolve the preceptories, to the number of twenty-three, belonging to the Templars; in 1410 the Commons petitioned for the confiscation of all church property; in 1414 the alien priories in England fell under the animadversion of the government; their property was handed over to the crown and they escaped only by the payment of heavy fines, by incorporation into English orders, and by partial confiscation of their land. The Age of the Reformation
  • The next higher examples to be met are the frequently cited ants and bees, belonging to the lowly organized class of arthropoda, yet, through the advantage of association and mutual aid, developing actions and habits only found elsewhere in the human race. Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
  • In addition, that same belonging nonbeliever is likely to be a better neighbor than a comparable nonbeliever who never enters church. American Grace
  • The first problem that faces the cuckoo is to find a nest belonging to the right species of host.
  • We have also offered to reimburse any expenses they incurred while they were without their belongings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
  • I love my home, I love my job, I love belonging here, and I love this place, but it's trying my patience.
  • It is true that had I packed all my belongings in one huge box the same company would have conveyed them to the steamer for one and eightpence, which is the regular charge per package. America To-day, Observations and Reflections
  • *] A dwarf shrub belonging to the genus STENOCHILUS, but new, was found here [**]; and we met also with a large spreading tree, from which we could bring away nothing that would enable botanists to describe it, except as to the texture and nervation of the leaves, which, Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • The gangs sold their booty, families tried to earn money from their belongings and neighbours ransacked the homes of anyone who had not returned from prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were mangoes and cherries and quinces and apples and apricots and almonds, and beyond the orchards there were thickets of tamarisk and casuarina as well as groves of mulberry trees belonging to the silk farmers.
  • People have to have significant social and personal belongings in their life. Christianity Today
  • After gathering my belongings, I let my hair down and smoothed it out after applying a little liner and lip gloss.
  • It was found by a man while he was helping his elderly mother to clear out her belongings after the death of his father. Times, Sunday Times
  • BRONZITE, a member of the pyroxene group of minerals, belonging with enstatite and hypersthene to the orthorhombic series of the group. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • I closed my computer, gathered the last of my belongings, and loaded them into my seabag. A Nightmare’s Prayer
  • Domesticated dogs carried Blackfoot belongings by pulling a loaded travois consisting of two long poles attached to the dog's sides.
  • Apol. xxxv., “publici hostes”; xxxvii., “hostes maluistis vocare generis humani Christianos” (you prefer to call Christians the enemies of the human race); Minuc., x., “pravae religionis obscuritas”; viii., “homines deploratae, inlicitae ac desperatae factionis” (reprobate characters, belonging to an unlawful and desperate faction); “plebs profanae coniurationis”; ix., “sacraria taeterrima impiae citionis” (abominable shrines of an impious assembly); “eruenda et execranda consensio” (a confederacy to be rooted out and detested). The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • The article returns discovery, in householder lifetime belongings is accumulated appeared two high peak value.
  • No other scripture of any other religion of the world contains any kind of writings of holy men belonging to another faith, caste or creed, or of those who were regarded as outcastes or untouchables.
  • Police identified the man from belongings they found on his bike. The Sun
  • Whether it's what looks like junk in the shed or his pile of gizmos by the bed, all blokes have belongings they treasure. The Sun
  • If the pollen from one of the genus Primula fertilises an ovule belonging to a flower of e.g., the genus Hottonia, a bigener would result.
  • We didn't get any maid service the following day but that was fine with me because we had most of our belongings strewn around anyhow.
  • At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
  • There is a farm on a neck of land belonging to this town (Marblehead, Mass.), which has peculiar advantages for collecting sea kelp and sea moss, and these manures are there used most liberally, particularly in the cultivation of cabbage, from eight to twelve cords of rotten kelp, which is stronger than barn manure, and more suitable food for cabbage, being used to the acre. Cabbages and Cauliflowers: How to Grow Them A Practical Treatise, Giving Full Details On Every Point, Including Keeping And Marketing The Crop
  • Located in the town of Ingleside about 12 miles northeast of Corpus Christi, it was the primary home to minesweeping ships belonging to the Navy's Mine Warfare Command. All In for Texas Hold 'Em
  • Many products comprise elements belonging to different generic product categories. Whether the product is then called service, software, hardware or processed material depends on the dominant element.
  • The book is inscribed at the front as belonging to a Mrs Janet Maule and is dated 25 June, 1701, although recipes have been added over a number of years.
  • Do you only really relax in your own space with your own belongings around? The Sun
  • For a small consideration my friend will help you move your belongings to your new house.
  • The pleasure and satisfaction of belonging to one of the world's leading whale and dolphin conservation groups.
  • You should not appropriate other people's belongings to yourself without their permission.
  • Their language is known as Cahita, being the same as that spoken, with dialectic differences, by their neighbours, the Tehueco, and Yaqui, and belonging to the Piman branch of the great Shoshonean stock. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • How did a boy belonging to monolingual Britain get interested in a foreign language?
  • Northamp. late belonging to Ramsay abbey, and the year following had grants of the manors of Rarnwel and Warketon, alias Warton, in the same county. Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
  • Wei, Ts'ai, Ts'ao, and T'êng, all of the imperial family name, or, as we say in English, "surname," and all lying between the Hwai and the Sz systems (T'êng was a "belonging state" of Lu). Ancient China Simplified
  • Never before, I believe, has anything been written enabling us to see so clearly into the soul of a young girl, belonging to our social and cultural stratum, during the years of puberal development. A Young Girl's Diary
  • Aidan was a genetic throwback, apparently, with pale skin and pale hair that was similar to that belonging to several of the family's relations.
  • Feloniously and Pyratically surprise, seise and take a Brigantine named ----, [11] One Moor Master, and belonging to His said Majesties good subjects, and out of Her then and there in manner as aforesd. did take and Carry away Cloths and Provisions of the Value of Two Hundred pounds. Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period Illustrative Documents
  • Edward I took his lions with him - during his progress through his Gascon domains in 1289 one of his lions killed a horse belonging to one Ernaud Purpoynter of Oloron-Ste-Marie in the Pyrenees, who was also duly compensated.
  • Carboniferous and Permian strata often contain useful index fossils belonging to this group.
  • Jews and Sikhs have been treated by the courts as belonging to racial and ethnic as well as to religious groups.
  • Keeping an eye on belongings is a hassle for those venturing out for the first time, but they soon learn that the secret is to travel light, and carry nothing except essentials.
  • The occupying State shall be regarded only as administrator and usufructuary of public buildings, real estate, forests, and agricultural estates belonging to the hostile State, and situated in the occupied country.
  • They feel deeply the honor of belonging to the Senate.
  • After the massacre the local port was a scene of panic as people, mostly women, desperate to escape, fought their way up the gangplanks carrying their belongings and children onto badly maintained and overloaded ferries.
  • When Donald and the Young Marshal arrived in the capital of Jehol, they discovered that Tang had loaded several hundred trucks with his personal belongings and dispatched them to safety. The Last Empress
  • Some 600,000 codlings are due to be delivered to cages belonging to the sea farms this summer.
  • He said that all 10,000 students would have to leave the campus with their belongings by last night.
  • Two face-centred cubic lattices can also interpenetrate in such a way that every point belonging to the one lattice is at the centre of gravity of a tetrahedron whose vertices are points belonging to the other lattice. Nobel Prize in Physics 1915 - Presentation Speech
  • Wearing a dress made of pineapple would turn anyone's head - especially those belonging to judges of a beauty pageant.
  • Though founded especially for military objects, as for instance the defence of the holy places at Jerusalem, when not so engaged, these knights lived a kind of a religious life in commanderies or preceptories, established on the estates belonging to their order. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Membership of a group may provide an individual with a sense of belonging.
  • We left that house with none of our belongings and we haven't seen him since. The Sun
  • A nurse's aide gathered his belongings together, threw out a few unimportant scraps of paper, put the rest in a plastic bag.
  • Answer relatively and the right of the underwriter with safe belongings and insurant and obligation coexist.
  • Sales of vast tracts of land belonging to religious houses and the former rulers also provided the capital needed to liquidate the debts of the ancien régime and establish state and public finances on a new and more solid basis.
  • I say I think I can recommend the book because, belonging as I do to the hairy-eared old-timers, I may not be in the book's true target audience.
  • I think of myself as a solidly nonracist person, but if there's a chink in that armor, gypsies are it, because I once tried to sleep on a Eurorail train and had no less than four gypsy urchins come into my car and try to steal all of my belongings. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The women "mothered" him, setting his belongings to rights at stated intervals, for he was not conspicuous for orderliness. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • A barnacle is a type of arthropod belonging to infraclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • After almost eight years, it is all a blur but I can still remember this sense of community and belonging among the people.
  • A nauplius consists of the first three cephalic segments and the appendages belonging to those segments, the antennules, antennae, and mandibles.
  • A posh building in rue de Grenelle (Paris), its days recounted from two points of view, one belonging to a cultured concierge, the other to a little rich girl with suicidal tendencies. An Interview with Muriel Barbery by Viviana Musumeci, April 15 2008
  • Mauki's three tambos were as follows: First, he must never shake hands with a woman, nor have a woman's hand touch him or any of his personal belongings; secondly, he must never eat clams nor any food from a fire in which clams had been cooked; thirdly, he must never touch a crocodile, nor travel in a canoe that carried any part of a crocodile even if as large as a tooth. MAUKI
  • But official figures show one in five households has more than that in property, savings and belongings. The Sun
  • I emptied the closet and put my belongings into the black overnight case.
  • Hang on - all right, registry is Brunei, uh, Badger belonging to the air force. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • But pastureland belonging to their towns must not be sold; it is their permanent possession.
  • His father was a land agent who ran an estate in East Anglia belonging to John Bradford's brother.
  • the vital transcendental soul belonging to the spiritual realm
  • When finished, we first placed our blacksmith's shop upon it, that is to say, our anvil, and large vice, and other valuable articles belonging to blacksmithery, bar-iron, and steel traps, and alas! John B. Wyeth's Oregon, or a Short History of a Long Journey
  • The utility model relates to a multifunctional flour mill, belonging to the grain processing machinery.
  • The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
  • Ololiuqui, Safford pronounced, was in fact Datura meteloides, a well-known and highly toxic hallucinogen belonging to a group of plants that, perhaps not entirely coincidentally, he had just monographed. One River
  • Leave all your belongings in the clothes you take off, the door will automatically lock behind you.
  • She took none of her personal belongings. Times, Sunday Times
  • From beyond the canyon's ridge, a wonderful bugle call charged the air, pounding hooves, belonging to the stalwart super troopers of Holt's Rangers raced to The Alamo in all their red, white and blue glory.
  • It is legitimate to fear that any grass belonging to vetiver's subtribe could become a weed. 4 Questions and Answers
  • Some of the worst damage caused at the graveyard was to a vault belonging to Peter O'Connor.
  • If the old lady had not been restored to her fortune, her _personalia_ would have remained in the oblivion which, as one might say, had accumulated upon everything belonging to her. Balcony Stories
  • She was a beautiful old steam yacht belonging originally to the Guinness family.
  • But I have encountered more than one person, both in my past as a student and in my recent career as a blogger, who still manages to believe that, while they are formally Protestant, in the sense of belonging to a Protestant church, they are materially more catholic than either the Catholic or the Orthodox churches. Protestants who think they're Catholic
  • Antichrist assumes in mimicry the universal power really belonging to Christ. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There may be more than one group of wiltjas belonging to several branches of the one family.
  • Importantly, these patterns of transnational migration have not in fact resulted in the severance of the relationship between culture and territorial belonging.
  • CLOS DU TUE-BOEUF: The name tue boeuf means kill cow in English might sound more Native American than French, but such is the name of this vineyard estate belonging to the Puzelat brothers. A Year of Wine
  • Thieves had ransacked class seven, stealing exercise books belonging to Year Five children age 10.
  • Belonging to a more elite corps, they promoted the railway by actively participating in the modernisation of the steel industry, creating English-style forges and a renaissance in smelting furnaces.
  • None of his belongings had been taken, his mobile phone has not been used and no withdrawals have been made from his bank account.
  • It frequently happens that the contortions or displacements due to motion are seen to affect a single line belonging to a particular substance, while the other lines of _that same substance_ remain imperturbable. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • If you want to start a restaurant or a small manufacturing company, you go to the bank and get a loan collateralized by very real assets belonging to you or somebody willing to take the risk for you (like, say, your friendly Godfather).
  • In collating books in two or more volumes double watchfulness is needed to guard against a missing signature, which may have its place filled by the same pages belonging to another volume -- a mixture sometimes made in binderies, in "gathering" the sheets, and which makes it necessary to see that the signatures are right as well as the pages. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay "home".
  • Smith added that the shop received between 20 and 30 bags of cast-offs and unwanted belongings a day.
  • In our professional lives, we make choices about belonging to a professional association.
  • Moreover, in the judgemente of those that are experte in sea causes, yt will breed more skillfull, connynge, and stowte pilott and maryners then other belonginge to this lande. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • At centre stage is not the athlete but the official belonging to somnolent associations.
  • After several years of moving my belongings in and out of storage, I can see the appeal of this portable, hexahedron lifestyle. GOOD
  • The flat was little more than a place to store our belongings and bed down at night. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Here and there turkeys showed themselves with their milk and coffee-colored plumage; and peccaries, a sort of wild pig highly appreciated by lovers of venison, and agouties, which are the hares and rabbits of Central America; and tatous belonging to the order of edentates, with their scaly shells of patterns of mosaic. Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon
  • On Wednesday and Thursday, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan seemed in a hurry to give his worldly belongings to a neighbor.
  • Among all the nation, the Old Testament concentrated on one — the Hebrews belonging to the Semitic tribe.
  • At this point the village is referred to as ‘Esshete’ and the Castle of Esshete is mentioned in the list of fortalices in 1415 belonging to Sir John Heron, a knight.
  • We inherently strive for a sense of belongingness because we have been brought up in families, tribes, and communities; sticking close to these groups has always meant an increased likelihood of survival. Body by Design
  • It's only fair for people to reclaim their belongings. Times, Sunday Times
  • People still speak in terms of belonging by ‘blood’; a person is seen to have Russian blood, Jewish blood, Armenian blood, or a mixture of ethnic bloods.
  • For want of something to distract her mind, she had been engaged, when Maidie returned with her abigail in tow, in collecting together those of Maidie's belongings that were scattered about the bedchamber they had shared at her insistence, for she could not reconcile it with her duty to allow her charge to sleep alone in the chamber of a public inn in the heart of the capital. Gatlinburg
  • This happened in "Ostpreussen" (Eastern Prussia), then a part of Germany, now belonging to Russia. - Business News
  • The strength of citizenship is manifested through a sense of social belonging and civic responsibility.
  • Few men have ever had a stronger conviction of their clerisy, of their belonging to the clerkly caste of the responsibles.
  • The soybean is a legume belonging to the genus glycine, which is related to clover, peas, and alfalfa. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • Philip led the way, and they entered the mill, where the warning bells were ringing to give notice that the corn was flowing down rightly; and the mill-hoppers kept on "ruttle, ruttle;" the water hissed, seethed, and rushed under their feet; the millstones rumbled round and round; and there on the top of the sacks, with which the place was half filled, sat the two great white cats belonging to the miller, fast asleep; while in Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • She paused to examine the mummy, carefully protected by glass: it was the real McCoy, the label identifying it as belonging to the actual queen herself, on loan from the Cairo Museum in Egypt. Dance Of Death
  • Neither will have quit jobs, left families or lugged belongings across the country.
  • Informal networks of land-based kinship and community thus made the boundaries of the tiko permeable to women in a way patriliny did not, because a woman who could establish a foothold on the landby obtaining a field from a woman with whom she shared vuxaka, even just vuxaka bya matinyocould, through her habitual interaction with members of the cultivating community, solidify her claim to belonging to that community. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Now that he had rescued his belongings from the desert sand and pilfering fingers, he felt like a large weight had been lifted off his shoulders so he decided to stay a few more days and give them the benefit of his expertise.
  • We had to undress and throw away all belongings except our shoes. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • The first of the sirens sounded distantly and she ran to the kitchen, gathering up her belongings with hands that shook.
  • A clear-out of unwanted belongings would take place at the same time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going one day, according to her custom, to pay her court to the king, who was then in Saragossa, she passed through a village belonging to the Viceroy of Catalonia, who did not quit the frontiers of Perpignan, on account of the wars between the Kings of France and Spain. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • This is an aromatic, resinous substance that is extracted from the wood of certain trees or plants, especially those belonging to the terebinthine group or family. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The curious form of the bill, in fact, explains this comparison with birds belonging to so different groups, and the balæniceps would merit the name of boatbill equally well with the bird so called, since its bill recalls the small fishing boats that we observe keel upward high and dry on our seashores. Scientific American Supplement, No. 829, November 21, 1891
  • For Brittany, a sense of belonging is nurtured at sports like softball and bowling.
  • -- Among pinnipeds, sealions belonging to Arctocephalus and Zalophus often hybridise, but they are well apart in phylogenies, and have traditionally even been grouped in separate subfamilies. The deer-pig, the Raksasa, the only living anthracothere… welcome to the world of babirusas
  • He was in Europe preparing for the Commonwealth Games and I was at home sifting and sorting through his personal belongings and boxing them up.
  • Belonging to Araliaceae ginseng species, Ginseng is a traditional precious herb, and has the functions of enhancing immunity, anti-tumor, anti-atherosclerosis to protect the myocardium.
  • Filmed on location in Egypt, the series also focuses on the story of the Ancient Egyptians, whose secrets and belongings the adventurers were so desperate to uncover.
  • She knew immediately that her mother was going to hound Ferdinand for the money, perhaps even possess his belongings or property.
  • Zuma Press A woman stands with her belongings on a pushchair at Occupy London on the grounds of St. Paul's Cathedral in mid-January. London Wins Bid to Evict 'Occupy' Protesters
  • A certain ecuyer, or horsedealer, belonging to the king, being one day under the hands of a barber, who happened to cut the head of a pimple on his face, he started up, and drawing his sword, wounded him desperately in the shoulder. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.
  • But they have no belongings with them, no day packs, no water bottles for the trek across the desert.
  • Nortbamp. late belonging to Ramsay abbey, and the year following had grants of the manors of Barnwel and Warketon, alias Warton, in the same county. Peerage of England. ...
  • He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.
  • His palace is a \eiy haiidfome fpacious building, adjoining to which are many gocxl houfe;) belonging to his nobles, who continually wait on hiin, and the grcatcit homage is [) aid him by his fubjcifts in general; for though ihefe princes are valVals, yet they are peniiitLed to live in as great A New, authentic, and complete collection of voyages round the world, undertaken and performed by royal authority [microform] : containing an authentic, entertaining, full, and complete history of Captain Cook's first, second, third and last voyages,
  • They were able to destroy a thousand acres of orange trees belonging to a settlement in a single night.
  • Kilwardby also stresses that in a per se necessity sentence, the subject must be ˜something belonging in itself to that predicate™ (˜per se aliquod ipsius predicati™), by which he seems to mean that the subject has the predicate as an essential property, i.e., such that it has the predicate as a necessary property through itself and not through something else. The Statue of a Writer
  • Near adjoining to this abbey, on the south side thereof, was some time a farm belonging to the said nunnery, at which farm I myself, in my youth, have fetched many a halfpennyworth of milk.
  • The one time duty free permit to move your personal belongings is called a menaje de casa. Moving My Personal Household Effects with an FM 2
  • Nowadays, fewer people are working in their local towns, so how do they develop a sense of belonging Whenever we step out of our local boundaries, there is always another "home" waiting to be found. Wherever we are, with just a little bit of effort and imagination, we can make the place we stay "home".
  • Sonnets from the Portuguese presents lyric moments of intensity belonging to a narrative of true-life domestic romance, and Modern Love tells the story of a marriage's dissolution.
  • Allington before the flowers of May would have come, and the crowd and the glare and the fashion and the art of the Academy’s great exhibition must therefore remain unknown to her; but she was taken to see many pictures, and among others she was taken to see the pictures belonging to a certain nobleman who, with that munificence which is so amply enjoyed and so little recognised in The Last Chronicle of Barset
  • According to the GAO, the majority of passport fraud uncovered in 2004 involved imposters using legitimate identification documents belonging to someone else.
  • Filled with a new sense of belonging we returned to our apartment, which felt like a small pair of shoes, cancelled our picnic and rescheduled the removalists.
  • A petition of Hezekiah May, respecting a claim to land belonging to the es - tate of the late Elias Boudinot, was overtured, and being read, was referred to the trustees of the General Assembly, and the trustees were directed to deter - mine the case according to the principles of justice and equity. Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
  • You beat the declarer's coup en passant by means of an 'uppercut', a device belonging to the same family of card plays.
  • There be divers boates belonginge to the towne, which onely dragge perles. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • On arrival there we were thoroughly "frisked", and all our personal belongings, including neckties, taken away. Experiences in a Japanese Internment Camp
  • An artillery battery belonging to the Seventh Virginia Regiment galloped after and did some damage.
  • The locks were changed so that we were unable to get back in to collect our belongings. Times, Sunday Times
  • He made no move to assist his wife, who was now kneeling to repack their belongings into their boxes. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Three intruders who used a variety of ruses to gain entry into sheltered flats in Devizes, rifled through elderly people's belongings leaving such a mess that it is not known if anything was stolen.
  • The best crossbreed was Max, belonging to Beryl Greenslade of Hindhead, who also took the best mover award.
  • She changed the locks and wouldn't let me in to collect my belongings. The Sun
  • But Stein trots out his definition of a writer as if belonging to this group of crackpots is something to be proud of.
  • This helps to explain why, for example, when a calamity afflicted an entire region composed of people belonging to a common clan, all propitiatory religio-ritual ceremonies were directed to the founding ancestress. Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
  • Instead, tartans probably were regionally based with different patterns belonging to different areas of the country.
  • His father was a land agent who ran an estate in East Anglia belonging to John Bradford's brother.
  • Like anchovies and herrings, they are small, primitive fish belonging to the group known as clupeoids.
  • It has been a popular visiting spot from as early as the 17th century, solely reserved for affluential people belonging to the so-called Special Class.
  • The problem is that its public acceptance might throw into question claims of ownership to intelligence and belonging.
  • Originally a fortified summerhouse belonging to the local caid (district administrator), it was abandoned in 1956, when Morocco won its independence from the French, and fell into ruin.
  • Ten years ago, nets belonging to the Knock United club were slashed at McLoughlin's field on the Knock road which at the time was being used as the club's pitch.
  • A most important contrivance belonging to a whaler is the crow's-nest, which I may describe as a sentry-box at the mast-head. Peter the Whaler
  • Fancy a pagne or skirt all formed of little strips of material bedizened with red and black hieroglyphics, stiffened with bitumen, and apparently belonging to a freshly unbandaged mummy.
  • At 4: 25 Mountain Standard Time the 1997 white Jeep Grand Cherokee belonging to one of the girls was pulled from the pond. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2009
  • But as consciousness rises in the scale of evolution, man begins to "dissociate" his idea of "me" from the body and he begins to regard his body as a beloved companion and as "belonging to" him. The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga
  • After 15 days, we have become like one big happy family where there is a sense of achievement and belonging.
  • Two loud thunks announced the arrival of worldly belongings crammed into his bags.
  • She described some James-controlled rooms which have since been cleaned as abhorrently dirty and disorganized, randomly stuffed with personal belongings, important Club documents, flea market trinkets and infested with vermin and insects. Arts Club Hearing Blocked by Court
  • Nyerere was deeply committed to the concept of ujamaa, which saw all land and natural resources as belonging to the people within their village communities, and following the declaration there emerged many farm collectives.
  • we outlaw a member of our own society and belonging to our own country; but to _outlaw_ the chiefs of another country is something too absurd; I fear the English language is not much studied at the Cape. The Mission

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