How To Use Belong to In A Sentence

  • The areas of troilism and coprophilia are covered in some detail to establish to what degree they belong to the deviation of voyeurism.
  • Which of us would want our lives to lay in ruin while those who are supposed to help are busy fighting over politics, power and property that does not belong to them? National Council of Churches
  • Experts agree that hippos belong to the mammalian order Artiodactyla, a group of even-toed, hoofed creatures whose extant representatives include camels, pigs and ruminants such as cows.
  • Rightness, considered in its own nature, does not belong to what I do.
  • Was it a true bear or did it belong to the same family as the red panda? The Times Literary Supplement
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  • The primary significance of the words which refer to the bread seems to belong to the image of the messianic kingdom.
  • The rose and the bean families belong to the same order.
  • They belong to a secret resistance army that is the nation's last defence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some authors have said that an English name for ajowan is lovage, but this is a mistake, although both plants belong to the same family.
  • So far it was thought to belong to a mad scientist, who had a hook for a hand, and had killed twenty females while trying to create the elixir of life.
  • And he shows that all those comminations and threats which we read in the Scriptures of the New Testament in no way belong to the nature of the Gospel properly so called, but are the confirmation of the law.
  • But this does not belong to the class of cases to be considered, for the problem before us is to trace the origin of assumpsit, which is an action of contract. The Common Law
  • Human documents belong to humankind: hence his rage against obstructive archivists who dare refuse access to precious materials which have fallen to their care.
  • They belong to 3 phylum, 8 class, 22 orders.
  • Nations. yep, it's pretty quaint stuff, couched in terms of newness and normalcy, of foreigness and familiarity. it describes the music as modern and "swingy" and yet timeless, as being of universal appeal - they belong to everyone - and yet "from a single nationality." i wonder whether the universalist rhetoric was meant to appeal to non-jews or simply to jews ambivalent about their jewishness? or am i simply being naive about midcentury, metropolitan jewishness? it is interesting to me also that, apparently, zionist discourse had not yet divorced the term palestinian from any association with jewish heritage.
  • technically, a bank's reserves belong to the stockholders
  • They belong to one of his students, a wealthy, charming Cuban-American named Consuela Castillo, whose thrilling desirability enchants, infatuates, and torments Kepesh. The Nihilist
  • I would say Aliens easily equals some of those other scripts you mentioned in mastering the genre they belong to in that it was somewhat transformative to the genre and the expectations of the genre. AVATAR Reaches $500 Million In Only 32 Days; Worldwide Gross an Astounding $1.62 billion –
  • I haven't forgotten my roots in Glasgow, with the dingy tenements and the grass full of dog dirt, and there are parts of Middlesbrough which look as if they belong to the Dark Ages.
  • Not just another way of stating that divine sovereignty and human doing cohere or belong together but more specifically this verse expresses a soteriological truth.
  • A lock of hair believed to belong to Mary Queen of Scots sold at auction yesterday.
  • Based on the shape of the traditional Kanak ceremonial "Great" houses, the ten structures comprising The Center belong to the landscape. Alla Kazovsky: "Live-by-Design" Wholeheartedly
  • While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.
  • Family matters: Common morels belong to the fungus family Morchellaceae, a group of species commonly called the morel family. Undefined
  • We and they belong to areas of human experience removed from one another by millions of years. Alternative Health Care for Children
  • Some of the unusual runes on the Kensington Rune Stone turn out to belong to the secret tradesmen's version of the alphabet.
  • De" was endowed with the meaning "moral" at the beginning of Chou Dynasty because of the development of "stare" and was thought as an inner quality that may belong to everybody.
  • The Foes were Dissenters, Protestants who did not belong to the Anglican Church, and Daniel's ironic attack on the church landed him a three-day stretch in the pillory.
  • In Jesus' story of the prodigal, the father welcomes his boy home be redefining what it means to belong to the family.
  • Cherimoya and Atemoya The cherimoya and atemoya are tree fruits of species in the genus Annona, a native of tropical and subtropical South America the soursop or guanabana and the custard apple belong to the same genus. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Romulus later cases belong to this dynasty.
  • I belong to a generation of kinless childhoods, where we grew up without grandparents, numerous uncles, aunts, cousins and relatives who had perished, yet whose silent presence loomed in the background.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • Iced camembert cream, frozen horseradish sauce, and tomato ice all belong to this period.
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • Mangrove forests, tropical evergreen coastal mudflats on the unique plant communities, most of its species, belong to Rhizophoraceae, ecology, and its called: mangroves.
  • What club do you belong to?
  • To belong to a place, Joyce suggests, one must have both intimate knowledge and skeptical distance, the particulate experience of the street along with the synoptic view of the map.
  • The Chinese belong to the yellow race.
  • It means the poems belong to the soldiers themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.
  • And since the apostle speaks of the several members as having distinct offices, which implies the mind, it cannot be thought an allowable liberty, instead of the _body_ and _its members_, to substitute the _whole nature_ of _man_, and _all the variety of internal principles which belong to it_. Human Nature and Other Sermons
  • There is also a also belong to the scalding hot device.
  • But those stinkpots just happened to belong to very powerful political patrons (some of whom now sit on his cabinet, like the Treasury Secretary).
  • I = 0 bits in which all words belong to a single lemma, when equation (8) allows the introduction of previously unrepresented lemmata, that is, ones with PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Cloves (from _clavus_, a nail), also found in the kitchen spice box, and owning certain medicinal resources of a cordial sort, which are quickly available, belong to the Myrtle family of plants, and are the unexpanded flower buds of an aromatic tree (_Caryophyllus_), cultivated at Penang and elsewhere. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • But admitting that the taking of bribes can be sanctified by their becoming the property of the Company, it may still be asked, For what end and purpose has the Company covenanted with Mr. Hastings that money taken extorsively shall belong to the Company? The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • Ethnic aliens belong to one of three groups : Asians from the Indian subcontinent, Arabs and europeans.
  • Well, it turns out that he was right, as a 2003 reappraisal of the specimens by Tony Thulborn and Susan Turner showed that the bones could not belong to anything other than a dicynodont. Archive 2006-05-01
  • They differ in almost every other respect, but in these shared interests they both belong to the ancient and always fascinating genre of the jeremiad.
  • The two species belong to very different taxonomic families.
  • The country is currently governed by a cohabitation arrangement in which the president and prime minister belong to rival parties.
  • Neo-illiberals belong to a venerable strand of nirvana thinking: the prelapsarian school. The Times Literary Supplement
  • According to Ethnologue. com, the Chol belong to the Chol-Chontal subfamily of the Maya Linguistic Group. Campeche: on the edge of the Maya world
  • The flaw is the characters don't seem to belong together. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the following year a much larger area was opened and the hypocaust proved to belong to the caldarium or hot room of baths which had been built about AD 60-65.
  • The metage duty on coals which may belong to the Corporation after the year 1862, under 1 & 2 William IV., and 8 & 9 Victoria, is not to be affected by the present Bill; but he must be a confiding and unsuspecting individual who can trust to a long enjoyment of that source of income. The Corporation of London, Its Rights and Privileges
  • They belong to the same political party
  • A second larger text must belong to the same category, as the first legible line clearly mentions an "agonothetes (president and financer) of the agones (games) Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Apollo Klarios Sanctuary Report 3
  • Would you rather belong to a sect or a church? Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • The British Royal Family belong to the House of Windsor.
  • ‘The paint, pigments and coatings, and pharmaceutical processing industries belong to the top end-user market that holds potential for the growth of optoelectronic color sensors,’ he notes.
  • Are you sure these documents belong together?
  • Therefore, in exceptional cases, alloys with less than 2% C can solidify with a eutectic structure and therefore still belong to the family of cast iron.
  • Soft corals such as gorgonians and leather corals belong to the other major coral family Octocoralia.
  • Claire and I are both interested in amateur operatics, which is how we met, and I belong to Gravesend Operatic at the Woodville Halls.
  • The gene in question belongs to a retrovirus and the embryos in question belong to sheep.
  • Parsnip ( Pastinacasativa ) and Fangfeng ( Saposhnikovia divaricata ) belong to two different genera under Umbelliferae.
  • Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.
  • Hungarian, Finnish, the Turkic languages, Mongolian, and Manchu belong to the Ural-Altaic family of languages, also known as the Turanian family, after the Persian word Turan for Turkestan. The Nazi Connection with Shambhala and Tibet
  • All characters belong to me and any use without my permission is prohibited.
  • Cowpea rhizobia, peanut rhizobia and mungbean rhizobia all belong to "Vigna" rhizobia phylogenetically. However the phylogeny of these rhizobia was poorly understood.
  • But one voice truly stood out - and it did not belong to any of the private school pupils in the show.
  • Del buque de guerra el Candahar de la regna Ingleterra -- we belong to Her Majesty's ship, _Candahar_! Crown and Anchor Under the Pen'ant
  • The things that belong to the visible realm are transitory and impermanent.
  • However, they are not true shrimp (order Decapoda), but belong to the order Mysidacea, a large, almost exclusively marine order. Crustacea
  • The Colonel is a self-fashioned sleuth who seems to belong to a bygone era.
  • Bees belong to the third largest insect order which also includes wasps and ants.
  • A cousin of mink, martens, otters, stoats, weasels and distantly related to seals, badgers are one of our oldest indigenous animals, whose fossil remains have been found to belong to the same era as mammoths.
  • The story line is fast-paced from the moment Ian knows who Chantal is, but though she reciprocates struggles to persuade her they belong together. Mystic Rider-Patricia Rice « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Mollusca, rotifers, polyzoa, and such infusoria as are not included in types (1) and (2) belong to the massive type, in which the body and its parts form rounded masses. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • The generosity of Hooker's reading of Scripture made it accessible to those who could never belong to Puritan society.
  • Red Wolves, scientific name Canis rufus, belong to the dog family, canidae. Undefined
  • You say me is you a lifetime of devotion, don't belong to love.
  • Reports help you to analyze historical values of numeric business measures that belong to a cube, which is a multidimensional representation of data needed for online analytical processing.
  • Those prosperitis I have granted to you belong to you.
  • The English belong to the white race.
  • Ticks belong to the class Arachnida, which counts mites, spiders and scorpions among its members.
  • They do, however, both belong to the same Mustelidae family which also encompasses badgers, skunks and otters, and that's close enough for us.
  • These astonishingly well-preserved bones belong to an entirely new species of human ancestor who lived nearly two million years ago - and may have bridged the gap between ocean acidification, which is dubbed the 'evil twin of global warming', caused by a rise in human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), threatens the world's oceans. - Articles related to '10 most wanted' plants inspected for clues to climate change
  • Thus, this area shOuld belong to North China Region(otprovince )of the Old World Realm in respoct to reginalism of brachiopod zoogeography during lateEaly Devonian time.
  • We mourn them also as fellow citizens, killed because they belong to the greater whole to which we also all belong.
  • The gargoyles of an already obsolescent industrial revolution looked as if they too were beginning to belong to history. DISPLACED PERSON
  • These traits of spoken language belong to a vulgar household, filled with the clamour of a large family fond of coarse jokes and prone to sentimental effusions.
  • At first glance it looks as though the structure might belong to the Social Security Administration or some other elephantine bureaucracy.
  • More than 260 townspeople now belong to the institution and there are four grades; commoner, landholder, assistant burgess and capital burgess.
  • Some other sapotes belong to the related genus Pouteria.
  • The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth. Cosmic Consciousness
  • You can get support from groups that you belong to if you're willing to step out on a limb and voice your opinions.
  • They belong to the Goidelic or Q-Celtic branch of Celtic languages, AFAIK, and Welsh, Breton, and Cornish are Brythonic or P-Celtic. TALKIN' CAPE BRETON.
  • The third unvirtuous action of the body is stealing, which means taking something that does not belong to us.
  • Congregations may belong to a Union of Baptist Churches, but each has considerable autonomy.
  • They belong to the order Hymenoptera, which includes bees, wasps, sawflies, and ichneumons.
  • The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.
  • Log cabin , Gastronomy and Steak house belong to our portfolio . For more information please call us.
  • Despite the implications of its name, the lingcod does not belong to the cod family.
  • A kind of existential film noir, the movie seems to belong to the doom-laden era of post-war Hollywood, where shadowy streets concealed murderous acts and fate was always breathing down the neck of a scurrying rat.
  • As petulance and lust belong to the young more than to the old, yet not to all young men, but to those who are not virtuous; so that senile folly, which is commonly called dotage, belongs to weak old men, and not to all. The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume II (of X) - Rome
  • But graces and accomplishments like yours, dear Mrs. Hopkinson," he said oleaginously, "belong to the whole country. The Story of a Mine
  • If they are part of the same family unit, the antelope may belong to both of them regardless of who killed it, and Hilzoy may be considered immoral or thievish if she doesn't give Mona at least half. Libertarianism and philosophy: some old comments
  • From now onwards everyone will have to communicate in Marathi irrespective of what they belong to. - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community
  • Forty-one UK councillors, three London Assembly members and two MEPs belong to the Green Party
  • Amlost cervical polyp belong to inflammatory polyp and hyperplasia of inflammation stimulus.
  • They who assume a character that doesn't belong to them generally betray themselves by overacting it.
  • Rattlesnakes belong to the viper family.
  • The most unusual plumage and wing modifications among the 40 or so species of manakins belong to the club-winged manakin, Bostwick told the group.
  • All are male and belong to the titular nationality of their country, therefore gender and ethnicity were not considered in any depth.
  • All are male and belong to the titular nationality of their country, therefore gender and ethnicity were not considered in any depth.
  • He seemed to belong to a past which was already becoming remote, a past without the incandescent electric light, and without the photograph. Times, Sunday Times
  • John Bulls belong to the white race.
  • The _invisible_ life on this planet is unquestionably far greater than the _visible_ but both visible and invisible doubtless belong to the planet earth. Cosmic Consciousness
  • There are four, which seem to belong to the _trochili_, or honey-suckers of Linnæus; one of which is something larger than a bullfinch; its colour is a fine glossy black, the rump, vent, and thighs, a deep yellow. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Mayor researched paleontological finds in the Gobi and discovered that some of the most abundant fossils there belong to Protocerotops, a beaked dinosaur.
  • But, not "Gando", "Gando" was belong to Korea just before japanese imperialist disseise diplomacy right from "Chosen dynasty" (last - Articles related to US says old treaty disputes with Russia have no bearing on new nuclear arms treaty
  • Not all the demonstrators belong to the parties who make up the opposition or support their politics.
  • Tarantulas, a group of spiders, belong to the family Theraphosidae of the phylum arthropoda. Undefined
  • My article was rather a statement not just in my own defence, but in defence of the whole tradition of the kind of fiction that I belong to.
  • Unlike the seigneurial courts, the jurisdiction of the leet did not belong to the lord by right but had to be granted to him by the king.
  • _Carya-ovalis_, and the pallid hickory, _Carya pallida_; while two belong to the open bud class, _Apocarya_, the pecan, _Carya pecan_, and the bitternut, _Carya cordiformis_. Northern Nut Growers Association, Report Of The Proceedings At The Tenth Annual Meeting. Battle Creek, Michigan, December 9 and 10, 1919
  • These works, awkward and assertive, belong to the 'ineloquent' in his art. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers.
  • Jellyfish belong to one of the oldest extant animal phyla, the Cnidaria.
  • Sadhus belong to many different sects or orders.
  • They belong to the poppy family, and have four petals arranged in the shape of a cross. Times, Sunday Times
  • I didn't know until I looked it up that philodendrons belong to the same family as the Arum lily and the beautiful Flamingo lily, which shouldn't come as a surprise as they do have something similar about them.
  • In fact, in Australia, fewer women belong to private golf clubs now than they did 20 years ago.
  • Most of the postcranial elements belong to continental waterbirds, including pelicans, anhingas, herons, storks, ducks, and rails.
  • The children did not belong to the father and often had a legal paternity claim on him.
  • Hot hors d’œuvres could be miniature savoury pastries or tiny fritters or other similar titbits; but these do not belong to the mainstream hors d’œuvres tradition.
  • I'm not part of that blogworld; I don't play first-name footsie with all the lib faves; I'm not looking to belong to or redeem the Democratic Party. Dennis Perrin: My Yearly Kos Diary
  • All these muscles belong to the fifth cervical to first thoracic myotomes.
  • The basement is mainly composed of quartz biotite norite and minor serpentinite which belong to the Ordovician Boganclough intrusion.
  • Horace warned writers against grafting together inconsistent images, which, he said, was like sticking a man's head on a horse's neck or giving a woman's torso the nether parts that ought to belong to a fish.
  • North Korea has maintained that the islets belong to the Korean people.
  • They belong to the portion of society still doomed to backwardness.
  • Nepalese belong to country tropical monsoon climate.
  • But the world of the great ballads is one that can belong to anyone, and is worth seeking out. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have never wanted to leave the Island; I have believed (romantically, I am sure) that I am more useful here, that I belong to this place and that my resistance is also my own way of paying my homage and my respect to the Cuba that we we all want, including those who rebelled that day. Global Voices in English » Cuba: The Maleconazo
  • While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.
  • They seem at times to belong to another era. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their handlers belong to an organization that promotes animal welfare.
  • The trees bearing rudraksha fruits are found in the Himalayan region, Nepal, and also in Indonesia and belong to the Eleo Carpus Ganitras type of plants.
  • Caiman belong to the group known as crocodilians, which also includes alligators and crocodiles.
  • None of these so-called combs, for they are really embryo reeds, are shown on the wall illustrations so that they no doubt belong to a later date than that of the XIIth Dynasty. Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms
  • Tensegrity systems , cable domes and cable - strut structures all belong to this system.
  • In the case of the natural dye-stuffs -- logwood, fustic, Persian berries, Brazil wood, camwood, cochineal, quercitron, cutch, etc. -- which belong to this group of The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • Does this house belong to Mr. Winter?
  • My looney bun is fine Benny Lava could be the new All your base are belong to us, which is nice. BHUTTO BIO BLUEPRINT BEFORE BODY BURIED
  • The present and past perfect tenses both belong to the perfect tense.
  • This meant that even if the company went into receivership, the trademark would still belong to the family.
  • Establish which boundary hedges are yours, and which belong to a neighbour.
  • Indeed, he had a kind of cheeriness which seems to belong to doctors, which did much to comfort me and steady me for what was to come. Vrouw Grobelaar and Her Leading Cases Seventeen Short Stories
  • Even if the kimberlitic and lamproitic rocks belong to intrusive phases of different ages, they can still crop out in the same geological sectors; therefore some diamantiferous diatremes may contain diamonds of different ages.
  • They belong to the Greek Orthodox fraternity, which shares control over the church with other denominations but is the dominant force within the sacred site.
  • Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.
  • Personally, I am adamantly opposed to armed force and belong to a peace church that has a 450-year history of speaking out against all violence.
  • They know who the socks belong to so they can help in sorting the washing. Use Pegs To Keep Family Socks Sorted | Lifehacker Australia
  • The mambas are relatives of the cobras and belong to the venomous group of snakes known as Elapids.
  • The upper age limit is 22 as on July 1, 2010 (relaxable by three years for candidates belong to SC/ST communities). The Hindu - Front Page
  • They belong to the order Hymenoptera, which includes bees, wasps, sawflies, and ichneumons.
  • Pandas are carnivores because they belong to a set of animals with a common ancestry - true bears.
  • You all are blessed to belong to a town that is so welcoming and friendly.
  • The Tichodrominae (wallcreepers) belong to the Sittidae (Nuthatches and allies), along with the Sittinae (nuthatches).
  • Many people belong to a pension scheme run by their employers.
  • I feel sorry for the commercial lobsterman, but the waters belong to everyone.
  • It may be necessary to explain that under a franchising system, a franchised business and the principal belong to different owners.
  • In Halle, birthplace of George Frederick Handel and once a center of Lutheran pietism that preached the personal devotion to the Redeemer, only 10 percent of the inhabitants belong to a Christian denomination.
  • Strongly held desires are likely to belong to the level of verbal consciousness.
  • Additionally this railroad is to belong to demesne share - holding system railroad.
  • Nevertheless, they all belong to the same family, especially when they are contrasted with their neighbour, the Catholic West.
  • He will judge by the law of Mohammed, will adhere to a Prophet even though he is one himself, and will belong to the people of Mohammed� He will be the people of the Prophet, and he will be the most devoted among them� (Muhammad ibn ` Abd ar-Rasul Barzanji, Al-Isha ` ah li -- Ashrat as-Sa ` ah, p. 243) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Voltaire 
  • When she became a mother, she forgot in her joy that the life of her little one did not belong to her; nor did she recall her fateful vow until one bright spring day, when the clouds gathered and she heard the roll of the thunder, -- a sound which summoned all persons consecrated to this god to bring their offerings and to pay their vows. Indian Story and Song from North America
  • A single gravestone from this period may be inscribed with epitaphs that belong to as many as seven different individuals, though whether or not the grave contained seven bodies is unknown.
  • Still others may belong to poorly known metazoan taxa that may or may not belong in any known phyla, and others are probably too poorly preserved to be informative.
  • The patent application rights for professional inventions belong to the work unit.
  • As well as streams of south-west England and mainland Europe, the young salmon belong to rivers and glens that drain the western Highlands.
  • Eliminating the forms of elbow inflammation, such as are caused by metastatic infection and other conditions which properly belong to the domain of theory of practice, we may consider this affection under the classification of _contusive wounds_ and _penetrative wounds_. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Castle Howard is the property of the Howard family, while Harewood House and Burton Constable belong to trusts.
  • The Witnesses of the Total Merge catalogued all those ships believed to belong to other client species of the Capellans.
  • The remains are thought to belong to Homo antecessor, named after the Latin word for pioneer or explorer because they are the first humans who reached Europe after a long migration from Africa. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • The new find is thought to belong to a group of small, mainly insectivorous birds called white eyes, which are related to warblers.
  • I belong to the unendurably bad. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The Chinese belong to yellow race.
  • The communal nature of this endeavor is based in baptism, because all who are baptized belong to Christ and are committed to follow him as disciples.
  • If two people are struck by the same brainwave, it will belong to the one who lodges a patent application first.
  • He now no longer thought his cousin without them, but he thought she knew how to control them; in fact, they had grown to love each other with that certain kind of cousinly affection which one often sees, and which is very true and lifelong, but has not the rapture, the intensity, nor the anguish, which belong to really falling in love. Peak's Island A Romance of Buccaneer Days
  • They seem at times to belong to another era. Times, Sunday Times
  • They know that an almost complete set of remains was exhumed from the Yreaka grave and that those remains did not belong to Mark Judge, Plumadore, Kenneth L.
  • Wallace had committed the crime, despite the fact that a bloody shoeprint and bloody fingerprint at the scene did not belong to either of them, and despite the fact that given their locations, it would have been impossible for them to commit the murder, they were ultimately convicted of the crime (based only on the testimony of the rapist who was subsequently released from prison, though he was never originally supposed to be paroled). OpEdNews - Diary: Herman Wallace of the Angola 3 Files Habeas Corpus Petition

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