How To Use Bellyful In A Sentence
She wanted to take revenge on the villagers - snatch away their belongings, eat a bellyful of food, dive and bathe in the village pond - do all that was forbidden.
`I had a bellyful of the American public school system, Doctor.
I felt giddy; it was easy to love New York on an autumn night with a bellyful of prime beef and success.
Ideas of Her Own
Aw know as weel as can be, for he allus taks some wrang-heeaded noation when he's baan to get a bellyful o 'ale.
Yorksher Puddin' A Collection of the Most Popular Dialect Stories from the Pen of John Hartley
I've had a bellyful of your silly advice.

a bellyful of your complaints
I've had a bellyful of your silly advice.
I ducked to avoid it, swallowing my tenth bellyful of water.
While I agree with your post, I also think that many will have had a bellyful with the likes of Pelosi, Reid, Franks, etc., by 2010.
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Strings of glimmer fluoresced across its edges, betraying a bellyful of rainwater.
It Wasn't Me.
All purring has been forgotten, all pleasure from a bellyful of food is gone.
Everyone left with a pocketful of business cards and a bellyful of beer, wines and spirits, and Walter Thenisch's great food!
He has had the same bellyful of talk about private entrepreneurial funding that Ann Druyan has, and he shares her contempt for the thrill-seeking, space-touring fat cats.
Across the Universe
I could not taste a bit on't, so full I had filled my puddings before, and a bellyful is a bellyful you know.
Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
Gosh - there's no stopping these boys when they've got a bellyful of fruit-based cocktails.
Obie looked from Marshall to Joshua and dropped his jaw to let out a violent shot of laughter followed by a bellyful of rapid doggish tittering.
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I could not taste a bit on’t, so full I had filled my puddings before, and a bellyful is a bellyful you know.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
I will not assert that potatoes are a better food than bread and cheese, but I have no doubt of a belly full of one, being better than a bellyful of the other.
We declined everything because we'd already had a bellyful and so moved swiftly on to what we now knew would be the very best part of our evening at the Stafford Hotel: leaving it.
Jay Rayner's restaurant review
We only wanted a bellyful of McDonald's hash browns and biscuits as we waited in the drive-through line in Lugoff.
He was beginning to get a bellyful once again of the civilities and courtesies of those who were, supposedly, the opposite of barbaric.
Superhero Prose Fiction: Brak - Brak the Barbarian 03 The Courts Of the Conjurer
As he stepped into the cold street he brought up a bellyful of gas.
A bellyful is a bellyful, no matter what kind of meat is taken.
The Proverbs of Scotland
So as you are striving to digest a bellyful of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and notice yourself screaming at the television, enraged at a bad call by the ref, or jubilant at a touchdown, remember that millions of years of human evolution have shaped your brain to emotionally bond with your team.
Michael Taft: Of Touchdowns and Tribalism
Even remnants of last meals were preserved, such as the bellyful of shrimp fossilized inside one 8-centimeter-long larval salamander.
She was a Siamese, born to be sleekly elegant, and here she was, weighed down by this swollen bellyful of kittens.
Another person says: " Bellyful is the character of artful cheat.