
How To Use Bellowing In A Sentence

  • He is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, leading a herd of corporate dinosaurs over the cliff and bellowing as he goes.
  • The cowboy's life was far more prosaic than it appears in modern legend, consisting mainly of endless hours on the trail surrounded by thousands of bellowing beasts. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • For $3.7 million, you, too, can sit in this singular creation, gaze out at the magnificent sunsets, watch eagles wheel against the bright blue empyrean, pit yourself against the bellowing 74-mile-an-hour winds, the arctic snows, the unforgiving landscape. Undone by a house of dreams
  • Five goalless draws in the last nine games has got Old Trafford fans bellowing for them to attack. The Sun
  • Then we began the second half the walk through countryside, stopping to marvel nervously at an enraged bull bellowing from a field. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Round and round the decks they went, Mugridge sick with fear, the sailors hallooing and shouting directions to one another, and the hunters bellowing encouragement and laughter.
  • They straggled across the green, all three generations of them, bellowing at each other as if they were at least half a mile apart, rather than the two paces that actually separated them.
  • I was in great surprise at seeing the mouth of Unknown, so much surpassing in horror the jaws of upper Hell, I could hear a prodigious noise of arms, and loud discharges from one side, answered by what seemed to be hoarse thunders from the other; the rocks of Death, meanwhile, rebellowing the tumult. The Sleeping Bard or, Visions of the World, Death, and Hell
  • They straggled across the green, all three generations of them, bellowing at each other as if they were at least half a mile apart, rather than the two paces that actually separated them.
  • Once crowded in here, the creatures were prisoned, each in a separate pen, by gates that shut, leaving them no room to turn around; and while they stood bellowing and plunging, over the top of the pen there leaned one of the "knockers," armed with a sledge hammer, and watching for a chance to deal a blow. The Jungle
  • The way the English deal with their current law - and how they enforce closing time by bellowing at poor drinkers - smacks of a mean streak of miserableness.
  • The cops in front of her were bellowing at the man, trying to make him let her go.
  • The bunyip lives in creeks, swamps, and billabongs and has a loud, bellowing cry.
  • 'A brawler, 'or, as Delitzsch renders it,' boisterous '-- look into a liquor-store if you want to verify that, or listen to a drunken party coming back from an excursion and making night hideous with their bellowings, or go to any police court on a Monday morning. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • Several of the bulls started bellowing and the cows mooing.
  • While the calm held, the Eniel ran quiet as a dream: her captain hated needless bellowing, calling it the poor pilot's surrogate for leadership, and merely gestured to the afterguard when the time came to tack for shore. Excerpt: The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert Redick
  • We could hear the sergeant bellowing commands to his troops.
  • The bellowing from the animals as they fought their bloody battle was incredible.
  • This had been too halcyon a day to clutter up the memory of it with some backwoods bully's melodramatic bellowings. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • He's bellowing over the music, declaiming Green policies.
  • From our seats we view huge bulls bellowing like gladiators and bowlegged, skinny-bottomed cowboys in chaps nonchalantly smoking rollups.
  • Behind him, the virescent beast crouched as if about to leap again, bellowing defiance and raising clenched fists that were as big as hams.
  • He stole a glance at the rattling windows, looked upward at the beamed roof, and listened for a moment to the savage roar of the southeaster as it caught the bungalow in its bellowing jaws. WHEN GOD LAUGHS
  • The bellowing of the basto started off the rest of the lower animals, including the nobargans, which growl and roar like beasts. Escape on Venus
  • But no, they had to convey their extreme excitement by bellowing at us through the mic, and permanently damaging our hearing.
  • Instantly the lions of Solomon, which had been newly furbished, raised their heads, erected their manes, brandished their tails, until they excited the imagination of Count Robert, who, being already on fire at the circumstances of his reception, conceived the bellowing of these automata to be the actual annunciation of immediate assault. Count Robert of Paris
  • The public in general, somewhat apathetically, is neither clamoring for him to stay nor bellowing at him to leave. The Accidental Autocrat
  • Five goalless draws in the last nine games has got Old Trafford fans bellowing for them to attack. The Sun
  • Once we reached an agreement we rambled through the campsite bellowing the song out and no doubt disturbing the sleep of many.
  • In shouting and bellowing and making wild grabs at him, they had only inspired further noise. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • In shouting and bellowing and making wild grabs at him, they had only inspired further noise. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • To convey his good tidings he lapses into party-animal mode, bellowing and boogalooing in the bleary, mega-groovy manner of his on-screen character.
  • Climene, was moved almost to tears by the hard fate which through four long acts kept her from the hungering arms of the so beautiful Leandre, howled its delight over the ignominy of Pantaloon, the buffooneries of his sprightly lackey Harlequin, and the thrasonical strut and bellowing fierceness of the cowardly Rhodomont. Scaramouche
  • The bellowing shotte which wakened dead mens swounds, As The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • He would get down on all fours and howl like a wolf, or suddenly rear up like a cornered bear, bellowing and swatting at the air. THE BROKEN GOD
  • I was bellowing, it was an awful noise, and the next thing I knew I struck out at her.
  • One grubby-looking vagrant recently followed me up the road, bellowing at me about how much he needed money for his ‘hard drugs’.
  • We view huge bulls bellowing like gladiators and bow-legged, skinny-bottomed cowboys in chaps, nonchalantly smoking roll-ups.
  • The creature was still bellowing presumably due to the smell of blood that now filled the cavern.
  • A young man in shirt and tie is pacing and bellowing a song in a strong accent, disturbing the people around him.
  • His gravelly voice, honed by years of bellowing across vast, choppy distances at fellow yachtsmen, brooked no denials. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • The crack of the stock-whip mingled continually with the barking of the "collies" and the bellowing and bleating of the cattle and sheep. In Search of the Castaways
  • He began to rave again, bellowing incoherencies and profanities at the top of his lungs.
  • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
  • Gunner’s mate second class Jim Herring had been standing in the spotter’s hatch of Gun 55, the aftmost 5-inch gun, when he saw “the skipper” pull open the deck hatch to the aft steering room and start “bellowing orders.” Sea of Thunder
  • In a moment the decks were in commotion, Johansen bellowing orders and the men pulling or letting go ropes of various sorts — all naturally confusing to a landsman such as myself. Chapter 3
  • On his way out, he came back to the guard, who was now bellowing at those before the deity to move on even as he blocked the queue.
  • As spring dawns, the glacier noise can grow into bellowing groans, like a bear coming out of hibernation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • Ben, naked except for the strait-jacket, and blue with cold, was heaving and struggling and bellowing.
  • Meanwhile, interrupting the shadow play performance was the bellowing sound of a camel, the soft cooing of a turtle dove and the neighing of a horse.
  • The governor, already on board, is bellowing at us, and several women are crossing themselves and muttering prayers.
  • The bull is bellowing again, there's a burst of rain and wind.
  • He stumbles around, bellowing a song about dying on dry land.
  • While the Dell laptop shown is the £299 Inspiron Mini 9, it's labeled with an Inspiron Z530 title bellowing a 12-inch display. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • To my surprise, he dropped his spear to the ground and carried in its stead a slender leafy branch which he cut from the tree before descending to engage the bellowing basto. Pirates of Venus
  • I joined other hopeful punters in front of the race screen, bellowing encouragement from the sidelines.
  • The noise of the mooncalves would at times be a vast flat calf-like sound, at times it rose to an amazed and wrathy bellowing, and again it would become a clogged bestial sound, as though these unseen creatures had sought to eat and bellow at the same time.
  • While the calm held, the Eniel ran quiet as a dream: her captain hated needless bellowing, calling it the poor pilot's surrogate for leadership, and merely gestured to the afterguard when the time came to tack for shore. Excerpt: The Red Wolf Conspiracy by Robert Redick
  • To have tens of thousands of fans bellowing encouragement instead of turning on their side is an advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The past few weeks she's been at her worst, and today has been the worst in the five-and-a-half-years I've been here - she's been bellowing at the sky from breakfast to teatime.
  • Men were bellowing and roaring as they charged, lost to all rational thought.
  • You, libs, are grazing from the government trough – bellowing for more "feed" without expecting to get slaughtered. Are tax hikes back on the table?
  • Italians are spilling on to the track in their thousands, a beaming rider is being held aloft and crowds of youths are bellowing out a victory song.
  • The steed carrying it brayed, its coarse voice bellowing out like a foghorn.
  • I came across some women mock-weeping for the dead: at their elbow two girls were washing clothes, and when little children, catching sight of me, ran to their mothers, the women stopped their hulla-baloo, had a good stare at me, exchanged a few words of mutual inquiry, and then resumed their bellowing. Across China on Foot
  • He fires again, and then, shotgun in hand, charges the mob, bellowing at the top of his lungs.
  • On 12 June, a Swiss journalist in Paris came upon a herd of abandoned cows in central Paris whose streets, empty of cars, echoed with the sound of their bellowing.
  • As spring dawns, the glacier noise can grow into bellowing groans, like a bear coming out of hibernation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Particularly effective is the sound design - the bellowing rumble from the alien ships chills the blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • But suppose, advancing into the forest in search of the tiger aforesaid, and bellowing his challenge of war, he espies not one but six tigers coming towards him? The Virginians
  • The west wind blew strong; the clouds were heavy; now and then the moon shone on a sullen sea; now and then the darkness broke over rank maremma vapours; at times he heard the distant bellowing of the herds, at times he heard the moaning of the water; mighty cities, lost armies, slaughtered hosts, foundered fleets, were underneath that soil and sea; whole nations had their sepulchres on that low, wind-blown shore. Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
  • Five goalless draws in the last nine games has got Old Trafford fans bellowing for them to attack. The Sun
  • Inspiron Mini 9, it's labeled with an Inspiron Z530 title bellowing a 12-inch display. Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
  • In contrast to his bellowing vocal showmanship on stage, in person he's a proper muso spod. Times, Sunday Times
  • To have tens of thousands of fans bellowing encouragement instead of turning on their side is an advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then we began the second half the walk through countryside, stopping to marvel nervously at an enraged bull bellowing from a field. Times, Sunday Times
  • A brief wrestle with his conscience told James that he was not the sort of man who could watch another man die, however much he loathed him, and, still bellowing for assistance, he began to swim towards Charles.
  • Sometimes this state of affairs would last a whole month, and the stockkeeper would be driven to his wits 'end by his bleating, bellowing, neighing army. In Search of the Castaways
  • Helm's stage persona has been described as a "bellowing madman", a phrase he reluctantly accepts. BBC News - Home
  • We had returned nearly to the hotel in this undignified manner, the throng of persecutors gathering strength as we entered the streets, till we were completely surrounded -- those in front walking backwards, and stopping every now and then suddenly, that we might be jostled against by those who were thronging behind, all bellowing the pandemoniacal chorus, without words and still less tune. Sea-Gift. A Novel.
  • Would you call the bellowing disruptors Unamerican? Printing: Double Standards and Disingenuosity On Bellowing Townhall Disruptors
  • The window is half open, and the sounds of the street come up, 'baaing' and bellowing and squeaking, the roll of wheels, the tramp of feet, and, more distant, the shouting of an auctioneer in the market-place, whose stentorian tones come round the corner as he puts up rickcloths for sale. Hodge and His Masters
  • Tony was bellowing orders from upstairs.
  • Then we began the second half the walk through countryside, stopping to marvel nervously at an enraged bull bellowing from a field. Times, Sunday Times
  • Particularly effective is the sound design - the bellowing rumble from the alien ships chills the blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • I strained my ears, and far off to the right I heard the sound of cattle bellowing, the snorting low of a stirk upon the hillside when he wonders at the lost pastures of his calfhood in the merry summer before. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • In the near future we may finally get that movie featuring a beer-quaffing Van Rjin bellowing Falkayn, Adzel, and Chee Lan to another adventure aboard the Muddlin 'Through. Will You Go See Avatar?
  • Imagine a cartoon hero in an impossible predicament as the scene switches to his nemesis; menacing, manic laughter bellowing out.
  • To have tens of thousands of fans bellowing encouragement instead of turning on their side is an advantage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hype is already at fever pitch over Terminator Salvation, having been drummed up by a fairly impressive trailer and that tape of the angriest man in all the word bellowing “AH DA DA DA DA!” at a subordinate. Terminator Salvation Trailer! In Japanese!
  • As the show progresses, the characters piece together their common histories, all the while bickering, bellowing and sermonizing to great effect.
  • Dorothy met us at the door, the sounds of the pregame show bellowing from the living room behind her.
  • On downhill runs we would slice past the bellowing Buran, sometimes startling a snowy arctic hare as we rounded a bend.
  • The overamplified bellowing of a singer was, as always, my particular pain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Eltons and Pritts and Coughlins, each of them simply an enormous mouth bellowing the same lie over and over again, are obviously extreme cases, but we deceive ourselves if we do not realise that we can all resemble them in unguarded moments. Notes on Nationalism
  • On Dam Square, in front of the Royal Palace, which had been turned into a fairground for the day, even the spruikers were bellowing into their megaphones in a vigorous mixture of Dutch and English.
  • The cowboy's life was far more prosaic than it appears in modern legend, consisting mainly of endless hours on the trail surrounded by thousands of bellowing beasts. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • But their presence is signalled by an unmistakable call similar to bellowing of a bull with a deep, resonant boom that carries up to a mile.
  • His gravelly voice, honed by years of bellowing across vast, choppy distances at fellow yachtsmen, brooked no denials. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • What would the chivalrous Robert E. Lee, beau ideal of Southern military manhood, think of 22-year-old Southern officers and gentlemen bellowing at and bullyragging 17-year-old girls?
  • Hundreds of Canadian expats crammed into the London pub last night, letting out a sustained roar and bellowing the national anthem at least three times after the national men's hockey team won Olympic gold.
  • The cowboy's life was far more prosaic than it appears in modern legend, consisting mainly of endless hours on the trail surrounded by thousands of bellowing beasts. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • A large table of patrons was raising glasses and bellowing at each other gleefully.
  • More often than not, while the strings and winds benefit, the piano sounds as if it were bellowing forth from far away and under water.
  • They've been tearing into each other in party meetings, bellowing at each other through their newspaper columns, accusing each other of vanity, iniquity, venality, even conviviality.
  • As spring dawns, the glacier noise can grow into bellowing groans, like a bear coming out of hibernation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing ( out ) after it.
  • In shouting and bellowing and making wild grabs at him, they had only inspired further noise. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • Several of the bulls started bellowing and the cows mooing.
  • The dive boat hurtled at the swell, outboard motors bellowing, the white-knuckled skipper see-sawing the throttle, the rest of us staring transfixed at the crackling green breakers on the bow.
  • The crier had ridden down the main street their inn was located on yesterday morning, bellowing Syran's message regarding the new rule.
  • When the pair arrived back at the scene, the man atop the horse was still bellowing.
  • When your Mother Agavë heard my horned cattle bellowing, she stood bolt upright among the Bacchae and called to them to stir themselves from sleep, and they shook the dust of the sandman from their weary eyes and leapt to their feet.
  • Big Butch Brewster, his pachydermic frame draped in his gown, and his mortar-board cap on his head, for the Seniors were required to wear their regalia during Commencement week, was bellowing through a megaphone, as he stood on the steps of Bannister Hall, and Mr. Hicks, with his cheerful son, listened: T. Haviland Hicks Senior
  • The conch shell lets out a last bellowing call and warns any remaining straggler that the ceremony is about to begin. Into a realm of spirits: a Native American sweat lodge ceremony

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