
How To Use Belling In A Sentence

  • Cadbury dismisses 'derisory' Kraft bid food giant Kraft yesterday, labelling it "derisory" and "unattractive" and calling on its shareholders to turn it down. - Articles related to Cadbury chief prefers Hershey to Kraft as bid battle looms larger
  • The trouble with labelling fiction is that it can get shunted into the sidings of literature.
  • `My son is not easily susceptible to labelling, though he makes a fine friend. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Planned developments in Integrated Production Policy will mean that tools such as eco-labelling and environmental management systems will be driving forces for companies in every sector of the economy.
  • I implore the May Day protesters to worry about real problems, rather than just labelling everything as an evil of capitalism.
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  • A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
  • Even at this stage of the campaign, labelling this a 'six-pointer' did not represent an exaggeration. Times, Sunday Times
  • He played it as he shaped it: the last low string whose reverberations set his own sword belling in anguish and shattered every other weapon inside and out of the halt Silence settled like old dust over the room. Harpist in the Wind
  • Without further adventure , they reached the dwelling of Governor Bellingham.
  • We don't have to be concerned about the right-wingers labelling us unpatriotic.
  •  She is all he needs to take care of for a while, and as he tucks her in and makes her take her vitamins and listens to the self-help tapes with her, he wonders why he has never realized how satisfying home can be, but she does get better and puts on pretty dresses and has the long blonde hair cut into a belling pageboy bob. Addicts
  • Canadian sanitary and technical regulations, such as differences in foodstuff standards, burdensome inspection and authorization procedures by the Canadian Food and Inspection Agency (CFIA), labelling and packaging requirements, or the lack of transparency and international harmonization of technical and safety standards; The EU and Canada: Partners that Matter
  • Labelling indices remained essentially unchanged in those patient who underwent biopsy twice.
  • Your cut-and-dried critic, who insists on measuring a mountain with a footrule and quarrels with it for daring to be out of line, insists also on labelling a certain character hero and another heroine. Representative English Story Tellers. I -- Joseph Conrad
  • I would class this a speculative fiction anyway, but there we start in interminable process of labelling, and lets not have that pointless discussion here. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville « I Can’t Stop Reading!
  • I've been labelling myself as 'tragicomic pop'. The Sun
  • Says Burka: "One way to assert your independence is by procrastinating, even if the person you are rebelling against is yourself.
  • Now a plan to have multiple eco-labelling schemes. Eco-labeled pesticides! Are your hands on fire yet? | The Greenwash Brigade | Marketplace from American Public Media
  • The present display tries to give this unfathomable infantilism an adult twist by labelling it officially as kawaii — cute. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bellingham practised as an insurance broker and his wife as a milliner.
  • As with any unclassified film, video or DVD, the Tamaki DVD had to be sent to the Film and Video Labelling Body in Auckland for rating.
  • Or it might have you believing the quartet roared into town like Marlon Brando and his biker gang from The Wild One, rebelling against the prevailing fashions for abstraction and avant-garde.
  • All bulk chemicals should retain their identity with intact labelling, instructions and safety precautions.
  • In particular it highlighted the necessity of delaying decisions about interpretations at the word level, due to ambiguities in labelling and segmenting.
  • The data have been verified immunohistochemically using the monoclonal antibody Ki-67 to show a reduction in the labelling index.
  • Tip: module power tube feet with material, defined if with product label labelling shall prevail.
  • It has also worked to lobby against compulsory traffic-light labelling on processed foods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low-fat cottage cheese is prepared in the same manner as cottage cheese and must comply with all labelling requirements for cottage cheese.
  • I' not very jiggy with labelling myself but I vastly prefer the word gastronomer to foodie. At My Table
  • However, her daughter Callie is rebelling and causing problems for them at the church with her behavior. A Matter Of Wife & Death-Ginger Kolbaba & Christy Scannell « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • I have no difficulty in labelling most of the bombing campaigns (particularly the firebombing in Japan, arguably also the starvation inevitably caused by the submarine and mining campaigns) as war crimes. War Crimes, Past and Present
  • In some cases, sections were submitted to enzymatic or chemical treatments before immunolabelling, for the in situ de-esterification of pectins.
  • In Mary's day the language of monsters and fiends was used by the ruling class to describe the revolutionary masses of Paris and rebelling industrial workers.
  • Discriminating the various objects within the world requires a system of labelling that can allow independent manipulation of those objects.
  • European eco-labelling has enjoyed a very uneven history; and ‘fair-trade’ products have grown in number but remain limited to a small range of products (bananas, tea, coffee, chocolate).
  • The mean labelling indices did not change significantly over time regardless of whether or not there were recurrences.
  • In other words, meaning is a highly important component element in the labelling of emotional states.
  • People are rebelling against that and we are making that challenge right now. The Sun
  • A retailer is required to distinguish clearly between the two in labelling and display.
  • Li S, Waters R (1996) Nucleotide level detection of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers using oligonucleotides and magnetic beads to facilitate labelling of DNA fragments incised at the dimers and chemical sequencing reference ladders. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Bellinger recommends choosing one topic to focus on -- "the expression 'jack of all trades, master of none' holds true especially in the Web 2.0 world" -- and working on engaging with the top people in that area rather than trying to tackle all the world's problems at once. Lauren Zumbach: The New Twitter Revolution
  • Its sails filled with a Mage-conjured breeze, belling out like great white wings, carrying its crew away from Armethalieh and out to freedom. Tran Siberian
  • An authoritative energy-labelling system will assist them to do that.
  • A retailer is required to distinguish clearly between the two in labelling and display.
  • And most Tories are rebelling against their leader 's fervour for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Domes using these materials are easily achieved with a corbelling system utilizing long tubes made of the polypropylene bag material.
  • Its traffic light labelling system aims to help consumers to decide which products to buy that will help them have a balanced diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Only a few fresh fish and four premiumfrozen seafood products under its "Sensations by Compliments" label - wild sockeye salmon, wild Pacific halibut, wild albacore tuna and wild black cod, whichare certified by the eco-labelling group Marine Stewardship Council The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • True, the Tories were persuaded by liberal Home Office officials in the early 1990s to make more use of community programmes by relabelling them ‘tough’.
  • And I found that I hated having a numb mind and I was rebelling against that and writing.
  • We think we make our own decisions, then find out years later that we were rebelling against decisions made for us, and rebellions are always imposed on people.
  • The Food Labelling Group recognised the concerns of consumers that there needed to be clearer information on labels in relation to allergens.
  • Teenagers rebelling against step-parents and a lack of control over children in broken families could be responsible for the higher levels of smoking, the academics suggest.
  • Mr Walsh said extending the labelling provisions to cover food service can be done without adding costs to the sector.
  • Which is why her courageous act of defiance deserves just as much attention and admiration as Bellingham's. Times, Sunday Times
  • Labelling millions of people as prediabetic is needlessly 'turning healthy people into patients', researchers are arguing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never rebel for the sake of rebelling, but always rebel for the sake of truth. Criss Jami 
  • Horses jammed the ford over the stream; Michael crossed above them, galloping slantwise across the slope after the belling pack, stretched low on his horse's neck to clear the branches.
  • Traffic light labelling should be mandatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Area: total: 20.327 million sq km note: includes Amundsen Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, part of the Drake Passage, Ross Sea, a small part of the Scotia Sea, Weddell Sea, and other tributary water bodies Southern Ocean
  • If labelling is to be effective, it is important that embarrassment, revulsion and even disgust be generated in the public mind.
  • The building is constructed by piling each course of stones on top of and stepped in slightly from the one beneath it in a technique called corbelling.
  • In Bellingham's case, there is the added pressure of impressive advance billing from his ex-clubmate Lineen.
  • Belling out the tubes will permit a freer passage of air.
  • A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
  • Instead of that, he'll go off on his own tack, a renegade, always rebelling. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Anonymous said ... why is that whenever there is a discussion in regards to north vs south, there is an idiotic sardar who will post anti-south indian rhetoric, labelling them as black monkeys. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • Benitez then gave a bizarre performance in the post-match press conference, appearing to blame the referee, Lee Mason, for the defeat by repeatedly labelling the official's performance "perfect" - the word enunciated with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Public health legislation - from a potential sugar tax to advertising restrictions and 'traffic light' labelling on food - makes the need for change even greater. Times, Sunday Times
  • Several delicatessens have asked to stock her products after seeing them on sale at the market, and she is in the process of branding and relabelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • `You have to make distinctions: Johannes was simply rebelling against his father. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • There are the same number of pieces at each level, and he achieved the appearance of deformation by corbelling, overlapping, and rotating the material as the wall got higher.
  • Traffic light labelling should be mandatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mislabelling of drugs is a serious matter and undermines the medical procedure and patient confidence.
  • Her addlebrained brother Governor Bellingham who can't see beyond the end of his nose is played by Dale Place.
  • Belling out the end of the tube will permit a freer passage of air.
  • The centre has already begun to offer practical courses for the agricultural industry across a range of subjects, from butchery to dairy production, from food hygiene to food labelling and microbiology.
  • The RSPCA changed its approved pig farming scheme in August last year and removed references to the term "free-range" when classifying and labelling pig production systems. | Top Stories
  • For that reason the isotope composition of the labelling solution was determined.
  • She threw her body violently upright and stiffened, breathing heavily against her rebelling mind, pressing her thoughts into the silent empty space around her.
  • When a chemical demethylation of embedded cells was performed, a slight increase in labelling density was noticed, confirming that methyl esterification blocked anionic binding sites in the primary cell walls.
  • However, marked differences were found in the intensity of labelling of a range of nitrogenous compounds.
  • He said 'traffic light' labelling and other nutritional information in books would help people make healthier choices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead of these ancient bones heralding the rise and rise of man, they are actually a warning against rebelling against God and losing all.
  • Incorrectly labelling them as' illegal immigrants', they build a vast edifice of repression.
  • He had taken the well-intentioned sop of a management role with the sheikh but his fertile brain was rebelling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do the Government intend to implement an eco-labelling scheme?
  • He explained that under the Food Labelling Regulations 1996, pre-packed food has to be marked with either a use-by or a best-before date.
  • Such labelling has serious consequences for all members of the group concerned, often leading to discouragement.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Bellingham escutcheon garnished sable, Ulysses
  • Mr Howden said his mother moved to Bellingham Road around seven years ago and ‘a major deciding factor’ was the fact the bus went right past her door.
  • Countries including Korea, the United States and China are claiming that eco-labelling damages their competitiveness and acts as a barrier to trade.
  • Well, individuals fighting or rebelling against the status quo, the establishment, is good for drama.
  • People are rebelling against that and we are making that challenge right now. The Sun
  • She wants not only clearer labelling but also a fail-safe device which would make it impossible for a drug to be wrongly administered.
  • The question that needs to be asked is why is the Np so scared about an independent probe of financial aid to Bellinghamhof - what do they have to hide and why won't the MEC and his colleagues come clean about the facts? ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Supreme Court orders Google Australia to release details of creators of website labelling self-help guru Jamie McIntyre a 'thieving scumbag' INTERNET giant Google has lost a landmark legal battle that is expected to open the floodgates to online litigation against anonymous online commentators. | Top Stories
  • Fun as conspiracy theories are, there is little here to suggest that Bellingham was anything other than the eccentric oddball that history has generally painted him as. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traders can reprice goods, but care must be taken when relabelling the goods, as the original lower price must be covered up by the new higher price, to avoid misleading customers.
  • Another method of raising environmental standards is through eco-labelling.
  • No, there'll be no libelling their stronghold as the ‘land of rain’, true as it may be.
  • The leukocytes maintain their integrity and function during the isolation and labelling procedure.
  • There will also be discussion on eco-labelling, which may be illegal under current trade rules.
  • On learning that the cancer had returned yet again she went about labelling her jewellery to be left to family and friends and writing letters for the family to be opened at Christmas knowing that she would no longer be with us.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Ulysses
  • Marina is the superficially assured yet vulnerable one, naughty, stroppy, self-serving and extrovert, rebelling against her unstable home life.
  • The labelling index was calculated as the ratio of Ki-67 positive to negative cells per crypt.
  • Southern Oceantotal: 20.327 million sq km note: includes Amundsen Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, part of the Drake Passage, Ross Sea, a small part of the Scotia Sea, Weddell Sea, and other tributary water bodies Area
  • Four charges under the food labelling regulations alleged the names used to describe the products did not mention soya protein.
  • Its traffic light labelling system aims to help consumers to decide which products to buy that will help them have a balanced diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • That it came down to whether one felt McEnroe was rebelling against the establishment - so eagerly represented by English tennis - or merely bullying a flustered fellow in a blazer from middle England.
  • Normally, a countable noun (like heart) requires a determiner (a, the, my, this …) But ellipsis seems to be quite common in this labelling function. A is for Articles (2) « An A-Z of ELT
  • I think that this represents mislabelling of the cruellest sort to patients and which is not supported by any scientific or clinical data.
  • The research in Newcastle, where tap water is fluoridated, also found that labelling about fluoride content was inaccurate in 75 per cent of the brands tested.
  • The new directive covers classification, packaging and labelling and seeks to introduce Community-wide rules on notification of production or importation.
  • Currently information such as traffic light labelling is voluntary. The Sun
  • If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow.
  • He summoned Luther to Rome to answer charges of heresy and rebelling against church authority.
  • Bellingham would have had a long, narrow, slightly downturned nose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teenagers rebelling against step-parents and a lack of control over children in broken families could be responsible for the higher levels of smoking, the academics suggest.
  • Concentrating heavily on academics at the expense of social skills, streaming students, failing to give them a sense of achievement, labelling misbehaving students, transferring responsibility for discipline to outside agencies, an authoritarian school environment with a high degree of corporal punishment, failing to give students opportunities to participate in all activities regardless of their background and ignoring bullying. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • Mr Lovejoy says its labelling rules already allow a GM content in food of anything less than one per to be disregarded and the threat of contamination alarms him.
  • We have worked with ASEAN countries to formulate a common approach to eco-labelling and certification in forestry and to advance their interests in the World Trade Organization and global forums that consider global standards in forest management and trade. Forests, Wood and Livelihoods: Finding a Future for All
  • From July 1, fines for deceptively labelling the wrong species will increase from $3,000 to a maximum of $275,000.
  • Matthews and I put up some three-cornered shelves, on which I kept about a hundred books such as children like, and young people who are no longer children; and then, as I sat reading, writing, or stood fussing over my fuchsias or labelling the mineralogical specimens, there would come in one or another nice girl or boy, to borrow a "Rollo" or a "Franconia," or to see if Ellen Liston had returned "Amy Herbert. How to Do It
  • A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
  • Is he to be anathematised for rebelling against his father, Henry II, in alliance with Philip Augustus, destined to prove his bitterest and most unscrupulous opponent?
  • She also found work translating Greek into English, labelling halva and tinned dolmas for export. COUP D'ETAT
  • WE destroyed that perfect state by rebelling and God in His love and wisdom bult a bridge back to Him called Jesus Christ. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I understand the need to meet labelling requirements, but I suggest that maybe this is a little bit of overkill.
  • Administrators can avoid criticism by the time-honoured tactic of shooting the messengers - labelling them trolls, then banning them.
  • In all these examples we can see that whether a particular act is judged to be a crime or to be deviant is not explained by any quality of the act itself but by other considerations that enter into the process of labelling or definition.
  • And if everyone else is rebelling in a similar fashion, we might get some decent hot hatchbacks back into circulation.
  • A major change in weapons labelling means that soldiers checking when their rifle or pistol is due for inspection will no longer have to call the unit armourer or dig out the weapon log from the armoury.
  • Even the heaviest, most aggressive, anti-mainstream music artists of the time strove for melody and recognized the limitations of "listenable", rebelling from the Top 40 and appealing to outsider kids with high-pitched solos and vocals, reasonable amounts of distortion, loud drums, minor chords, and dissonant note and chord progressions. Cyberpunk
  • I think this could easily be changed to say that people doing “adult” stuff should follow general laws/Internet best practices in labelling it adult content to keep the kiddies out. Paizo’s New Pathfinder License and Fansite Policy Examined « Geek Related
  • A scant quarter-chime later, Lycaelon Tavadon strode down the main thoroughfare of Armethalieh, his heavily embroidered black-on-silver Arch-Mage robes belling behind him with the force of his passage, and the wide-brimmed, pointed hat that matched them held on to his head by a clever cantrip. Tran Siberian
  • In the second car was General Philip Freeman, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, along with Governor Samuel Bellingham of New York. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • The work has involved the use of such advanced techniques as electron microscopy, autoradiography, radioisotope and immunofluorescence labelling of specific proteins, plus the full armoury of modern cell biology. Chapter 6
  • Last week, Mr Johnson sparked anger by labelling the St Paul's anti-capitalist protesters "crusties" - and calling on judges to have them removed. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Polo north will beseem Sibernian and Plein Pelouta will behowl ne yerking at lawncastrum ne ghimbelling on guelflinks. Finnegans Wake
  • Campaigners today called for clearer labelling of additives on food and drink products.
  • The "belling" of male stags, if I remember rightly, is a challenge, and so I daresay is the roaring of the lion during the breeding season. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and Reminiscences, Vol. 1
  • Belling out the end of the tube will permit a freer passage of air.
  • In Bellingham's case, there is the added pressure of impressive advance billing from his ex-clubmate Lineen.
  • But it is still hoping for agreement on eco-labelling so that consumers can be informed about the environmental impact of the products they buy - but it is finding opposition from other countries.
  • With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you, I'm Gonna Do It This Year!
  • Working in a busy plastic surgery unit, we have noticed that a variety of water, saline, and lignocaine ampoules all look virtually identical in terms of bottle design and labelling.
  • Labelling supporters counter that there may be unidentifiable risks, and that their goal is simply to provide consumer choice.
  • It is to her credit that she has managed to stay aloof from such obvious labelling.
  • The charges for labelling will be 0.50 per label and a handling charge of 5 per order.
  • Traders can reprice goods, but care must be taken when relabelling the goods, as the original lower price must be covered up by the new higher price, to avoid misleading customers.
  • Rather, it is for certain things, like the silver of old cedar shingles, the tang of wood smoke and the belling of hounds on their return from the fields. An Observant Man
  • It has also worked to lobby against compulsory traffic-light labelling on processed foods. Times, Sunday Times
  • My very earliest memories are of picnics with my mother beneath the great trees in Richmond Park in London, of red deer stags belling in rut, of lightning and thunder.
  • The Party unlawfully suspended three dissident MPs from the party for rebelling against the leadership, the High Court in Belfast ruled yesterday.
  • And most Tories are rebelling against their leader 's fervour for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • That also strikes me as a good way to approach an aesthetics of what I'm labelling Spectaculist Fantasy, steering us away from the assumptions that use of conventional epic tropes equals conventional use of epic tropes or that subversion of conventionality is necessarily about introducing atypicalities of character, plot or theme -- which strikes me as potentially quite superficial (I wonder if you can talk about a "cult of subversion" on a par with Scott's "cult of innovation"). More Aesthetics
  • Exposing rat cortex to the same stain produces uniform, moderately dense, labelling in the primary visual area.
  • An architect of the White House's earlier policies dismissed Mr. Bellinger's remarks as "pabulum" from a State Department that is too solicitous of international institutions. U.S. Accepts International Criminal Court
  • More detailed labelling on products for consumers would also result if the report is adopted by the minister.
  • Most teenagers go through a period of rebelling.
  • Labelling is more comprehensive, though still lacking in detail.
  • In A Really Good Brown Girl, the presence of lookers-on, scrutinizing, judging, labelling, is constant.
  • If the conference succeeds in labelling slave trafficking a crime against humanity, demands for compensation will surely follow.
  • People are rebelling against that and we are making that challenge right now. The Sun
  • But I was on a couple of very nice panels with her and with cmpriest and met a bunch of keen new folks including thecrimsony and Bellinghamsters kaerfel, criada, and the leprechaunish csinman. 7/2/07: This writer's weekend
  • Xenophon, who has long crusaded to reduce Australians' use of poker machines, sees palm oil labelling primarily as a consumer issue, saying: Australians consume 10 kilos of palm oil every year and don't know it. Palm oil labelling in Australia could become a reality if bill passes
  • Mislabelling is an unpleasant example of the way retailers force their way between customers and producers to the detriment of both.
  • Polo north will beseem Sibernian and Plein Pelouta will behowl ne yerking at lawncastrum ne ghimbelling on guelflinks. Finnegans Wake
  • My understanding of the issue is that the EU generally has fairly high requirements regarding truth in labelling of Israeli goods, and that goods, for example, made in the settlements, are not entitled to the benefits of any trade agreements between Israel and EU countries. The Volokh Conspiracy » UK Advertising Standards Authority Censoring Supposedly Incorrect International Law Claims in Advertisements
  • For instance, Fowler preferred Britishism to Briticism, labelling the latter a barbarism; Burchfield simply comments that Briticism is now the more usual term in scholarly work.
  • Currently information such as traffic light labelling is voluntary. The Sun
  • Labor says the Prime Minister's been forced into an embarrassing backdown, labelling it a victory for commonsense.
  • Pressing on despite his rebelling mind he came to the boiler itself, a short walk from the stairs and looking like it hadn't seen the light of day for a good two hundred years.
  • In further visits to the store trading standards officers found a second dangerous type of folding chair and a pouffe and throw which did not have the required labelling and fire safety information.
  • Labelling is acknowledged as a complex process involving social norms and values.
  • B. madritensis also respired significantly less in monoculture than in mixed culture, but the difference was apparent immediately after labelling.
  • Consumer groups are demanding greater consistency in the labelling of food products.
  • Most of the main supermarkets use a form of traffic light labelling on their products. The Sun
  • Public health legislation - from a potential sugar tax to advertising restrictions and 'traffic light' labelling on food - makes the need for change even greater. Times, Sunday Times
  • As night fell, still the backmarkers persisted - ordinary people of all ages and backgrounds went on and on, some running, others shuffling and others walking, the body resisting, the mind rebelling, the inner battle unrelenting.
  • Many retailers are already using traffic light labelling, but the rest need to catch up. The Sun
  • Lastly, more compelling than any individual study, a review of the literature to date in 2006 found that overall, biogenetic causal theories, and labelling something as an "illness", are both positively related to perceptions of dangerousness and unpredictability, and to fear and desire for social distance. A genetic cause for ADHD won't necessarily reduce the stigma attached
  • But while miscellanists were busy collecting libels that were up to thirty years old, their volumes provide considerably less evidence of contemporary libelling.
  • Like many naturally bright but socially disadvantaged young men, Trevor is rebelling.
  • I hope that the whole idea will be squashed at this early stage, but if it goes further I will fight to keep our right to regional labelling.
  • It's not often you see a yacht publicly labelling itself a gunrunner, but for members of the Army Sailing Club in Sydney, it's a fitting name for their racing yacht and brings little suspicion from competitors.
  • I don't know why Jury Duty should provoke this kind of anxiousness, but I woke up around 2: 30 this morning from a strange dream of being in a play directed by my friend Sara's ex-husband (not Sara the illustrator, a friend from college who's now living in Paris with her new husband and their first baby, which she just delivered/was just delivered of a few weeks ago) but no one ever told me when rehearsals were so on opening knight I still didn't know any of my lines and thus ensued some comedic chases around the theater because I was off hobnobbing with the editors in the audience while the director was belling for me to get on stage and say my lines ... Breakfast in Bed
  • Researchers have launched a national survey to determine how many Canadians suffer from potentially fatal food allergies and how effective food labelling is in helping consumers avoid allergens that may be hazardous to their health. Canadians To Survey Food Allergy Prevalence
  • You have a magnificent chef who takes pride in the preparation, and doesn't overdo the labelling.
  • Whether the region of production or labelling is correct Fathers, food and family life: part 3 of 3
  • The video sparked a national outcry last week with commentators, including the Cabinet, labelling it racist.
  • The testimony from the JWB gang of 8th grade buds from N. Kitsap High saw less that 6 visits to the campaign office and all at pre-arranged times JWB was "door belling. Sound Politics: Kitsap Commissioner Josh Brown stays, for now
  • Glenn Street ramp, Bellingham -- Oct. 31: Four boats with seven anglers caught two chinook; Nov. 5: One boat with three anglers caught five kelp greenling and five flounder; Nov. 6: One boat with two anglers caught two cabezon. The Seattle Times
  • They can't prohibit us from rising up and rebelling.
  • My very earliest memories include playing beneath the trees and listening to the stags belling in the dusk.
  • A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
  • We also gave it slate tiles and a new bargeboard which covered up the second-rate brick corbelling. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • He took the move of labelling the nation's biggest farm lobby groups as silver tails and irrelevant.

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