How To Use Belle In A Sentence

  • Lost in nostalgic souvenirs I ambled past les belles, snapping a few more photos along the way. Kindness of strangers
  • I didn't really like this new Annabelle at all: she wasn't her old friendly self, she was hostile, brash and rude and she clearly held a large grudge towards me.
  • I'm still labelled a hypochondriac, a lier, someone who's making things up. BlogHer - Comments
  • The horses were belled and spancelled near by, feeding on the cane and wild grass, and Polly Ann was cooking journey-cakes on a stone. Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Winston Churchill
  • Amateurs can easily fill the tubes using simple agricultural tools, after which bags are arranged in a spiral that is gradually corbelled inwards as it ascends to form a dome.
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  • She goes from being a Southern belle, who's never been able to do anything practical, to someone who learns to survive under the most terrible circumstances of war and deprivation.
  • Belle does some kind of abstruse Boswellising; after the first meal, having gauged the kind of jests that would pay here, I observed, ‘Boswell is Barred during this cruise.’ Vailima Letters
  • Measures designed to promote and protect local educational values could be labelled as ‘barriers to trade’.
  • Je sais pourquoi: Braise a voulu se faire belle avant sa rencontre de demain avec Allia! Ebouriffe - French Word-A-Day
  • He was wearing a red V-neck shirt with long sleeves that belled out near the hands, white jeans, and black slip-on shoes with thick white socks.
  • The paintings of the Post-Impressionists, including Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which formerly hung in the claustrophobic, columned Bellechasse gallery, are cosseted now one floor below in small, elegant, midnight-blue galleries dedicated to the late scholar Françoise Cachin, who served as the museum's first director. New Visions Arrive at the Orsay
  • Conscientious and conservative judges, both state and federal, should have rebelled against the abortion decision in Roe.
  • One of the reasons we made the film was to present a different picture of people who have been labelled as ‘mentally ill’ than normally appears in the media.
  • People are unwilling to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist for the fear of being labelled mad.
  • Many are labelled PDO protected designation of origin, indicating that the cheese has been produced in a traditional way. Insiders' guide to Greece
  • Instead of dissuading him from further crime, the fact of having been labelled a criminal may be sufficient to make him what, if we believe his protestations of innocence, he was not.
  • Katy Perry labels fiance Russell Brand the ultimate 'bridezilla' RUSSELL Brand has been labelled a "bridezilla" by his popstar fiance Katy Perry. | Top Stories
  • The Pallet or box labeller is used for applying a printed label to either 1 or 2 sides of a container.
  • The shattering implications of Bellesiles' argument for scholars, policy-makers, and ruminators upon the national character are clearly evident, but he leaves them unstated.
  • In plants the organization of DNA as multiple replicons can be readily visualized by fibre autoradiography, in which replicating DNA molecules are labelled with tritiated thymidine.
  • Look at you biting your knuckle orgiastically while your leather minion whips a defenseless Isabelle De Funès. Happy Birthday, Carroll Baker
  • Annabelle finished the sonnet with one soft rippling sound on the higher notes and then a single dong of two of the lowest.
  • A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column.
  • The libeller adds that he suspects that Fontenelle never performed the duties of a Christian but out of contempt for A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Ward had certain fastidious instincts, and he rebelled inwardly at eating, sleeping, and cooking all in one small room. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • A few times I tried to call my mind to what I was going to do, but my mind rebelled against the effort.
  • There wasn't any way that I was going to be associated with an uncool person for fear that it would have rubbed off on me and then I'd be labelled the backstabbing bitch's boyfriend. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • After pointing this out to the company concerned they kindly sent another batch which also arrived unlabelled so we ended up with ten mystery clematis to fit into our very small garden.
  • Before long he found that there would be no sea this way: nor anything but shops, houses, a cinema with an imposing Victorian front grandly labelled ASSEMBLY ROOMS, and the slate-roofed lychgate of a church. Greenwitch
  • Sharon Lawrence as the fading southern belle is great. Channel Surfing | the TV addict
  • I rebelled against this assumption, but was constantly reminded of it by my schoolmates and the adults I met.
  • [Footnote: As Buffon has well said: -- "L'idée de ramener l'explication de tous les phénomènes à des principes mecaniques est assurement grande et belle, ce pas est le plus hardi qu'on peut faire en philosophie, et c'est Descartes qui l'a fait." -- _l.c. _ p. 50.] Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
  • Eventually, it creaked to a juddering, shrieking stop and a huge door, rust-pitted, streaked with red and belled outwards with age ground slowly aside.
  • -- Article on 'Thammuz' in 'Calwer, Bibellexikon.' The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Isabelle was standing at John's side, her face turning imploringly up to his, speaking softly, placatingly. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Last year the day was labelled a misnomer, with the majority of motorists ignoring it, although some said they would be willing to try public transport if the system were improved. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In a typical moment, Blanche, the vain Southern belle played by Rue McClanahan, preens, "One thing I know for sure, I have not lost my hourglass figure. Slate Magazine
  • He said he had been labelled a sympathiser on the basis of one person's statement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Filets de boeuf en Bellevue, timbales milanaises chaudfroid de gibier. Harvard Classics Volume 28 Essays English and American
  • Channel Four is to film a version of Belle de Jour, one of the more notorious weblogs, now finished.
  • Empty bottles, cans and food containers are just chucked in the bushes and along the pavements, and while Belle Vue Gardens are being revamped the litter is thrown in there.
  • In the West, his reserve with men had been labelled taciturnity or swollen-headeduess, which did not fit the case at all; whilst, in spite of his perfect manner towards them, his indifference to woman _en masse_ or in the individual was supreme and sincere. The Hawk of Egypt
  • _Ce pays est très beau, et Caen la plus jolie ville, la plus avenante, la plus gaie, la mieux située, les plus belles rues, les plus beaux bâtiments, les plus belles églises_ -- In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • Isabelle arrives accompanied by her silly and pretentious mother and Romainville, a middle-aged roué and friend.
  • Eaten on their own as a candy or as an accompaniment to cheese, these little sugar encrusted fruit treats with a name that has no good translation, come in every imaginable flavor from raspberry to mirabelle plum to date. Flora Lazar: Finally -- Locavore Candy at the Farmers Market
  • Fluorescence micrographs of radicle cells of dry seeds and seedlings of Medicago truncatula, labelled with tubulin antibody and with a fluorescent secondary antibody.
  • Maybe we can arrange a deal for plagarist Coulter and old labeller you to do a book together. Think Progress » Blind eye to Coulter plagiarism.
  • It would be a modern gabelle: everyone consumes fuel one way or another. Greg Mankiw Pumps for a Higher Gas Tax, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If you venture from "feminine" standards, you are labelled aggressive and hostile.
  • In daily use for more than 300 years, the landmark rises from the churchyard in Allouville-Bellefosse.
  • Just then a stag belled loudly.
  • By the time of Montagu's death in 1800, any female intellectual might be labelled a bluestocking, whether or not she could claim a link to the original circle. Archive 2008-03-01
  • BELLEVILLE, Ontario — A commander who was a rising star in Canada's military pleaded guilty Monday to the murders of two women, the sexual assaults of two others and dozens of breaking and entering charges in which he stole panties from the bedrooms of girls as young as 11. Russell Williams, Top Canadian Military Commander, Pleads Guilty To Murder, Sexual Assault
  • Ora quando vado da Roma a Nizza (Francia), viaggio quasi sempre di giorno per potermi godere le bellezze naturali: dei piccoli villaggi del Lazio e della Toscana o gli scenari mozzafiato delle Cinque terre o delle altre località della Sua Liguria. Global Voices in English » Japan: Reactions to the Japanese tourist rip-off in Italy
  • But the real acting finds here are Jonathan Jackson and Katharine Isabelle.
  • A libeller may be punished by fine, imprisonment, or the amputation of the ears.
  • The result was the hated gabelle, the infamous salt tax that became a major source of revenue for the old regime in France, and a leading cause of revolution in 1789.4 Champlain's Dream
  • Danes plays Mirabelle Buttersfield, a shopgirl and aspiring artist who works in the glove department of Saks Fifth Avenue in LA.
  • Belle's nasal voice (which was fake) could be heard a mile away.
  • If the libellee does not appear and the court considers the notice defective or insufficient, it may order further notice. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Recent centuries have produced explanation after explanation for the phenomenon labelled God.
  • He made a motion concerning libellers on 19 Feb 1585, and was put in charge of the ensuing committee.
  • The collective refuse to be labelled as their music selection is ever changing and constantly modified.
  • We applied Digoxigenin-labelled probe in gene localization on human chromosomes.
  • Single radiolabelled colonies harbouring plasmids with inserts bigger than 1000 bp were analysed further.
  • Despite this, the work is a must for all Williams fans for its presentation of his favourite characters - the Southern belle and the ne'er-do-well male - in their most archetypical form.
  • Belle acknowledged them briefly as she entered the chateau. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • ‘The changes [in ocean acidity] aren't huge,’ said John Guinotte, a marine biogeographer at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute in Bellevue, Washington.
  • Victoria would be called shanties -- huts built of wood and canvas -- some of the larger of them being labelled "Saloon," "Eating-house, A Boy's Voyage Round the World
  • Fellow IFP MP Walter Felgate, labelled a hardliner, said the party's democratisation included necessary checks and balances to stop abuses of power under the new party arrangement. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Meat labelled "Scotch Beef" sells for a premium in supermarkets.
  • I talk to Isabelle in English always so she will imbibe its sounds. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Despite this, the work is a must for all Williams fans for its presentation of his favourite characters - the Southern belle and the ne'er-do-well male - in their most archetypical form.
  • Dead snakes brought to the hospital were labelled and preserved in 10% formalin or 70% ethanol.
  • While has been completely subsumed by the with a whimper not a bang bowing out of Belle de Jour.
  • Fuller's main interest, however, is not in religious thinkers who were most representative of their times but in those who rebelled against their times.
  • Although the fines are not particularly onerous, the shame of being publicly labelled a flopper might be an effective deterrent.
  • 'butterfingers' as he brought up an unbeaten half-century to guide his team out of early trouble on the opening day of the third Test at Bellerive Oval. - Latest News Headlines
  • The hungry part of him very much wanted to devour the shrew, bitter bit included, while the rest of him rebelled. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Postremo illud affectus omnes atque ipsum appetitum rebellione infecit; haec renovata sanctitas in ordinem cogit perturbatas affectiones, et ipsam rebellem concupiscentiam dominio spoliat, et quasi sub jugum mittit. Pneumatologia
  • M.nsieur le M.rquis," said M. Gandrin, glancing at the card and the introductory note from M. Hebert, which Alain had sent in, and which lay on the 'secretaire' beside heaps of letters nicely arranged and labelled, The Parisians — Volume 01
  • If the best of la belle France cannot work its charm on them, it is unlikely that anywhere can. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pakistan has had another attack of the 'butterfingers', costing the tourists the chance to put Australia, and captain Ricky Ponting in particular, under severe pressure on the opening day of the third Test at Bellerive Oval. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Anti-censorship feminism is often very misunderstood and mislabelled and I would recommend this book to anyone, whatever their stance.
  • He tried to think backthe ship, overrun with demons; Isabelle falling and Jace catching her; blood, everywhere underfoot, the demon attacking Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • Isabelle and John write that they are keen to do plenty of relaxing, preferably on a beach, beside a lake or simply lolling around a pool.
  • It is not officially a branch, but rather an extension of the main line first named the Oshawa Subdivision and re-named the Belleville Subdivision.
  • In all libels for divorce where the cause alleged is adultery, and where the adverse party does not appear, or is defaulted, the person alleged to be particeps criminis with the libellee may, in the discretion of the court, be allowed to appear and contest the libel. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • E ci sono molte gioie e cose buone nelle settimane a venire, quindi sento che il lungo e duro inverno e' finito, e i prossimi mesi dovrebbero essere belli, e si spera che - a patto che rimanga priva di malattie - avrete solo belle notizie da me. Archive 2009-03-01
  • The Panthers posted a 6-2 victory against No. 8 Moon in the quarterfinals, then earned a title berth with a convincing 14-2 win against No. 4 seed Belle Vernon Area in the semifinals. - News
  • Are you saying that America rebelled against its leaders?
  • The terrorists don’t wear special uniforms, hang out in labelled buildings and make themselves easy targets. Think Progress » Israel hints at ‘full-scale invasion.’
  • And of course, it is impossible to speak of Gillian Welch or Revival without mentioning "Annabelle," perhaps the single finest example of contemporary musical naturalism:We lease twenty acres and one Ginny mule Archive 2006-10-01
  • Most were libellers and some became editors.
  • At Trillium Health Centre's Maharani and Maharaja Gala, an extravagant evening featuring indoor fireworks and South Asian food and entertainment, an 85-year-old gori white woman named Hazel was belle of the ball. Local
  • Hilda- Ah, thank you for reminding me about those wonderful mirabelle plums the French are crazy about! Green Gage Plum and Pistachio Crumble
  • As a girl, she did everything she was supposed to do: she was a Southern belle who married a dapper genius once he became rich enough to keep her.
  • Will had attributed Isabelle's continuing bewitchment of his brother to her uncommon beauty. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • One of the five he named is philosopher and belletrist Brandon Watson of Siris who, declining to use the delightfully ego-stroking graphic offered to us, has in turned memed me. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Lo giro interamente the San Francisco, una delle pi belle citt del mondo!!! Archive 2009-11-01
  • Isabelle, in a slightly drunk and uninhibited state, flaunts her desire at being desired while Gerald trembles at her physical closeness.
  • The 47-year-old Bellevue man admitted in court Friday that he bought more than 65 tons of flatfish called turbot (TUR 'bet) from China and re-labeled it as halibut. - Local News
  • However, his move to Juventus, who are the early leaders in Serie A, appears to have reinvigorated one of the classiest midfielders around and during Friday's draw against Serbia, his performance was labelled "impeccable" by Gazzetta Dello Sport, who also named him man of the match. Five things we learned from the Euro 2012 qualifiers | Jacob Steinberg
  • Claudia Cardinale, l'attrice che ho sempre seguito in tutti i suoi drive-in theatre criminal l'enorme ammirazione per la sua bellezza ... Archive 2009-11-01
  • Jap cartoons are fcuking weird anyway. true but should you be labelled a nonce for looking at a cartoon Steven: Army Rumour Service
  • At the north end of the property, beside the distillery's main building there was the bottling works where the bottles were filled by hand and placed on a conveyor running several feet to the labeller.
  • The next day Annabelle crept slowly around the castle, trying to avoid going to see Adrian at all.
  • As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. 
  • It is not all la belle vie, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then this here feller, this Punchineller, begins to beller like we all was deef. Terry Pratchett explains opera in one paragraph
  • The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
  • The radioactive carbon is the tracer molecule and the carbon dioxide has been labelled or tagged.
  • The radiolabelled object is then exposed to a photographic emulsion to obtain a map of radionuclide distribution.
  • The stuff has never been properly logged and labelled.
  • BELLEVILLE -- The custody battle over a newborn whose mother is accused of trying to drown her in a toilet moments after delivery will begin today at a hearing in Belleville. Top News Headlines
  • Any results from fee-paying customers are clearly labelled "featured" or "partner" sites.
  • mottoes" for the little beaux to give the little belles, &c., &c., &c. Little Ferns For Fanny's Little Friends
  • Yesterday I found that anaerobe cultures were being received by some one in the Belleclaire, and -- The Treasure-Train
  • So it's a bit of a shock to discover that la belle France has its own hooligan element. Times, Sunday Times
  • Annabelle's face glowed with satisfaction when she reached her two friends.
  • Charlie's mind immediately rebelled at the notion; neither of her friends would do such a thing.
  • The steel can was labelled "flammable".
  • Add to the list a dual-purpose dress that you can wear to the office with a sexy knit (also an essential) slung over it, but which will also make you the belle of the cocktail party when you take your jumper off.
  • Japan's consumers have had their trust in food safety battered by a recent rash of scandals involving mislabelled beef, pork and poultry and by an outbreak of mad cow disease last year.
  • After all, freeborn Englishmen, headed by Wat Tyler, had rebelled against a poll tax back in 1381, and the memory of it remained in popular legend.
  • Embrun; but I am a King, my power is great, my wealth boundless; and, were it otherwise, I would double the gabelle on my subjects, rather than not pay my debts to you both. Quentin Durward
  • Go on the attack and she risks being labelled panicky and desperate. Hillary Hits Obama In New Speech: "I've Heard A Lot Of Talk About Turning The Page"
  • Mathilde was puzzled by Isabelle's apparent change of heart.
  • French Vocabulary la belle-tante = aunt-in-law la voiturette = little car le panier = basket le/la nouveau-né (e) = newborn le cochonnet = piglet c'est un bébé lièvre = it's a baby hare la maman = mother le/la rescapé (e) = survivor une pierraille = place, yard with loose stones nom de guerre = literally "war name" on verra = we shall see French Word-A-Day:
  • Sometimes it is a mislabelled attempt to create corporate loyalty, or to do demographic-based marketing.
  • Notes that NRO also can't mention military bloat for fear of being labelled wussy/girly/soft on terrorism. Kerrynomics: Republican Economics circa 1999
  • In one case a pensioner paid nearly £300 for a quantity of fish which was unmarked, unlabelled, and unweighed - and only got his money back because of immediate action by police.
  • He paled below his silly, belled jester's hat.
  • We shouldn't be getting into fights over anything, Isabelle.
  • Now, I have in the past been labelled a social butterfly (usually by people who don't go out much), so I did have some basis for my belief that all humanity would be my bosom friends.
  • Flasks and bottles full of nitrates and sulphides and chlorates and acetone, labelled in English and Arabic, lay on dirty tables.
  • It has also created the foundation behind which Hanson has been able to create a following that rebelled against the established ‘royal chamber and its courtiers’.
  • Pitcairn was the final landing place for the mutineers from the Bounty who had rebelled against Captain Bligh.
  • While the young herdsman and Dick stood by passive and admiring, this _toro bravo_ of famous fighting breed reduced his run to a canter, and trotted up to Pilar as tamely as if he had been a belled _cabestro_. The Car of Destiny
  • Yet Walter so idealised the pretty child whom he had found wandering in the rough streets, and so identified her with her innocent gratitude of that night and the simplicity and truth of its expression, that he blushed for himself as a libeller when he argued that she could ever grow proud. Dombey and Son
  • Corycium mihi surgit olus malvaeque supinae et non sollicitos missura papavera somnos. praeterea sive alitibus contexere fraudem seu magis inbelles libuit circumdare cervos aut tereti lino pavidum subducere piscem, hos tantum novere dolos mea sordida rura. Post-Augustan Poetry From Seneca to Juvenal
  • The Belleek Forest Park with its attractive riverside walks is well on the way to being a major addition to Ballina's tourist attractions as a natural amenity.
  • A Southern belle who deserves to reach all points of the compass. The Sun
  • I tried to contain my anger and astonishment, but apparently Isabelle didn't.
  • Hunt:Nekhorvich specialized in recombining DNA molecules. In the myth, Bellerophon was a prince who killed the Chimera.
  • A more ideal marker would be one which labelled an entire population within intact viable embryos without disrupting their integrity.
  • Only the extremely rich could afford to lunch at the Mirabelle.
  • Isabelle could feel herself physically weakening and she rested her hand against the wall for support.
  • On a similar note, perhaps Kelly Kapoor is so broken up over the Scranton branch’s loss of the Belle of the Ball himself (Ryan) that she falls into the arms of the closest man to her cube … which I believe it either Toby or Kevin. 10 Possible Plots We’d Like to See on The Office | Best Week Ever
  • Even when they're labelled stupid and brainless, they receive the news with huge smiles on their faces.
  • La piccola coccinella ha un problema con le ciambelle, ma essere la Bestia del Buon Dio almeno per i francesi ha qualche vantaggio. No Fat Clips!!! : ROMAIN CARLIER – La bête à bon dieu
  • During Isabelle Russell's lifetime, she and her husband had shared the big front bedroom.
  • The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880.
  • The worker was labelled as a revolutionary.
  • Once labelled a terrorist, he was convicted of treason and jailed for 27 years.
  • I suspect they've spent too long in la belle France. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could afford, he reckoned, to be relaxed about certain sorts of problem; namely those he privately labelled intractable.
  • Some of the belles, and indeed some of the women whose beauty is a thing of the past, wear a breastplate of beadwork, which is further decorated with a fringe of reindeer teeth that has a most ghastly effect -- they look so much like human teeth. Schwatka's Search
  • When the nobles rebelled(Sentencedict), the king battled them.
  • Over the last few months, I've converted most of the labelled tapes that contain stuff worth keeping and tonight, we went through a few boxes of unlabelled ones to see what was on them.
  • Belleau Wood, taken in the offensive, was recaptured by the US 2nd Division, its attack led by the 4th Marine Brigade.
  • a dark brown black and white. the black is that which most predominates, and wh [i] te feathers are irregularly intermixed with those of the black and dark brown on every part, but in greater proportion about the neck breast and belley. this mixture gives it very much the appearance of that kind of dunghill fowl which the hen-wives of our country call dommanicker Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Few things are as sweet as our belle, Brooke Parkhurst, unless of course, you've tasted her fruit galettes.
  • Realogics Inc., which has helped market a number of high-profile condominium projects in Seattle and Bellevue, has purchased the brokerage operations of Windermere Builder Services Inc., also known as Windermere OnSite. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • BELLEVILLE - An Okawville man accused of orchestrating an elaborate photocopier scam was ordered Tuesday to pay $1.2 million to a private school in Belleville. Top News Headlines
  • Packets of Jellyace Buko Pandan which are labelled as containing locust bean gum, instead of Konjac, are legal and consumers are advised to check the label.
  • Students must ensure that each item of clothing, including underwear, be clearly labelled with their names.
  • (ascendiamo per le minori a le maggiori bellezze) and from the pure to the purest leading to the knowledge and love, not only of the most beautiful intelligences, souls and motors of the heavenly bodies, but also of the highest beauty and of the supremely beautiful, the giver of all beauty, life, intelligence and being. Judah Abrabanel
  • Balin that gave the dolourous stroke unto King Pellam; of Sir Tor that sought the lady's brachet and by the way overcame two knights and smote off the head of the outrageous caitiff Abelleus, -- of these and many like matters of pith and moment, full of blood and honour, told Sir Lancelot, and the people had marvel of his words. The Blue Flower
  • Several minutes later a dustier version of the man reappeared, a little frazzled, but wearing a proud smile as he placed a filthy, unlabelled bottle into my companion Tim's hand.
  • In the myth, it was Bellerophon, straddling the winged horse Pegasus, who finally slew the fire-breathing chimera.
  • The microscopically self-analyzing and charismatic Benjamin-the Harold Brodkey of his time-was drawn to Belle's frankness and intelligence, found her "so original and lively," and her company so unconventional and invigorating, that he gave himself up "rapturously" to her company. Something About Beauty And Integrity
  • King John was keen to fight; the States General gave him the means for carrying on war, by establishing the odious "gabelle" on salt, and other imposts. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The manufacturer makes products to match the retailer's specifications and these are labelled with the retailer's own distinctive label.
  • Before then wines were sold unlabelled and stacked in bins, and served in decanters, so bin labels and decanter labels are the precursors of today's wine bottle label.
  • He straps his sword to his waist while Annabelle buttons his coat.
  • These renegades have rebelled against and rejected Heaven and His life, so they must in turn be denied life.
  • * Kosher Tunisian cous cous in Paris´ Orthodox Jewish Belleville District with dry rose wine from Tunisia while your luncheon companion, a Tunisian Jew, tries to pick up your French Catholic wife while you, a Southern Presbyterian, think their main interest is the food as is yours and he was a cute guy so perhaps I was upset he wasn´t trying to pick me up but that is another subject Page 3
  • This is the famous (in cosplay circles) Belle Chere at this year's SDCC dressed as the one and only She-Devil with a Sword, Red Sonja! Red Sonja Cosplay at the San Diego Comic Con!
  • The standard by which all of belles-lettres are to be judged. Crit List 7: Let The Parade Of Sleaze Begin -- The Fungus and Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas
  • Some persons have made quite important collections, one of the most noted being that of Menelik II, the Abyssinian king, who possessed upwards of two thousand locks, varying from light to dark, and from fine to coarse, each lock being labelled with the date and particulars of its acquisition. Chats on Household Curios
  • These students were labelled `learning disabled'
  • He was one of the djinni and rebelled against his Lord's command. THE MOAT AROUND MURCHESON'S EYE
  • The regime was inevitably labelled as 'communist'.
  • The fleetest of the Tigerbelles was Wilma Rudolph, known to her friends as Skeeter, a nickname her high school basketball coach had given her for the way she buzzed around the court. Into the Story
  • As long as the world shall last there will be wrongs, and if no man rebelled, those wrongs would last forever. 
  • The writers of your constitution would have slapped someone in irons in the town square over some comments now labelled freedom of speech. Obama as witch doctor: Racist or satirical?
  • The traditional trefoil window arch expressed in timber is ubiquitous, along with corbelled timber dentils used as a supporting cornice.
  • Equally likely is the garishly satirical Good Christian Belles (aka GCB), which inexplicably is being held back until midseason, along with some of ABC's other best new product (including the very scary and cinematic The River, expected to get a major promotional boost during the Oscars). Critic's TCA Notebook: That's a Wrap
  • The Philippine army helicopter landed on the massive nonskid deck of the USS Belleau Wood well forward of the looming superstructure. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • He claimed he had been libelled in an article the magazine had published.
  • The tabloid papers labelled him "an evil sex monster".
  • She had also picked up doughnuts and milk for Isabelle, who had been sleepy and carsick for quite some time.
  • However little Quentin thought himself indebted to the King of France, who, in contriving the surprisal of the Countess Isabelle by William de la Quentin Durward
  • I myself once rebelled against King Solomon and he sent against me this monk, the only being who could overcome me with his craft and his conjurations and his gramarye; then he imprisoned me, and since that time I have been his vassal. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The thing was done circumspectly, mind you -- nae high-handedness -- but Belle's folk were about Glen Scaur, a droll wandering band, claiming great descent from Eastern folk, and with horses and dogs and spaewife among them; and Belle (as they will be calling her) was the daughter o 'the Chief, a very proud man. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • Miller refused to testify and paid for it by being labelled a communist.
  • L'ainee est belle comme un cherubin; c'est un visage rond, de grands yeux bleus, des levres fines, une bouche riante, la peau la plus blanche et la plus animee, des cheveux chatains qui ceignent un tres joli front. Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
  • Figure 6 shows the staining pattern of Cy3 labelled streptavidin-Irgm1 αK tetrameric complexes in MEFs. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880.

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