How To Use Belittling In A Sentence

  • Well, how very generous of Obama to say that the Clinton's haven't made any "deliberate effort" to racialize the campaign, considering that Obama was the one who played the race card by jumping on the "blame Hillary for belittling Martin Luther King" bandwagon at the beginning of the campaign. Obama: I Don't Think Clintons Made "Deliberate Effort" To Racialize Campaign
  • Worse, mom constantly ridiculed Betty, belittling her long nose and unkempt manner of dress.
  • But I guess you would rather show your immense intelligence by engaging in belittling comments and or calling someone stupid. Another Mars Mission Slips To The Right - NASA Watch
  • We would go far in liberating all peoples by taking this thinking back into the naturalized setting of the Working Class WITHOUT BELITTLING THEIR INTELLIGENCE! A PRIMER ON UNLEARNING CLASSISM
  • And the final question, can we in our profession discuss these issues in a calm, mutually respectful way without criticizing, belittling or vilifying one another?
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  • Without belittling the importance of media research, it's time that the rule of the real governed policy as well.
  • Thinking Americans have become enured to their major national media ignoring or belittling stories that damn the Bushites. Archive 2008-05-01
  • My purpose here is not to qualify my message by belittling science.
  • I'm not belittling the Angels; I'm pre-littling them. Halos Heaven
  • Or belittling your friend because they are so bad at a game that all you can do is tare them down.! » FixnJoystix Presents: LAN Of The Dead!The Jewsh Mourns The Death of Face-To-Face Multiplayer Gaming!
  • I often wonder why some of my fellow-citizens seem to take pleasure in belittling Canada's effort in the production of war munitions. Munitions and More Munitions
  • You never point your tokotoko at a person, because you are belittling them.
  • The concept of mass amateurisation is that kick in the guts - amateurisation is a pejorative term, belittling the efforts of thousands of webloggers.
  • When I was a teen-ager, a group of friends and I made a nasty little sport out of belittling one another.
  • Why can't women (not girls or "toots" - who the f*ck talks like that anymore?!?!?) enjoy porn / erotica without men belittling it? BlogTO
  • When he spoke of a sign of personal virtue, he seemed to be belittling the importance of conservation.
  • Nam-Bok shrugged his shoulders in belittling fashion. NAM-BOK THE UNVERACIOUS
  • belittling comments
  • It’s sad to see you once again belittling someone’s military service. Think Progress » Breaking: Bush To Unveil “National Strategy for Victory in Iraq” Tommorow
  • It is belittling to attribute to luck!
  • He gets off to a bad start by belittling the category and the nominees.
  • I realize the problem lies with the egoist, but in my life I have been successful at many different things and in my "older" years I no longer have any tolerance to put up with any crap from anyone, regardless how BIG their ego is and how belittling they must be to others in order to salvage their fragile sense of self. Page 2
  • I hope those who delight in belittling Canada's war effort will take equal delight in belittling their own tax bills. Munitions and More Munitions
  • While we all can understand how belittling that experience must have been, shooting the messenger is never the recommended palliative.
  • But what I detest is the attitude you display in your responses … …. patronising and belittling. All We Ever Wanted Was Everything « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The dozens of recorded conversations between Ms. Chiesi and Mr. Kurland are replete with examples of Kurland encouraging her to get information, of Kurland belittling her ability to analyze financial data, of Kurland being the New Castle decision maker regarding investment decisions," said Alan Kaufman , her lawyer, in a court filing. Chiesi Seeks Lighter Sentence in Insider Case
  • I think she felt it was belittling her loss so I got stuck in and several letters later we got a result.
  • I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
  • Girls on Film: The 2009 Feminist Porn Awards Why can't women (not girls or "toots" - who the f*ck talks like that anymore?!?!?) enjoy porn / erotica without men belittling ... BlogTO
  • There is no point in ignoring our history or belittling our heritage.
  • Belittling her intellectual legitimacy is the sort of a tactic often employed by sexists, racists, and others who cling to power for fear of losing it.
  • Stop belittling yourself - your work is highly valued.
  • It was Mr Mahmood Farooqui who made suggestive (I would hold back the word 'insinuative' for now) comments about the enormous richness of Urdu belittling (read his texts carefully and you would realize what he is trying to do) Punjabi. Kafila
  • Belittling the good reasons for breastfeeding is never justified to alleviate the guilt or unresolved bitterness for not being able.
  • In 2005, belittling his reputation for meticulous research, London's Evening Standard noted a "howler" of a mistake in "Saturday": It mentioned a Mercedes S500 with a fourth gear, but the car's strictly an automatic. He's Not 'MacAbre' Any Longer
  • Why, because at times, an egotist sense of self is so diminished and endemic, its false survival unknowingly depends on thrashing, belittling and insulting others to maintain a continuous sick illusionary story in their head necessary to misleadingly feed and encourage a diminished sense of self. Page 2
  • Country folk in both the United States and Mexico often live under unfortunate circumstances but that does not excuse your belittling them because you consider yourself to be "highborn". Small town living
  • In the end, after all you've tried to do to tear this "masterclass" vocalist down, his fans will have the last say and you'll be ridiculed for all your snarkiness and belittling. soundscene (the one who is a David A. fan) Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12: 23 PM EST Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • I know I make fun of it all the time but this is not to be mistaken for belittling the courage of all those who participate.
  • How sad to hear commentators belittling the march.
  • For several weeks, Fox News has declared war on the Chevy Volt in the name of belittling all so-called green energy initiatives. Crooks and Liars
  • Answers can be serious, solemn, pithy, witty, biting, derisive, belittling
  • I had no intention of either glorifying or belittling Christianity, merely the desire to understand it.
  • He lords this over her, berating her for every little slip-up, belittling even her successful activities and doomsaying any new ideas that she comes up with.
  • I'm just not in the mood for that snide voice belittling me, yet.
  • If the woman has not been careful but has gadded about, neglecting her house and belittling her husband, they shall throw that woman into the water.
  • Do you actually feel more manly or powerful after belittling a fellow human?
  • We have a Home Secretary that hates us, a Policing Minister who takes pleasure in belittling Policing … Worrying times on January 5, 2008 at 11: 34 pm | Reply XTP Final Fantasy « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG

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