How To Use Believe in In A Sentence

  • There is a good deal of backsliding from time to time even by countries that profess to believe in freer trade. Government and Private Enterprise
  • Democrats believe in all those things too but if you choose not to, we don't lable you un-American or un-qualified to be in any political party. RNC resolution won't 'handcuff' Steele, co-sponsor says
  • I'm not saying I believe in curses, but I wouldn't want my mission to be the one they choose to piggyback Lightsail-1 on. Solar sails to take flight - Boing Boing
  • Believers, regenerate persons, who believe in Him, and rely on Him, have put on Christ.
  • I believe in the sixth sense, telepathy and rebirth as I have experienced it.
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  • Indians don't seem to believe in one percent milk at all, and don't realize that the ready-made paneer they buy in Indian stores is made of whole milk, which is loaded with fat calories.
  • Miracels are to those who believe in them. 
  • Today, at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other.
  • I don't believe in all these silly diets.
  • I believe in equality of opportunity, not just for fiscal matters but for matters of the heart.
  • Do you believe in spanking or any other form of corporal punishment? Doug Peine - An interview with author
  • But for those who believe in watching the buys and sales of insiders it is an interesting move, particularly when it is backed up by another key company official's deals.
  • Do you believe in your unique difference enough to promote yourself into a major brand personality?
  • Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
  • The older I get the less I seem to believe in asymptotic futures. Book 18: Halting State
  • In spite of the bad things he's done I still believe in his essential goodness.
  • Forsooth," said Sir Robin, "my wife is not come of such blood as that she shall misdo against me, and I may not believe in it nowise: Old French Romances
  • I have recommitted myself to discovering a slower lifestyle -- I do, of course, fully believe in the power of poetry and play -- but the siren song of a highly productive life still calls compellingly to me. Christine Carter, PhD: Borrowing Time for Bliss
  • Should Wilson, the GOP, or You choose to not apologize for the on-going behavior then we who believe in respecting the laws and rules of the functioning of our government will not move on either. Let's move past Wilson's outburst, Cantor says
  • The answer is yes, I do believe in benevolence and malevolence as being a part of mans nature, I think where we differ, is the belief in the architect of nature and whether the formation of the natural world including the physique was a guided or a random process. Child Abuse Alert
  • I believe in honesty is the best policy, not fake sniper fire. Schneider: More sobering news - the value gap
  • Dems with a spine, gawd, that is the kind of change I've been wanting to believe in for a very long time. Feminist blogs in english » 2009 » August
  • ‘We don't even believe in smacking the kids,’ she said.
  • Yeah you really believe in him, is that the sort of thing you wanna do?
  • However, I believe in respecting the animals on this planet. Bears Don't Play Hockey
  • If workers believe inflation is likely to accelerate, they will demand high enough wages to compensate for expected increases in prices.
  • I don't really believe in capital punishment, I'm just playing the devil's advocate.
  • This year still have ample reason to believe in that majestic beauty of the beat.
  • Doesn't Dish believe in redundancy, hot swapping, etc.?? Nagra 3 down Dish wide open
  • Personally, I very much believe in an eternal hell - but 'hell' for me means more like annihilationism mixed with a traditional view. Open source theology - Comments
  • You have to believe in yourself.That's the secret of success. 
  • All men are prone to believe in such marvels; and it is quite possible, as Niebuhr supposes, that some discoveries of the remains of mammoths and other monstrous forms embedded in the crust of the earth, may have given definiteness and prominency to the Chaldaean notions on this subject. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 1. (of 7): Chaldaea The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • If people want to believe in tooth fairies, or leprechauns, or hobgoblins, or taniwha, or whatever, it is their right to do that.
  • _ For this it is needful to halt bravely at the surface, at the fold, at the skin, to worship appearance, and to believe in forms, tones, words, and the whole _Olympus of appearance_! The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • Do we see the whiteness of the snow, but only believe in its coolth?
  • We can believe in the resurrection as a fact because eleven out of the twelve disciples died as martyrs testifying to the resurrection and deity of Christ.
  • Norman Solomon: Well, what goes by the term conservative is too often a sort of a euphemism for dog eat dog, whoever comes out on top, we believe in the survival of the fittest – a sort of perversion of Darwinism taken into a social realm, where generally, the predatory nature in the animal kingdom of one category of animal inflicted on another is sort of mimicked and replicated. Failed Conservative Values: Norman Solomon on Dog Eat Dog Greed
  • You say you don't believe in marriage, but I bet you sing a different song when you finally fall in love.
  • So far, this is a case where I hope gay-rights activists and true liberals -- those who believe in liberty -- will take a deep breath before joyfully exploiting the bathroom balagan as an additional reason to oppose the Senator. What's the Connection?: Hypocrisy Redux
  • Many true libertarians (most of whom have nothing to do with politics) still believe in bourgeois values as a guidline for thier lives. Libertarians and the Old Right « Blog
  • If you think the public is willing to cut back to that level, you probably believe in elves, too. Matthew Yglesias » The Strange Persistence of Carbon Tax Advocates
  • A: I firmly believe in balance to achieve a healthy lifestyle and have found that disconnecting from technology allows me to really appreciate things in life that typically go unvalued. Getting Inside the Mind of a Hacker
  • This policy change is a no-brainer, even if you don't believe in betting on terrorists.
  • For similar reasons, most people, especially most who believe in Heaven, also consider Heaven, or whatever, as a special kind of supernal real estate, as Owen Gingerich, author of the foreword to a recent English edition of Johannes Kepler's LaRouche's Latest
  • And, while I'm at it, I think that it's ridiculous to believe in transubstantiation, that considering the Bible to be the literal word of God reduces that supposedly omnipotent being to a muddle-headed maniac and that the Hindu caste system and Roman Catholic rules against contraception could have been invented by Satan. If Britain decides to ban the burqa I might just start wearing one
  • There is no reason to believe in enforcement of a modus in private circumstances in classical law.
  • So the claim that there are conservatives who believe in some sort of absolute liberty is a total straw man.
  • I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye- for- an- eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat. Muhammad Ali 
  • ‘I believe in Christ too,’ a red-headed woman chirped in.
  • If you believe in yourself, so will others!
  • Then they began to talk, and, by-and-bye, the king asked the fakeer if he could show him a glimpse of Paradise, for he found it very difficult to believe in what he could not see. The Orange Fairy Book
  • I've met people who don't believe in afterlife, but never anyone who said they didn't want one. The Proust Questionnaire
  • (link) Nice juxtaposition of this book (Do you believe in faeries?) and Fox Mulder! Slayground: Straight on 'til Morning by Christopher Golden
  • The faerie folk are mentioned in the medieval chronicles and go back even further; Chaucer describes them as something people ‘no longer’ believe in.
  • The new barman didn't believe in the supernatural or poltergeists or anything kooky like that, he just knew an useful ally when he saw one.
  • They believe in the Tooth Fairy myth, the myth of the vestal virgin. Penthouse Founder Bob Guccione Dies At 79
  • As a sophomore at Arizona State, he had come just as fervently to disbelieve in the ancient ways. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • Parents who believe in antibiotics are more likely than other parents to take their children to a doctor.
  • Some men still believe in fisticuffs as a method of settling grudges.
  • The first thing, therefore, is to believe in yourself and in your ability to work with numbers.
  • I believe in the effect of an increasing desensitization of people towards violence, and I believe that violent images of women are damaging.
  • He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.
  • If people want to believe in tooth fairies, or leprechauns, or hobgoblins, or taniwha, or whatever, it is their right to do that.
  • On a personal level, I believe in reincarnation and the basic spiritualities common to all religions, but on a social level I keep those purely speculatory beliefs out of equation because they do no good. Ryan VS Darin Round 1
  • All I know is that you should write the music that you love and that you believe in, that stirs you and excites you.
  • Many Creoles and Garifuna believe in obeah, or witchcraft.
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt 
  • Conservatives often deride Obama over remarks he made at a presser in April of 2009, in which he said that he believes in American exceptionalism "just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism. Nonstop idiocy about Obama and `American exceptionalism'
  • Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
  • He was the type to believe in ghouls and monsters, and sneezing bushes were definitely not something he encountered often.
  • At the core of the academic studies is a basic rule: Investors believe in the status quo.
  • Look, I know the Conservatives are busy pretending they believe in anthropogenic global warming to appeal to the centre-left, but spare me. 2008 August 13 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • It is a crying shame there are not more people like him people who stand up for what they believe in and shame the councillors who sit on the fence and do not fight for their voters.
  • I believe in movements, collective action to influence the future, and all that.
  • Cheney is the most pathetic of human beings: he is a fearmonger who preaches righteousness, when all along he preys upon the feeble minds that believe in him. Cheney: Obama pretending we are not at war
  • I don't believe in long interviews. Fifteen minutes is plenty.
  • We believe in the right of British people to govern themselves and control their own borders.
  • Almost all practicing astronomers and astrophysicists believe in the big bang, a billions-of-years-old universe and other evolutionary ideas.
  • Their rabbi, a 34-year-old karate black belt, proudly estimates that nine out of ten of his flock don't believe in God.
  • But one conclusion from that observation is that the theists themselves have no idea what they believe in.
  • Martin Wolf of the Financial Times once told me that the self-interested, strategic economic behaviors of other major economic stakeholders in the international system required a "patsy" -- someone who would believe in the "just-in-time" security of give-and-take trade and give-and-take finance and jobs, even when its competitors didn't. Steve Clemons: Eva Peron Wins: The Pretension of a 'Savings Lottery'
  • Genta is careworn, beaten down by life, and no longer naïve enough to believe in Bushido, but he's not cynical.
  • We believe in interdisciplinarity, in comparative approaches, and in a world without boundaries.
  • A rathe rinterseting bit of info, turns out Monsanto's CEO doesn't even believe in his company's own products. click here are numerous instances where Monsanto has threatened the M$M about exposing dubious safety of its commodities. by OpEdNews - Diary: Destroy the Afghan Opium Crops for Monsanto
  • If you believe in stony men they'll skewer your smile. Selected Works of a Hermit Crab Written on Shells, Stones and Scales.
  • I am sick and tired of hearing its members' boasts, which are based on a fundamental fallacy that they believe in one law for all.
  • One could be an annihilationist and believe in an intermediate state before final destruction, or one could believe in instant destruction upon death. Failing the Fundamentalist Final
  • This then seems like a more natural solution overall than the traditional account which would have us believe in palatalized velars which extend far into pre-IE despite being unstable and despite lacking any indication of a recent source of their supposed palatalization. Markedness and the uvular proposal in PIE
  • We bless and we curse effetely all the livelong day, vaguely cognizant of some long lost momentousness, too jejune in our materialism to believe in anything.
  • Yep, you don’t believe in minim wage law or child labor laws just to begin with. Think Progress » Ron Paul’s CPAC Win Highlights Raging Rift Between Libertarians And Social Conservatives
  • He did not believe in holism and Newton's grand design.
  • I believe in the fairy story u wrote for me, and myself becomes the faint flower in the story.
  • If you agree with me, then stand up with conviction for what we believe in and fight for it.
  • Unlike the present government, we believe in serving the community.
  • If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. And believe in what you are doing.
  • They believe in a culture of blame which moves from the presumption of guilt rather than innocence.
  • But one conclusion from that observation is that the theists themselves have no idea what they believe in.
  • You play the role of Aronos Schuler, once a young Bishop in Moscow and the descendant of a 12th century German monk, now a burned-out loner who doesn't even believe in a god any more.
  • She was teased up to the age of 7 because she used to believe in monsters and mythical beasts.
  • Those who believe in pluralism think that every religion has spiritual power.
  • But I do believe in life sentences with life meaning life, not just ten years inside, with umpteen reductions for good behaviour.
  • Most traditional African religions believe in one supreme being who acts through spirits and ancestors.
  • Other than a few staunch golfing purists, most of us believe in the concept of taking a mulligan.
  • A recent poll found that more young people believe in UFOs than believe Social Security will exist when they retire.
  • People with an external locus of control believe in fate; those with an internal locus believe they have full control over their future. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an extension of Fundamentalists' view that one must either accept the literal interpretation of Genesis or else believe in the godless system of evolution.
  • As a sophomore at Arizona State, he had come just as fervently to disbelieve in the ancient ways. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • I believe in young folks makin 'all they can o' theirselves," announced Martin, puffing hard at his pipe and drawing a little farther still from the fireplace, because the scorching red coals had begun to drop beneath the forestick. A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches
  • Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.
  • I do not believe in evolution because evolution is not a matter for belief.
  • You have to believe in your own ability and that you will keep your place in the side.
  • I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. C.S. Lewis 
  • I got the feeling that I was supposed to clap my hands and incant three times, "I do believe in the Constitution -- I do, I do, I do believe in the Constitution. Linda R. Monk, J.D.: The Constitution Is Not a Bumper Sticker
  • Chinese philosophers believe in the mutual convertibility of blessings and misfortunes and nowhere is this dramatized so vividly as in Chinese officialdom.
  • If you are talking about my activities as a politician, social worker or as a lawyer, I don't believe in mamaguying people.
  • Yes, I'm a purist and I don't believe in taking short cuts in music.
  • I really believe in sisterhood and going caving and rock-climbing together, it was so great to have their voices down the bottom going ‘come on, you can do it’.
  • The Cyber-netic Reformed Churches, Hanuman said, did not believe in the freedom of the soul. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Now please don't get me wrong, I don't believe in spoiling kids at all, and I don't feel that I was raised as a pwoil pickney (spoiled child) at all.
  • Have your own convictions. Believe in the laws of your conscience because if you believe in everything, you become nothing. RVM 
  • We meet those who believe in reincarnation, those who believe in destiny and those who refuse to believe.
  • The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt 
  • It's possible to believe in psychics, homeopathy, God, dowsing, reincarnation and probably much else besides.
  • If I din't not believe in mutiny I'd have you hung off the yardarm for it,
  • Although I don't believe in god, I believe God is visiting his judgment on Americans -- only we haven't seen his handwriting on the wall (you know, MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN). Stanton Peele: The Writing on the Wall: Why Americans Have to Be Brought Low
  • Beloussov refused to believe in the regular magnetic striping of the ocean floor about the oceanic ridges.
  • Christians by and large aren't being attacked because Catholics believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation or because some evangelicals believe in the Rapture.
  • Peter left the session disappointed with my unwillingness to believe in the psychic explanations for phenomena that he experiences.
  • I do not believe in fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in fate that falls on them unless they act. G.K. Chesterton 
  • They were also troubled by what many saw as the antisupernaturalistic and antitheistic bent of science: could one really believe in the New Testament world of spirits and miracles in the era of the steam engine and ocean liner? Warranted Christian Belief
  • Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
  • I believe in the precept of 'Person first, disability second'.
  • It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself. Muhammad Ali 
  • The NFL can't fully believe in its product, not when its Super Bowl ads are set to Stones music — constant reminders that the pomp is bigger than the play. - With game plan, true fans can enjoy Stupor Bowl
  • I really believe in the city and I believe I'm going to London as an ambassador for everything it has to offer.
  • I don't believe in bad-mouthing anyone, but he has gone out of his way.
  • But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
  • One thing is for sure, I forgot what it felt like to believe in this country or to believe strong heartly that one person can make a different. Michelle Obama takes heat from Tennessee Republicans
  • ‘I believe in Christ too,’ a red-headed woman chirped in.
  • In ven. we say something is "picante" (spicy hot) but I believe in MX it's "picoso. Mexican Idioms?
  • One big thing for me is I don't think you have to be religious to have a faith and believe in God.
  • They most certainly wanted all the saps watching to believe in the sign's authenticity and go hunting for this mysterious website.
  • He does believe in the power of magic, and of spells, to change life for the better.
  • Again she was recalling the fervour with which he had declared himself on this point on that last day when he actually made her believe in him. The Seeker
  • Many Muslims believe in jinns, spirits who can change shape and be either visible or invisible.
  • I don't believe in hitting children.:Do you believe in capital punishment?
  • Ofcourse by taxing hard working americans more so that obama can pass his healthcare agenda and raising electic and energy rates so the nuts that believe in global warming, like al gore who will make millions off of cap and trade will be happy. CNN Poll: Americans say country still in recession
  • I believe in my heart that I am one of the most faithful and hard-working members of our group.
  • We believe in Daegu it will be again a very high number," he said. - Security an important part of Cup preparations
  • Call me a mossback but I still believe in supply and demand. The Fear Factor, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But to believe in the clavicula, in the mystic significance of the junction of two lines, in the stars, is as ridiculous as to believe, like the inhabitants of Cathay, that the oriole changes into a mole, and grains of wheat into crap-like fish. I. The Abbot of St.-Martin’s. Book V
  • In other news: ursine defecation has been found to be common in arboreally dense regions and the Pope has been found to believe in Catholicism to the exclusion of other faiths. Toronto Star Previews AR4 « Climate Audit
  • If two people believe in something, really believe, anything, even the impossible, is possible.
  • As an industry, we need to remain resolute in what we believe in and confident that our wines can hold up with their unique style intact. It's the Style, Stupid.
  • I do a lot more book signings than are in my contract because I do believe in them.
  • I don't know whether you believe in witchcraft, sorcery, black magic, and all that kind of thing.
  • Though I believe in artistic egalitarianism, I was overawed by the big names.
  • It reinforces a sense of superiority in a society that says it doesn't believe in classes, and it allows Americans to establish feelings of dominance and superiority over others.
  • It is a flophouse for deluded officers who believe in the ability to defeat the resistance.
  • Many people believe in fortune tellers and clairvoyants and all that jazz, but me, I'm just not sure.
  • Nonetheless, for all the protestations of the convinced minority, only a certain kind of mind can make the leap of faith to truly, madly, deeply believe in UFOs.
  • But the Democrats believe in "statism" --- not "liberalism" --- and that philosophy is generally mirrored by their Supreme Court nominees and not by those whose nomination they fight, tooth-and-nail. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Because we can, as he believes, detect absolute acceleration empirically, we are entitled to believe in the existence of absolute velocity - absolute change of position - and therewith in the existence of absolute space.
  • This family is trustful, they believe in the future of football.
  • The majority of Americans believe in creationism rather than evolution.
  • He says Republicans believe in meritocracy and recognise those with good ideas.
  • Believe in yourselves. Believe in your capacity to do some good in this world. God sent us here for a purpose, and that was to improve the world in which we live. The wonderful thing is that we can do it. Gordon B. Hinckley 
  • Another acquaintance of mine didn't believe in chemical pesticides for gardening so he cut out squares from old carpet and placed one around each Brussels sprout plant to prevent creepy-crawlies climbing up.
  • Nor do I believe in deliberately making people poor: that is why I oppose sanctions.
  • When Tecumtha's Religion of the Dancing Lakes came to young Creek braves, they were ready to believe in it.
  • 10.You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.
  • The "Adventist" community, then, is one that believe in and practice "an open, hopeful expectation of the consummation of the coming of God. Magenta Past
  • Although he broke the law, I went to bat for him because I believe in him.
  • Throughout, it feels like Russo is deforming his characters in service of his larger themes, forcing them to make decisions and have thoughts that simply don't ring true -- and in the process destroying our willingness to believe in their existence at all. Deep-Hearted
  • In a contest with polytheism, monotheism is likely to prevail, and one who comes to hold that many natural phenomena were created intentionally probably will come to believe in God.
  • I believe in looking reality straight in the eye and denying it. Garrison Keillor 
  • There are many who believe in it, especially the builders of the new factories and the sailoring merchants who are always looking for safer and faster ways to cross the seas. Running From The Deity
  • There are also those who believe in reincarnation who would appear to have no orthodox religion.
  • Believe in yourselves. Believe in your capacity to do some good in this world. God sent us here for a purpose, and that was to improve the world in which we live. The wonderful thing is that we can do it. Gordon B. Hinckley 
  • You have to believe in the redemption of mankind.
  • But at all times, a clear distinction must be held between Muslims and fanatic nihilists, for the former desire the furtherment of society, while the latter do not believe in society at all.
  • Arguing over such things and what they mean is great fun, so it's disappointing, part-way into "Mind Over Money," to see the show staggering toward a pit of ancient dung about an alleged struggle between economists who believe in efficient markets and study price signals, and behaviorists who study examples of seemingly nonrational economic behavior, such as "present bias. Too Crazed to Trade?
  • There's no end of landsmen don't believe in the Flyin ' CHAPTER XXXVI
  • I believe in full-throated criticism of judges (individually and generally) where warranted.
  • We believe in the authority, sufficiency, inspiration, perspicuity, inerrancy and providential preservation of the Scriptures.
  • I believe in education for its own sake.
  • Still, there are some who believe in the pulling power of paradise, even in a postlapsarian world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It says everything your inner child wants to hear: believe in fairies and the powers of the imagination; and no matter how bad real life can become, you can always visit Neverland.
  • There is nothing I can say or do to convince a sceptic to believe in the existence of spirit.
  • Secondly, and crucially, it is not sophisticated exegesis that leads scholars to disbelieve in devils.
  • Our Founding Fathers were deists who did not believe in revealed religion but rather in an impersonal god with a small g.
  • I believe in imbibing spirits, the Corporate cash, and the Lies everlasting. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 23, 2010
  • She didn't believe in grand passion or love at first sight.
  • They believe in the immortality of the soul.
  • Conviction is everything in wishing. If you don't believe in your own power to make your wish come true, your wish will fly away, never to be seen again. But which leads to the most important point of all. If you're wishing for something possible, then it may be possible for you to do whatever you need to make it come true. The ultimate magic is not wishing, but doing.
  • And the ‘splittism’ of the Left is partially a result of the fact that we really do believe in what we say.
  • But she probably does believe in banning books, as most libs hate freedom of speech when such speech attacks liberal ideologies. The Volokh Conspiracy » Preliminary Reflections on the Kagan Nomination
  • Every such situation, every routine, is but an illusion, and he who is tempted to believe in it will not be prepared for the blow when it comes.
  • While they are dealing with the Want Winter and Geth fall into one peril after another, at least until they continue to believe in fate. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Today, at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other.

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