
How To Use Belay In A Sentence

  • We were sleeping in our harnesses, also belayed to pitons and deadmen. The Viking Claw
  • I was at the end of fixed ropes and did not wait for Ara to belay me who was still jumaring at the base of the wall.
  • But a Suzuki Bluesmaster is about £20 quid a pop, so that order is belayed for now. Nobody ever got fired for using an E instead of an Em « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • With thirty or more feet of extra rope, I rebelayed it through the jug handle perfectly situated above.
  • A narrow inclined rift leads out to the head of the pitch, and a large wedged block provides an initial belay for a traverse at roof level to the first section of the pitch.
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  • I belayed Alex at his own urging -- a move to practice my confidence building -- and Alex belayed me as I climbed. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • But when she isn't around, to paraphrase Philip Roth's Nathan Zuckerman, another belayer will do. A Match Made in Canada
  • Everything rigged was way too hard for me, and I spent most of the night belaying. Every meal a banquet.
  • I refused, humiliated and ashamed that I even had the chutzpah to belay Bean, let alone allow him to fall on my watch. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • I found a spike and bolt only and nowhere to belay a lead in rope.
  • I could feel my pulse in my neck as Steve began belaying Alan up the first 15-20 feet of the climb.
  • In recent times I could not bring myself to jump off a platform to a trapeze even though I was in a full body harness and belayed by not one but two belayers.
  • North Shaft can be descended using SRT, but it needs to be rigged from natural belays.
  • We finally reached the top - to discover that the party behind had used some of our gear at a belay.
  • It wasn't just that he hadn't hurt himself - as long as the belay held, he hadn't been in any real danger. THIS TIME LOVE
  • 3 Responses to “Belay that order, we’ve Japanese fuel!”
  • Tom climbed the last pitch, set up his belay and greeted each of us with a triumphal smile as we rounded the summit.
  • You need to belay the line by tying it off at convenient points as you progress.
  • We roped up at the base, did our cross-check, then climbed up a short wall and across easy slopes, traversing upward and left until we reached an obvious belay.
  • Now there was a veteran aboard who because his years began to disqualify him for more active work had been recently assigned duty as mainmastman in his watch, looking to the gear belayed at the rail roundabout that great spar near the deck. Billy Budd
  • Tom climbed the last pitch, set up his belay and greeted each of us with a triumphal smile as we rounded the summit.
  • Personally I like a slipper or velcro closure because I spend most of my gym time bouldering or belaying.
  • An extremly intricate knot orginally used for belaying the topgallant foresheets of a gaff-rigged China clipper, and now more commonly observed when trying to gen an old kite out of the cupboard under the stairs. The Meaning of Liff
  • Ken gives me a belay from the ground; I loop the cord over a limb and step out onto the log.
  • A belay point had failed and the man fell about six feet before a secondary belay kicked in and saved him.
  • Crawl through then traverse around the corner and along the small ledge to belay in the corner beneath the chimney.
  • We'll rope up as needed for belayed climbing and rappels.
  • So, I asked him what he weighed to decide whether or not I should be anchoring myself to the ground to belay him.
  • My body was stiff and sore from the rest I got while belaying.
  • I quickly hauled myself up and hiked to a bolted belay on the higher slab.
  • The seamen knew where each rope belayed on deck.
  • We didn't get to use words like "belay" or "glissade" but we felt victorious just the same. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • The climber will tie into one end of the rope and the belayer will take up slack from the other end using his belaying device.
  • Prickly pear unfortunately thrives along the Rim, growing at the base and among the belays, and we were all soon pincushioned with tiny golden spines.
  • It would be difficult to climb without a belaying rope, but not impossible. Guild Wars: Ghosts of Ascalon
  • Using such friction plates to provide belays over crevasses or up short, steep sections is often too time-consuming when other methods will suffice, but the device is worth its weight during rescues.
  • I realised that the sump rope was belayed some 4m from the end of the sump, and so I'd crossed the sump pool under water.
  • I then hiked up to some trees, found a nice spot in the shade and set up a belay for Frank.
  • And so I sprinted back to the area where the safety line was and I tied myself back into the safety line and put her back on to the belay.
  • The second climber below is attached to the lead climber, and it's his or her job to belay the lead climber in case of a fall.
  • ‘Pull up some slack, please,’ she yelled at Lori, belaying her.
  • So I rested and belayed for a little bit, and came back to try an easy fun new route with a little corner on it that I got Monday, because I wanted to see if I could just glide up it. My fandom runs like a girl
  • When the throat halliard is belayed, hoist the peak until deep, full wrinkles appear in the throat of the sail.
  • Some were climbing, some were bouldering, and some were belaying, but all of them were making the best of the situation and had turned their backs to the sea.
  • Thank God there's lunch with elfshot tomorrow, and Peter Mulvey at the Iron Horse Sunday night, and the gym with ashacat and a long-belayed trip to my massage therapist on Monday, and hiking on Tuesday. As promised, the cast list for INK & STEEL
  • Preferred primary anchor into a belay is a clove hitch or bite8 on the powerpoint - I prefer a clove for adjustability, sometimes using a purcell prusik as a second method to adjust my attitude to the anchor. Undefined
  • From there, we traversed across ledges and slabs toward the next belay.
  • Crawl through then traverse around the corner and along the small ledge to belay in the corner beneath the chimney.
  • My rope caught me after a few feet—the first time I was sure my self-belay system actually worked. Training for the Big Wall
  • I used the iron belaying pin that appeared in the evidence. Bunches of Knuckles
  • apeak," the "sheets" drawn "taut" and "belayed," and the wet canvas, spread out once more, became filled with the breeze, and carried the craft with a singing sound through the water. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • A belayer holds the end of the rope, hooked to his or her karabiner and through the belay device, to take up rope slack as the climber ascends the wall.
  • The 650-foot gully was so steep it required ice axes, crampons, ropes, and belays to ascend it.
  • At the start of your penetration, the line should be belayed outside the wreck in open water, then re-belayed just inside but well in sight of daylight.
  • This course teaches you how to lead climb on natural protection and set up belays and stances.
  • I belayed Paul as he set off, and Mike belayed Ed.
  • He makes it fast to the cable - he reeves the jeer-fall through it - the jeer-fall is brought to the capstan, with the standing part belayed to the bitts.
  • Approaching Cathedral Sam made a point of rigging exactly as the CNCC guide recommended, and began looking for the rock column mentioned as the initial belay.
  • Wednesday 2/3: 5 minutes yoga; 2 hours climbing, belaying, and hanging around the gym I smile like a bandsaw
  • Ara was hand drilling the holes for belay in partly cloudy sky when the sights of coming team were seen.
  • It was his belayer who was calling and waving to them. The Wall
  • He eventually got it and scrambled to some anchors before belaying Suzanne from the top of the climb.
  • Preferred primary anchor into a belay is a clove hitch or bite8 on the powerpoint - I prefer a clove for adjustability, sometimes using a purcell prusik as a second method to adjust my attitude to the anchor. Undefined
  • The belay line they were attached to was not tied down to the deck either.
  • But since we were functionally underground, I had loaned him my helmet, because he was belaying and I was climbing and if I knocked a rock on his head, I wanted it to bounce off instead of him collapsing in a heap. If we got married, would that be cool?
  • Lee is off and racing up through the deep dish and over the bulge and heading up the ironstone jugs to the belay.
  • The hardest part was convincing myself to let go of the wall, to leap up and behind me, and to trust both my belayer the same dude from Barcelona and my ability to grab the hold just below the lip of the overhang. Today I Took a Literal Leap of Faith, 20 Feet Up | Mind on Fire
  • I was hauling in the foresheet and belaying when a sudden waft of fragrance fetched me upright, with head thrown back and nostrils inhaling the breeze. Sir John Constantine Memoirs of His Adventures At Home and Abroad and Particularly in the Island of Corsica: Beginning with the Year 1756
  • Soon after the school opened, I signed up and learned how to belay and rappel, and about the play of rock climbing on the senses: the clink of the hammer on a piton, the warmth of the sunlit granite under my hand, the radiant clouds sailing overhead. Yosemite's Rock Stars
  • Eventually the snow slides were over, the belay was set and it was my turn on the climb.
  • It should be possible on subsequent ascents to belay on Aries.
  • But just to be on the safe side and belay any possible future arguments I have recently purchased a mobile home in a trailer park. Moving My Personal Household Effects with an FM 2
  • I organize the belay, automatically sinking cams and nuts, slings and cordelette equalized and biners locked, before I call ‘Off Belay’ and CD begins to don her shoes.
  • First: the position of the first bolt invariably leads to a greater angle in the rope as the belayer stands away from the vertical plane.
  • By following a ledge round to the right, a rope can be belayed to a couple of bolts, and a descent made for half a dozen metres down the wall, to just below the lip of the ledge's funnel.
  • Paul Saffo, it turns out, has a past as a technical climber, so he belayed Alexander down the cliff.
  • In comes the rope with a "Yo! heave ho!" and a jerk, until the "belay" sung out by the mate signifies that the work is done. A Boy's Voyage Round the World
  • I'd rappel to the ground and free climb back to the top while the rope fed through a self-belay device. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • A brief walk up from the green grocer left me breathless so I called off my personal plans to climb today, if I couldn't make it up a hill without wheezing I don't think that I would have been too successful in a self-belayed climbing attempt. Archive 2009-10-01
  • A big barrel chest, with warm brown eyes and a disarming grin, which belayed a very serious man who, she had no doubt, could lose his temper at work. Extreme Measures
  • Care was taken, however, this time to make fast the halliard rope with a proper "belay"; and although Snowball might have deserved a caution to be more vigilant for the future, it was not deemed necessary to administer it, as it was thought the peril out of which they had so miraculously escaped would prove to him a sufficient reminder. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • You'll quickly discover that clipping, detaching, and belaying with a locking carabiner are all easier if you have webbing that's narrower, say three-quarter inch.
  • As I was belaying Bryan to the top I asked Jesus to look west at the sky and see if it's going to get worse.
  • He secured the cylinder containing the mechanism to belay more of the spider silk rope to his belt.
  • The pirate says to belay the whining and I must say I do agree
  • He makes it fast to the cable - he reeves the jeer-fall through it - the jeer-fall is brought to the capstan, with the standing part belayed to the bitts.
  • A student on the ground acting as a "belayer" lost her grip on the rope, and Keeter plummeted 20 feet, landing on his feet and then crumpling to the ground, the lawsuit states. The Herald | - Front
  • Jack, who did not understand this, fared badly, and it was not till the calls piped belay, that he could recover his legs, after having been trampled upon by half the starboard watch, and the breath completely jammed out of his body. Mr. Midshipman Easy
  • A dry extension to the passage leads to a spike belay and the original 40-metre pitch.
  • So I climbed back 10m and found somewhere safe for belaying.
  • A belay devicefail - safe device which lets the instructor keep your rope tight.
  • The rope can be belayed back to the pinnacle with a sling.
  • The rope can be belayed back to the pinnacle with a sling.
  • A belay would have been welcome here on the climb out.
  • The final pitch was totally unriggable in a safe manner with no belays anywhere near the pitch.
  • With safety ropes leading down to a fellow climber on the ground, known as the belayer, a rock climber in motion is more like a human kite, floating up and away. Los Mountain Men
  • The belay consisted of a couple of s - ty stoppers, numbers three and four, in really fractured rock.
  • Under the dusty human umbrella, the bloom of betrayal, the hitch of the belaying, the rope and the pinnons. Assay the Assail
  • Sticking your hook in and belaying the metre and a half of line that is securely karabinered to a strong point on your BC will allow you to add a little buoyancy and fly in the current, with your hands free to work your camera if required.
  • Climb the rest of the chimney more easily (but with interest) past the chockstones and into the Eeyrie to belay.
  • The force of my fall lifted my belayer six feet off the ground. Rattled by Rattlers on a Climb in Mexico
  • There was a lack of belays at the top of the climb, so I ran ropes down from the top of the pitch to provide attachment points.
  • Most cave divers would opt for rope ladders and a safety belay for entry and exit, but we used single rope caving techniques and equipment.
  • I quickly hauled myself up and hiked to a bolted belay on the higher slab.
  • His exploits included a record ascent of Hidden Peak in 1958, but he spent the rest of his life humbly downplaying the famous belay.
  • He examines my belay and says offhandedly, ‘Guess I won't fall.’
  • While, on the one hand, there were no extra liberty days, no delicacies added to the meagre forecastle fare, nor grog or hot coffee on double watches, on the other hand the crew were not chronically crippled by the continual play of knuckle-dusters and belaying pins. A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • When she attains the next anchor, she establishes a belay exactly as she did on the previous pitch.
  • Whilst belaying you can look across a sweeping valley covered by vineyards and broken up by lines of cyprus trees.
  • For other purposes locking karabiners are mainly used for rigging, setting up belays or on major running belays such as spikes and trees.
  • Every rappel, every belay, was made off just one anchor.
  • I hold the monocular against his eye so he won't have to stop belaying.
  • Immediately a curved, rusty, rivet holed plate came into view from which lines had been belayed.
  • Most sport routes go up only half a pitch, so that the belayer never even has to leave the ground, being able to lower the lead climber on the rope. Rattled by Rattlers on a Climb in Mexico
  • Half-way through belaying Tim and Bruce up the last pitch, I start to hear noises that sound like an animal in pain.
  • Losing no time, Simon tied their two 300 foot ropes together and started belaying the pain stricken Joe down the mountain.
  • First: the position of the first bolt invariably leads to a greater angle in the rope as the belayer stands away from the vertical plane.
  • The surging ocean heaves itself up on the low rock platforms to threaten the belayer on some of the climbs.
  • It wasn't just that he hadn't hurt himself - as long as the belay held, he hadn't been in any real danger. THIS TIME LOVE
  • We down-climbed, belaying one another with our ice axes as anchors.
  • Lucy Creamer, 31, a noted British climber also taking the class, offered to belay him.
  • At the climbing wall, Stephens couldn't climb because he has a pinched nerve, so he was a "belayer" - meaning he held the safety rope. Local News
  • It is even easier to assume you know all there is to know about something as seemingly simple as belaying a leader.
  • Monday 2/1: 22 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, 20 minutes yoga, 2.5 hours climbing, belaying, and hanging around gym I smile like a bandsaw
  • But it's also safe, because there's someone belaying you the whole time.
  • I was belaying Ann, the new climbing hall is way cooler than the original one I went to.
  • Okay, I scared myself and my belayer both half to death, but nobody died, so it was all right. Coolness!
  • Equally important is not standing around the base of the cliff if you are not belaying.
  • We roped up at the base, did our cross-check, then climbed up a short wall and across easy slopes, traversing upward and left until we reached an obvious belay.
  • For a few nights I kept having a nightmare, where I was rockclimbing, and Rowan was belaying me.
  • Also at this point, a telephone cable may be found belayed to a rock.
  • Mills was belaying me and was growing impatient.
  • I'm watching the rope quickly diminish in length and wondering when he's going to get to the belay.
  • The route was technically well within Meaghan's limit, and with my brother belaying me, the three of us completed the ten pitches in just under three hours.
  • Unfortunately, the gym itself was something of a disappointment: it's just a grigri and carabiner clip operation, and I'm spoiled by gyms which allow climbers to use real belay rigs. Yes i need you but i'll be damned before i'll say
  • It was a hot mid-August afternoon two weeks into the trip and one of my three NOLS instructors, Bean Bowers -- bad-ass, wise-cracking and always over-caffeinated -- chose me to belay him while he climbed. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • Come to think it, don't be sayin '"belay," either. Undefined
  • While he was hand drilling two holes for the belay and some more up, I cleaned pitch 4.
  • Working away from the shot we passed over an area of recognisable decking before taking a belay off a mooring bollard.
  • And it won't be with an iron belaying pin either, Just two bunches of naked knuckles, that's all. Bunches of Knuckles
  • Two solid natural belays were quickly located, and the ladder was soon attached and lowered down.
  • Section H includes a full "rigging schedule," detailing the length and circumference of each rope and line, along with the type and number of blocks used, the location it belays to, and specific information on each rope (whether it was tarred, cable-laid, wormed, etc.) Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • If the leader falls before clipping the first bolt on the route, this redirect allows for the correct operation of braking belay devices like the REVERSO.
  • Using such friction plates to provide belays over crevasses or up short, steep sections is often too time-consuming when other methods will suffice, but the device is worth its weight during rescues.
  • There were no fire escapes or windows on the memorial wall and the writers had to rappel from the roof with belayed ropes or sway on makeshift scaffolds when they did an angel in the lower ranks. Underworld
  • There was a lack of belays at the top of the climb, so I ran ropes down from the top of the pitch to provide attachment points.
  • No amount of determination could get me up any of these walls if I didn't have someone to give me a belay.
  • The belayer calls out: ‘Do you want to come down?’
  • It wasn't just that he hadn't hurt himself - as long as the belay held, he hadn't been in any real danger. THIS TIME LOVE
  • Yet quite often such words, when they are verbs, were once of the common stock of the language, as in the case of "belay," and it has happened that the sailor alone has been left to keep them alive. Waiting for Daylight
  • When setting squaresails, don't put the buntlines back onto the belaying pins until the topmen have finished overhauling and are back on deck.
  • If you're leading, think about the position of your belayers and bystanders if you should pull something off.
  • The ladder can be belayed to number of flakes, and it is possible to swing off halfway down and into a parallel shaft entirely coated with flowstone.
  • The 650-foot gully was so steep it required ice axes, crampons, ropes, and belays to ascend it.
  • The seamen knew where each rope belayed on deck.
  • Of course, since I do the grocery shopping, I had only myself to blame for all these extra boxes… belay that, I have my child to blame.
  • Make your way easily up to the big wall and belay at the right-hand corner under a right-trending diagonal groove.
  • I felt like a sissy for having six layers and still not being able to feel my fingers at the belays.
  • I know how to tie my knots backward and forward, in the dark and in the rain, and how to provide a safe belay for my partner.
  • The woman was wearing a t-shirt, spandex shorts, a climbing harness with just one large carabiner and belay device, and her brown hair was pulled back.
  • I rappelled back to the belay and hung in my harness, drifting in and out of consciousness.
  • She thanked me breathlessly as I dragged her by main force to the mizenmast and passed a couple of turns of the topgallant halyard round her waist, securing her to a belaying pin; and by the time that this was done the gust, like the first, had passed. The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
  • By performing an entertaining pendulum across the shaft to the crevice, the rope can be belayed just inside.
  • The climbers are belayed by ropes to a crew at the bottom of the cliff.
  • We'll rope up as needed for belayed climbing and rappels.
  • This was fine for less than vertical, easy trad and sport climbs, but as the rock got steeper, and the falls more frequent, we found a huge problem with belaying this way.
  • In airmanship class Mr. Rigby had taught them about how riggers “belayed,” which was Service-speak for sliding down a rope without breaking your neck. Behemoth
  • She relaxed her hold on the belay line and began slowly feeling with her foot for the ladder behind her.
  • Had I a real need to go higher than 4-5 meters with the ATC I would have used a backup system of a prusik loop or autoblock...or better yet, have a partner belay me. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Tie your line off to a suitable belay on the passage floor and, assuming you have not lost your orientation, turn at 90 degrees to the direction in which you think the main line runs.
  • The first pitch requires a 20 metre rope with a pull-back line, and is belayed in an alcove round to the right which is a little awkward to get into.
  • I stood on the ground below, happy to belay him, not understanding the degree of difficulty he had come up against and that I would follow him into.
  • This lasts for some 20 metres, and then drops steeply into the Far Eastern Bedding Plane, emerging close to where the telephone cable is belayed for the Near Wallows.
  • If there had been a bolt on my belay at Swanage it would not have been an environmental disaster.
  • If the climber were to slip and fall, the belayer can tighten the rope with a moderate pull and instantly stop the climber's fall.
  • A 240cm (16ft) river run condos as attitash mountain can hear foreign for shuttling belays. Wii-volution
  • Bean went up the mountain first, belayed by Alex, just to prove to me that he was okay. Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
  • Soon after the school opened, I signed up and learned how to belay and rappel, and about the play of rock climbing on the senses: the clink of the hammer on a piton, the warmth of the sunlit granite under my hand, the radiant clouds sailing overhead. Yosemite's Rock Stars

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