

[ US /beɪˈɹut/ ]
  1. capital and largest city of Lebanon; located in western Lebanon on the Mediterranean

How To Use Beirut In A Sentence

  • He was killed in 1972 by a car bomb in Beirut, in what was believed to be an Israeli reprisal for the killings of 26 people by three Japanese terrorists linked to the PFLP at Ben Guroin then Lod airport in 1972. Leon T. Hadar: Return to Haifa: Whose Narrative Is It Anyway?
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice over): On a main road from Beirut to south Lebanon there are very few signs of life. CNN Transcript Aug 9, 2006
  • ‘Welcome to Beirut,’ Shepherd says as he greets me later the same morning, dressed in his chef's whites.
  • A newsflash from Beirut says some of the American diplomats have been kidnapped as hostage.
  • I was always under the impression that beer pong is the game with paddles, while Beirut is the game without. January Jones, beer-pong: These are a few of my favorite things |
  • In their heyday, Beirut, Smyrna and Alexandria—with countless antagonisms bubbling near the surface—could come across as fragile museum pieces as much as centers of vibrancy. On the Eastern Shore
  • BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice-over): The somber aftermath of Lebanon's latest political assassination, the body of young cabinet minister Pierre Gemayel is carried through the streets of his Christian ancestral home outside Beirut. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2006
  • (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BRENT SADLER, CNN BEIRUT BUREAU CHIEF (voice over): A politically charged, emotional funeral passes through tense streets in the Lebanese capital, Beirut. CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2007
  • His abductors blindfolded him and drove him to a flat in southern Beirut.
  • Gazing at their done-over barns and railroad apartments in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, one gets the definite sense that their "undecorated" spaces are a bit more decorated than our own undecorated spaces, and one secretly suspects that one's own life may not yield up the time to stumble across handpainted Chinoiserie wallpaper by the storied French firm de Gournay or antique Etruscan pottery brought back from a trip to Beirut. The Rise of the Personal
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