
How To Use Beheaded In A Sentence

  • Twin anti-aircraft gun barrels are coated with red sponge, a compass binnacle lies broken and beheaded and another has rolled away among other debris.
  • Until May 23 www. It's easy enough to accept that Delaroche is using the beheaded Charles I as a trope for Louis XVI, and the background to all his paintings is full of interest. 'Don Pasquale' Arias Titillate
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded.
  • A garter ribbon worn by King Charles I on the day he was beheaded was sold for £4,400 yesterday.
  • Caesar beheaded one man, and eviscerated another.
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  • The publisher says that they believe this beheaded orc is the objectionable content in question," Doctorow wrote on BoingBoing. Slash Print | Following the digital evolution | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Charles I was beheaded in January 1649 and in May of that year Brouncker's mother died.
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded. Feast day, August 9.
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded. Feast day, August 9.
  • Brainwashed disciples play with eyelashes, file fingernails and draw intricate pictures of men beheaded on bloody guillotines.
  • Rupert Everett was beheaded at 2pm on January 30 in their simulated scaffold, just as Charles had been in 1649.
  • People were beheaded and killed during the last five weeks of the war.
  • the beheaded prisoners
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded.
  • Now as I said ye Law Condemns all thus to be Executed, but if it be great persons they obtaine Leave of ye king they may be beheaded, which is done on a scaffold Erected on purpose in manner of a stage, and the persons brought in Coaches with Ministers do as the former; then when they have ended their prayers and speech they Lay down their head on a block and stretch out their bodies. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • Four more revolutions and the sword eviscerated an herb pot, beheaded a chair, bisected a hanging tapestry, and embedded itself firmly in a doorframe. The Gates of Thorbardin
  • John himself was not "beheaded," yet who doubts but that he shall share in the first resurrection? Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • There he was condemned to death by the king, and before being beheaded he was flayed alive.
  • Other women, and men of short stature, were allowed to stand, rather than kneel to be beheaded.
  • They hold hands as the line in front of them thins, as the prisoners are beheaded one by one.
  • The king was beheaded on the guillotine on January 21, 1793.
  • The others were beheaded first; her executioner botched her beheading and left her to endure a three-day death.
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded.
  • Any man who burns his picket stake, section of breastworks, or pilum shaft will be flogged and beheaded—we may need them to fight Parthian raids off. Antony and Cleopatra
  • There he was condemned to death by the king, and before being beheaded he was flayed alive.
  • William de la Pole rescues Edward III., detained in Flanders by want of money, and is made a knight-banneret; his son Michael is created earl of Suffolk; one of his grandsons is killed at Agincourt; another besieges Orléans, which is delivered by Joan of Arc; he becomes duke of Suffolk, is impeached in 1450 for high treason and beheaded; no honour is lacking to the house. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • And when they should be beheaded both, S. James desired a potful of water of him that should smite off their heads, and therewith he baptized Josias, and then anon they were both beheaded and suffered martyrdom. The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • Charles I was beheaded by Parliament on January 30, 1649, but he was unkinged by his own actions long before that.
  • His explanations that he was trying to steer the rising were brushed aside and he was beheaded on Tower Hill in June 1537.
  • For if one examine it carefully, against the king that trophy was set up, and the victress was vanquished, and the beheaded was crowned, and proclaimed victor, even after his death shaking more vehemently the hearts of the offenders. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Hitherto, although many, both ministers, gentlemen and others, had endured unexpressible hardships and severities, yet few or none suffered to the death, save that noble peer, the Marquis of _Argyle_, who was condemned by the parliament 1661, and beheaded _May_ 27th; and the Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • In Germany in 1541 John of Muenster and his followers seized the Cathedral of Muenster, beheaded the statues of the saints, threw the illuminated manuscripts into the street and burned them. Architect Ethan Anthony on Neo-Gothic Architecture Today
  • A pollard is a “beheaded” tree (“pollard” meaning “beheaded”), i.e. a tree which was the upper branches and trunk cut off so that it produces a large quantity of upright shoots. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • Count Julian, uncle of the emperor, commanded them to replace the chrismon with images of idols, and, upon their refusal, had them tortured and beheaded. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • the French King was beheaded during the Revolution
  • Fisher was deprived, attainted, and beheaded for refusing to acknowledge Henry VIII as supreme head of the Church.
  • On 30 January 1649 the King was beheaded in front of a huge crowd at Whitehall.
  • Thirty Flemings, who had taken refuge in the churches, were dragged from the altar and were beheaded, thirty-two others were seized in the vintry and also slain. A March on London
  • Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard -- who is running as the Democratic nominee to unseat the Republican governor in November -- didn't hold back in seizing upon the apparent "beheaded" bodies misstatement. Jan Brewer's 'Beheaded' Bodies Claim Disputed By Local Law Enforcement Agencies
  • As a penalty, his corpse was exhumed and beheaded.
  • He would marry a new virgin, "shtup" her, then send her pretty self away pretty much immediately ... to be beheaded. The Full Feed from
  • Lord Acton's erroneous idea, that Ridolfi was employed by Pius V to obtain Elizabeth's assassination, seems to have arisen from a mistranslation of Gabutio's Latin Life of St. Pius in the Bollandists Cecil eventually discovered the intrigue; Norfolk was beheaded, 2 June, 1572, and the Puritans clamoured for Mary's blood, but in this particular Elizabeth would not gratify them. Mary Queen of Scots
  • His father was beheaded simply because he happened to be the head of a religious body.
  • He was degraded from his dukedom in 1399, and was beheaded in January of the following year for conspiring against Henry IV.
  • Early in the morning Isabel came to the prison, and the duke, who there awaited her coming, for secret reasons thought it good to tell her that Claudio was beheaded; therefore when Isabel inquired if Angelo had sent the pardon for her brother, he said, “Angelo has released Claudio from this world. Measure for Measure
  • Not my grandmother, who knew every folktale from the old countrymost of them gruesome; children devoured by wolves and beheaded by witchesbut never spoke about the war in my hearing. Excerpt: City of Thieves by David Benioff
  • If she found any, she would say it would be ignominious to be dirty when I was beheaded (it is sometimes honorable for a samurai to commit hara-kiri and then be beheaded). Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
  • It practically mean that the organization was "beheaded" but only momentarily. Counterterrorism Blog
  • Chris Travers: A pollard is a “beheaded” tree (“pollard” meaning “beheaded”), i.e. a tree which was the upper branches and trunk cut off so that it produces a large quantity of upright shoots. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • Abrahem also "gestured" to nurses and doctors that they would be beheaded. Latest Articles
  • Here in the Conciergerie, she speaks with Riouffe, with Ex-Minister Claviere; calls the beheaded The French Revolution
  • The President of Gambia has demanded that all gay people leave or they will be beheaded, which is minimally better than the proposed Ugandan law that would order a life sentence or death for those convicted of being homosexuals. The Other African Genocide - How the American Right Taught Africa to Hate Gays by Example
  • King of France under the name of Charles X; Spifame (1548-58) who became a Calvinist in 1559, and was afterwards accused of forgery and beheaded at Geneva in 1556; the polemist Sorbin de Ste-Foi The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Within three years he had tired of Anne Boleyn and she was beheaded in 1536, accused of treason and adultery.
  • Chris Travers: A pollard is a “beheaded” tree “pollard” meaning “beheaded”, i.e. a tree which was the upper branches and trunk cut off so that it produces a large quantity of upright shoots. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • The archbishop of Yorke, the earle marshall, & others put to death.] and from thence he went to Yorke, whither the prisoners were also brought, and there beheaded the morrow after Whitsundaie in a place without the citie, that is to vnderstand, the archbishop himselfe, the earle marshall, sir Iohn Lampleie, and sir Robert Plumpton. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • The remains of Henry VIII and the beheaded Charles I are entombed there, along with the bodies of the Queen's parents, George VI and the Queen Mother.
  • Beheaded one with a 3 blade thunderhead and the other was hit center back with Wasp Jackhammer (that is the one with 5 beards). What kind of broadheads do u use for turkey hunting...i've heard rage 2 blade broadheads work that true? Thanks!
  • Emygdius' ability to evangelize created such a stir that the newly appointed bishop was beheaded. Feast day, August 9.
  • In 2001 Abu Sayyaf kidnapped twenty people and beheaded one of the American captives
  • William de la Pole rescues Edward III., detained in Flanders by want of money, and is made a knight-banneret; his son Michael is created earl of Suffolk; one of his grandsons is killed at Agincourt; another besieges Orléans, which is delivered by Joan of Arc; he becomes duke of Suffolk, is impeached in 1450 for high treason and beheaded; no honour is lacking to the house. A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
  • Felicity was forced to witness each execution, then was beheaded.
  • And this contrariety may be assoiled in this manner, that some say that he was crucified and was taken down ere he died, and for to have greater torment he was flayed and at the last beheaded. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Thomas Weir perched, like that of a man beheaded for treason, upon the apex of the gablet of the old tomb, as I was of hearing the wonderful playing of that husky old organ, of which I have spoken once before. Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood
  • Literally, it's just been a continual barrage of stories of finding beheaded bodies and unearthed graves," said John Hanratty , the company's chief marketing officer. Mexico Tourism Feels Chill of Ongoing Drug Violence
  • Hopefully with Bush gone and an adult in the White House for a change we can move forward with ending this horrible practice before one more mountain in the Appalachians is beheaded simply to line the pockets of the CEO of a coal company. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 8, 2010
  • I could remember being staked, beheaded, burned alive, dowsed in holy water, and even blown up by blessed charges of C4 by people and things with a much greater desire to see me dead than these fashion victims. Crossed
  • LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight an American civilian beheaded on video by his captors in what they call retaliation for the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers. CNN Transcript May 11, 2004
  • Other Cestrian candidates are one Thomas Catlin, who was evidently disliked because he was mean (and wore what would today be called a sadistic smile), or Sir William Catesby, a Speaker of the House of Commons who was beheaded at Bosworth in 1485. The Cheshire cat
  • He was impeached of high treason by the Long Parliament in 1640, committed to the Tower in 1641, tried in 1644, condemned, and beheaded.
  • A pollard is a “beheaded” tree “pollard” meaning “beheaded”, i.e. a tree which was the upper branches and trunk cut off so that it produces a large quantity of upright shoots. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?

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