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How To Use Beguiling In A Sentence

  • Her portrayal as a hypochondriac makes for a beguiling approach and probably gives an accurate description of her journey.
  • Her dreamy, cinematic songs were bewitching, her jerky dance moves beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slightly more beguiling is the debate format, where representatives of contrasting positions do battle, and leave it to the reader to decide — with the implicaiton that the reader is now somehow in a position to do so. Perils of pop philosophy
  • This is perhaps the most beguiling resort on the island.
  • One of the rehearsal modes, subsong, is especially beguiling. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • I have a burst of instant nostalgia whenever I stroll through its rather beguiling streets.
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few neighborhood rituals in Manhattan are more beguiling than to be present as roustabouts pump helium into the balloons that give such a childlike lift to the Macy's parade.
  • Mombasa is a town with a beguiling Arabic flavour.
  • And who maketh any doubt, that if those sleights and trickes, whereof this dayes argument may give us occasion to speake, should afterwardes be put in execution by men: would it not minister just reason, of punishing themselves for beguiling you, knowing, that (if you please) you have the like abilitie in your owne power? The Decameron
  • This leisurely approach yields a beguiling panorama of Deep South society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kikunosuke, superbly coiffed, supremely, almost eerily, composed in interview, is famed as an uncommonly beguiling onnagata, a female impersonator. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the dust jacket of an old edition says pointedly that the book is “the story of a faithful Irish steam-shovel artist and his steam shovel — the beguiling Mary Anne.” 2007 July « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • Infinite interconnection is an idea both beguiling and intuitively true, but long displaced by a default fragmentation. June « 2009 « Sentence first
  • He moves from the playful to the political, the complex to the simple, the physical to the philosophical and all with a beguiling lightness of touch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, our cultures offer us beguiling stories, from traditional religions to capitalistic orthodoxies, that assure our centricity.
  • Their fear is credible, and with this realism the film rises above its gauche moments and becomes beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • After six seasons, Lost ended as it began, shrouded in an aura of pronounced mysterioso, its insistence on being elusive and allusive with regard to its central mythology either endlessly beguiling or endlessly irritating. William Bradley: Time Slips Away for 24 and Lost in Very Different Finales
  • The choir, made up of more than 100 children from four north Manchester primary schools in ankle socks and pigtails and cardies, sing sweetly, if not with the soaring transcendence of the 1929 recording, but their big moment – a re-creation of the occasion when the nymphs and shepherds were triumphantly hymned – is muffled: it needs to stand on its own pinnacle, away from the beguiling story of late love. That Day We Sang; The Crash of the Elysium; The Village Bike – review
  • Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrement of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers: some peradventure have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury; some, making the wars their bulwark, that have before gored the gentle bosom of peace with pillage and robbery. The Life of King Henry the Fifth
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart—that is to say, a self-contained but slightly smug little kid called Wolfie—plays second fiddle to his older sister in René Féret's beguiling celebration, in French with English subtitles, of the family's other prodigy. 'One Day': A Stutter-Stop Affair to Forget
  • When at last he spoke, his voice was beguiling, and my senses seemed to calm of their own accord.
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her eyes challenged me, potent, like a peregrine falcon's, but the beguiling scent of turps and linseed oil drew me to her canvas.
  • Now the enterprising county council is inviting tourists to rediscover one of the region's most beguiling attractions, Sherwood Forest.
  • Looking into the beguiling eyes of the accused, his honor does not have the heart to sentence them.
  • Its attitudes are a Hare-brained mixture: both principled and progressive – not many dramatists make a woman representative of an era – and sentimentally flawed, since that woman, sensitive, volatile, beguiling, is aflutter with traditional femininity. The Children's Hour; Plenty; The Heretic – review
  • taken in by beguiling tales of overnight fortunes
  • The characters are credible and beguiling, and skilfully rendered by the cast.
  • This beguiling little loch lies in the hills to the west of Ashkirk and north of Hawick, nestling between Belmanshaws and the Dod at a height of 320 metres.
  • It was set in the main body of the park reached through a wrought-iron gate, intricately moulded into beguiling patterns. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • Not just cute and beguiling, Pilkington's sculptures are slightly off-centre being both disarming and disconcerting.
  • By no means the most beguiling feature about this outstanding car, but a unique offer that could be a trend setter.
  • She is a fascinating, beguiling woman who I feel very privileged to have met in the flesh.
  • The result is a beguiling and wistful study of displaced people that conveys the paradoxical loneliness and richness of cosmopolitan life. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a beguiling, over the shoulder, come-hither look, she began to dance to the music.
  • Sarah blinked for a moment, then laughed, her voice light and curiously beguiling. Raziel
  • The beguiling scope of an infant's mind! adultly considered limited to toys and toes. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • If it all tasted as beguiling as it looks, every dish would be a feast.
  • The moonlight cast its effervescent glow over the beguiling gardens of the large castle; pinpricks of light illuminated the path that Callista knew so well.
  • With her allure, she is even fooling the foreign diplomats through her beguiling appearance.
  • But it is a beguiling spectacle: super-fast, extremely skilful and unyieldingly bruising for a non-contact sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet I'm totally fascinated by this woman's beguiling blend of baby-voiced vocals, fantastic/poetic wordplay, and off-kilter harp strumming and piano plinking.
  • Of all the unsolved mysteries of the Arctic, the fall and rise of musk-oxen on Banks Island is one of the most beguiling.
  • Herzog's parade of oddball commentators and his own inimitably dry delivery of such coincidences as the close proximity to this cave of albino crocodiles make this, too, a beguiling experience of wonderment. Berlin film festival – review
  • It is witty, tragic and touching, and beguiling from the first page. The Dive From Clausen's Pier: Summary and book reviews of The Dive From Clausen's Pier by Ann Packer.
  • The faux-naif iconography of a rural idyll represents the structuring of a world so simple, artless and beguiling that no one in his or her right mind could possibly wish to dissent from it.
  • A wide-eyed innocent, Matthew is initially the lamb to the slaughter as he falls under the spell of the beguiling Isabelle.
  • So they came aland and go unto the king, and Bikki said to him, “Meet and right it is, lord, that thou shouldst know what is befallen, though hard it be to tell of, for the tale must be concerning thy beguiling, whereas thy son has gotten to him the full love of Swanhild, nor is she other than his harlot; but thou, let not the deed be unavenged.” The Story of the Volsungs
  • Indeed it is so beguiling that it can lead to an accommodation between the educational right and the educational left.
  • This wine smells fat like a ripe pear, dusted with a gently savoury/spicy oak and an under-lying vinosity that is beguiling.
  • The beguiling simplicity of the flat tax is one reason it arouses suspicion.
  • He played with easy beguiling brilliance, like neon light, at times erupting into shards of pure ecstatic electric yearning.
  • She looked lovingly at the muster of peacocks and gushed, beguilingly: “Aren't they beautiful!”
  • The Introduction to the Finale is given with a beguiling simplicity, and therein lies the key to this performance.
  • And it's beautiful, beguiling music --- rich, compelling, and frightening beyond belief. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • The play is as politically engaged as it is beguilingly tender-hearted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed it is so beguiling that it can lead to an accommodation between the educational right and the educational left.
  • The album, Eye to the Telescope, is a beguiling record, veering from pumped-up indie to stripped-down acoustic ballads.
  • The works are beguilingly small, and in clean acrylic colours on canvas, have a phantasmagorical kaleidoscopic effect, which is dizzying in its intensity.
  • Meanwhile, our cultures offer us beguiling stories, from traditional religions to capitalistic orthodoxies, that assure our centricity.
  • His poetry is characterized by its openness to the vagaries of consciousness, its wry, beguiling lyricism, and its innovative use of forms such as the pantoum and the sestina.
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is a fascinating, beguiling woman who I feel very privileged to have met in the flesh.
  • The odd one out in my list is in many ways the most beguiling.
  • The former is an utterly beguiling, effortlessly simple piano ballad.
  • And for the first hour or so, it was all quite beguiling and an impressive spectacle to behold.
  • The novel makes no pretence of providing unambiguous answers, but takes us on a beguiling, questing journey. Times, Sunday Times
  • It can't just have been the mesmeric, beguiling videos by hip, ascendant directors.
  • It was a sly suspiration, a sound that played beguilingly around the outer ear without ever really intruding, yet they heard it anyway, a laugh that froze only random drops of blood within their veins. Into the Thinking Kingdoms
  • Take a lesson from the "beguiling" Mike Huckabee's political rhetoric rulebook. Kathleen Reardon: What Happened To "Nice Guys Finish Last"?
  • This leisurely approach yields a beguiling panorama of Deep South society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very few people have ever seen these shy, utterly beguiling creatures on their immemorial trek.
  • Her sad puppy eyed look was famous for beguiling you into just about anything.
  • In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
  • Pitfield's chamber music from the middle period is substantial yet beguiling.
  • Gently beguiling performances from top-notch players. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tess Gilchrest knew she had a talent for forming close friendships with people she had only just met or who had been no more than a recognizable face until a shared experience brought them briefly under the spell of her beguiling gregariousness. O: A Presidential Novel
  • This is perhaps the most beguiling resort on the island.
  • These are floorstanders with a beguiling musicality which will satisfy the most demanding of audiophiles.
  • Salvation rose reluctantly from the dark depths of my memory and I heard my voice, calm and relaxed, gently beguiling in a swinish way. The Stainless Steel Rat Returns – Chapter 3 « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • The choir, made up of more than 100 children from four north Manchester primary schools in ankle socks and pigtails and cardies, sing sweetly, if not with the soaring transcendence of the 1929 recording, but their big moment – a re-creation of the occasion when the nymphs and shepherds were triumphantly hymned – is muffled: it needs to stand on its own pinnacle, away from the beguiling story of late love. That Day We Sang; The Crash of the Elysium; The Village Bike – review
  • his date was curvaceously beguiling
  • And then to Tenby, a beguiling town, full of light and hanging flower baskets and with the most startlingly immaculate pair of beaches of any town I've ever seen.
  • In its original version for flutes and piccolos, the work is one of his most beguiling.
  • They are outwardly charming but ultimately ruled by darker forces, like the fierce undertow that pulls and drags at the coast of the Breton island where this beguiling novel is set.
  • Ten days was enough of it, though, for she was an avid little beast who preferred quantity to quality-unlike Elspeth, for example, whose beguiling innocence masked the most lecherously inventive mind of the last century, and whose conduct on our honeymoon would have caused the good citizens of nearby Troon to burn her at the stake, if they'd known. Isabelle
  • I have not driven a more beguiling engine all year.
  • I ordered a Diamondback, a beguiling mix of rye, chartreuse, and applejack served in a four-and-a-half-ounce version of a classic Nick and Nora glass. Supersized Cocktails
  • When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • Settling back in a wicker chair, shaded from the glorious sun by a large brolly, I take stock of the astonishing value of a week's holiday in this beguiling and little known country.
  • This is a compilation of insane rhythms, twisting harmonies, and beguiling colours: the plucked zither-like tambura, the gipsy cimbalom, the dark clarinet-like tárogáto.
  • It was the usual beguiling mixture of flight, changes of pace and masterly control of the wrist spinner's art. Times, Sunday Times
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was set in the main body of the park reached through a wrought-iron gate, intricately moulded into beguiling patterns. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • Luxury amid coastal wilderness is beguiling but concerns locals, who fear too many sybarites will spoil the coast.
  • Perhaps I had been asked to show it, with the notion of beguiling me from my misery; perhaps I was myself trying to drown my sorrows in it. My Literary Passions
  • The teenage victor of strenuous battles against the most formidable and seasoned of opponents, his ferocious gifts were alloyed with a beguiling sensitivity to all things poetical.
  • His book is a beguiling mosaic of incidents and anecdotes from their time together. Times, Sunday Times
  • The more we linger, the more we see beguiling dances.
  • It kept calling him… beguiling him… spellbinding him!
  • Juditha" is filled with beguiling music very lushly orchestrated and filled with exotic Baroque instruments that have ceased to be used in modern orchestras, like the chalumeau sounds like a cross between a flute and a clarinet or the lavishly strung theorbo, giving the score an exotic sound always filled with Vivaldi's sensuous, graceful lyricism. DesignerBlog
  • A wide-eyed innocent, Matthew is initially the lamb to the slaughter as he falls under the spell of the beguiling Isabelle.
  • In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.
  • This beauteous, beguiling album has sat on the subs' bench awaiting a review call-up since early February, and how remiss it was to fail to alert you to the spring in its step until now.
  • Her playful way with the song was altogether beguiling.
  • She was all tone and no articulation, and the tone wasn't particularly beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Woody Allen's beguiling and then bedazzling new comedy, nostalgia isn't at all what it used to be—it's smarter, sweeter, fizzier and ever so much funnier. We'll Always Have Allen's 'Paris'
  • The work opens with a beguiling play of diagonal white lines across a black screen, entering at irregular moments.
  • By no means the most beguiling feature about this outstanding car, but a unique offer that could be a trend setter.
  • It sounds a beguiling idea, but a little reflection shows that it will not be so straight forward to achieve.
  • Bengel makes the adulteress who fills their eyes, to be "alluring desire." that cannot cease -- "that cannot be made to cease from sin." beguiling -- "laying baits for." unstable -- not firmly established in faith and piety. heart -- not only the eyes, which are the channel, but the heart, the fountain head of lust. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The characters are credible and beguiling, and skilfully rendered by the cast.
  • By no means the most beguiling feature about this outstanding car, but a unique offer that could be a trend setter.
  • Here the discovery of a sexual relationship between the beguiling pottery teacher and a loutish lad becomes the fulcrum of staff-room power: it seems all too alarmingly possible.
  • That a traitor to England, the writer of Lord Horror, the infamous killer of children and a doomed rock ‘n’ roll showman have voyaged through the same miniscule wasteland is a beguiling fact. Ballardian » “Enthusiasm for the mysterious emissaries of pulp”: an interview with David Britton (the Savoy interviews, part 2a)
  • It's a beguiling and rather wistful little film that makes effective use of the mercurial light of the lagoon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prepare to behold the most beguiling foodstuffs known to man.
  • She was all tone and no articulation, and the tone wasn't particularly beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • A beguiling, strange verse is followed by a surprisingly happy-clappy chorus. The Sun
  • In this light, the final series of kilims stands as a summa, dense and comprehensive in its references but, perhaps unavoidably, less agile, less beguiling than the individual works whose many themes it subsumes.
  • What idea is more beguiling than the notion of lightsome spirits, free of time and space and human weakness, hovering between us and all harm? Top Stories
  • What Prince Jamal had to say drove the last, beguiling thoughts of a desert life completely out of the King's head. KARA KUSH
  • Paul Verhoeven has a track record of movies so offensive they are perversely beguiling.
  • Again, it was the use of the word kissed which I found so beguiling. Wake Up, Sir!
  • Director Pradip Sarkar realises there is no beauty in vanity, hence his girl is beautiful without being vain, she is fetching without being beguiling.
  • It's curious and beguiling that an artist so known as a raiser of hell should also be so accomplished at writing ballads in which various female addressees get reassured emotionally.
  • Saloo went in search of another Singapore oyster; Murtagh started along the bank of the stream, in the hope of beguiling some of the red and gold fish he saw playing "backgammon" in it, as he had seen the trout and salmon in his native Killarney; while the captain, having procured a rifle, that had been brought away in the boat, and which he well knew how to handle, wandered off into the woods. The Castaways
  • the voice was low and beguiling
  • This is perhaps the most beguiling resort on the island.
  • Suicidal sheep and comic book heroes inhabit this beguiling collection of far-fetched fables.
  • When I shared this aperçu with Spencer, he dismissed it: "I think you misread Hadley if you ascribe to her such beguiling powers. THE SEASON OF LILLIAN DAWES
  • With a beguiling, over the shoulder, come-hither look, she began to dance to the music.
  • His book is a beguiling mosaic of incidents and anecdotes from their time together. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wrapped her tree in silken lies, spun promise-dreams of innocence, beguiling the fetid flies that were the souls of her progeny generations upon generations gone. DREAMING LIES TO CHANGE THE TRUTH • by Kaolin Fire
  • Yet there is something beguiling about the bleakness of this place that you miss if you bop across the country by air, from warthog to lion, from sand spout to watering hole.
  • The most beguiling aspect of the report was its two-part thesis.
  • She is a mythic figure, terrifying and beguiling. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few of the audience may have wandered away with the feeling that too little of this gave us a pure, beguiling Monteverdi sound.
  • These 30-second spots were so beguiling that it's easy to imagine that alcohol-free Riyadh will soon rival Disney World as a family-friendly vacation paradise.
  • Relief and gratitude blazed from her eyes, which were once again that beguiling delft blue. Shameless
  • The arrangements are intelligent without being fussy: tuneful refrains for cello and woodwind, beguiling motifs for piano and vibes, emotional guitar and restrained drums.
  • 'flukes' -- Lord Chelford joked, Wylder 'chaffed,' even Lake seemed to enjoy himself; and the game proceeded with animation and no lack of laughter, beguiling the watches of the night; and we were all amazed, at length, to find how very late it was. Wylder's Hand
  • It's frothy and fun, but with really harmonious acidity, great appley fruit, and a beguiling softness of texture. The 10 best Christmas sparkling wines and champagnes
  • The arrangements are intelligent without being fussy: tuneful refrains for cello and woodwind, beguiling motifs for piano and vibes, emotional guitar and restrained drums.
  • Through tendrils of mist Buttermere and Crummock Water could just be seen, silvery and beguiling, like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. Country diary: Western Cumbria
  • That a traitor to England, the writer of Lord Horror, the infamous killer of children and a doomed rock ‘n’ roll showman have voyaged through the same miniscule wasteland is a beguiling fact. Ballardian » “Enthusiasm for the mysterious emissaries of pulp”: an interview with David Britton (the Savoy interviews, part 2a)
  • This is cool, sophisticated, endlessly intriguing downtempo electronica with a beguiling, organic sound.
  • As a result of this beguiling pluralism, various movements openly jostled for state recognition, critics voraciously debated the most appropriate styles, and party officials established their own cultural fiefdoms.
  • He was beguilingly boyish and attractive.
  • His regulars were bright friends with beguiling personalities and good stories, not stars with a movie to push.
  • He is engaged to Rose, a beguiling socialite who is 25 years his junior.
  • In theater or cabaret, the redheaded "flapper" was a beguiling presence.
  • The result is an utterly beguiling game worthy of its legendary name.
  • We are daily assailed by the beguiling double-think of public opinion formers.
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • For most of us, this was a first live encounter with Hans Werner Henze's chamber opera, with its beguiling and sensuous metallic sound-world created by a small ensemble enhanced by guitar, mandolin, harp, piano and celeste. Aida; Elegy for Young Lovers; O Sonho
  • The organ music was beguiling, and probably matched the gothic horror of our home.
  • And it is always a pleasure to listen to her beguiling and distinctive literary voice.
  • What makes the story beguiling is Smiley’s appreciation of the varieties and frailties of human nature. Good Faith: Summary and book reviews of Good Faith by Jane Smiley.
  • Like him, they spin webs, capturing you with beguiling words that always contain other, and more, than what they literally say. Nobel Prize in Literature 1974 - Presentation Speech
  • She possesses the sensitivity necessary to unlock a beguiling and complex character worthy of admiration. Times, Sunday Times
  • You say "it was his cogency and the coherence, transparency and unbeguiling quality of his reasoning that was relied upon" ( "beguiling" or "unbeguiling"?) On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Franck's dark-light violin sonata, mysterious, ardent and far more than the sum of its parts when played as majestically as here, forms the centrepiece of this seriously beguiling disc. French Impressions: Joshua Bell and Jeremy Denk – review

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