

  1. a woman who is a beggar

How To Use beggarwoman In A Sentence

  • The beggarwoman slips when she rises up, and the same phrase describes the way in which a rumor rises up among the servants that there is something strange afoot in the bedroom. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • Kleist's twenty-sentence novella would therefore be an allegory of events, a tale in which no occurrence — the slip of the beggarwoman, the death of the Marquis — can be understood by situating it within a deterministic logic that would purport to explain what it means by referring it to something else. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • If his legacy remains, like that of the beggarwoman, tenuous, it is because he offers us a lesson about the inability of our allegories of intellectual history to account for the linguistic structure of the events they strive to depict. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • Of course, we have been told that the castle now lies in ruins, so the fact that the beggarwoman is lying on a bed of straw on the floor may not be altogether a good thing. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • Mr Martin mentions a young female carried away by a beggarwoman, and by her hired out as a prostitute.
  • She is a sturdy beggarwoman, who sometimes works, but more frequently begs.
  • The beggarwoman happens to fall because he happens to drop by. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • The Marquise is said to assist the beggarwoman out of pity; the Marquis is described as oddly horrified when he hears the story about a ghost, although he does not understand why — but rather than rounding out the representation of a situation, these points serve to give us the impression that we are being provided with just enough information to facilitate the most formal of links between sentences. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • At the outset, we are informed that the Marquis just happened to walk in on the beggarwoman, but the detail is immediately mitigated by the further qualification that this was the room in which he usually kept his guns, as if it was only "somewhat" accidental that he went there after having been hunting. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
  • The irony of "The Beggarwoman of Locarno" may be that language is never certain to answer its own entreaty, which is to say that the word Fall can never be as good as its name and become one case of falling, one Fall des Falls, among others. Reading, Begging, Paul de Man
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