How To Use Befoulment In A Sentence
I shrank inside and out from the fog and what it held-so alien to my flesh and spirit that to come even this close to it was befoulment beyond the finding of words.
Year of the Unicorn
Perhaps, too, certain effusions of Ruysbroeck, seeming to spurt forth in twin jets of black and white flame, were worthy of comparison with the divine befoulment of Grünewald.
Crown, are subjected to their vile disguised attempts at bribery and corruption, no humble peasant girl, no child, is safe from the befoulment of their filthy minds.
South Wind
The Daily Mail obviously like to think that whichever latest befoulment to their world is the worst thing ever, proof that the country is going to the dogs and evidence that Britain is not only broken, but split asunder, never to be fixed.
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He could not throw the onus of it upon her, by revealing to her that the necessity of protecting her name against the befoulment of The
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