
How To Use Befoul In A Sentence

  • She's not "The Pick of the Litter"; she's just litter, filthy trash befouling the roadside. Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs Senior Citizens : Neither Tea Nor Sympathy.
  • The realization that the pesticide-laced foods we eat, the smokestack-befouled air we breathe and the petrochemical-based products we use negatively affect our quality of life is a big part of the reason so many people have "gone green" in recent years. The Link Between The Environment And Our Health
  • The Daily Mail obviously like to think that whichever latest befoulment to their world is the worst thing ever, proof that the country is going to the dogs and evidence that Britain is not only broken, but split asunder, never to be fixed. TEAMtalk Football News
  • Apparently, it has already befouled other cities around the world.
  • Phineas was imprisoned on an island with a giant feast laid before him that he could never eat because the Harpies would steal food from his hands, and befoul the rest with their droppings. Hurricane Katrina and the Lost Prisoners of New Orleans
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  • There was also a putrid stench befouling the air, which no regular person could tolerate.
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • And indeed — though I now know that Allah is everywhere and in all things — there were times when the distance between Allah and I seemed so great, so impassable, that I thought my prayers at salat were lost in the hell-red, befouled city sky, diverted from Mecca and stolen by nefarious djinn. The Parable of the Spider
  • He also picks up litter around the school - as garbage contributes to public health problems and befouls the town's lake.
  • It does sort of befoul the atmosphere, like an emotional pollution, doesn't it?
  • Those are, without doubt, the ugliest cars ever to befoul the planet.
  • Kali will befoul the pure Hindu Dharma by teaching doctrines contradictory to it, such as the uniting of the castes, intercaste marriage, and the lifting of the status of the lower castes. The Kalachakra Presentation of the Prophets of the Non-Indic Invaders (Full Analysis)
  • Even Ken Follett, whose truly appalling novel World Without End befouled my mind for a fortnight, can been seen to have a positive effect; when I was reading some reviews to see if anyone else thought it as bad as I did, I came across a couple of approbatory references to Sharon Kay Penman, along the lines of "this is how it should be done". :Acquired Taste
  • Jwest will be the first to throw a hissy fit and befoul his panties after his favorite Starbucks raises their prices 200%. Think Progress » Global warming is a ‘nightmare’ for coffee.
  • Nay," declared a dumpy figure with big ears and the frenzied face of a maniacal toadfish, "we must work together to defeat the likes of the late and unlamented Susnam Evyndd, may his pure and noble soul lie corrupted and befouled forever. Kingdoms of Light
  • Like most messy eaters, most of the food ends up unusable and befouled.
  • The menace he's stalking this time: dirty energy, which contributes to global warming and befouls the air in the world's cities.
  • The air was clouded with dust and increasingly befouled by the odors of animal farm-factories.
  • What stems and leaves befoul his work he gathers in a canopy, avoiding both sun and rain. The Successful Spider
  • The AP reports that a magistrate set bond at $10,000 each after they made their initial court appearances wearing red prison jumpsuits because the pants they were wearing when they were arrested were so befouled, they had to be destroyed. Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • Of course the PC crowd has spoiled that phrase for everybody: nobody wants to befoul the language by uttering the expression "the parenthood of God and the siblinghood of humankind. Pillars and posts
  • That would suggest that, at any given time, there are two befouling the threads. Think Progress » GOP Senate candidate compares embryonic stem cell research to ‘what the Nazis did to the Jews.’
  • The little Klansman Wildweasel is befouling his panties with fear. Think Progress » Caving To Right-Wing Pressure, White House Reportedly Moving KSM Trial To Military Commission
  • He could not throw the onus of it upon her, by revealing to her that the necessity of protecting her name against the befoulment of The Success A Novel
  • Tis a name that befouls the air, like a dark cloud of poison that will choke the soul of that whom breathes it in!
  • _To_ DRABLE, DRAIBLE, _v.a. _ to slabber; to befoul. Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV.
  • The world doesn't need another dish befouled by blackberry vinaigrette.
  • Public decisions affect everyone by the nature of the choice itself: we can only have one defense budget; polluting rivers befouls not just my water, but yours.
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • This green and pleasant land in the Guardian argues similarly that it's about ‘a Britain that is either green and pleasant, made diligent by cottage industries, or befouled by factories’.
  • The fact that one of the rotten little orphans had befouled her room with mud and muck had not helped matters.
  • One of the notes stuck into abandoned dog mess by the mysterious Pooperman, current scourge of Lincoln's befouled streets. This week: Oliver Letwin, Glenn Beck, Charlie Sheen
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • The teabagger trolls that befoul this blog are Klansmen. Think Progress » Tea Party protesters reportedly spit on one lawmaker, call others ‘fa–ot’ and ‘ni–er.’
  • The bird befouled its own nest.
  • Katrina van den Heuvel will make Grover Norquist befoul his panties. Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 3, 2010
  • We find stunning beaches befouled by backpackers.
  • a building befouled with soot
  • For a nation to endorse torture as an element of policy and to employ it just once is to befoul it morally ever bit as much as if it had tortured millions. Hastert goes (back) to work for Turkey « Blog
  • Men who work in a macho sports world, where to yield a step means intolerable humiliation, willingly befoul their own legacy, and then surrender it to long-term tarnish. Ben Roethlisberger at a crossroads
  • You are scum, befouling the surface of the earth.
  • And should he choose to be a father one day, please give to him the age-old experience of wrestling his own infant son on the changing table, all at once getting headbutted by this pudgy Tasmanian Devil who has now befouled four diapers and smeared feces on the wall because he WILL NOT JUST F%#KING LIE STILL, and being more in love with this mini Genghis Khan than he ever thought possible. Jamie Denbo: Tina Fey, Mothers, Daughters, Sons
  • Perhaps, too, certain effusions of Ruysbroeck, seeming to spurt forth in twin jets of black and white flame, were worthy of comparison with the divine befoulment of Grünewald. Là-bas
  • The foxes cause little nuisance, whereas domestic pets befoul the streets, parks and gardens.
  • The cat freaked while in the trap and befouled himself.
  • Mrs. Popular shook her finger at me and yelled something like, ‘How dare you befoul my home in such a way!’
  • I couldn't get all the kids in CCD the same day of the week (because there was a time problem with Girl Scouts), and you can be guaranteed that there will be at least one trip to the hospital for a cracked head (a yearly event with one particularly active child of mine), some ear infections, and one of the dogs will find my secret chocolate stash and need an emergency trip to the vet after befouling my house. The Wheels on My Bus - SpouseBUZZ
  • I shrank inside and out from the fog and what it held-so alien to my flesh and spirit that to come even this close to it was befoulment beyond the finding of words. Year of the Unicorn
  • The sink, the flush toilet, and the sewer literally formed a pipeline to the vilest contamination that befouled the city.
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • Most people knew of a schoolyard bully when they were younger and always hoped bad and awful things would befoul the bully and maybe even his family (not that I would know from experience, mind you).
  • We've given ourselves carpal tunnel writing about how cars befoul the planet, and cars are the burbs' toxic lifeblood.
  • The realization that the pesticide-laced foods we eat, the smokestack-befouled air we breathe and the petrochemical-based products we use negatively affect our quality of life... The Link Between The Environment And Our Health
  • This was the bee sting, the intimacy he had coveted, legitimately his at last; he felt befouled by things of the body and wanted merely to turn away, but knew he could not.
  • The bird befouled its own nest.
  • Nature, on its own, is beautiful, but nature's human component, acting with arrogant independence, befouls the earth.
  • This poor attempt at levity earned me the usual blank look of incomprehension, so I was forced to abandon the oblique approach and ask directly about the offensive effluvium befouling our happy home.
  • Two days before, the Vienna actionist Hermann Nitsch had staged a performance that befouled the venue, as tended to happen at his notorious ritualistic affairs. Experiments With the Solstice in a SoHo Loft
  • When the foul vapours build up, they're released through the manhole covers, befouling our proud city streets.
  • Every time I saw Tony Hayward try to explain his way out of BP's befouling of the Gulf of Mexico I cringed. Why Leaders Fail Under Pressure
  • Crown, are subjected to their vile disguised attempts at bribery and corruption, no humble peasant girl, no child, is safe from the befoulment of their filthy minds. South Wind
  • He experienced the gall of bitter suffering under a brutal prison regime but did not let spiritual bitterness befoul his soul. Five Best: Still Free to Think: Prison Writing

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