How To Use Before christ In A Sentence
For many hundreds and hundreds of years, A.D., meaning anno domini, the year of our lord, was the way people dated events, and B.C., meaning before Christ.
Librarian Kee Malesky Considers 'All Facts' For NPR
Rosa Lee Ransby and her seven grand- and great-grandchildren lost their home a week before Christmas. Top Stories
Like most pounds and animal welfare groups their policy is not to re-home puppies two weeks before Christmas.
And, three days before Christmas, the Paris daily Le Figaro front-paged the news that Judge van Ruymbeke had notified the Justice Ministry that Cheney might be among those eventually indicted as a result of his investigation.
The year would be split into six rather than three terms, with two before Christmas and none longer than 38 days.

Dotty was destroyed after savaging one of the Queen's corgis at the Sandringham estate shortly before Christmas two years ago.
Some of her archaeologist husband's finds can be seen in the museum, which is a must if you want to grasp the sophistication of Syrian art and civilisation of the two millenniums before Christ.
BAE Systems at Scotstoun, the shipbuilders, were subcontracted to build new bridge wings and sponsons, which were delivered to Portsmouth by road on the Friday before Christmas.
Another time a registered letter was posted a few months before Christmas.
Before Christian's father and uncle could react, he charged, knocking the pair aside with well-aimed punches.
Originally they were mummers, performing traditional plays, and they then became known as waits, who would tour the town every evening before Christmas.
Incredibly, it seems they stopped taking bets on Whaddon finishing bottom way before Christmas.
Cameron's posing on a podium on Friday, inviting Lib Dems to join his Tory revolution, was an appropriate piece of pantomime to end Parliament's last full week before Christmas.
No news is as good as a quirky statistic, and this one's a bottler: 1 in 20 British people will dump their partner before Christmas or Valentine's Day in order to avoid buying them a present.
In the third century before Christ's birth, China is a collection of seven warring states that have yet to unite into one country.
Contrast this with Milan, where Leonardo, the Brazilian hired just before Christmas to take over Inter, heard his name lauded around the San Siro.
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December is not an expensive month to fly, as long as you avoid the week before Christmas.
I do not wish to turn into a gibbering homicidal maniac, especially just before Christmas.
The estimates meeting takes place before Christmas but that is also a time when young people gather in the pubs and clubs on both sides of the river.
The Government agreed before Christmas to remove the unjust anomaly which excluded parents of severely disabled children, under the age of two years, from getting the domiciliary care allowance.
Lead poisoning also known as "saturnism" for its violent and demented character that is associated with the god Saturn has been identified at least before the fifth century before Christ.
Scientific Blogging
Most economic commentators now expect interest to be cut at least once more before Christmas.
Work begins on setting the festive scene a month before Christmas, ensuring her display is in place in good time.
Posadas is a nine-day celebration in Mexico before Christmas.
[691-1] Pilpay is supposed to have been a Brahmin gymnosophist, and to have lived several centuries before Christ.
Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
SuperValu launched its first in-store publication before Christmas.
The editor of a new national magazine called me up before Christmas and asked me to write a story about suburban sprawl.
He provided the speaking voice for main character Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Department stores are often congested before Christmas.
Before Christian and medieval Scandinavian influence, religion involved shamanism, with practitioners mediating between the present world and the upper and nether realms of the universe.
These apocryphal or deuterocanonical books were written by and about Jews in the time before Christianity was established as a separate religion, but they were not included in the Jewish canon.
Shawna Dolansky: The Truth(s) About Hanukkah
No doubt the reason why the old translators translated the word Sheol grave, is that they did not understand that Sheol was a place of two compartments, which the Scriptures plainly teach was before Christ, which we will notice as we go further in this subject.
Life of Lucius B. Compton, the mountain evangelist, or, From the depths of sin to the heights of holiness,
The Evening Telegraph featured a dozen cases of abandoned and unwanted pets in the week before Christmas in a bid to ease the pressure on the RSPCA following the festive period.
Last summer, I had the same overwhelming and incapacatitating state of mind, when I thought I had to write a paper and prepare for the research proposal and restudy all of my grad classes before Christmas while working full and actually over-time.
Just too much
The century markers BC (before Christ) and AD (anno Domini) are clearly Christian in origin.
Warren J. Blumenfeld: Challenging The Christian Month Of December
It was the week before Christmas, yet the only sign of Yuletide decoration was a large bowl on the counter entreating tips.
_, Tunis, Algiers, Fez and Morocco, or what we now call the Barbary States) had been occupied by Grecians nearly seven hundred years before Christ.
The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 2
The doctors have already got much of what they wanted and Abbot's face-saving inquiry will probably give them the rest before Christmas.
The play-offs seemed a certainty before Christmas, but a rapid turn around in fortune is needed if those dreams are to be realised.
Department stores are often congested before Christmas.
Motorists will be heaving a sigh of relief with the announcement the by-pass is due to open before Christmas.
After skirmishing with a civilian wagon train on O'Fallon's Creek, they crossed the Yellowstone River two or three days before Christmas.
‘We will have had more than a million people through our doors in December and, with the final pay day before Christmas upon us, we are expecting it to be very buoyant over the next few days,’ he added.
Our landlord tried to evict us three days before Christmas because he wanted more money.
The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.
Just before Christmas 2000, a friend was hosting a cocktail party for dogs at a rescue shelter.
The treehouse is to be completed before Christmas.
The Yellow Treehouse Restaurant
In the meantime, Monday's seaplane crash left many families in mourning right before Christmas.
The new edition was rushed out just before Christmas.
Those that wished to receive the box were asked for a £10 returnable down payment and told the box would arrive before Christmas.
Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill.
Pigs are usually slaughtered before Christmas, smoked, made into sausage, and preserved for use throughout the year.
With unparalleled haste and without any great discussion, numerous changes to German law were rushed through both chambers of the German parliament just before Christmas.
Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
I don't know for sure because she was already grown when I got her from the pound, just before Christmas, years ago this was — back when I had hair and hope.
All Fur and Bones
Before Christmas the dulcet tones of Mozart, Handel and a host of other classical composers emanated from the statue of Brunel, in Haveock Square.
Christmas bonus Pensioners usually get a small tax-free bonus shortly before Christmas each year.
He was working in something we would call anapestic tetrameter, which is also the rhythm of “Twas the night before Christmas.”
Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
They will each play eight more teams before Christmas, when the competition will be divided into two divisions.
Before Christmas, the papers reported that children wouldn't be able to see the Harry Potter movie in its first week because so many office parties had made block bookings.
The centrepiece of the displays is a pair of fascinating scale models, one of the city before Christ, the other in AD4.
One thing I noted with the parsnip, is that it starts going brown on the outside before Christmas.
Growing winter vegetables
The upshot of it all is that we can now go and fetch our kittens, hopefully before Christmas.
He had gone to the country just before Christmas and was believed to be staying for a month.
Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
I try to avoid the thronged streets and stores just before Christmas
He was working in something we would call anapestic tetrameter, which is also the rhythm of “Twas the night before Christmas.”
Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
One double-barrelled shotgun, which was found near the Sports Complex in Sligo before Christmas, is believed to have been used in a robbery in Ennis.
Sen. Jim DeMint R-S.C. called Democrats' push to force through an arms control treaty and an omnibus spending bill right before Christmas "sacrilegious," and warned he'd draw the process out to wage his objections.
GOP Senators Invoke Christmas In Order To Pointlessly Obstruct The START Treaty
The Princess of Amen-Ra lived some 1,500 years before Christ.
2007 March | Scary For Kids
He died before Christmas, only a month shy of his 90th birthday.
The Saturday before Christmas saw me and Al setting out on a fouly foggy night with tendrils of fog rising up like a living creature to ensnear the unweary traverler - mid winter suddenly seemed a very stupid time to be out and about.
Snell-Pym » Christmas Party!
Gradually, the work grew from this home entertainment into the full opera premiered in Weimar two days before Christmas 1893.
Trees have been coming into leaf sooner, migrant birds are arriving earlier, frog spawn is being spotted before Christmas, while comma and holly blue butterflies have been sighted as early as March.
The glamorous French woman was found battered to death on a boreen near her holiday home in Schull two days before Christmas in 1996.
She is now in the final stages of fitting out before her journey to Devonport, which is due to go ahead just before Christmas.
But, then, two Saturdays before Christmas, 1968, I was one of three little paddyboy white kids from Brooklyn (along with Benjy and Andy, both from the same school, both in fearful awe of Alonzo the way I was, both music-freaks like me) making our way to the Fillmore East and into a sold out crowd of other paddyboy white kids ... musical thrill-seekers all, there to witness The Sam & Dave Review.
Binky Philips: Sam & Dave Take Me to School, 1968
A manageress of a neighbouring store predicted chaos on the last weekend before Christmas.
Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
Co Monaghan businessman Gerard McCaughey, the chairperson of the alliance, replied to the commission's letter before Christmas.
Even when the blossom was browned by heavy frost just before Christmas, it took only a fortnight to recover.
The men crocheted caps that were delivered before Christmas last year.
Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill.
Never have I had such a mountain of paperwork to clear before Christmas.
I always loved singing Christmas carols and hymns, and looked forward to the Nine Lessons and Carols service before Christmas.
I'm going on a diet next week and hope to lose two kilos before Christmas.
The Bunclody Horticultural Society will give a floral demonstration before Christmas featuring the festive season with decorating items for mantels, table arrangements, swags, wreaths and more.
The advertising campaign reached a crescendo just before Christmas.
It was two weeks before Christmas and the mall was crowded with shoppers.
They expect to usher in the millennium before Christ's return.
However, the trip aggravated her condition: she died in Paris a few days before Christmas that same year.
Annie was born a few weeks before Christmas.
Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas.
The deal was reportedly agreed at secret talks before Christmas between the two men.
I charge thee before God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who gave testimony under Pontius Pilate, a good confession.
Jim refused, but allowed Tom to give the adult education lecture on the Sunday before Christmas.
The day before Christmas Eve my washer/dryer decided to take the festive season off.
He was found guilty and sentenced to hang - four days before Christmas.
Last year I did a yoda (white pumpkin we dyed the inside green), 2 Nightmare Before Christmas ones (1 tall pumpkin w/Jack & Sally on it, and another w/the ghost dog), and then the last one was just a slightly more complicated than normal jack-o-lantern face. halloween2009
130 Creative Halloween Pumpkin Carvings » E-Mail
But come December, budget day finds a new place on the calendar - just three weeks before Christmas.
Before Christmas, the Department of Health distanced itself from the idea of centralising bookings, saying there were "no plans" for a national call centre. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
I do not have the details of all 2,700 schools in my head, but, from memory, I gazetted the closure of that school just before Christmas.
` ` CORALINE '' (July 21): The title youngster (voiced by Dakota Fanning) enters a parallel world, which isn't as ideal as it first seems, in this animated feature from director Henry Selick (` ` The Nightmare Before Christmas '').
Berks county news
There were also blushes in the court services when it became clear that several criminal summonses had not been served because the stamp duty on them had been paid before Christmas, in punts rather than euros.
And, before Christ by his graces and comforts comes to any for salvation, preparation is made for him by repentance, which is called the preparation of the gospel of peace, Eph. vi.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
Networks show more toy commercials just before Christmas.
Now it's only Sunday mornings, weddings, funerals, a carol service the week before Christmas and an occasional harvest festival for the local C of E infants and juniors.
This winter has been dreadful, it started out alright, I thought for a while I was immune to the colds running amok at work but just before Christmas I got whacked and really haven't been myself since.
She caught scarlet fever before Christmas.
Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.
However, a final decision on the plan which was due before Christmas, is now not expected until the end of this month at the earliest.
For example, stocking stuffers used to mean little curiosa and candies to decorate the mantel the night before Christmas.
Richard Bromfield, Ph.D.: Avoiding the Last Minute Holiday Crazies
Before Christmas, workman burst a water main in the street with a mechanical digger causing calamitous flooding.
Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill.
The only anapestic poems that everyone still knows are "The Night Before Christmas" and "Horton Hatches the Egg.
Haiku Takes To Twitter, 140 Characters At A Time
It was the day before Christmas eve that police were called to a house in Manchester after an ex-soldier returned home in a drunken rage.
This morning I woke up at 7am [5 hours sleep AGAIN], daydreamed in bed til 8: 30, watched The Nightmare Before Christmas until 10am and have been bludging on the net waiting for Photoshop to download.
Sierrazen Diary Entry
Morris perused the documents in the chilly gloom of the countinghouse: among them was a printed copy of the Prohibitory Act, a new law passed by Parliament just before Christmas in retaliation for the warlike posture of the colonies.
Robert Morris
All table and fortified wines are live products and don't respond well to shock, so if your red wine and port is stored in a cellar or in the garage, bring it in at least 24 hours before Christmas.
Two nights before Christmas your nostrils would light up from the scents wafting in over the breeze.
Ross the cat is looking for a new home before Christmas where he can retire and live out the rest of his nine lives.
At exactly 7: 30 on the chilly Friday night before Christmas, a dozen animal-rights activists, wearing fur coats "bloodied" with red paint, walked to the main terminal of Washington National Airport.
Revolt Of The Fur Bearers
She's too busy buying woollies for everyone else before Christmas, and will only come back to treat herself in the January sales.
She was suspended from teaching in Oct. 2004 and resigned her position just before Christmas.
The church needs to recover the Jesus who lived before Christians imposed an alien creed on his life and teachings, the Jesus who preached a message of love of the God who created not just one group but all human beings.
Sales of traditional church music records are boosted annually before Christmas, with a wide variety of recordings of carols.
With the baking parchment still attached, wrap well in greaseproof paper and store in an airtight tin or a layer of foil, repeating the feeding every week or so until you're ready to ice just before Christmas.
How to cook perfect Christmas cake
But in his last interview, just before Christmas, he admitted there was little casual about them.
My long term counsellor is leaving just before Christmas because she wants to further her career and so she can have more time at home than what she's already getting, which I do understand on her behalf, but it's leaving me in a terrible state.
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The night is due to be a good one and you never know you might win a tidy sum of money just before Christmas.
The souterrain, a place of underground hiding for local people in the millennium before Christ, was discovered and restored by Keelan and his friends.
He died before Christmas, only a month shy of his 90th birthday.
Mm-hmm. -...but just before Christmas last year.
Never have I had such a mountain of paperwork to clear before Christmas.
The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.
‘We installed this just before Christmas and the ship will be launched in April,’ he said.
What does a seer, born in the middle of the first millennium before Christ among historical circumstances and a culture so different from our own, have to offer such very modern thinkers?
Bosses dropped a bombshell on employees just weeks before Christmas, announcing the company would shut because it was trading at a loss.
Margret Rey, who kept tight control over the vast franchise, died just before Christmas at the age of 90.
One double-barrelled shotgun, which was found near the Sports Complex in Sligo before Christmas, is believed to have been used in a robbery in Ennis.
Zara stayed there for a month until just before Christmas then returned to Birmingham for corrective surgery on her gastric bypass.
The row began before Christmas when Councillor Jarvis threatened to resign after a blazing argument with a senior official during a meeting.
A representative of the team paid a visit to the shop when it opened in the week before Christmas.
Although the tomb dates from 1330 B.C., the researchers believe the lion was probably mummified and buried during a later Egyptian dynasty in the final centuries before Christ.
The club unveiled its manifesto in November and swiftly proved a midweek smash at this legendarily petite venue, culminating in a rather hectic pop star-themed dressing-up bash just before Christmas.
Clubs picks of the week
The trial was stopped before Christmas after allegations of attempts to nobble the jury.
A further three are due to be added before Christmas and all come complete with colour screens capable of displaying content in both portrait and landscape format.
The highest spenders are people aged between 45 and 64, this group spending on average €314 each on the net before Christmas.
New leaves and flower buds develop before Christmas and usually open in January and, depending on the severity of the winter, by February it has formed a clump of blooms and foliage.
That year Thanksgiving was due to fall on Nov. 30, which would leave only 20 buying days before Christmas.
In the month before Christmas, up to 80,000 copies of the book were being sold in British bookshops every week.
In the month before Christmas, up to 80,000 copies of the book were being sold in British bookshops every week.
The Nightmare Before Christmas but with subtler undercurrents: a velveteen tunnel, an imprisoning mirror, plus coddling-then-frightening parental "others" recalling the mythologies of Cocteau's fantasy films and the Mother / Meat sequence of Bunuel's
New York Press
The man behind Mister H is Armin Amiri , who many denizens of the scene will recognize from his time at those Studio 54s of the last decade, Bungalow 8 and Socialista, the latter of which shut its doors just before Christmas in 2008.
A Return to Nightlife Scene With Mister H
The 42-year-old princess married Commander Tim Laurence, who is five years her junior, just before Christmas.
These two clubs, located on either side of Prince Arthur, offer a twofer package for $45 before Christmas and $55 after.
Labour's opponents claim they are encountering a door-step scunner factor with the government's choice of election timing, four days before Christmas.
Children will be keen to help and they love to make biscuits, chocolate truffles and peppermint creams too - all great activities for the holiday week before Christmas.
the latest Xbox game is so popular, shops are warning of a probable sellout before Christmas
Two days before Christmas the concerns were finally alleviated by special orthotic inner soles after Nadal made a visit to Nike's headquarters in Oregon.
As an aside, before Christmas I ran into a buddy from high school.
On the 10th day before Christmas… the race for the Christmas number one record begins.
The expulsions seem certain to resume, probably before Christmas.
In the week before Christmas Tesco sold 250 tonnes of beef topside - last week they sold 350 tonnes.
Athlone requested the game be played before Christmas instead of January 8 as students will be on holiday.
It looks like procrastinators placed their faith in expedited shipping, as the last business week before Christmas saw $2.25 billion in eCommerce.
Countdown: 203 Days Left Until Christmas Twitter Reaches 20 Billion Tweets
Children smiled at him in the hall but he did not smile back, this was the worst week before Christmas ever.
Stagecoach will mount a Christmas show of music, variety, poetry and comedy in Trinity Methodist Church in the week before Christmas.
The school, which works with 37 young people between the ages of eight and 19, launched the appeal before Christmas to turn The Abbey Leaze building into semi-independent training accommodation.
The £10 million revamp of Piccadilly Gardens was originally due to be opened before Christmas.
The appeal was lodged with the council before Christmas, just as the six-month deadline for appeals was reached.
All the world over before Christ's time, he freely domineered, and held the souls of men in most slavish subjection (saith [6371] Eusebius) in diverse forms, ceremonies, and sacrifices, till Christ's coming, as if those devils of the air had shared the earth amongst them, which the
Anatomy of Melancholy
Hugs and handshakes were exchanged before Christopher and Lydia boarded the train.
Plants turn their leaves too - just before Christmas the poinsettia turns red and Snow on the Mountain begins to turn white.
Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas.
Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas.
Toy sales peaked just before Christmas and are now decreasing.
For at least a month before Christmas we were subjected to an endless barrage of ads for fattening festive foods.
In Germany I've been served Glühwein during Advent, i.e. the four to five weeks before Christmas.
Department stores are often congested before Christmas.