How To Use Befool In A Sentence

  • It was noised abroad in the city that Calamity Ahmad had undertaken to lay hands on Dalilah the Wily, and Zaynab said to her, “O my mother, an thou be indeed a trickstress, do thou befool Ahmad al-Danaf and his company.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Yvian was no stupid sword swinger, easily befooled. Web Of The Witch World
  • You know how he tried to befool the mob, first by mocking Jesus as a harmless fool; and second by offering to release him according to the custom of releasing one prisoner at time of the Passover. Chapter 17
  • How one can be befooled by the phantoms of his own imagining! THE ETERNITY OF FORMS
  • We know there is no sincerity either from opposition or the ruling alliance to end the criminalization of politics here, they are just fighting political battles and befooling the nation.
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  • And they went on to befool my reason, whilst I heard their words, but returned them no reply because of their unknowing that the dogs were my brothers. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The confidence man befooled the innocent.
  • “We do not befool people in the name of religion or region, but in our eyes every citizen is equal and every area is equally important in the development process”, he asserted. Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) survives on falsehood: NC
  • They know that the customers can no longer be befooled and hence the overflowing of the quality products in the market. An Era of Ecommerce and Online Shopping ? Did you Ever Think of the Source Behind your Convenient Online Shopping? | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • O Neaera, put your tricks, and practise hereafter upon somebody else, you shall befool me no longer. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Let none be befooled by falling into the trap of overlooking the ultimate causes and harping solely on immediate causes.
  • Almost all the people and religionsagree on one point - that telling lies is a huge sin - however, theywill never hesitate to speak the lies and befool the masses. How Masses Will Realise Their Importance?
  • The confidence man befooled the innocent.
  • In Iran the same mischievous propaganda is at work to befool the rather ignorant—or less knowledgeable—public that it poses a threat and is a fanatic, terrorist country.
  • All attention should be given to making a new administration consisting of honest people, who have no desire to befool their own people and world just to fill their pockets with dollars. Bush, Pakistan Leaders In Dilemma
  • Hera, was befooled with a shape of cloud, and was cast out and went down into Hades. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • Whatever little contact they establish in the remote areas the villagers befool them by telling one thing and doing another.
  • It is the comment of the trash film befool the Shakepeare's opus in the American's humorous way.
  • On hearing this, off galloped Thorir and his men, but the bogs were a sort of quagmire, wherein the horses stuck fast; and remained wallowing and struggling for the greater part of the day, while the riders 'gave to the devil withal the wandering churl who had so befooled them.' The Book of Romance
  • “The then NDA Government in which NC was also a part had thrown the autonomy resolution the dustbin but despite humiliation, the party (NC) remained in the coalition just to enjoy the power” she said and cautioned the people that NC leaders were again raising the bogey of autonomy to befool the common masses. National Confrence always bartered J&K State���s interests for the lust of power: Mehbooba
  • While referring to the hollow slogans of certain parties, Sagar said that they are trying to befool the people as situation has shown considerable improvement and normalcy has been restored. J&K Minister said that Kashmir solution would be found very soon
  • Pandit said that KPs have been befooled by the successive state and central governments repeatedly as the agreed agenda in such meetings or the Working groups has never seen the light of the day. BJP alleged that J&K Government not serious to remedy the problems of Kashmiri Pandit migrants
  • Prometheus was forward to cut up a great ox and set portions before them, trying to befool the mind of Zeus. Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, and Homerica
  • As usual, however, Congress is out of the loop and appears befooled by this "cap and trade" bill, one upon which a 300 page addendum was added the day before passage. CAP AND TRADE or DISTANCE TARIFFS?
  • O son of Adam! what hath befooled thee in this long esperance? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It befooled the Hindu community by raking up the temple issue and then started dancing to the tune of the central government to get close to power, he alleged.
  • Tragic indeed, People were once again befooled, but this time by their own men.
  • Thou knowest that I tormented Salah al-Din the Cairene and befooled him till I buried him alive and reduced his lads to obey me, and amongst them Ali The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He was Junior after all, now and always, willingly, necessarily, however tired and befooled, the life companion and loyal second man. Underworld

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