
  1. stupefied by alcoholic drink
    a mind befogged with drink
    the wino's poor befuddled mind
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How To Use befogged In A Sentence

  • Besieged, befogged, we don't dare to voice the simmering question: "When will it ever end?"
  • a mind befogged with drink
  • Therefore, we do well by starting from the beginning, because all social thought is befogged by prevailing historical circumstances.
  • Still, it is clearly pedantic to avoid the obvious by clothing it in befogged terminology, as one might by writing arenaceous or sabulous for sandy, immund for dirty, nates for buttocks, or venenate for poison (vb.). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 3
  • Therefore, we do well by starting from the beginning, because all social thought is befogged by prevailing historical circumstances.
  • I have seen this work twice now, and am still happily befogged by it.
  • This seems to me to be the lesson of any view of the human prospect that is not befogged by groundless hopes.
  • Tartarin of Tarascon, nearly overcome, dwelt a moment scanning the fellow-passengers, comically shaken by the jolts, and dancing before him like the shadows in galanty-shows, till his eyes grew cloudy and his mind befogged, and only vaguely he heard the wheels grind and the sides of the conveyance squeak complainingly. Tartarin of Tarascon
  • Such souls, I suppose, are asleep, or smothered and befogged beneath mean pleasures and cares.
  • In a world befogged by superficiality, moments of clarity are few and far between.
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