How To Use Befall In A Sentence
It is a popular belief that the worst horrors befall whoever invites the curse of a hijra.
The mishaps that befall Van Orton seem more random and jarring, though, than cohesively engineered to facilitate his spiritual development.
Then the Emir Salamah and his wife and household and all the tribesmen donned garbs black-hued and ashes whereupon to sit they strewed, and ungrateful to them was the taste of food and drink, meat and wine; nor ceased they to beweep their loss, nor could they comprehend what had befallen their son and what of ill-lot had descended upon him from Heaven.
Arabian nights. English
ELLIS HIXOM, with charge to meet him at such a river though the Master knew well the Captain's toothpike: yet by reason of his admonition and caveat [warning] given him at parting, he (though he bewrayed no sign of distrusting the Cimaroon) yet stood as amazed, lest something had befallen our Captain otherwise than well.
Sir Francis Drake Revived
I shared the joke, wondering just what fate might befall me later in the morning.

He was too conceited to realize the great fortune that had befallen him, but smart enough to cherish Kitty.
It is much against my will," said Robin Hood, "ne'ertheless, if thou dost wish it, get thee gone, but bear thyself seemingly, Little John, for thou art mine own right-hand man and I could ill bear to have harm befall thee.
The Adventures of Robin Hood
In attempting to place in perspective the scale of the disaster that had befallen it when South Korea sent its team of inflated egos homewards to mamma and a comforting bowl of minestrone, it turned to history.
It told of desolate, regretted things befallen happy cities long since in the prime of the world.
But I confess that I am somewhat accable, by all that has befallen us.
Rodney Stone
Much the same fate has apparently befallen many other fairly despicable celebrities.
Can we take the recent bargain sale of hard-bound editions at hugely reduced rates as a signal heralding the impending tempest befalling the book market?
Wherefore, such opinions and persuasions are gradually insinuated into the mind, and are admitted insensibly without opposition or reluctancy, being never accompanied at their first admission with any secular disadvantage; -- but these divine convictions by the word befall men, some when they think of nothing less and desire nothing less; some when they design other things, as the pleasing of their ears or the entertainment of their company; and some that go on purpose to deride and scoff at what should be spoken unto them from it.
Thus, the best form of tragedy is one that represents ‘terrible and piteous events’ that befall good and undeserving people.
If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.
Summoning emergency help should an injury befall a walker would have been almost impossible.
Jeannie ends up as a servant in a great house, where various things befall her.
When you take into consideration the tiny dimensions of the island, its distance from all the centres of civilization, its isolation, the great calamities which have befallen it from hurricane, drought and pestilence, and the way it has overlived them all, there is every justification for the pride and glory of its inhabitants in their fair and fertile islet.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
The truth is that human beings are more alike than we are unalike and a number of non-black people think that the problems which befall black people are not like the problems which befall them, and that black people would respond differently to an onslaught of certain elements than whites.
Theo Spielberg: Dr. Maya Angelou Launches Black History Month Special
All which cautions of mine, which I think he deemed to be disdains, did inflame more his lascivious appetite (for this is the name wherewithal I entitle his affection towards me), which, had it been such as it ought, you had not known it now, for then the cause of revealing it had not befallen me.
The Fourth Book. I. Wherein Is Discoursed the New and Pleasant Adventure That Happened to the Curate and the Barber in Sierra Morena
With Johnny "two shags" Prescott being dobbed in for having an affair with his secretary, you would have to have a heart of stone not to giggle inanely at the misfortune that has befallen his former boss, ex-leader of the Labour Party Neil Kinnock.
One shouldn't gloat, but…
First he had a dream in the night, which foreshowed him truly the evils that were about to befall him in the person of his son.
Here, it seemed, twenty years ago, the mystery of what had befallen Heather Mallender had begun to unfold.
Imagine the hardships that will befall the surviving spouse with an assetless trust, especially if restrictions or limits have been placed on the use of the decedent's trust, which is common.
Lapsed Federal Estate Tax Creates Couples Trap
Then he carried him into the antre and sat down with him, whilst Hasan related to him what had befallen him in the Islands of Wak; whereat the Elder marvelled with exceeding marvel and said, “O Hasan, how didst thou deliver thy wife and children?”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Mrs. Winchester believed ill would befall her if she ever stopped altering her sprawling mansion.
And that has to override any ‘disamenity or disruption’ that may befall the unfortunate residents of Erris in the months and years ahead.
Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.
So he told him what had befallen him and added, If I know whither the rascal is gone and where to find the knave, I would pay him out.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He clings to power largely because his Sunni-dominated army is afraid of the revenge that would befall it if he fell.
The calamity that most commonly befalls the comune is a drought, or the fear of a drought.
Diversions in Sicily
Today, Just My Imagination was the chosen tune and as the Temptations latest opus revolved on its never-ending loop, it echoed round our flat and wormed into my subconscious causing me to pick at my chips and barely register what mishaps were befalling Hoss and Little Joe on the Ponderosa ranch.
Family life
Was that old woman she met earlier telling the truth, and that she really was warning Alli of a possible danger that could befall her?
Then he took his brither aside, and gave him a knife to keep till he should come back, desiring him to look at it every morning, and as lang as it continued to be clear, then he might be sure that the owner of it was well; but if it grew dim and rusty, then for certain some ill had befallen him.
The Blue Fairy Book
For the good town is gathering a gallant host of men; and we shall look to thee to do well in the hard hand-play, whenso that befalleth.
The Well at the World's End: a tale
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
A worse fate has befallen the general interest, mass circulation magazines, once the dominant national media.
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
They were unaware of the fate that was to befall them.
He promised that no harm would befall her
It is much against my will," said Robin Hood, "ne'ertheless, if thou dost wish it, get thee gone, but bear thyself seemingly, Little John, for thou art mine own right-hand man and I could ill bear to have harm befall thee.
The Adventures of Robin Hood
What terrors might befall us if scientists finally discover this president’s much touted “nucule”?
Think Progress » Sixteen Word Contest
Now the night was long upon Kamar al-Zaman, and he sat, bethinking him of his beloved, and bewailing what had befallen him and versifying,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The word decimate does not begin to do justice to the tragedy that has befallen the Polish nation.
The Guardian World News
The recurrent problems continue unchecked under his stewardship, and he has not taken the lead in response to other disasters that befall the city.
Carthage were three bishops together at dinner, and one of them spake evil by detraction of S. Ambrose, and there was a man that told what was befallen for such language to this aforesaid priest, but he mocked and japed so much that he felt a stroke mortal; that that same day he died and was buried.
The Golden Legend, vol. 3
The real problem of our historic hour is that God is disappearing from the horizon of men and that with the extinguishing of the light coming from God disorientation befalls mankind, the destructive effects of which we are seeing ever more.
Papal Letter about the Lifting of the SSPX Excommunications - the Letter Itself
the greatest disaster that has ever befallen us.
All that disadvantage which is befallen our nature by the entrance of sin is but in "the disorder of the affections and the inferior sensitive parts of the soul, which are apt to tumultuate and rebel against that pure untainted light which is in the mind!
Furthermore, what befalls the body itself may be open to different interpretations.
Zedillo wanted at all costs to avoid the sixth-year, end-of-term jinx that has befallen every Mexican president since Luis Echeverria in 1976.
The End Of The Road?
I don't know of any Paris Hilton-like scandals "befalling" her.
More photos of Olivia Palermo
He was well aware of the numerous mishaps which could still befall his plan if the Russians didn't stick to his carefully scripted scenario.
He recalls a similar fate befalling Tim Flowers, who was carded for abusing a referee or assistant referee while warming the bench for Blackburn.
Under their benignancy no loss could befall, no fate miscarry -- for in his last thought he felt his vision opened, for the moment, to perceive a fine tracery of fate.
The Gentleman from Indiana
For anyone who has been unlucky enough to befall the horrors of my handwriting, firstly I say I’m sorry – but secondly – if I did that, I would have no idea what I have just written – much less the scrawl from a day ago. thank goodness for spellchecker as my typing is just as bad – but at least the letters are uniformly shaped.
Don’t panic « Write Anything
We have seen here the miserable consequences that befall the conquered dueller.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
That, though, was just a prelude to the disastrous events that have befallen the new school.
Thanks to usurious practices that are legal and common among hospital collection departments, complete financial ruin can easily befall those unable to pay their hospital bills.
He wept for that which had befallen him, but kept his affair secret, so none of his foes might exult over him nor any of his friends be troubled, knowing that, if he disclosed his secret, it would bring him naught but dishonour and contumely from the folk; wherefore he said in him self,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He was too conceited to realize the great fortune that had befallen him, but smart enough to cherish Kitty.
I tried hard to overcome the great misfortunes that had befallen me and tried to finish my last days as a teacher with peace and faith in God.
The changes that befall us along the way are just the various experiences that we encounter on our journey.
It is known, too, that people often say strange things from confused or indistinct recollections of what has befallen them in a prior state of existence, or from prenotion or intuition of things as yet unknown to others; and although in the sciences we accept nothing as conclusive that is not confirmed by experiment, the vastness or strangeness of the thought, far from attracting ridicule, generally leads to inquiry, experiments, and results.
Another World Fragments from the Star City of Montalluyah
His opinions of French, English, Irish, and Scotch, seemed rashly formulized from little anecdotes of what had befallen himself and members of his family, in a diligence or stage-coach.
English Traits (1856)
Faith gives strength to prayer, the great instrument against the foe (Jas 1: 6, &c.). knowing, &c. -- "encouragement not to faint in afflictions": your brethren suffer the same; nothing beyond the common lot of Christians befalls you (1Co 10: 13).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And the characters are so superficial that we hardly care which of these different fates may befall them.
I have been waiting up here like Simeon Stylites on his pillar, and counting every day, and conjecturing each step taken by our friend towards the coast, wishing and praying that no sickness might lay him up, no accident befall him, and no unlooked-for combinations of circumstances render his kind intentions vain or fruitless.
How I Found Livingstone
Audiences continued to respond to the warnings of the disaster which would befall were this rule not respected.
In a letter to Mersenne, Descartes asks why "what makes one man want to dance may make another want to cry": it may be, he suggests, that the second man has "never heard a galliard without some affliction befalling him", so that he cries
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
Very likely," I thought, "the repentant-knight, who warned me of the evil which has befallen me, was busy retrieving his lost honour, while I was sinking into the same sorrow with himself; and, hearing of the dangerous and mysterious being, arrived at his tree in time to save me from being dragged to its roots, and buried like carrion, to nourish him for yet deeper insatiableness.
Phantastes: A Faerie Romance for Men and Women
They were, consequently, the first dispossessed; and the seemingly inevitable fate of all these people, who disappear before the advances, or it might be termed the inroads, of civilization, as the verdure of their native forests falls before the nipping frosts, is represented as having already befallen them.
The Last of the Mohicans; A narrative of 1757
Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter.
Wherefore good Father, purposely am I now come to you, to let him know, that if he will not abstaine from thus molesting me, I will disclose it to my Husband, Father, and Brethren, whatsoever befall.
The Decameron
His opinions of French, English, Irish, and Scotch seemed rashly formulized from little anecdotes of what had befallen himself and members of his family, in a diligence or stagecoach.
XVII. English Traits. Personal
No nation has experienced the traumas that have repeatedly befallen the Jewish nation.
For although no calamity, such as man is subject to, befall, which is for the most part impossible, even thus, better is he that seeks not wealth, but knows how to bear all things easily than he that is always rich.
NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
In contrast one of the most important dates in English history - one which represents one of the greatest catastrophes ever to befall an English monarch - has been airbrushed from national consciousness.
Nothing had presaged the dreadful fate about to befall him.
Somewhere, a long way away, an evil thing had befallen her lover.
So they came aland and go unto the king, and Bikki said to him, “Meet and right it is, lord, that thou shouldst know what is befallen, though hard it be to tell of, for the tale must be concerning thy beguiling, whereas thy son has gotten to him the full love of Swanhild, nor is she other than his harlot; but thou, let not the deed be unavenged.”
The Story of the Volsungs
He was well aware of the numerous mishaps which could still befall his plan if the Russians didn't stick to his carefully scripted scenario.
Baptizing in the profluent ftreafla, the iign Of wafhing them from guilt of (in to life Pure, and in mind preparM, if fo befall,
The Works of the English Poets
He wanted to assuage her desperation as keenly, almost, as he wanted to atone to Nuala for the misfortune which had befallen her.
Often we are grateful for any little crumb that befalls us: some coded glance, some double entendre remark, some hinty, winking reference.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1915. from an account of the response the shepherd Aristaeus receives after he complains to Cyrene of the many woes that have befallen him:
Historical References to the Oceanides
The world is a difficult place, and many tragedies have befallen mankind in its upward climb from savagery, some of them quite recently.
He was too conceited to realize the great fortune that had befallen him, but smart enough to cherish Kitty.
See that this man go free, and that no harm befall him.
Should evil befall Davydd in my lifetime, I'll choose Tegwared then, or even Adda's son.
These two characters have, one feels, an offstage life during which they rely on each other's support for the next vicissitude that is to befall them.
Such a dispiriting fate should not befall Lawrie on this occasion.
Then she ran down to the water and plunged in, and swam over to the strand as fast as she might, and came aland there, thinking of nothing less than what had befallen.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
Lance, downe he fell dead to the ground, and his men (fearing the like misfortune to befall them) gallopped mainely backe againe to their Lords Castle, not knowing them who had thus murthered their
The Decameron
Mulberry Street was wont to adjust its differences over the cards and the wine-cup, it came "heeled," ready for what might befall.
Children of the Tenements
Like the treatment befalling anyone who showed up at a Bush event wearing the wrong tee shirt or having the wrong bumpersticker on their car?
Levin swears repeatedly at Goldman hearing
“O my mother, no harm shall befall thee, now I am come; so have no concern, for these saddle bags are full of gold and gems, and good aboundeth with me.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there.
But when they came back into the Vale the Sun-beam duly ordered that watch and ward to keep the ingate thereto, and note all that should befall till Folk-might came home.
The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
And no hurt shall befall me, because the shark with the shortest tail is my friend and will protect me. '
The deathless day, the Age of Light; Ieldra's blaze befalls the earth; The end of war, the end of night Awaits the last Maitreya's birth.
If by the way to him befall Some odoriferous thing, or medicinal,
Three forces -- sky-high gasoline prices, the massive costs of rebuilding the Gulf Coast and ever-gloomier public assessments of the war in Iraq -- have combined to weaken Bush's reputation as a strong leader, and leave him vulnerable to the kind of second-term fiascoes that tend to befall all presidents: think Ronald Reagan and Iran-contra, or Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
Troubled Waters
The very best of the various consequences that might befall us would be the prolonged hardship and misery of an indefinite stay in a bleak prison camp.
After seeing someone close to him die as the victim of senseless, eminently preventable violent crime, he vows to protect the innocent, keeping the same fate from befalling others.
So King Afridun, Lord of Constantinople, met them on the sea shore, and they told him all that had befallen them from the Moslem, and they wept sore and groaned and moaned; and rejoicing at weal was turned into dismay for unheal; and they informed him concerning Luka son of Shamlut, how calamity had betided him and how Death had shot him with his shaft.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Great events, such as befall only a few, are thus excluded, and in the hope of helping to present a clue, by example, to the perplexities of daily life, the incidents, which render a story exciting, have been sacrificed, and the attempt has been to make the interest of the books depend on character painting.
The Two Guardians or, Home in This World
Now when their father, who was a man shotten in years, saw that his two eldest sons hated their brother, he feared lest after his death trouble should befall him from them.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But at last rose up Stephen the Eater and spake: "Meat and drink and lodging is free without price to every comer to Wethermel, and most oft, as here it is, our good will goes with it; yet meseemeth that since these friends of ours come belike from the outlands and countries where is more tidings than mostly befalleth here, it might please them to make us their debtors by saying us some lay, or telling us some tale; for we be not bustled to drink the voidee cup now, these nights of Midsummer, when night and day hold each other's hands throughout the twenty-four hours.
The Sundering Flood
The deathless day, the Age of Light; Ieldra's blaze befalls the earth; The end of war, the end of night Awaits the last Maitreya's birth.
However, the latest misfortunes have befallen the Baltimore share price under his chairmanship.
I need an antonym for it, a way of describing a rather unfortunate concordance of events that leads to a horrible outcome rather than the pleasant coincidence that would normally befall.
Certain physical disabilities had now been added to the malaise which had befallen him years before, a malaise of which I had no precise knowledge, but interpreted as something like accidia, the monk's torpor or disease of the Middle Ages – which was how his great security, his excessive worldly blessings, had taken him.
V. S. Naipaul – Excerpt from The Enigma of Arrival
Less severe forms may befall the swain who keeps his arm on his date's chair back for an entire double feature, ignoring the growing pain and paresis.
Archive 2005-03-01
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
We read regularly about the horrors that can befall our planet if we upset the fine ecological balance.
When men have once allowed themselves to think no more of what is to befall them after life, they readily lapse into that complete and brutal indifference to futurity, which is but too conformable to some propensities of mankind.
Democracy in America, volume 2
I say, it is the widest of all, for all others put no great difference between men as men, they do reach the peculiar excellency of a man, that is, the true, and proper, good of his spiritual and immortal part, they are such as befall alike to good and bad, and so cannot have either much good or much evil in them.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.
The council slowly and with much detail gave the barbarians information of the hellhound that the elves had accidentally summoned and what had befallen their tribe.
Even now he cometh with witcheries and sorceries; so beware thy tongue, lest evil befall thee and thy days be short in the land!
The greatest piece of good luck that can befall a Continental village is the discovery, within its limits, of a spring supplying some kind of malodorous water.
The Ways of Men
As for a new monetary system, I was estimating that the $ would be replaced with the Amero around 2012-2015, but with the current dilemma befalling the USA I can see where it could be here as early as late 2009-2010.
Worse Than the Great Depression?
So she rose from under him in silence and answered not his address nor spake a word of reply to him, being dazed for what had befallen her and seeing nothing better than to be silent, for fear of shame; and she bethought herself and said, “If I kill myself it will be useless and if I do him die, his death will profit me naught;” and presently added,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
If we had been careful such a calamity would not have befallen us.
When it was morning, the Caliph gave orders to record the history of what had befallen Ghanim from first to last and to deposit it in the royal muniment rooms, that those who came after him might read it and marvel at the dealings of Destiny and put their trust in Him who created the night and the day.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Then the unhappy despaired of life, and learned to his sorrow that there was no escape for him; so he fell to beweeping with sore weeping the calamity had befallen him; and after a little while he stood up and descended the stairs to see if Allah
Arabian nights. English
Thereupon he went in to his mother, Queen Hayat al-Nufus, whom he found lying on her bed in feeble case, for that which had betided her with Prince Amjad, and railed at her and cursed her; after which he left her and fore-gathered with his brother, to whom he related all that had befallen him with Queen
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He was well aware of the numerous mishaps which could still befall his plan if the Russians didn't stick to his carefully scripted scenario.
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
Now if I keep this oath and break it not, may I enjoy honor, in my life and art, among all men for all time; but if I transgress and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.
The same fate seems to have befallen active equity fund managers.
Some such convulsion as geologists declare has already frequently befallen our earth; and, as they prophesy, is shortly coming again.
Lazy Thoughts of a Lazy Girl Sister of that "Idle Fellow."
But it was all of the same character, broad farce; accounts of mishaps such as befall in children's pantomimes, -- which their seniors enjoy, too, -- practical jokes equally ludicrous, and resulting situations to match.
From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life
It is a tragedy that has befallen countless families through the generations.
Perhaps you have already heard some doomsayers predict that a worldwide catastrophe will befall our planet on either April 6 or May 5 when some of the planets will be in alignment.
What is the individual man, with all the good or evil that may betide him, in comparison with the good or evil which may befall a great country, and in the midst of great transactions which concern that country's fate?
In addressing his case, Simpson says Fuhrman is a critical link to the misery that has befallen him.
Thus, by an odd chance, I had the very last of the very best of Alma Mater; the same thing, I hear (which makes it the more strange), had previously happened to my father; and if they are good and do not die, something not at all unsimilar will be found in time to have befallen my successors of today.
Memories and Portraits
The song talks about oppression, being trodden upon, and injustice; most people connect that (as Stevie Wonder did) to civil rights, Vietnam, apartheid, Watergate, global starvation, etc., but as my two teachers affirmed, we forget the injustices that are befalling our students and teachers in schools across America.
Baptizing in the profluent ftream, the fign Of walhing them from guilt of fm to life Pure, and in mind preparM, if fo befall.
The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
Do not flatter yourselves that you should hold out; there are secret lusts that lie lurking in your hearts, which perhaps now stir not, which, as soon as any temptation befalls you, will rise, tumultuate, cry, disquiet, seduce, and never give over until they are either killed or satisfied.
Of Temptation
Every time they scampered forward in the opening half hour, the hosts took fright, sporting that look which befalls turkeys each time the barn door is unlatched.
One's sense of impotence is certainly hammered home as one stands by ... not so much impotence with the medical staff, they can be at least chewed out when they're screwing around (living with a doctor has left me with no fear of this), but impotence in the face of what can befall us.
Another Day at MDA
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
The worst evil which can befall the artist is that his work should appear good in his own eyes. Leonardo da Vinci
But whatsoe'er befall me since that I have heard from our host, that good man, that my father in sooth rode that way I shall follow hard after, if so be that I may but cross over, and will but await tomorrow's dawn.
The Romance of Morien
Esth. 2: 1 relates: “Some time afterward, when the anger of King Ahasuerus subsided, he thought of Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her,” but without specifying what had befallen her.
Vashti: Midrash and Aggadah.
The planetary germ-plasm is a commons befalling generation on generation, and it is at risk.
Zanzibar was witness to all the chaos and entanglement that had befallen the Khojas of that era.
Despite the economic disaster that had befallen his country in the decade he had held power, he was confident of victory.
But today, after the disaster that has befallen a very traditional Labour strategy, things may change.
The invasions of locusts are the heaviest calamites that can befall a country.
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Now he was disconsolate by reason of what had befallen him through the Sultan, who had entreated him harshly and had married his daughter by force to the lowest of his menials and he too a lump of a groom bunch-backed withal, and he said to himself, “I will slay this daughter of mine if of her own free will she have yielded her person to this acursed carle.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Despite the economic disaster that had befallen his country in the decade he had held power, he was confident of victory.
The boys could not be angry at that, she knew, because the greatest disgrace that can befall a herder is the losing of his flock, and for boys so big as these to go back to the sæter without any animals would be especially humiliating.
Lisbeth Longfrock
Events that have befallen several UK biotech companies in recent years are still fresh in the mind.
The few impressive, vivid words of the young vivandiere had painted before him like a picture the horrors of mutiny and its hopelessness; rather than that, through him, these should befall the men who had become his brethren-in-arms, he felt ready to let the
Under Two Flags
Two: the worst thing that can possibly befall a contrada is for its horse to come second; coming last is nothing in comparison.
The dinosaur, a life-sized statue of a triceratops, was showing signs of the ills that can befall fiberglass likenesses, according to the National Zoo, where it has been on display for years.
Aging 'Uncle Beazley' leaves National Zoo for 'treatment'
New developments in the Plame case are promising -- for those who would like to see justice 'befall' the Whitehouse thugs.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: A Tug On The Noose Around the Whitehouse's Neck
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
On the other part, to pass a decree or sentence when the action is raw, crude, green, unripe, unprepared, as at the beginning, a danger would ensue of a no less inconveniency than that which the physicians have been wont to say befalleth to him in whom an imposthume is pierced before it be ripe, or unto any other whose body is purged of a strong predominating humour before its digestion.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
Converted, she, by the great grief that had befallen her friends; made ashamed of whining over megrims when death and shame were making havoc in the little home.
The worst economic calamity to befall a family, and especially women and children, is divorce.
We shall never leave you, whatever befalls.
Like the eponymous pale-faced young aristocrat, who died soon after sitting for the portrait, it was assumed some tragedy had befallen the work of art and that it was lost forever.
The word "symptom" comes from a Greek word meaning "accident, misfortune, that which befalls": certainly an unhealthy attitude toward a choice that can be the most joyous event of a person's life.
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So she furnished the house and dressed it, hanging the curtains over the doors and burning aloes-wood and musk and ambergris and other essences till the whole place recked with the most delightful perfumes: after which the Adornment of Qualities donned her finest dress and decorations and sat talking with her maids, whom she had left behind when journeying, and related to them all that had befallen her first and last.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
During the little segment of time that man has been upon the earth, only one great calamity that might be called cosmical has befallen it.
Time and Change
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the greatest disaster that has ever befallen us.
Should evil befall Davydd in my lifetime, I'll choose Tegwared then, or even Adda's son.
Stanley is the victim of such an appalling and unlikely miscarriage of justice and yet he remains stoical and philosophical about everything that befalls him.
Some tragedy will befall a person who walks under a ladder.
Bagdemagus sendeth you greeting, and bade that ye should bear this shield, wherethrough great adventures should befall.
Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
The subject of the nightmare and its characters change, but there is a common thread to the plot, namely that I am not strong or fast enough to prevent whatever horrors befall me.
For all the symptoms which I describe as befalling to this man I refer to want of food.
On Ancient Medicine
O caliph, vicegerent of the Prophet! deign to listen to your faithful beeldar, while he narrates a strange adventure which hath befallen him within these few days.
The Pacha of Many Tales
Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.
Tarkanan by the remnants of his host of what had befallen his son, whereat he slept not neither took delight in aught, and he was troubled with sore trouble.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
But as that did not satisfy him, and as he seemed to be one of those quarrelsome fellows that are the bane of every community, I took him suddenly by the throat and the shoulder, and bent his neck with the old, quick turn till I heard it crack, and had unhanded him before any of his neighbours had seen what had befallen.
The Lost Continent
Princess Miriam and Nur al-Din alighted in that valley, they ate of its fruits and frank of its streams, after turning the stallions loose to pasture: then they sat talking and recalling their past and all that had befallen them and complaining one to other of the pangs of parting and of the hardships suffered for estrangement and love-longing.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He made me sit down at its upper end; then he brought me somewhat of food and, being anhungered, I ate till I was satisfied and refreshed; and when he had put me at mine ease he questioned me of myself, and I told him all that had befallen me from first to last; and, as he wondered at my adventure, I said, By Allah,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
She was so young as to not understand the ink her name was written in, and unconscious of it, and all that was to befall her.
You shouldn't be surprised that misfortune befalls noble men.
But the youngest said, ‘I don't know why it is, but while you are so happy I feel very uneasy; I am sure some mischance will befall us.’
We prayed that no harm should befall them.
There is a kind of deliquium of the spirits, called swooning away, that may befall believers, which suspends all acts of life, when yet the man is not dead.
Several Practical Cases of Conscience Resolved
But those same complaintsappear to befalling on friendlier ears this time around.
Google-AdMob merger comes under heavier FTC scrutiny
But whatsoe'er befall me since that I have heard from our host, that good man, that my father in sooth rode that way I shall follow hard after, if so be that I may but cross over, and will but await tomorrow's dawn.
The Romance of Morien
Even forgetting that it were not lawful for Philosophy to leave companionless the way of the innocent, should I, thinkest thou, fear to incur reproach, or shrink from it, as though some strange new thing had befallen?
Consolation of Philosophy
British novelist Martin Amis recently confessed to being at a loss for words whenever he encounters the hysterical, "endocrinal state" that seems to befall certain people when the subject of Israel comes up in conversation.
Anti-semitism in Vancouver...
He was too conceited to realize the great fortune that had befallen him, but smart enough to cherish Kitty.
The mention of the word confectionary, in the last paragraph, brings to my mind a congregated host of evils which befall young women, as the legitimate consequences of its use.
The Young Woman's Guide
The severed head of the artificial scuttled across the floor, while the body shuddered, spinning on the spot and waving its arms in mock horror that such a fate could befall it.
NaNoWriMo: Attack Of The Zombie Robots « The Graveyard
Be careful this incommodious fate does not befall you.
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.
Bad luck may befall to anyone at any time.