How To Use Beetle In A Sentence

  • So far, only a couple of the trees (literally two) have been found to be successful in fending off beetle attacks, using chemical and physical responses similar to those in lower-elevation tree species, such as lodgepole pine and Douglas fir. Louisa Willcox: Whitebark Pine: Functionally Gone in Much of the Greater Yellowstone
  • As he rode along the lanes, his nostrils filled with the heady scent of elderflowers, and the air was alive with stag beetles whose chunky black bodies whirred defiantly through the dusk.
  • Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
  • And there's the very useful little beetle we call the ladybug, which is not a bug, but a beetle. Little Busybodies The Life of Crickets, Ants, Bees, Beetles, and Other Busybodies
  • The most common bird of prey is the kestrel, which feeds chiefly on rodents such as mice and voles but will occasionally take small birds, beetles, small frogs, etc.
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  • It's likely that the Emerald ash borer, which is a beetle from Asia, could create an infestation. - Top Stories News
  • His eyebrows beetled, and he slipped into a deep sleep, with the music of Total Package playing in his ears.
  • Additionally, the Bombardier Beetle has the ability to direct its defensive spray toward its aggressor with pinpoint accuracy.
  • But, soundly as Tom Tallington slept, the scriggly legs of a beetle were rather too much when they began to work in his ear, and he started up and brushed the creature away, the investigating insect falling on the floor with a sharp rap. Dick o' the Fens A Tale of the Great East Swamp
  • To him however that feels the same disgust and loathing, the same unutterable shuddering, as I feel, start up within him and shoot through his whole frame at the sight of them, these miscreate deformities, such as toads, beetles, or that most nauseous of all Nature's abortions, the bat, are not indifferent or insignificant: their very existence is a state of direct enmity and warfare against his. The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
  • The very beetle climbing a rough willow is redolent of flowers. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • HOW can I stop red beetles eating my lily plants? The Sun
  • It is found mainly in timbers less than fifty years old and is a much larger insect than the furniture beetle.
  • Borates are the most effective treatment for many crawling insects including, roaches, silverfish, larder beetles, carpenter ants, and other woodborers, as well as wood decay organisms.
  • And there are no bugs there, like the one I encountered yesterday when the Hasbro game refused to let my friend Austin play, and I'm serious about this, play the word, scarabaei - S-C-A-R-A-B-A-E-I, which is the plural form of scarab, a beetle. Word Score! Scrabulous Returns As Lexulous
  • He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.
  • They also come down to the ground for worms and beetles. Times, Sunday Times
  • The birds and lady-beetles devour them bodily, the larvæ of the lace-wings and syrphid-flies extract their blood while the wasps live as internal parasites. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • In the Midwest, cucumber beetles will arrive in August, posing the same problems for heartland rosarians as Japanese beetles do for most rosarians east of the Rockies.
  • In future articles, we'll talk about plant chewing critters like beetles, caterpillars, borers, and the Leaf Cutter Bee.
  • What are the red beetles that are eating my snake's heads? The Sun
  •   She thought there were Japanese beetles and aloed kneecaps. A Name That Hurt
  • The first act deals with the beastly behaviour of bees and act two features avaricious beetles, greedy ducks and dopey crickets with a pronounced Cork accent.
  • It is far more important than any particular beetle or bird or ancient monument.
  • Generally, pitfall trap data indicated that darkling beetles significantly preferred unmowed areas to mowed areas, while crickets showed no preference.
  • A large number of insects have been recorded to attack living trees. but only bruchid beetles are of economic importance. Chapter 17
  • A variety of insects, including some beetles and moths, mimic bees and wasps.
  • After reading Landois 'paper I have been working at the stridulating organ in the lamellicorn beetles, in expectation of finding it sexual, but I have only found it as yet in two cases, and in these it was equally developed in both sexes. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The principal enemies of the louse are certain small insect feeding birds, lady-beetles, syrphid-flies, lace-wings and tiny wasp parasites. An Elementary Study of Insects
  • Some bees and wasps reuse beetle tunnels as nest sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • And here's something scary: The Berkeley scientists can now implant the MEMS equipment during the pupal stage so that the beetles emerge embedded with electrodes, ready to be wired up.
  • We scurried along walls and zig-zagged from floor to floor effortlessly, battering demonic beetles with nunchakus, all to the accompaniment of a sweeping symphonic score.
  • The beetle's fore wings are small and are not used in flight.
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • Egg size affects the larval survivorship of beetles on seeds of Texas ebony.
  • Beetles with tolerant larvae also have higher numbers of eggs on eclosion and reduced longevity compared to strains and species with contest competition.
  • For example, what's been regarded as merely one species of beetle - with biotypes adapted to different areas - may actually be several different species.
  • Identification and enumeration of most beetles and other insects is a skilled and time-consuming process.
  • He lifted the bag of diamonds and turned it upside down with one surprisingly swift movement: like little cockroaches, the jewels escaped and beetled off in all directions: “There, ya snuffling swine, truffles fer ya!” At a Welsh Wedding
  • The rupture of the laticifers stops the flow of latex to the margin of the leaf that is subsequently consumed by these beetles.
  • Other disasters include sorrel that grew well but attracted a nasty black beetle, valerian that soon dwarfed the conifer it was expected to complement, and strawberries.
  • Their usual food source is not available because worms, beetles and other prey are hidden away at this time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stingless bees can mummify invading beetles in resin scientists have found that stingless bees are not easy targets for predators, as they can mummify invading parasitic beetles in The Salt Lake TribuneUpdated: 12/21/2009 12: 27: 04 PM MST Downy woodpecker by Paul Higgins Picoides pubescens The downy is the smallest and most widespread of American Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Beetles are frequently associated with poultry feed, preferring grain and cereal products that are damp, moldy and slightly out of condition.
  • Another exhibit is a basalt and gold amulet in the shape of a scarab beetle, with a blank space on the back where the buyer's name could be written. Book of the Dead Comes To Life At British Museum
  • I did love dc's spiderman aka blue beetle until they canceled it, but nothing else ever grabed me. DC Comics CCO Geoff Johns on the Possibility of a Justice League Movie: “We’ll Talk in San Diego” | /Film
  • In the old days, we used to meet weekly and ran bingo and beetle drives to raise money.
  • They also come down to the ground for worms and beetles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specimens were then prepared for morphometric analysis with dermestid beetles, which cleaned and disarticulated skeletal elements of the head.
  • In this area, the monophagous, leaf-feeding, chrysomelid beetle Galerucella calmariensis is the main herbivore on L. salicaria.
  • No trees were felled in the making of this hotel (all wood used was previously killed by beetles) and the bar was made from salvaged coral. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beetles' iridescent wings were used in the Victorian era like sequins to decorate the dresses of society women.
  • ‘It is really the ambrosia fungus that kills the tree, not the beetle,’ said Ludwig, who has launched a two-fold emergency program to deal with the threat.
  • HOW can I stop red beetles eating my lily plants? The Sun
  • Then by a miracle, the beetle develops the ability to produce hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide and mix them in his combustion chamber. Modern Science in the Bible
  • After a time the hellgrammite comes to the surface and takes to the air as a beetle, but in that state he interests the naturalist rather than the fisherman. Healthful Sports for Boys
  • A woodchat's prey is mainly insects, beetles, damsel flies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, wasps and bees.
  • The stingless bee 'mummifies' any hive beetle that tries to After the presents are wrapped, the house is decorated, and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care; there are only two minor details left to complete the traditional Beautiful bark can give us a fine exhibition in the winter landscape. - Articles related to Gardeners' question time
  • In listening to these works with their clumsy blocks of tone, their eternal sunless complaining, their lack of humor where they would be humorous, their lack of passion where they would be profound, their sardonic and monotonous bourdon, one is perforce reminded of the photograph of Reger which his publishers place on the cover of their catalogue of his works, the photograph that shows something that is like a swollen, myopic beetle with thick lips and sullen expression crouching on an organ-bench. Musical Portraits Interpretations of Twenty Modern Composers
  • They are multicolored Asian ladybugs or ladybird beetles, first introduced to the southern United States to control aphids.
  • And these new lilies, for the first summer at least, will have resistance to attack by scarlet lily beetle and their larvae. The Sun
  • If I had stopped to guess I would probably have considered the author a longicorn beetle or some fiddling orthopter. Edge of the Jungle
  • Even when she doesn't start it herself (and even I don't blame her for everything that happens in this misbegotten town), she flies straight to trouble like beetles to a lava lamp.
  • Going up the scale from the gnat, it is found that with the dragon fly this ratio is 30 to 1, with the _tipula_, or daddy-longlegs, 14.5 to 1, the cockchafer only 5.15 to 1, the rhinoceros beetle 3.14 to 1. Our Bird Comrades
  • The guide stopped to show us some beetles who live in decaying wood.
  • We can't flood the world with crash-hot field coleopterists to find all the unknown beetle species. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is home to hundreds of species of wildflowers and grasses - including the tansy, meadowsweet, poppy, vetch and marigold - a host of butterflies, insects and beetles, and birds of prey such as the owl and kestrel.
  • Woodland habitats are destroyed for agriculture or given over to beetle-browed conifers. Times, Sunday Times
  • But understanding of how these beetles live, and how they evolved from a common ancestor, makes them less mysterious.
  • The apes are adorable, particularly beetle-browed Go-Go. 14 « July « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • He could easily have cited the Aldabran tortoise, the chuckwalla of Angel de la Guarda, the hippo of Madagascar, the beetles of Madeira, the elephantids of Timor, the iguanas of the Galápagos, the finches of Darwin and Lack, the earwig of Saint Helena, and the dodo. The Song of The Dodo
  • They had possessed themselves of a number of beetles such as washerwomen use, and hammered in long nails, the points of which projected an inch on the other side in the form of a fleur-de-lis. Massacres of the South (1551-1815) Celebrated Crimes
  • It was noted that the contact surface of the tarsi of the beetle Hemisphaerota cyanea (Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) is water-repellent.
  • Joe is squatter and swarthier: his eyebrows beetle; his black pupils glitter. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • In what seemed like an unprecedented invasion, the ladybugs, or lady beetles, as they are also known, appeared everywhere, swarming around buildings and trees.
  • The Asian longhorned beetle that invaded New York in 1996 has since killed thousands of the state's hardwood trees, including maples, elms, willows, and poplars.
  • Useful against bean bruchids as well as against the groundnut seed beetle Caryedon serratus. 4. Farm and village level storage
  • A woodchat's prey is mainly insects, beetles, damsel flies, dragonflies, grasshoppers, wasps and bees.
  • Take turns to roll the dice and gradually build your beetle (you must start with the body).
  • Some moths and hymenoptera accompanied the butterflies; and a fine beetle Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • For the previous two years, I had helped to catalog the beetle collection. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • Closely woven, round-thread not calendered or beetled; see chapter 15 linen, used mainly for embroidery, in plain weave. HOME COMFORTS
  • Pollination of petaloid geophytes by monkey beetles (Scarabaenidae: Rutelinae: Hopliini) in southern Africa. Succulent Karoo
  • Spray on the plants as soon as you see the red adult beetles. The Sun
  • And these new lilies, for the first summer at least, will have resistance to attack by scarlet lily beetle and their larvae. The Sun
  • I beetle through woods along a track, with the Loire to myself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Specimens were then prepared for morphometric analysis with dermestid beetles, which cleaned and disarticulated skeletal elements of the head.
  • For the next two weeks, the fully autonomous robot, which bears an uncanny resemblance to a Volkswagen Beetle, will plumb the previously inaccessible microbial mysteries of the sinkhole -- or "cenote" -- El Zacat√≥n. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: May 2007 Archives
  • ‘Later,’ he replied as he watched her climb into her small black 2000 Volkswagen Beetle and cranked the engine.
  • They reminded me of bees and flies, and sometimes with a strong light on them they were like those small polished black and silvery-white beetles (Gyrinus) which we see in companies on the surface of pools and streams, perpetually gliding and whirling about in a sort of complicated dance. Afoot in England
  • Slender and sinister: think of Tessio in The Godfather, beetle-browed and suspicious of everything that breathes. Charlie Carillo: Dinner for Two, For One
  • Beetle was beside himself with frenzied excitement and squirmed into the car like a questing ferret. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beetles' backs are covered with bumps - under a microscope, they resemble a landscape of peaks and valleys.
  • Beetles are usually identified by observing differences in the male's genitalia, which sport all sorts of uncomfortable-looking protuberances.
  • E. P. Austin, who was in the mining business, was an amateur coleopterist and published several papers on beetles in the course of the next few years, but he was not active in the Club after 1882.
  • In both appearance and behavior, they're closely related to the flesh-eating beetles from the remake of The Mummy. Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  • A species of beetle, that squirts its predators with a high-pressure spray of boiling liquid, could provide the key to significant improvements in aircraft engine design.
  • There is a tribe of beetles that specializes in feeding on bitter plants.
  • Beyond the cut, the beetle can feed without gumming up its feet and mouthparts.
  • Wireworms are the larval stage of a group of beetles commonly called "click beetles".
  • Spike lee is a racist idiot who makes boring terrible movies with the exception of he got game. judd apatow should be upset that spike lees name was even mentioned in the same breath as his. spike lee is about as good of a director as micheal bay and he looks like a slightly less retarded version of beetlejuice on the howard stern show Quote: Don’t Put Spike Lee Next to Judd Apatow | /Film
  • WHAT are the red beetles eating my lilies? The Sun
  • With their voracious appetite for stored cereals and nuts, the red flour beetle and its kin cause millions of dollars of damage annually.
  • Burying beetles were captured using pitfall traps baited with rotted chicken as outlined below.
  • We found that larger snags had indeed higher densities of wood-boring beetle larva entrance holes than smaller snags.
  • Another idea was mid-field 'beetle banks': unsprayed tussocks ripe for insect habitation. Times, Sunday Times
  • They move around and feed mostly at night, probing in soft earth for worms and beetles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scarlet lily beetles are at work, chomping away. Times, Sunday Times
  • He carelessly trod the lady beetle underfoot.
  • As I tore round the corner, a customized Volkswagen Beetle convertible reversed out of a side alley. DEAD BEAT
  • The thief, described as a heavyset black woman weighing between 220 and 240 pounds, parked a blue Volkswagen Beetle in front of the store. Chronicle
  • This big brown beetle with long antennae and a spiny pronotum was also a recent sidewalk casualty. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Scarlet lily beetles are at work, chomping away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The beetle's larval form, called a water tiger, can grow three inches long.
  • Six small insects depend on mistletoe: four bugs, a beetle and a tiny micro moth. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I do not travel at a furious speed I manage to avoid most things, even the wandering loveless oil-beetle and the small rose-beetle and that slow-moving insect tortoise the tumbledung. Afoot in England
  • Woodland habitats are destroyed for agriculture or given over to beetle-browed conifers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He never missed a chance of securing a hatful of grubs, which, together with the chrysalides and the full-grown beetle (brown and glossy) were devoured after being warmed through on the ashes. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • As always, big respect to the boys and girls in PSNI. on January 9, 2010 at 6: 37 pm dungbeetle Officer Down (Northern Ireland) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • One of them was finishing a drinking-glass, rolling the pontil on the arms of the working-stool; another, a beetle-browed fellow, swung his long blow-pipe with its lump of glowing glass in a full circle, high in air and almost to touch the ground; another was at a 'bocca' in the low glare; all were busy, and the air was very hot and close. Marietta A Maid of Venice
  • It is found mainly in timbers less than fifty years old and is a much larger insect than the furniture beetle.
  • To be here today by definition means to have survived, whether as dung beetle, mushroom, or human.
  • The prospect of bankruptcy of his company beetled over the general manager.
  • Honeybees (the few that have so far escaped the Varroa mites), bumblebees, various flies and beetles, and the hummingbird clearwing (a moth that thinks it's a hummingbird) frequent milkweeds too.
  • Damage occurs when beetles feed on the seed and destroy the germ, resulting in an uneven stand.
  • If we can do a bulk would we be looking at the same cost per unit as the blues? on October 2, 2008 at 9: 28 pm | Reply dungfox ship the mugs in puffed up discarded police emails processed as paper mache [z] that can be sat on by a local riffraff, or rolled up discarded daily wails, duly rolled up with lots of [hot air] and knotted so that they accept the shock of being dropped of thy local church steeple, if want proof of beeing shippable, saves plastic.dungbeetle. on October 5, 2008 at 10: 41 am | Reply exRUCtion Call The Fashion Police « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A coleopterist recently wanted to select all waterbeetle records for one or more vice-counties.
  • The players raised £400 for the appeal by holding a beetle drive.
  • The derivation from the Greek word koros, which means insect, is supposed to describe the insect-like aroma of the leaves, although some experts argue that it is because those small brown seeds look like beetles.
  • In addition to combing trees for beetle larvae and ants, these woodpeckers also eat the fruits of southern bayberry, magnolias, wild grape, poison-ivy, pokeberry, blueberry, cherries, blackgum, and pecan. The Field Guide to Wildlife Habitats of the Eastern United States
  • It included specimens of fourteen insect orders, with major holdings of New Zealand moths, butterflies, beetles, stoners, caddis and bugs.
  • Also on his page are pictures of a large tenebrionid beetle and a camel spider.
  • Keep an eye open on sunny mornings for the first round of scarlet lily beetles. Times, Sunday Times
  • When attacked by bark beetles, pine trees with a reduced capability to produce resin would be more vulnerable than pine trees with unimpaired resin production.
  • In the slaty light of one such foggy dawn, a long-legged Namib beetle (genus Stenocara) stands on a small ridge of sand.
  • The researchers observed more beetles in genetically modified, rather than conventional, maize crops.
  • Insects, especially beetles and ants, are the main food of Downy Woodpeckers.
  • The fauna of this area is mainly characterised by Mediterranean species, with some exceptionally interesting ones such as a coleopter beetle which is native to the sierra and various species of molluscs and heteropterous insects.
  • However, it was a pretty picture the nuthatch made, holding in her bill a large beetle with silvery wings, sometimes holding it straight out from the bark as she glanced around to see whether the coast was clear and at the same time calling her nasal "yank," so full of woodsy suggestion. Our Bird Comrades
  • Mountain pine beetles are native to western forests, and they have evolved with the trees they infest, such as lodgepole pine and whitebark pine trees. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Perhaps it's best not to think of the sea of grubs, flies and beetles there must be underfoot.
  • He was obsessed with the systematic classification of his specimens, and he could talk about beetle phenetics and phylogeny for hours. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • I noticed that an upside down dermestid beetle rights itself up by opening its wings and pushing itself up. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Freshwater larvae in the act of phoresy while attached to a water beetle. Let them disperse
  • In Finland, 14 species, mostly beetles (Coleoptera) and bugs (Hemiptera), associated with burnt areas in forests are threatened with extinction [18]. Arctic boreal forest environments
  • Included among the invertebrates are moth flies, wood gnats, midges, punkies, mosquitoes, marsh beetles, and beelike or wasplike syrphid flies.
  • In short, it may be your cat which is poisoned by the dieldrin aimed at the Japanese beetle.
  • They go from pinhead size to the size of adult beetles in about two weeks.
  • Cockroaches, scorpions, earwigs, mosquitoes, termites, beetles, ants and even fleas, present different challenges to homeowner ... read more fauna how-to lifestyles Mi Pullman: remodeling a Mexican Art Nouveau townhouse I
  • He could have added that they also consumed mayfly larvae, caterpillars, beetles, and ants.
  • This tiny black female beetle, the size of a poppy seed, is already spreading in the Great Smoky Mountains.
  • Four families of homopterans (aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and delphacid planthoppers), thrips, chrysomellid beetles, and among the acarines, the eriophyd mites, are important vectors of plant viruses and bacteria.
  • On the sophomoric Fear Factor, players push their limits by eating worms and beetles, letting rats crawl over them, or rappelling off 12-story buildings.
  • The beetle in his eyes is no ordinary beetle, but one of the gods incarnated in the insect for this special purpose; and the fakir is a holy ascetic, who has acted in this case by the order of the same god. From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
  • But what the dooce is a note-of-hand?" said Beetle. Stalky & Co.
  • When setting beetles or the like, this usually means pinning them through the right elytron. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Note 1: bo or boll weevil or weavil, a grayish weevil, super-family of beetles, that infests the cotton plant and feeds on the squares and bolls. drawing. Ma Rainey Lyrics
  • Insects like Asian long-horned beetles and coniferous nematodes, says the website for Cherry's Industrial Equipment Corp., of Elk Grove, Ill., which sells plastic pallets. Loaded Issue: Pallet Makers Sling Mud Over Who's Greenest
  • In the majority of cases, the terrestrial hosts are (at least partially) carnivorous animals such as carabid beetles, praying mantids or crickets (Ensifera).
  • We live in a sad era that mistakes mean-spirited arrogance for intellectual daring, juvenile nastiness for independence of mind, the dung beetle for the artist.
  • In the vast basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano the priests bustled like beetles around the baldacchino as they presided over Midnight Mass.
  • Another group of children searched the marsh grasses for millipedes, ground beetles and woodlice.
  • A group identity, the way they say black beetles do?
  • You mean, he may get himself up as a colly-something - a beetle-lover - and go and sit solemnly in the meetings at the Town Hall, while everyone is looking for him elsewhere. The Mystery of the Missing Man
  • This Beetle's body features a ton of new trim and factory-fresh bolt-ons.
  • Weevils bore through the stem and eat the pith within, and beetle larvae bore through the roots.
  • He beetled up the staircase
  • Get the answer to why cows are the gassiest animals on earth, why the dung beetle is nature's pooper scooper and why scientists are studying the slug and snail slime production for clues in treating cystic fibrosis - Local News
  • Experimental animals were the first-generation offspring of beetles collected from carrion-baited pitfall traps in the field in May and June 2000.
  • Even so, an ongoing drought and millions of acres of dead, bark beetle infected trees have turned much of the west into a potential tinderbox.
  • `Sinking oh so beautifully under the weight of debts and tax and deathwatch beetle and dangerous wiring and inadequate heating. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • The use of freeze-dried beetles is a dead give away. Clues?
  • These are visited by a diverse array of animals, including bees, hawk moths, beetles, butterflies, long-tongued flies, hummingbirds and bats.
  • But inspectors were flabbergasted when bayside residents attending a public meeting admitted they had been seeing the beetle for a couple years or more.
  • A wide-brimmed hat was pulled down low over his eyes, but Alanis could still see them, surprisingly watchful and aware, glittering at her, like two black beetles in a weather-beaten face.
  • While it may not win the fight against ragwort on its 'own, it still has a part to play when used with other ragwort control agents such as ragwort flea beetle and ragwort plume moth. Museum Blogs
  • They eat prodigious amounts of beetles that would otherwise bore into your desert trees.
  • This beetle's black antennae are nearly as long as its body.
  • The bo or boll weevil or weavil is a grayish weevil, super-family of beetles, that infests the cotton plant and feeds on the squares and bolls. drawing; Jimmy Reed Lyrics
  • Oh, I pop down in the car frequently enough, park by the Spardis, grab some provisions and beetle off back home.
  • There were beetle drives, ginger beer and iced biscuits for the choir in the big house, and seaside outings to Walton-on-the-Naze.
  • Longhorn leaf beetles do not have gills and therefore cannot extract oxygen directly from the water, as damselfly and dragonfly larvae do.
  • In addition, the banded mining bee, the brilliant moon beetle and the lichen, Opegrapha paraxanthodes, have also been posted missing, presumed extinct.
  • The floral decoration is constructed from more than 5,000 jewel beetle wing cases. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flying insects have absolutely no tail, and so drift along like a rudderless vessel, and beat against anything they happen upon; and this applies equally to sharded insects, like the scarab-beetle and the chafer, and to unsharded, like bees and wasps. On the Gait of Animals
  • I picked up the flower and looked at it closely; the petals were white but the inside of it was pink and a tiny black beetle was crawling around.
  • In Kirby and Spence's _Entomology_, vol.ii. p. 224., they mention "the terrific and protended jaws of the stag-beetle of Europe, the _Lucanus Notes and Queries, Number 61, December 28, 1850
  • For the previous two years, I had helped to catalog the beetle collection. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • Big brown beetle with long antennae and a spiny pronotum Big brown beetle with long antennae and a spiny pronotum
  • The wide range of trophic resources consumed by Geotrupidae dung beetles and the generally accepted saprophagous habits of the Scarabaeoidea ancestors suggest that the consumption of acorns constitutes a faculty that takes advantage of previous morphological adaptations. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Preconditioned lady beetles will stay in your garden as long as the food supply lasts, eating aphids and laying eggs to produce larvae that also eat aphids.
  • If beetle counts are below this level, continue sampling until the threshold is exceeded or beetle activity stops.
  • French also placed pitfall traps to monitor ground beetles on private farms, where some farmers are growing another type of Bt corn to control corn borer pests.
  • The designer's next iteration of the small, affordable car, in 1933, was called the Standard-Superior, and in it one can clearly see the distinctive beetle shape emerging—the bug-eyed headlights, the small, flat windscreen and the rounded crown line running from the roof to the tail end. What a Long Strange Trip
  • The rubbish also attracted beetles, flies, centipedes and millipedes.
  • It was a diving beetle, with that amiably rotund shape that prejudices us in favour of most beetles, because they look so earnest and preoccupied. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, such relationships are not observed in groups like oligochaete annelids, moths, spiders or within the few families of beetles that have been studied to date.
  • The grubs that you see in the lawn are the larvae of Japanese beetles, June beetles, and chafers.
  • Silence governs the narrow streets of this incredible wooden city split into whole regions of beetles and butterflies, districts of orthoptera and neuropterous insects, boulevards of beetles, streets of leaves and shield-bearer lice.
  • Other insects that destroy garden vegetables are the well-known green cabbage-worm, the harlequin cabbage-bug, the cabbage hairworm, the asparagus-beetle, the squash-bug, the squash-vine borer, the striped cucumber or melon beetle, the melon aphis, the corn boll-worm, the cornstalk borer and many others. Checking the Waste A Study in Conservation

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